LESSON PLAN – Self Assessment Pack

LESSON PLAN – Self Assessment Pack

Theme – Developing Myself

CAREER SKILLS – Self Development

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning & Performance


COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *bi, *ci, *cii, *di, **ei, **eii, **eiv, **evi, ***fiv, ***kiv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Personal Development, Social Studies, English

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

• Review progress to date.

• Identify areas, which need to be improved.

• Use this information to set targets.

• Formulate a simple action plan.

Preparation and Materials

• Individual Self-Assessment Packs (pages 3-14 photocopies in booklet form) foe each student. This can be put into their PEP.

• Blackboard/flipchart.

• Part One should ideally be completed near the beginning of grade 9 and Part two completed later.

• Teachers’ Notes for reference.

• Part One may be completed during two lessons if this is more appropriate for your particular student group.


1. Explain the aim of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the front page of the Self-Assessment Pack.

2. Clarify with the class the difference between skills and personal qualities and the need to develop these through life – i.e. lifelong learning.

3. Ask students to jot down any new skills or personal qualities they have acquired during the last year.

4. Ask volunteers to feed back to the class.

5. Stress the value of grasping new opportunities in order to develop new skills and enhance personal qualities.

6. Introduce the Self-Assessment Pack and indicate that it will be revisited at the end of Year 9 to highlight any further acquisition of skills and personal qualities.

7. Give the students instructions for completing the pack – Part One only at this stage – possibly taking them through section by section.

8. Ask volunteers to share their targets with the class. Give possible feedback to volunteers.

9. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.

10. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Extension Activity

• You may wish students to complete Action Plans from the Lesson Plan “My Action Plan” following this exercise.

TEACHERS’ NOTES – Self Assessment Pack

How does school prepare students for the future?

School helps students to develop their skills:

Key skills Communication, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Problem Solving, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning & Performance.

Job Specific Skills ICT, Science, Languages, Art, Technology etc. Links between subjects/courses and employment can be important for some careers.

General option choices in subjects/courses

School allows students to develop their skills and interests by choosing subjects they enjoy and are good at

to study in depth to examination level. Some careers require students to have studies certain subjects and

have achieved a set standard qualification.

Benefits of work experience

This will help students to learn about the world of work in order to prepare for their future career. It is also

a chance to develop Key Skills and maybe some job-specific skills.

What will employers be looking for?

They will look for evidence that students are motivated to learn and develop their skills. they can show this

through punctuality, attendance, completed homework and good preparation for examinations whatever the

results. These things show that students have good Key Skills. Also attitude is equally as important as the


How can extra-curricular activities help?

What do we learn outside lessons and how does this relate to employment?

Working with others and looking after yourself well are important skills. students can develop these

through activities outside the curriculum. Developing interests and taking part in activities that offer a

challenge often helps to increase maturity and confidence and keeps people sane and healthy too.

Continuing education and training throughout life

The world of work does not stand still for long. New technological advances and business developments

have increased the pace of change. People need to be able to adapt to the changing needs of employers –

new equipment, processes service. E.g. growth of telephone sales and Internet sales means applying

customer care skills over the telephone/internet.

How achievements are recorded throughout school life

Personal Education Plans helps students to recognise their own achievements and to develop their

strengths. Students will plan how to achieve their aims with the help of teachers and perhaps their guidance

counselor too.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

• Review your progress to date.

• Identify areas, which need improvement.

• Use this information to set yourself targets.

• Write a simple action plan.

INFO SHEET – Self Assessment Pack

This pack will help you to look at yourself and see how much you are changing over time by:


1. Skills Activity Sheets 1-4

2. Making Changes Activity Sheet 5

3. Personal Qualities Activity Sheets 6-8

4. Setting Targets Activity Sheet 9-10

5. Interests and Hobbies Activity Sheet 11

ACTIVITY SHEET (1) – Self Assessment Pack

1. This exercise helps you to discover what skills you have. You must answer each question realistically otherwise the end product will not be a true picture of you.

Give yourself a mark for each of the skills on the list.

Give yourself: If you think you are very good

If you think you are just good

If you think you are just about average

If you think you are not very good

If you think you are weak

(Add a* if you feel you need to develop this skill)

2. Use the “Part 1” column to write your marks for yourself.

3. Use the “Part 2” column at the end of the year so that you can see how much you have improved.

|Communication Skills |Part 1 |Part 2 |

|I can start a conversation | | |

|I can read all books with understanding | | |

|I can read aloud with confidence | | |

|I can read and follow written instruction and | | |

|messages | | |

|I can use books to access information | | |

|I listen to other peoples opinions | | |

ACTIVITY SHEET (2) – Self Assessment Pack

|Communication Skills |Part 1 |Part 2 |

|I can write neatly | | |

|I can give instructions which can be understood | | |

|I can spell correctly | | |

|I can use punctuation correctly | | |

|I use paragraphs where necessary | | |

|I can produce written materials in a variety of | | |

|styles | | |

|I can explain my own opinions | | |

|I can write formal letters as well as letters to my | | |

|friends | | |

|Numeracy Skills |Part 1 |Part 2 |

|I can use a calculator | | |

|I understand charts and graphs | | |

|I remember my tables | | |

|I can add, subtract, multiply and divide | | |

|I can collect, tabulate and use data | | |

|I can analyse a problem | | |

|I can make estimates | | |

|I can select a variety of measuring tools to measure| | |

|accurately | | |

|I can identify geometrical shapes and calculate | | |

|their area and volume | | |

ACTIVITY SHEET (3) – Self Assessment Pack

|Practical Skills |Part 1 |Part 2 |

|I can design and make a product using a variety of tools | | |

|and materials | | |

|I can repair things | | |

|I can use different tools and equipment safely | | |

|I can use equipment to communicate | | |

|I can carry out research through experiments | | |

|I understand how things work | | |

|I am good with my hands | | |

|Creative &Expressive Skills |Part 1 |Part 2 |

|I draw, paint or use a variety of materials for | | |

|pleasure | | |

|I work creatively with colours | | |

|I can design various things | | |

|I take part in musical activities | | |

|I can create a dance | | |

|I take part in a dramatic activity/role play | | |

ACTIVITY SHEET (4) – Self Assessment Pack

|Practical Skills |Part 1 |Part 2 |

|I can ask questions in class | | |

|I can answer questions in class | | |

|I concentrate on a given task | | |

|I can distinguish between fact and opinions | | |

|I persevere** | | |

|I can solve problems | | |

|I can work on my own | | |

|I can work with a group of people | | |

|I can put forward new ideas | | |

|I can make up my own mind | | |

|I complete my homework | | |

|I can work out a revision plan | | |

|I revise for examinations | | |

|I can cope with new situations | | |

**Do you know what this means?

ACTIVITY SHEET (5) – Self Assessment Pack

When you have completed the skills section on Activity Sheets 1-4 of the Pack, look back over your answers.

• Which skills have you marked with a * showing that you need to develop them?

• Are there any more that you would like to add a * too?

• Are there any that are less important that you would like to remove the * from?

Choose up to 6 skills to develop and write them in the spaces below.

(Example: I would like to develop the skill of reading for pleasure)

1. I should like to develop the skill of

2. I should like to develop the skill of

3. I should like to develop the skill of

4. I should like to develop the skill of

5. I should like to develop the skill of

6. I should like to develop the skill of

ACTIVITY SHEET (6) – Self Assessment Pack

What Am I Like?

These sheets ask you to look at yourself in detail by ticking the appropriate box in each line. When you revisit this section for Part Two of the Self-Assessment Exercise, use a different colour to tick the boxes so that you can see any changes.

Very Usually Not Often Rarely

ACTIVITY SHEET (7) – Self Assessment Pack

What Am I Like In School?

Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor

ACTIVITY SHEET (8) – Self Assessment Pack

What Am I Like Socially?

Very Usually Not Often Rarely

Look back over the statements.

Do they give a true picture of the person you think you are?

ACTIVITY SHEET (9) – Self Assessment Pack


Now look back through the “What Am I Like?” sheets. Pick out 3 examples that worry you about yourself:

For example: Very aggressive

Rarely a good mixer

Spelling poor

Pick out and mark the example you would most like to do something about.

Take the example you have chosen and turn it into a sentence, and then into a target.

Here are some examples to help you do this.

ACTIVITY SHEET (10) – Self Assessment Pack

Action the next step

Take the target you set yourself and make a list of the things you need to achieve this target.

Here is an example to help you:


I would like to spell better

My Target

Now that you have set your target and planned your action:

How often are you going to review your progress?

At least every semester? More often? Less often?

This review will help you to see if you have achieved your target.

ACTIVITY SHEET (11) – Self Assessment Pack

No Self-Assessment Pack would be complete without asking you how you spend your leisure time. This completes the picture of you as a person.

Here is a list of things people do in their leisure time. Tick any activity, which you do and circle the 5 things you enjoy most.

When you revisit this section at the end of Grade 9 use a different colour to indicate any changes.


• Completing all the Part One sections.

• Setting some goals for the future.

• Looking again at the Pack later.

• Seeing if you have achieved your goals.

• Seeing how you have changed.










Making Changes

Personal Qualities


















Personal Qualities



Academic subjects generally

Have a number of friends

Practical subjects generally

Speak easily and well

Presentation of work

Your list:




Keenness to succeed

Get on well with own age group

Ability to work hard

Get on well with adults

Ability to concentrate

Good mixer

Quality of homework

Personal Qualities

Sporting ability

Friendly by nature

Get on well with parents

Get on well with teachers

Setting Targets

Sentence Target

1. I am aggressive I should like to become less


2. I am rarely a good mixer I should like to mix well.

3. My spelling is poor I should like to spell better.

Your example: as a sentence As a target:

Setting Targets

The plan for action is:

1. check my written work for mistakes.

2. Use a dictionary to look up words I cannot spell.

3. Collect the words in a notebook and learn them.

4. Go to spelling workshop on Tuesday lunchtime

My Action Plan is:




Interests and Hobbies


Listening to the radio


Playing Hockey


Guides/ Scouts


Listening to CD’s

Making music

Horse riding




Going to the youth club

Watching television

Going to the disco


St. Johns/Red Cross


Ultimate Frisbee


Drama club


Fan clubs





Going into town

Making models

Watching hockey



Ten pin bowling






Youth hosteling


Writing to friends




Newspaper round


Ice/roller skating



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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