WebWord™ User Manual s.com

WebWord™ for Word 2007 User Manual

There are three steps to using WebWord™ for your letter editor.

• Creating the document template

• Uploading the document template to the server

• Using the document template from within the Medkinetics Electronic Provider Record™ Application

Setting up the Medkinetics WebWord Template

In order for the WebWord™ template to work properly, you must install the Medkinetics WebWord Template.dot template on each computer where WebWord letters will be used. Placement of the template file in the proper location is a one-time set up.

The “Medkinetics WebWord™ Template.dot”, customized for WebWord™, needs to be stored in the location where other Word© document templates are stored. (For example, on a Microsoft Windows XP computer, with Microsoft Office 2007, the templates are stored in “c:\documents and settings\user account\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates” (where “user account” is the user profile of the person who is logged in to the computer.) This is the location where the “Medkinetics WebWord™ Template.dot” must be stored. Each person who creates or merges WebWord letters must install this template on his/her computer.

Inserting the Merge Fields

Medkinetics’ WebWord™ works by using merge fields as “place holders” for the appropriate data to be placed into the document. The “WebWord Merge Field List.txt” (provided by Medkinetics) lists available merge fields.


There are several ways to insert the fields. Currently, the supported method is to manually add the merge fields to the document. This can be accomplished by: copying each merge field one at a time from the merge field list text document and using the Word menus to insert the merge field. Use the file Medkinetics WebWord Merge Fields List (displayed above) to copy the necessary fields.

1. Highlite the field you need and press Ctrl C on the keyboard to copy the field.

2. Click in the area of your Word Document where you want the merge field inserted.

3. From the Word tool bar select the Insert tab.


4. On the right select Quick Parts and select Field… from the drop-down menu.


5. The Field window will display.


6. From the Field names: field select MergeField.


7. SHORTCUT: The keyboard shortcut sequence to arrive at this dialog box is

Alt + I, F, MM

The shortcut performs navigation to Insert, Field, 2nd “M” field type (merge field).

8. Under Field Properties click in the box below Field name: and Ctrl V on the keyboard to paste the field.


9. Select the OK button to close the window and insert the merge field. The merge field will display in the document as shown below.


Configuring Documents for Data Iteration Types

There are two ways to set the merge fields that will result in different data population results. The first example above shows how to set the field code for a single iteration of data. But if, for example, you want to display the data “iterated” through all the existing items, such as all the DEA certificates for a provider, you place the field codes, formatted the way you want them to “loop” and then bookmark this with the bookmark name appropriate for the data. (e.g., For DEA certificates to be looped, you must put them in a bookmark named “DEARow” as detailed in the merge field library document by “[DEARow]”.)

1. Perform steps 4-7 above.

2. When you put the merge field name into the area provided for a bookmark remove the prefix.


3. Select the items to book mark by highlighting them. From the Word menu bar select the Insert tab and select Bookmark.


4. The Bookmark pop-up window displays.


5. Enter the bookmark field (top row from the WebWord Merge field list). In this example it would be DEARow.


6. Type it in and select the Add button.


Saving the Letter Template

When all desired merge fields have been placed in the document, save the document to a known location on your hard drive using the Save As by clicking on the Office Button, Save As and Select the Word 97-2003 Document option. If you do a regular “Save” it will result in error when loading up to the Medkinetics server.



Uploading the document template to server

To use the document template with Medkinetics’ Electronic Provider Record™ follow these steps. It is very important that any time you are working with WebWord™ letters and the Medkinetics application that Word is closed on your computer.

1. Log into the Medkinetics Electronic Provider Record™ application.

2. Select Forms and Letters from the Mgmt Reports drop-down menu.


3. Select Manage WebWord Letters from the second drop-down.


NOTE: The first time you navigate to the WebWord™ maintenance area, you will be prompted to install the ActiveX control that controls the server file synchronization scripting.


4. Once this is installed the Manage Form Letter Templates window displays. The Current Templates Loaded will display at the top. These are the WebWord™ letters currently loaded in the system. The area to upload new templates is at the bottom.



5. Select the Browse button to upload a new template. The Choose file window will display.


6. Browse for the file that you have created (with the merge codes) on your local hard drive in the template box. Click on the file and select the Open button.

7. Specify a “friendly name.” This friendly name is what is displayed throughout the application.

8. Choose a topic for the template. The topics relate to the areas in the Verification module of Medkinetics Electronic Provider Record™, along with a new function in the credentialing system (described in a later section). (see List below)

General, Boards, Licenses, Hospital, Payors, Medical School, Internship, Residency, Fellowship, Work History, DEA, CDS 1, CDS 2, CDS 3, CDS 4, CDS 5, Practice, References, Insurance, Post-Secondary Education


9. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the page.


10. The letter is now displayed in the alphabetical list.


11. Continue the process for all your letters.

Using document templates from within the Electronic Provider Record™ Application

The areas within the Electronic Provider Record™ from which the WebWord™ documents can be generated are:

• Management Reports

• Verification

• Credentialing

Management Reports

The WebWord™ maintenance area in Management Reports provides a simple interface to create any type of document output. Multiple doctors batched together for selected providers or documents for single providers.

Creating a simple document for Hospitals, we can see how the printing of letters occurrs in Manage Reports.

1. Select Forms and Letters from the Mgmt Reports drop-down menu.


2. Select Webword™ Letters from the second drop-down letter.


3. The Merge Form Letter page will display. The top section is used for filtering. To test our letters go to the bottom of the page (Steps 1-3)


4. Select a letter at step #1. For our example we will select Administrativfe Referenc es. Notice that the date the letter was uploaded is listed at the end of the letter name. This way you can select the most recent uploaded letter.

5. If you want to save a copy to the providers record select Yes in step #2. The default is No.

6. Select the provider(s) in the Move-a-matic from the source to the target in step #3.


7. Select the Finish button.

8. For certain items, such as references, you are presented with a choice as to which to include in the document. For this example there is only one. Click on the check box to select it and select the Next button.


9. The next screen is the Form Letter Print Queue. Select the Refresh to view current print job button.


10. Select the Print button to open the letter in Word. A file download window will pop-up asking you if you want to Open or Save the letter.


11. Use the Save button to save the generated letter to your local computer. For our example we are going to open it by selecting the Open button. The letter opens in Word.


12. Any additional formatting, type changes, etc… can be made to this letter. When you are complete you can print it. Close the document when you are finished by selecting the Office Button and selecting Close from the drop-down menu or use the X in the top right corner.

Making changes to a letter

If changes need to be made to a letter template that has been uploaded, navigate to the Mgmt Reports > Forms and Letters > Manage Webword Letters area. Delete the current letter by selecting the Red X in the delete column to the right of the letter. Then repeat the steps to upload the letter with the changes.

It is always possible to make changes to merged WebWord letters right before printing, but there are times when the changes need to be saved in the official document for future use. It is possible to make changes and save the changes to the server when the letter is attached to a specific provider record by synchronizing the document to the server copy.

1. From Mgmt Reports > Forms and Letters > Webword Letters in Step 2, click Yes to copy to providers record and enter a friendly name.


2. After the letters have merged, navigate to Credentialing > Attachments > Documents. Find the appropriate Word Attachment list and open the letter using the document name link.


3. Make changes to the letter as needed and Close the document (do not Save As). A prompt will appear which says, “Synchronize this document with the server copy?” Click Yes to save.


4. The next prompt says, “File successfully saved on the server.” Click OK. Changes can be viewed by clicking the document name link.


The same “sync with server” prompt allows letter changes to be saved from the document name links in the Verification Log. Both individual form letter tasks and letters created with Batch Print Form Letters, can be edited and saved in this same manner.

The “sync with server” feature is not available for batches of letters viewed from the WebWord Print Queue, nor from the General or Specific Attachment area of the Verification Log.


Verification letters will work almost identically to the current eWebedPro letters. One example will be given here. In a verification task for a provider, in the hospitals section, you will choose a WebWord™ task type to perform.

1. Open the Verification Log


2. Select the check box to the left of the provider to open the verification tasks for the provider. For our example we have scrolled down to the hospital section.


3. Select the appropriate hospital to open the task area. Select the Add Task button.


4. The Verification Modules window displays.


5. Select Form Letter Verification from the drop-down menu.


6. Enter in a Verification Description and days to followup. Select the Add button. The Form Letter List for hospitals will display.


7. Select the radio button to the left of the appropriate letter. The letter will generate and the Form Letter Print Queue will display.


8. Select the Refresh to view current print job button to view the current print job in the queue.


9. Select the Print button to open the generated letter in Word.


10. The letter can be edited, printed and saved using the Word functions.


In the credentialing area, we have access to the document library in a new and unique way. As an example, we will log into the system, and navigate to the Credentialing tab, search for and choose a provider.

1. After choosing our provider, navigate to the hospital affiliations list.


2. At the top right is a row of icons. Select the WebWord™ Icon.


3. Clicking on the icon opens the appropriate document templates from which you can create documents either singly, or in batch for the selected provider.


We can choose multiple documents to create for this provider, and we have the option to save the documents to the provider’s record as an attachment. When the Generate Document(s) button is clicked, the system will integrate the data into the document, and present it to the user. Select the appropriate letter by checking the box to the left. If you are going to attach the letter to the provider record, check the Save As An Attachment box and give it a friendly name. If you are not going to attach it, you can leave this area blank.

4. Select the Generate Document(s) button. The current print job will display.


5. Select the Print button. The File Download window will pop-up.


11. Select the Open button. The document will open in Word. The letter can be edited, printed and saved using the Word functions.

When the user is viewing a document that has been created by the server, and is being stored on the server, he or she may notice that a change needs to be made to this particular data-driven letter. Any time a WebWord™ document is closed, the user will be prompted to synchronize with the server copy. Clicking yes will synchronize any changes made to the server, and another prompt will be made to alert the user that the file is synchronized.

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Prompt to synchronize file |Prompt that the file synchronization is complete |


Check these items if you have difficulties in using WebWord. Check the following items.

• Did you apply the Medkinetics Template to the new Word document? Go to page 1, step 1.

• Did you save the file as a Word 97-2003 document? WebWord will not work with Word 2007 documents. Go to page 10.

• Did you have the Word application open when you were performing this function? Close Word (you can’t just minimize it) and retry generating the letter.

User Requirements for WebWord™

• Macro security should be set at medium

• Popup blockers should be turned off, or trained to allow Medkinetics sites.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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