
St. Paul School Peanut Free Policy

Dear Parents,

Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year St. Paul School will implement a policy in response to a number of students who have allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. A child with a serious nut allergy can suffer a reaction merely by touching a nut-containing food or even with secondary contact. Therefore, St. Paul School is implementing this policy to reduce, as much as possible, the potential for exposure. This policy requires your cooperation and sensitivity to the needs of students with nut allergies.

• One classroom per grade level will be designated as nut-free. If your child is assigned to the nut-free classroom, it is mandatory that you do not send in any nut-containing foods with your child’s lunch or snack.

• Food products containing nuts, products manufactured in a nut or tree nut facility, and those manufactured on shared equipment used for nut products may NOT enter the designated nut free classroom.

• ALL snacks should be nut-free, regardless of your child’s homeroom. Because some grade levels trade classrooms during snack time, this will help to keep nut-containing foods out of the nut-free classrooms.

• This policy also applies to school bake sales. Please refer to the approved nut-free foods list when making treats for school bake sales.

• When students with nut allergies are in the parish hall for lunch a designated nut-free table will be available. Every effort will be made to provide a nut-free area for similar activities.

• Wipes, such as baby wipes or Wet Ones, will be available every day in the lunch room to remove nut residue if needed. Lysol Wipes or a similar product will be available to wipe down the nut-free table as a precaution.

• In shared classrooms, designated desks for severe allergy students will be wiped with Lysol wipes or a similar product.

• Epi-pens are in secured locations and available for all students with allergies in cooperation with their parents.

• Teachers are regularly taught to recognize allergy symptoms and what to do in an emergency.

• The school community at large will receive information regarding nut allergies on a regular basis to inform and as a reminder. This policy will be shared with other school related programs such as Latchkey and preschool.

• Students with peanut allergies will not be excluded from school activities based upon their allergy.

An extensive list of nut free products is included with this letter. If your child is assigned to the nut free classroom, please refer to the list when purchasing or baking snacks. The list should satisfy all needs and minimize concerns that options will be limited.

Thank you for your cooperation to ensure the safety of all students at St. Paul School. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hale at ahale@ or the school nurse, Mrs. Ramey at bramey@.


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