Certification & Professional Growth System

Certification & Professional Growth System

New Hire Orientation 2019

Office of Teaching & Learning


Minutes 30



Educator Online System (TIMS) Certification Teacher Pathways Act 48

Professional Growth System Peer Assistance & Review (PAR) Closing

School District of Philadelphia 2


Participants will be able to:

Explain the difference between Level I and Level II certifications and what criteria is required to maintain an active certificate.

School District of Philadelphia 3

We will . . .

Our Group Norms

Work together as a community that values the journey over the destination. Be fully present by limiting our side conversations and use of technology. Invite and welcome the contributions of every member by "sharing the mic." Be active in our own learning by participating In discussions and activities.

School District of Philadelphia 4

Educator Online System (TIMS)

Different Paths, Same Destination

School District of Philadelphia 6

Educator Online Certification System


School District of Philadelphia 7

Educator Online Certification System

To Access TIMS Click

School District of Philadelphia 8


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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