Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

MEDT 3401

|Name: |Ashley Strickland and Britni Worthy |

|Lesson Plan # |4 |

|Classroom Configuration |

|1 Computer |3-5 Computers |6-10 Computers |1 - 1 |

| | | |X |

|Design for Learning |

|Whole Group |Small Group |Pairs |Individual |

|X | | | |

|Bloom’s Taxonomy - Levels Addressed |

|Knowledge |Comprehension |Application |Analysis |Synthesis |Evaluation |

|X |X |X |X |X | |

|Lesson Title |The Sounds of the Rainforest |

|Subject (s) |Earth Science |

|Duration |1 Week |

|Learners |

|Grade Level(s) |2 |

|Special Needs |N/A |

|ESL |N/A |

|Prerequisite Skills |Use of the Internet |

|Curricular Connections |

|Performance Objectives |Students will locate tropical rainforests on a world map. |

| |Students will participate in a hands-on activity in which they simulate with hand and|

| |feet movements an afternoon rain shower in a rainforest. |

| |They will add animals to a felt background to construct their own rainforest. |

| |Students will view Web sites to learn more about rainforests. (Environmental |

| |Education) |

|GPS and Elements |S2E3 Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the |

| |causes of the changes |

| |Recognize effects that occur in a specific area caused by weather, plants, animals, |

| |and/or people. |

| |S2L1 Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms. |

| |a. Determine the sequence of the life cycle of common animals in your area: a mammal |

| |such as a cat or dog or classroom pet, a bird such as a chicken, an amphibian such as|

| |a frog, and an insect such as a butterfly. |

| |c. Investigate the life cycle of a plant by growing a plant from a seed and by |

| |recording changes over a period of time. |


| |demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to |

| |technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for |

| |Students) |

| |demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of |

| |current and emerging technologies. |


| |B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when |

| |planning learning environments and experience. |

| |D. plan for the management of technology resources within the context of |

| |learning activities. |

| |E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology enhanced |

| |environment. |


| |A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and |

| |lifelong learning. |

| |C. Apply technology to increase productivity. |


| |A. Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use. |

| |D. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources. |

| |E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students. |

| | |

| | |

|Student NETS |Basic operations and concepts |

| |Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology |

| |systems. |

| |Students are proficient in the use of technology. |

| |Social, ethical, and human issues |

| |Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.|

| | |

| |Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software. |

| |Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong |

| |learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. |

| |Technology productivity tools |

| |Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote|

| |creativity. |

| |Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced |

| |models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. |

| |5. Technology research tools |

| |Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety |

| |of sources. |

| |Students use technology tools to process data and report results. |

| |Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations |

| |based on the appropriateness for specific tasks. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Assessment |

|Assessment |Rubric is provided |

|Instructional Media |

|Materials |World Map |

| |Felt Board |

| |Felt Animals |

| |Computers |

| |Internet |

| |Chart showing a drawing of a tropical rainforest with layers of the rainforest--also lists animals and |

| |plants found in each layer |

| |Index cards with pictures and descriptions of rainforest animals |

| |Copies of printed world map for children to locate and color rainforests and Review Sheet #2, "Layers of a |

| |Tropical Rainforest. |

|Technology |

|Teacher |Internet/ Computer |

|Student |Internet/Computer |

|Teacher URLs | This site has excellent printouts of |

| |rainforest animals and plants. It also has some beautiful photographs of rainforest birds. |

| | |

| |This site includes a number of animal printouts. |

| | |

| |This is a small sample of the animals of the rainforest. Click on the animal in the picture and you will |

| |access a page with a color picture and a short description of the animal and its habitat. |

| | |

| |This is an artist's drawing of a rainforest with its layers. Descriptions of each layer are adjacent to the|

| |layer. |

| | A purchased package containing a colorful|

| |felt rainforest background picture and felt animal cutouts. A lesson guide, "Rainforest with Animals is |

| |included with the package. |

| | This is a fact sheet on rainforests used as a |

| |reference for the Attachment, "Background Information--Introduction to Rainforests. |

| | This site is developed for the Rainforest Action Network, a "Save the |

| |Rainforest" organization. It includes fact sheets on rainforests and why rainforests need to be preserved. |

| | This site was used as a |

| |reference for the attached "Background Information - Introduction to Rainforests." It is a one page |

| |introduction to rainforests with beautiful illustrations. |

| | This is a rainforest map printout of the |

| |world for the students to color. The students will locate the tropical rainforests of the world, the Tropic|

| |of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, and the Equator. |

|Student URLs | This site has excellent printouts of |

| |rainforest animals and plants. It also has some beautiful photographs of rainforest birds. |

| | |

| |This is an artist's drawing of a rainforest with its layers. Descriptions of each layer are adjacent to the|

| |layer. |

| | This is a sample of the |

| |layers of the rainforest and the animals found there. |

| | |

| | Introduction to the animals and plants found in the rain |

| |forest. |

| | |

| | |

| |Rainforest Action Network Web Site; “About Rainforests, by the numbers” |

| | |

| | |

| |Cal Tech Web Site, “Learning About Rainforests, What is a Rainforest” |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|*Create and attach with this lesson plan all handouts and media you will use to implement this lesson. |

|Learning Plan |

|Hook/Motivation |The teacher will draw a picture of the tropical rainforest including its four layers. Beside the |

| |illustration, the teacher will need to label each layer and describe the climate, vegetation, and give |

| |examples of animals that live in each layer.( Can use the provided URL) |

|Connections to Previous Learning |Students will have had a brief introduction to the layers of the rainforest as well as an introduction to |

| |the types of animals that live there. |

|Procedures |Teacher note: Instruct students not to touch wild plants and animals when they observe them. Always wash |

|*Number these |hands after handling any plants or animals. Caution students not to eat wild plants they find. |

| |Step: 1 Duration: 1 to 2 hours (teacher preparation prior to lesson) |

| | |

| |Prior to teaching lesson, the teacher will draw a picture of the tropical rainforest including its four |

| |layers. Beside the illustration, the teacher will need to label each layer and describe the climate, |

| |vegetation, and give examples of animals that live in each layer. The teacher may use the reference above, |

| |"Learning About Rainforests--Layers of a Rainforest," for the drawing. |

| |For step four, the teacher may opt to make her own rainforest model instead of purchasing the package of |

| |felt animal cutouts and printed felt background picture from the "The Felt Source." Rainforest animal |

| |printouts may be found on the Web sites listed below. They may be printed, cropped, glued to a felt circle,|

| |and placed on a rainforest picture drawn on felt. The felt background picture will need to be mounted on |

| |cardboard or foam board. The background picture should include all four layers of a tropical rainforest. |

| |Reference rainforest animal cards may be easily made from the rainforest animal printouts in the booklet |

| |included with the purchased package or printouts/pictures on the referenced Web sites. |

| | |

| |Step 2: Students will perform a hands-on activity to simulate an afternoon rain shower in the rainforest. |

| |The class should be divided into three groups. Group One will start by rubbing their hands back and forth |

| |and will continue to do so while Group Two and then Group Three begin rubbing their hands back and forth. |

| |While Groups Two and Three continue rubbing hands, Group One starts snapping fingers (heavier rain) and |

| |action continues to Group Two and Group Three. Then Group One starts slapping hips (even heavier rain) and |

| |action continues to Groups Two and Three. Then Group One starts stomping feet (downpour) and action |

| |continues to Groups Two and Three. Then Group One returns to rubbing hands back and forth (light rain) and |

| |action continues to Groups Two and Three, and finally, the shower ends. |

| | |

| |Step: 3 |

| |Introduction to Rainforests |

| |Explain what a rainforest is and why it is called a rainforest (bring in concept of ecosystem, habitat, and|

| |species). Have students locate tropical rainforests on a world map. (If they have access to a computer, |

| |they can access the Caltech Web site and click on each of the dark green areas of the world map to read |

| |more about its unique rainforests.) Discuss threats to tropical rainforests and to the tribal people that |

| |inhabit them. Millions of acres of rainforests are being destroyed each year. More species of plants and |

| |animals are becoming extinct daily. (See attached document for information on threats to rainforest animals|

| |and people.) |

| | |

| |Directing students' attention to the prepared drawing, describe the layers of vegetation within a tropical |

| |rainforest (pavilion or emergent layer, canopy layer, understory layer, and forest floor). Ask the students|

| |in which layer they would expect to find the most species of animals (canopy layer). Discuss the effect of |

| |sunlight and moisture on plant growth and the interrelationships of plants and animals. Give examples of |

| |animals and plants found in each layer. |

| | |

| |Discuss why rainforest ecosystems are important to us. Explain that a number of everyday products |

| |(chocolate, sugar, cinnamon, rubber, medicine, pineapples, cashews, Brazil nuts, etc.) originate from the |

| |rainforest. |

| | |

| |Step 4: Each student will be given one or two felt rainforest animal cutouts to be placed on the mounted |

| |felt rainforest background. The student will identify the animal or animals and place it in its habitat in |

| |the rainforest. They may refer to animal reference cards. Each card includes a picture of the animal, a |

| |physical description, and information on its habitat. |

| | |

| |Step 5: Have students observe their completed rainforests with the animals in their habitat. Several |

| |students can identify and describe where their animal lives, what it eats, etc. If time permits, point out |

| |several unusual animals as the tapir, anteater, toucan, etc. Request the student who picked the animal |

| |cut-out to tell an interesting fact about it. To challenge the students, ask them to compare the animals |

| |found in Georgia to those found in tropical rainforests. |

| | |

| |Step 6: Ask if they can name some of the same animals found in both locations. Perhaps the teacher could |

| |take the students on a school site exploration to look for animals and make a list of the animals they see.|

| |Ask if any of the animals observed at their school site could be found in tropical rainforests. What are |

| |the differences between local animals and tropical rainforest animals? |

| | |

| |Step 7: Have student’s complete two review sheets at end of the lesson. The first will show a map of the |

| |tropical rainforests of the world to color. (This is a map printout of the world which may be downloaded |

| |from the Enchanted Learning Web site listed below.) The students will color the rainforests of the world |

| |green; the rest of the Earth's land yellow; the oceans, seas, and lakes blue; and the lines representing |

| |the equator, the Tropic of Cancer, and the Tropic of Capricorn red. The second review sheet will show a |

| |rainforest picture (created by the author's husband) divided into layers, and the student will label the |

| |layers of the rainforest and list some of the animals found in each layer. In addition, the students will |

| |be asked to list some everyday products which originate from rainforests. |

| | |

| |Step 8: Have the students complete the Review Sheet 2. |

|Student Processing/Products |Students will use felt board to construct their own rain forest. |

| |Will be able to answer the questions: Where are tropical rainforests located in the world? What are the |

| |four layers of a rainforest? Describe each layer and what animals and plants are likely to habitat each |

| |layer. How do they interact with other animals and plants? |

|Adaptations |N/A |

|Connections to Other Disciplines |Geography |

| |Art |

| |Technology |

|Extensions/Enrichments |Show an unlabeled drawing of the layers of a rainforest. Students are instructed to |

| |label the layers of the rainforest and list several animals found in each layer. In |

| |addition, they are instructed to list some everyday products derived from |

| |rainforests. |

Britni’s Reflection:

I enjoyed this lesson plan. I think that after creating the third lesson plan this one was much easier to construct. I feel that the major setback in this lesson is that it is time-consuming. It should definitely be well planned before taught to your students; it should probably be taught in a series of mini-lessons also, this is why we decided to teach it over a week span rather than in one day. Another problem was that the URL’s included with the site didn’t all work, so Ashley and I had to find more that did work.

Ashley’s Reflection:

I think that students will enjoy this lesson, but it was a difficult one to put together. Many of the links for the websites did not work, and we had to research the topic to gain more knowledge about the lesson. I like the overall idea of the lesson and think that the students will gain a lot of knowledge by the hands-on activities. In the future, I will find sites that will enable the students to accurately research the topic and complete the activities. This lesson also came from the Georgia Performance Standards website, and I was a bit disappointed that everything did not fall into place like the last lesson did!


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