The Geographer’s World




Chapter Summary

The Geographer's World

Lesson 1: Studying Social Studies

? Geography is the study of Earth's physical features and the living things that inhabit it.

? Geographers examine where all of Earth's elements are located and how they relate to one another.

? People who study the social studies use many tools and skills to analyze information.

? Primary sources are descriptions of an event by someone who witnessed or lived through that event. Examples are letters, diaries, autobiographies, official records, photographs, artifacts, and oral interviews.

? A secondary source is created by people who were not present at an event. Examples include a history book, biographies, and encyclopedias.

? To examine a primary source, analyze the source to determine who created it and why, and when and how it was created.

? An account of an event is often written from a point of view. The creator of a source uses his or her point of view to decide which events to focus on, who the key players are, and which details are worth recording.

? A point of view can be expressed as a bias, which can make the source unreliable.

? When interpreting a writer's words or a historical person's actions, consider frame of reference.

? Historical influences are especially important when analyzing past events or writings.

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Chapter Summary cont.

The Geographer's World

Lesson 2: Using Social Studies Skills

? In reading or writing for social studies, it is important to sequence ideas, events, or


? Key words, such as first, next, last, then, before, and after, can help you understand the

sequence of a story or a time line of events.

? Details about ideas, people, and events are easier to understand and remember when

they are connected to one main idea.

? Summarizing involves using your own words and style to express another writer's

ideas. It presents only the most important ideas, but not the minor details, of the passage.

? When we categorize, we group together items that share similar characteristics. ? Events in the world take place (effect) because something makes them happen (cause).

One cause can have many effects, and an effect can have more than one cause.

? You can compare and contrast to help you understand information and make better


? When studying social studies, it is often necessary to put together pieces of information

to make a generalization.

? Sometimes, information is not stated directly, so you must make an inference to figure

out something.

? You can use details or facts to draw a conclusion. ? An outline or a database organizes information. ? Visual tools present information in an organized way. Visual tools include globes, maps,

graphs, charts, diagrams, time lines, photographs, and graphic organizers.

? One way to analyze information is to use math skills. ? Becoming proficient in social studies requires a person to be able to communicate in

oral, visual, and written forms.

? When writing an essay or a research paper, avoid plagiarism by writing information in

your own words. Include a footnote if you use a direct quotation.

? Include a bibliography when you prepare an essay or a report. Those who read your

report can use your bibliography to find additional information about your topic or to see that your information is credible.

? Follow this basic process for making decisions: gather information, identify options,

predict consequences, choose the best option, and put your decision into action.

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Chapter Summary cont.

The Geographer's World

Lesson 3: How Geographers View the World

? Thinking like a geographer helps us understand the beauty and complexity of the

world. A geographer looks at space and place.

? Geographers study where people live, why they live there, and how they interact with

each other and the land on which they live.

? Geography focuses on spatial elements. This includes where on Earth a place is, how

it affects or is affected by other places, its size and shape, and how humans and places interact.

? A landscape is a portion of Earth's surface that can be viewed at one time from one


? Earth is dynamic, which means it is always changing. Geographers study how places

change over time and the effects of those changes.

? The study of geography is organized into five themes. The five themes are location,

place, region, human-environment interaction, and movement.

? Location has to do with where on Earth a thing is found. There is relative location?

where a place is compared to another place, and there is absolute location ? an exact location on Earth.

? A place is a location on Earth that is meaningful or special to people. The features

that help defiine a place can be physical or human.

? Region refers to places that are located near one another and share some features.

Geographers compare and contrast regions and the places within a region.

? Human-environment interaction has to do with how people affect and are affected

by where they live.

? Movement has to do with how people, products, ideas, and information move from

one place to another.

? Geography is also divided into six essential elements. These six are: the world in spatial

terms; places and regions; physical systems; human systems; environment and society; and the uses of geography.

? Geographers use a system of imaginary lines to locate places on Earth. The imaginary

lines are known as lines of latitude and lines of longitude. Lines of latitude are horizontal and parallel. Lines of longitude connect the North and South Poles.

? The Equator is an important line of latitude that runs around the middle of Earth.

The Prime Meridian is an important line of longitude; its value is 0? longitude.

? Maps, graphs, charts, and diagrams are geographers' tools that help them analyze the

elements of geography.

? Geographers use history to help them understand the ways people lived and how

places looked in the past. Calendars and time lines help geographers study time.


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Chapter Summary cont.

The Geographer's World

Lesson 4: The Geographer's Tools

? Maps are a way to show where things are located on Earth. A globe is the most

accurate kind of map, because, like Earth, a globe is a sphere.

? Half of a sphere is a hemisphere. The Equator divides Earth into the Northern

Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The Prime Meridian and the International Date Line divide Earth into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere.

? Maps are flat representations of Earth that distort, or make incorrect, the physical

reality. However, maps have some advantages over globes.

? Maps can provide great detail. They can be used to show all kinds of information.

They are easy to carry and store.

? A map has a title that tells its main purpose, a key that explains the symbols used, a

scale bar that shows distance, and a compass rose to show direction (north, south, east, west). Many maps show latitude and longitude. Some maps show insets of greater detail for small areas.

? A map projection is a graphic way to convert round Earth onto a flat map. Mapmakers,

also known as cartographers, decide which map projection to use depending on the purpose of the map.

? The two main types of maps are general purpose maps and thematic maps. A general

purpose map shows a lot of information, such as landforms, boundaries, and names of states and cities. A thematic map, such as a road map, has one main purpose.

? Geospatial technologies include GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographic

Information System). GPS is used to track location and to help people navigate. GIS uses computers to gather, store, and analyze geographic information. Since the 1970s, satellites have been used to gather data about Earth's surface.

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