
AP BIO ASSIGNMENT FOR TUESDAY 5/19/20 Dear… A letter to my future self For this assignment, you are to write a letter to your future self. I plan on holding onto these letters in a safe spot and returning them to you in the year 2026. The purpose of this assignment is: To provide a record of your life and who you are now To create a document that, years from now, will have significant value to you. The highlighted topics are ones you SHOULD include in the letter. The others are optional.PROVIDE ME WITH YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS so I CAN MAIL it there when the year 2026 arrives. That is if I am still alive…HAHA!If you know your family is re-locating please drop me an email so I can send it to the proper place. If I am retired, just email one of the few teachers I talk to and they will notify me. Start it off with DEAR FUTURE then your name:The following topics are suggestions- Things you should consider writing about. ME, NOW: my hopes, fears, dreams, intentions, goals, problems, concerns, likes, dislikes, joys, frustrations; what I like about myself; what I don’t like about myself; what I’m proud of; what I think about; what bothers me; who I am, etc. MY WORLD: a description of my home, bedroom, school, neighborhood, town; my favorite places to go; chores, allowance, pet(s), possessions, clothes, religion, current events; FAVORITES – books, music groups, movies, TV, etc. WHAT I currently DO: my hobbies, pastimes, sports, school activities, what I do with friends, favorite snacks and foods, chores, how I spend my weekends and vacations, special activities I do, organizations I belong to, etc. PEOPLE IN MY LIFE: my family, siblings, aunts & uncles, grandparents, friends, best friend(s), teachers, boyfriend, girlfriend, who I like, people I’d like to know better, people I admire and respect, important people in my life, people who annoy me, etc. DREAMS OF YOUR FUTURE LIFE: Where will you be living? What job will you hold? Married/Single, Children if so how many and their names, pets, if so what type, how many and names? Home owner or apartment, type of vehicle you drive, what was your actual degree in? or what did you exit High school wanting to go or do?MY FUTURE: predictions, what I want to do, my long range intentions, what I’m looking forward to; what I’m dreading; my goals, my hopes and fears for the world; summer vacation, high school, college, marriage, employment, etc. Use today’s date for your letter. How COVID affected your senior year. TRUST ME, this will be a cherished memory for you all. I have done this in the past and they have LOVED IT!!I am going to give this to you on TUESDAY and I will not give you an assignment on WEDNESDAY so you can work on this. IT IS DUE TO ME by SUNDAY 5/24/20 ................

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