Haines City Senior High School: Lesson Plans

|Petal Elementary School: Lesson Plans |

|Teacher: McDonald Grade: 3rd Weeks of: Sept. 30—Dec. 2 (8 week lesson) |

|Subject/Unit “The Seven Motifs of Walter Anderson” |

|Lesson Objectives(s) |Leveled Student “I CAN” Statements |Vocabulary Words (or Vocabulary Phrases) |

|Unit Visual Art Objectives |Week 1 (Sept.30—Oct. 6) | |

|Apply with increasing skills a variety of media, processes, and images to produce |I can discuss artwork using art vocabulary, including names of artists, and styles of|Art Specific |

|works or art that communicate ideas. (CP) |art. (4a) |Elements of Art |

|Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner. |I can demonstrate the ability to identify similar ideas represented in works of art. |Principles of Design |

|Develop increased manipulative skills while painting. |(5c) |Walter Anderson |

|Increase understanding and use of unique properties and potential of media and |I can identify the roles of artists from various cultures, times, and places. (6a) |American Impressionism |

|materials while producing works of art. |I can recognize the effect of art in the home and the community. (6c) |Thumbnail sketches |

|Understand the importance of cleaning tools and work area. |I can indentify subject matter, symbols, and forms in works of art and design found |Primitive cave paintings |

|Know the importance of recycling, conserving, and sharing art materials. |in selected cultures, times, and places.(7abc) |Pottery |

| |I can recognize that life experiences influence the creation of works of art.(8a) |Block prints |

|Demonstrate and increasing understanding of the use of the elements and principles |I can identify personal and cultural factors that influence an artist’s work. (8b) |Linoleum |

|of design through media and processes to communicate ideas, actions, and emotions. |I can explain how time periods in which works are created affect the characteristics |Organic vs. Geometric |

|(elements—color, line, shape and form, texture, value, space; principles—balance, |of those works. (8c) |Movement |

|repetition, unity, contrast, proportion, emphasis) (CP) |Recognize that various cultures define art differently. (9b) |Repetition |

|Know primary and secondary colors on the color wheel. |I can recognize that there are different responses to specific works of art. (10a) |Rhythm |

|c. Know how to select line quality to match purpose. |I can know ways that galleries and museums are different. (10c) |Fluidity |

|Demonstrate thoughtful, selective use of elements and principles of art to achieve a| |Watercolor |

|purpose. |Week 1 “I CAN” Statements on Social Studies Wall | |

|f. Create symmetrically balanced compositions. |I can describe relationships among people, places, and environments. (1a) |Other Enrichment Vocabulary/Concepts |

|Know how to use combinations of figures/objects to express ideas, experiences, |I can recognize varieties of family life and cultures. (1g) |Compare |

|stories, or feelings. |I can use maps to find the relative location of the primitive cave paintings in |Double Bubble Map |

|Understand how to incorporate textures and patterns into artwork. |France. (3a) |Reoccurring images |

| | |Inspired |

|Know how to use various media, techniques, and processes to create different effects|Week 2 (Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |France |

|in works of art. (CP) |I can discuss artwork using art vocabulary, including names of artists, and styles of|Lascaux Caves |

|Demonstrate ability to choose techniques and processes to achieve intended effect. |art. (4a) |Antebellum house |

|Recognize various subjects, media, and techniques chosen by the artist in a specific|I can discuss artworks using the principles of design. (4b) |Rural setting |

|work of art. |I can indentify similar ideas, subject matter, symbols, and forms in works of art and|Horn Island |

| |design found in selected cultures, times, and places.(5c, 7abc) |Skiff |

|Understand and use visual arts vocabulary to make judgments while creating and |I can know how to use speaking skills to communicate interpretation of art. (5a) | |

|studying works of art. (CA) |Week 1 “I CAN” Statements on Math Wall | |

|Discuss artwork using art vocabulary, including names of artists, and styles of art.|I can create, describe, and extend growing and repeating patterns with physical | |

| |materials and symbols. (DOK 2) (2a) (2h visual arts) | |

|Discuss artwork in relation to design principles: balance, repetition, unity, | | |

|contrast, proportion, and emphasis. |Week 3 (Oct. 14—Oct. 20) | |

| |I can develop increased manipulative skills while drawing. (1c) | |

|Describe how different works of art can be interpreted. (CA) |I can know how to select line quality to match purpose or feeling. (2c) | |

|Know how to use speaking skills to communicate interpretation of art. |I can demonstrate a thoughtful, selective use of elements of art and principles of | |

|Demonstrate ability to identify similar ideas represented in works of art. |design to achieve a Walter Anderson-inspired alphabet design. (2d) | |

| |I can recognize various subjects, media, and techniques chosen by Anderson in his | |

|Understand the importance of artists in different cultures, times, and places. (HC) |artworks. (3b) | |

|Indentify the roles of artists from various cultures, times, and places. |Week 1 “I CAN” Statements on Math Wall | |

|Recognize the effect of art in the home and the community. |I can create, describe, and extend growing and repeating patterns with physical | |

| |materials and symbols. (DOK 2) (2a) (2h visual arts) | |

|Know common subject matter, forms, and symbols found in works of art and design from| | |

|other cultures, times, and places. (HC, CA) |Week 4 (Oct. 21—Oct. 27) | |

|Indentify subject matter in works of art and design found in selected cultures, |I can develop increased manipulative skills while drawing. (1c) | |

|times, and places. |I can know how to select line quality to match purpose or feeling. (2c) | |

|Identify symbols in works of art and design found in selected cultures, times, and |I can demonstrate a thoughtful, selective use of elements and principles of design to| |

|places. |achieve a Walter Anderson-inspired alphabet design. (2d) | |

|Identify forms in works of art and design found in selected cultures, times, and |I can create closely symmetrical compositions. (2f) | |

|places. |Week 1 “I CAN” Statements on Math Wall | |

| |I can create, describe, and extend growing and repeating patterns with physical | |

|Understand that artwork reflects the time and culture in which it was created. (HC) |materials and symbols. (DOK 2) (2a) (2h visual arts) | |

|Recognize that life experiences influence the creation of works of art. | | |

|Identify personal and cultural factors that influence an artist’s work. |Week 5 (Oct. 28—Nov. 3) | |

|Explain how time periods in which works are created affect the characteristics of |I can develop increased manipulative skills while drawing and painting. (1c) | |

|those works. |I can understand the importance of cleaning tools and my work area, conserving, and | |

| |sharing art materials. (1ef) | |

|Know that there are different answers to the question: “What is art?” (A) |I can use art materials in a safe and responsible manner. (1b) | |

|Recognize that various cultures define art differently. |I can know the primary and secondary colors on the color wheel. (2a) | |

| | | |

|Know how people respect and value art differently. (A) |Week 6 (Nov. 4—Nov. 10) | |

|Recognize that there are different responses to specific works of art. |I can develop an increased understanding and use of the unique properties of the | |

|Exhibit respect for own work as well as the work of others. |watercolor medium and brushes. (1d) | |

|Know ways in which galleries and museums are different. |I can develop increased manipulative skills while drawing and painting. (1c) | |

| |I can understand the importance of cleaning tools and my work area, conserving, and | |

|Unit Social Studies Objectives |sharing art materials. (1bef) | |

|Develop an understanding of community/local government in relationship to the | | |

|expanding horizon theme. (C, H, G, E) |Week 7and 8 (Nov. 10—Dec. 2) | |

|Describe relationships among people, places, and environments (e.g., local |I can develop an increased understanding and use of the unique properties of the | |

|communities and Kenya, etc.). |watercolor medium and brushes. (1d) | |

|g. Recognize varieties of family life and cultures (e.g., rural, urban, national,|I can develop increased manipulative skills while drawing and painting. (1c) | |

|and international {For Example: Kenya}). |I can understand the importance of cleaning tools and my work area, conserving, and | |

| |sharing art materials. (1ef) | |

|Demonstrate the ability to use social studies tools (e.g., timelines, maps, globes, |I can use art materials in a safe and responsible manner. (1b) | |

|compasses, graphs, technological resources, grids, schedules, etc.). (C, H, G, E) |I can exhibit respect for my own artwork as well as the work of my peers. (10b) | |

|Use maps to find relative locations in regard to different communities (e.g., | | |

|spatial perspective) | | |

| | | |

|Unit Math Objectives | | |

|2. Explain, analyze, and generate patterns, relationships, and functions using | | |

|algebraic symbols. | | |

|Create, describe, and extend growing and repeating patterns with physical | | |

|materials and symbols including numbers. (DOK 2) | | |

|Instructional Strategies |Formative Assessment Strategies |Summative Assessments |Thinking Maps & Organizers |Materials & Resources |

|(HOOK to engage student |Week 1(Sept.30—Oct. 6) |Week 7 and 8 |Week 1 (Sept.30—Oct. 6) |Week 1 (Sept.30—Oct. 6) |

|(MODELING by teacher |Dialogue: Pp “Walter Anderson Pp” |(Nov. 10—Dec. 2) |Double Bubble Map |“I can…” statement posters |

|(WHOLE Group |Observation: Sketchbook Time (conserving|Students complete their own individual|Sketchbook Time |Sketchbooks |

|(SMALL Group |glue) |project rubrics |Big Group Double Bubble Map: Compare and |TM: Double Bubble |

|(Individual /ONE-on-ONE | |Final Class Art Critiques |Contrast Walter Anderson’s paintings to the|Pp “Walter Anderson Pp with Video” (See attached |

|(Similarities & Differences |Week 2(Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |“What I Learned” Discussion |primitive cave art |Pp) |

|(Reinforcing/Recognition |Observation: Sketchbook Time (how well |Students “Show and Tell” their Walter | |“7 Motifs of Walter Anderson” Charts and glue |

|(Cooperative Learning |students identify the line motifs) |Anderson-inspired Alphabet prints |Week 2 (Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |Week 2 (Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |

|(Setting Objectives |Dialogue: Pp “Walter Anderson Pp” | |Bubble Map |“I can…” statement posters |

|(Providing Reinforcement |Observation: watch creation of bubble | |Sketchbook Time |Sketchbooks |

|(Generating Hypotheses |map during video. | |While students watch the Video The Secret |4 Laminated Posters for “Find the Lines in Time” |

|(Testing Hypotheses | | |Life of Walter Anderson, they will create a|Game |

|(QUESTIONING & Cues |Week 3(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) | |Bubble Map that describes everything they |Dry Erase Markers |

|(ORGANIZERS |Observation: Sketchbook Time: watch | |learn about the artist. |Pp “Walter Anderson Pp with Video” (See attached |

|(Increased TIME for |creation of bubble maps during video. | | |Pp) |

|struggling learners |Dialogue: discuss students Bubble Maps | |Week 3(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) |TM: Bubble Map |

|(INTERVENTION |about Anderson | |Bubble Map |Pp “Double Bubble Anderson to Cave Art” |

| |Dialogue: Big Group Double Bubble Map: | |Sketchbook Time |Week 3(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) |

| |Compare and Contrast Anderson’s paintings| |While students watch the Video The Secret |“I can…” statement posters |

| |to the primitive cave art | |Life of Walter Anderson, they will create a|Sketchbooks |

| |Dialogue: Teacher’s Example project | |Bubble Map that describes everything they |TM: Double Bubble |

| |Dialogue: project rubrics | |learn about the artist. |Reproductions of block prints and watercolor |

| | | |Discuss and add to Week 2 Bubble Map |paintings. |

| |Week 4(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) | |Double Bubble Map |Pp “Anderson Alphabet Print” (see attached Pp) |

| |Observation: Sketchbook Time | |Sketchbook Time |Pp “Anderson Project Rubric” (see attached) |

| |Dialogue: Review project guidelines | |Big Group Double Bubble Map: Compare and |Student project rubrics |

| |Observation: watch students create | |Contrast Walter Anderson’s paintings to the|White paper and Rulers |

| |projects | |primitive cave art |Week 4(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) |

| | | |Week 4(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) |“I can…” statement posters |

| |Week 5(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) | |Finish-up any uncompleted Thinking Maps |Sketchbooks |

| |Observation: Sketchbook Time | |and/or illustrations in Sketchbooks. |Thinking Map Posters |

| |Dialogue: Review project guidelines | | |Reproductions of block prints and watercolor |

| |Observation: watch students create | |Week 5(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) |paintings. |

| |projects | |Double Bubble Map |Pp “Anderson Alphabet Print” (see attached Pp) |

| |Dialogue: In-progress critiques | |Sketchbook Time: students will create a |Pp “Anderson Project Rubric” (see attached) |

| | | |double bubble map that compares and |White construction paper |

| |Week 6(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) | |contrasts “Ways to be Respectful during an |Week 5(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) |

| |Observation: Sketchbook Time | |Art Critique” to “Ways to be Disrespectful |“I can…” statement posters |

| |Dialogue: Review project guidelines | |during and Art Critique.” |Sketchbooks |

| |Observation: watch students create | | |TM: Double Bubble |

| |projects | |Week 6(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) |Pp “W5 Respectful vs Disrespectful Pp” (See |

| |Dialogue: In-progress critiques | |Finish-up any uncompleted Thinking Maps |attached Pp) |

| | | |and/or illustrations in Sketchbooks |Reproductions of block prints and watercolor |

| |Week 7and 8 | | |paintings. |

| |Observation: Sketchbook | |Week 7 and 8 (Nov. 10—Dec. 2) |(see attached Pp) |

| |Observation and dialogue: completion of | |Finish-up any uncompleted Thinking Maps |Pp “Anderson Project Rubric” (see attached) |

| |projects | |and/or illustrations in Sketchbooks |Watercolor sets and brushes |

| |Dialogue: Final art critiques | | |Week 6(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) |

| | | | |“I can…” statement posters |

| | | | |Sketchbooks |

| | | | |Pp “W6 MCT2 practice question 2a patterns” (see |

| | | | |attached Pp) |

| | | | |Pp “Anderson Project Rubric” (see attached) |

| | | | |Watercolor sets and brushes |

| | | | |Week 7 and 8 (Nov. 10—Dec. 2) |

| | | | |“I can…” statement posters |

| | | | |Sketchbooks |

| | | | |Student Individual Rubrics |

| | | | |Paper to mount completed projects |

| | | | |EFA: Unit Display Poster |

| |Guiding Questions |Whole Group Instruction |Small Group/Individual Practice |Differentiation/Centers |Sketchbook Time |

| | | | | |(Bell Work) |

|Weeks 1-8 |Week 1 (Sept.30—Oct. 6) |Week 1(Sept.30—Oct. 6) |Week 1(Sept.30—Oct. 6) |Week 1(Sept.30—Oct. 6) |Week 1 |

| |See attached Pp “Walter |“I can…” Statements |Individual: Students will draw the correct line|Advanced students should be able to enrich|(Sept.30—Oct. 6) |

| |Anderson Pp with Video” Guiding|Pp “Walter Anderson Pp with Video” (See |motifs on their “7 Motifs of Walter Anderson” |the big group discussion about Walter |Sketchbook Time (in the middle of|

| |questions will derive from |attached Pp) |charts in their Sketchbooks. |Anderson, as well as share comments to the|class) Glue “7 Motifs of Walter |

| |slides.) |Discussion: Conclusions of what students | |guiding questions. |Anderson” Charts in Sketchbooks |

| | |learned |Week 2(Oct. 7—Oct. 13) | | |

| |(1)Just as Anderson used |Guiding Questions |Small Group: During Sketchbook Time, students |Week 2(Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |Week 2 |

| |reoccurring images in his |Discussion: 7 Motifs of Walter Anderson |will work with their table members to identify |Advanced students should be able to enrich|(Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |

| |artworks, locate and name some | |line motifs during the “find the Lines in Time”|the big group discussion about Walter |Small Group: During Sketchbook |

| |reoccurring colors in the Art |Week 2(Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |game. |Anderson, as well as share comments to the|Time, students will work with |

| |Studio. |“I can…” Statements |Individual: create a bubble map that describes |guiding questions. |their table members to identify |

| |(2)Walter Anderson was |Pp “Walter Anderson Pp with Video” (See |everything learned about Anderson from the |Advanced students should be able to act as|line motifs during the “find the |

| |influenced by his mother’s |attached Pp) |video |peer helpers to struggling learners during|Lines in Time” game. |

| |interest in art and nature; |Guiding Questions | |small group game activity. |Individual: create a bubble map |

| |therefore, he was encouraged to|Discussion: Conclusions of what students |Week 3(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) | |that describes everything learned|

| |spend a great deal of time |learned |Individual: create a bubble map that describes |Week 3(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) |about Anderson from the video |

| |outside drawing animals and | |everything learned about Anderson from the |Advanced students should be able to enrich| |

| |plants in nature. He was also |Week 3(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) |video |the big group discussion about Walter |Week 3 |

| |inspired by American |“I can…” Statements |Individual: Paste project rubric in sketchbook|Anderson, as well as share comments to the|(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) |

| |Impressionist artist Henry |Watch and/or discuss Video: The Secret Life of|Individual: draw double bubble map in |guiding questions. |Double Bubble Map |

| |McCarter; therefore, he painted|Walter Anderson |sketchbook | |Sketchbook Time (middle of class)|

| |with loose brushwork and vivid |Discussion: Big Group Double Bubble Map | |Week 4(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) | |

| |colors. Mrs. McDonald was |comparing and contrasting Walter Anderson’s |Week 4(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) |Students of all ability levels should be |Big Group Double Bubble Map: |

| |influenced and inspired by the |artwork to primitive cave art |Individual: sketchbook time |able to differentiate their own alphabet |Compare and Contrast Walter |

| |Chinese culture; therefore in |Discussion: Teacher Example Project |Individual: draw double bubble map in |prints through their own creativity. |Anderson’s paintings to the |

| |her college art classes, she |Discussion: Project Rubric |sketchbook | |primitive cave art |

| |painted the women that she met | |Individual: Paste project rubric in sketchbook|Week 5(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) | |

| |in China and the long, colorful|Week 4(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) |Individual: work on alphabet print |Higher-level students should be able to |Week 4 |

| |robes that they wore. Share |“I can…” Statements | |lead in small group Sketchbook Time |(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) |

| |some people who have influenced|Discussion: Big Group Double Bubble Map |Week 5(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) |Students of all ability levels should be |Sketchbook Time (beginning of |

| |you and share what you have |comparing and contrasting Walter Anderson’s |Small Group: sketchbook time (Double Bubble |able to differentiate their own alphabet |class): Finish-up any uncompleted|

| |done as a result of their |artwork to primitive cave art |Map with table map) |prints through their own creativity. |Thinking Maps and/or |

| |inspiration (i.e. baseball |Discussion: Teacher Example Project |Individual: work on alphabet print | |illustrations. Then work on |

| |players, musicians, teachers, |Discussion: Project Rubric | |Week 6(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) |nameplate designs. |

| |parents, etc...) | |Week 6(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) |The teacher will work individually with | |

| |(3)Justify how you think the |Week 5(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) |Individual: sketchbook time (beginning of |students who struggle with the MCT2 math |Week 5 |

| |cave artists used the 7 line |“I can…” Statements |class) Pp “W6 MCT2 practice question 2a |practice question. |(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) |

| |motifs to describes people, |Quick review of project rubric |patterns” |Higher-level students should be able to |Double Bubble Map |

| |places, or things in their |In-Progress Critiques |Individual: work on alphabet print |explain the process of concluding the |Sketchbook Time (beginning of |

| |environment. | | |right answer to the MCT2 practice question|class): create a double bubble |

| | |Week 6(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) |Week 7 and 8 (Nov. 10—Dec. 2) |in a student-friendly manner. |map that compares and contrasts |

| |Week 2 |“I can…” Statements |Individual: sketchbook time (Finish-up |Students of all ability levels should be |“Ways to be Respectful during an |

| |(Oct. 7—Oct. 13) |Discussion of Sketchbook Time MCT2 math |assignments) |able to differentiate their own alphabet |Art Critique” to “Ways to be |

| |See attached Pp “Walter |practice question. |Individual: Finish alphabet print |prints through their own creativity. |Disrespectful during and Art |

| |Anderson Pp with Video” Guiding|Quick Review of project rubric (mainly point |Individual: check off guidelines on Project | |Critique.” |

| |questions will derive from |out common mistakes that I see occurring in all|Rubric |Week 7 and 8(Nov. 10—Dec. 2) | |

| |slides.) |classes) | |Students of all ability levels should be |Week 6 |

| | |Continue In-Progress Critiques | |able to differentiate their own alphabet |(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) |

| |(1)Can you identify at least 5 | | |prints through their own creativity. |Sketchbook Time (Individual): |

| |of the 7 line motifs in Walter |Week 7(Nov. 10—Nov. 17) | |Early-Finishers will do Sketchbook Time |(beginning of class) Pp “W6 MCT2 |

| |Anderson’s artworks? |“I can…” Statements | |Assignments |practice question 2a patterns” |

| |(2)Just like Walter felt tired |Observation and Discussion of any unfinished | | |Week 7and 8 |

| |or burnt out of making the same|Sketchbook Assignments. | | |(Nov. 10—Dec. 2) |

| |pottery pieces over and over |Final Art Critiques | | |Sketchbook Time (end of class): |

| |again just to sell them, are | | | |Finish-up any uncompleted |

| |their things that you get tired| | | |Thinking Maps and/or |

| |of doing? | | | |illustrations. Then work on |

| |(3)Does anyone know the | | | |nameplate designs.. |

| |difference between a rural | | | | |

| |setting and an urban area? | | | | |

| |(4)Hypothesize why you think | | | | |

| |Walter’s father-in-law did not | | | | |

| |allow him to paint murals on | | | | |

| |his white walls. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Week 3 | | | | |

| |(Oct. 14—Oct. 20) | | | | |

| |Guiding questions will derive | | | | |

| |from the movie: | | | | |

| |(1) Describe how Walter spent | | | | |

| |his time on Horn Island. | | | | |

| |(2) Since no one else lived on| | | | |

| |the island, did Walter become | | | | |

| |lonely? | | | | |

| |(3) What reaction would you | | | | |

| |have if you were Walter’s wife | | | | |

| |and you saw the hidden room for| | | | |

| |the first time? | | | | |

| |(4) Compare and Contrast | | | | |

| |Walter Anderson’s artworks to | | | | |

| |those made by the primitive | | | | |

| |cave paintings? | | | | |

| |(5)How did Walter’s environment| | | | |

| |influence him? | | | | |

| |(6) Compare the difference | | | | |

| |between organic and geometric | | | | |

| |shapes. | | | | |

| |(7)How are the secondary colors| | | | |

| |made? | | | | |

| |(8) Name the primary and | | | | |

| |secondary colors. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |**Other questions will derive | | | | |

| |from the teacher example | | | | |

| |project. Students will be | | | | |

| |asked to suggest ways to make | | | | |

| |the “good” project and | | | | |

| |“exemplar” project. | | | | |

| |Week 4 | | | | |

| |(Oct. 21—Oct. 27) | | | | |

| |**Questions will derive from | | | | |

| |the teacher example project. | | | | |

| |Students will be asked to | | | | |

| |suggest ways to make the “good”| | | | |

| |project and “exemplar” project.| | | | |

| |**Most guiding questions will | | | | |

| |derive from the Project Rubric | | | | |

| |and from one-on-one | | | | |

| |student-teacher dialogue about | | | | |

| |the project rubric. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Week 5 | | | | |

| |(Oct. 28—Nov. 3) | | | | |

| |**Most guiding questions will | | | | |

| |derive from the Project Rubric | | | | |

| |and from one-on-one | | | | |

| |student-teacher dialogue about | | | | |

| |the project rubric. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Week 6 | | | | |

| |(Nov. 4—Nov. 10) | | | | |

| |**Most guiding questions will | | | | |

| |derive from the Project Rubric | | | | |

| |and from one-on-one | | | | |

| |student-teacher dialogue about | | | | |

| |the project rubric. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Week 7 and 8 | | | | |

| |(Nov. 10—Dec. 2) | | | | |

| |**Most guiding questions will | | | | |

| |derive from the Project Rubric | | | | |

| |and from one-on-one | | | | |

| |student-teacher dialogue about | | | | |

| |the project rubric. | | | | |

| |**Students will be asked to | | | | |

| |self-reflect on what they have | | | | |

| |learned throughout the unit. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


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