Name:________________________________________________________________________Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Lewis Stevenson Intro ActivtyDirections: Read and respond to the following scenario.You currently have a friend who has always been on the honor roll. He or she has always been a positive influence in your life—someone whom you could always depend upon and go to when you have needed someone to talk to or confide in. At one time, this individual was a star athlete, in line for scholarships to promising universities. Additionally, he or she was student council president and was involved with many after school activities. Unfortunately, your friend suffered a severe leg injury while running track, and his or her entire future was all-at-once compromised. The person’s significant other also ended their relationship soon thereafter.After your friend’s unfortunate injuries, both physical and emotional, he or she has slowly begun a transformation—for the worse. Your friend has grown more distant and secretive; the person is often short with you or entirely dismissive. The former athelete, who was once a classroom leader, has begun to partake in negative behavior. He or she is often absent from school and the person’s grades have begun to slip. When your friend is in class, your friend is tough to read. Sometimes you see glimpses of your old friend—a glimmer of what once was—the funny jokes, the welcoming smile, the patient listener. Other times, your friend is verbally combative with both teachers and students. It is almost like your friend is a real life Incredible Hulk—sometimes a normal, functional human being, other times an explosive monster. On several occasions, he or she has engaged in verbal battles with teachers and other students. As time elapses, you notice he or she has begun to hang around with a different crowd. Much to your concern, your friend has started to partake in drug and alcohol abuse. Not only has your friend stopped going to his or her part-time job, there is talk that your friend may be kicked not only out of school, but out of his or her parents’ home. You’re not sure how to confront your friend. You feel that a face-to-face verbal confrontation will not be effective because you’ve been quickly dismissed in the past. Still, you know that the good side of your friend still exists and can be appealed to. Instead, you decide to write your friend a letter, hoping to make one last-ditch effort to intervene and eradicate his or her evil side by reaching whatever goodness remains.Write a 1-2 page letter to your friend in an attempt to rescue whatever goodness remains. If you’re not the kind of person who cares enough to write a letter, or someone that writes letters at all—then pretend you are and write one anyway! ................

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