Read Write Inc Correlation Chart - Temple Learning Academy

Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree Correlation Chart

As your pupils get assessed and moved you should be matching their progress in phonics with progress through the reading scheme.

|Read Write Inc. |Spelling patterns |PNS Framework for Literacy |ORT stages and titles with Group |Book |

| | |reference |Activity Sheets for these |Colour Band |

| | | |objectives | |

| | | |[pic] |Movement should be |

| | | | |gradual |

|Ditties pages |CVC words including |Foundation stage 5 | |1 |

|1-12 |th, sh, ch |Explore and experiment with sounds words and texts |Stage 1: At School (Bk1 p14) |Pink |

| | |Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which |The Lost Teddy (Bk1 p18) | |

| | |they occur |First Words: Who Is It? (Bk1 p26) | |

| | |Blend CVC words and recognise common digraphs |Stage 1+ Patterned stories: | |

| | |Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters |Good Old Mum (Bk1 p38) | |

| | |of the alphabet |Fancy Dress (Bk1 p42) | |

| | | |The Pet Shop (Bk1 p46) | |

|Ditties pages |CVC words including |Foundation stage: 5 |Stage 1+ First Phonics story books|2 |

|13-42 |th, sh, ch |Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters | |Red |

|Ditty books | |of the alphabet | | |

| | |Explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts |Stage 2 The Toys’ Party (Bk1 p62) | |

| | |Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which |Stage 3 A Cat in the Tree (Bk1 | |

| | |they occur |p98) | |

| | |Blend CVC words and recognise common digraphs |Stage 3 The Rope Swing (Bk1 p102) | |

| |Initial consonant blends |Use their phonic knowledge to read simple regular |(-ng and –ing) | |

| |sp, fl, sl, cr, dr |words and make phonetically plausible attempts at |Assessment Y1T2 (Bk2 p49) | |

| | |longer and more complex words | | |

| |Word endings | | | |

| |-ss, -ll, -ck, -nk, -ve | | | |

|Stories Set 1 Green |Short vowels |Foundation stage: 5 |Stage 2 First Phonics story books |3 |

| |Consonants |Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters |Stage 3 First Phonics story books |Yellow |

| |+th, sh, ch |of the alphabet |Stage 3The Rope Swing (Bk1 p102) | |

| |Double consonants |Explore and experiment with sounds words and texts |(-ng and –ing) | |

| |ff ll |Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which | | |

| |Final consonants |they occur | | |

| |–ng, -ck, -nk -tch |Blend CVC words and recognise common digraphs | | |

| | |Use their phonic knowledge to read simple regular | | |

| | |words and make phonetically plausible attempts at | | |

| | |longer and more complex words | | |

| | |Y1: 5 | | |

| | |Read automatically high frequency words | | |

| | |Use phonics to read unknown or difficult words | | |

|Stories Set 2 Purple |Short vowels |Foundation stage: 5 |Stage 3 A Cat in the Tree (Bk1 |4 |

| |Consonants |Blend CVC words and recognise common digraphs |p98) |Blue |

| |+ th, sh, ch |Use their phonic knowledge to read simple regular |Assessment Stage 4 Y1T2 (Bk2 p48) | |

| |Double consonants, |words and make phonetically plausible attempts at |Stage 4 The Storm (Bk2 p32) | |

| |tt, ll, ff, ss, zz |longer and more complex words |Assessment Stage 4 Y1T2 (Bk2 p49, | |

| |Final consonants |Year 1 5: |51) | |

| |-ck, -nk, -ng, |Use phonics to read unknown or difficult words |Assessment stage 4 Y1 T2 (Bk2 p50)| |

| |Initial blends |Recognise all common digraphs |Stage 4 The Play (Bk2 p28) | |

| |tr, st, bl, sp, sw, bl, fr, |Read automatically high frequency words | | |

| |fl, cr, spl | | | |

| |Spelling patterns |PNS Framework for Literacy |[pic] |Book Band |

| | |reference | | |

|Ditties pages |Double consonants |Year 1: 5 |Stage 4 The Storm (Bk2 p32) |5 |

|45-54 |tt, ll, ff, mm, pp, |Recognise all common digraphs and trigraphs, | |Green |

|Stories Set 3 Pink |Final consonants |including more complex long vowel phonemes |Stage 5 The Dragon Tree (Bk2 p62) | |

| |-ve, -ng, -nk, -ck, -tch |Read automatically high frequency words |Village in the Snow (Bk2 p74) | |

| |long vowels: |Use syntax and context to self-correct when reading | | |

| |ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, |for accuracy and meaning |Stage 5 Gran (Bk2 p66) | |

| |ar, ow, oy |Read longer words including two- and three-syllable | | |

| | |words | | |

| |root word with | | | |

| |–ing, -ed, -s | | | |

| |syllables | | | |

|Stories Set 4 Orange |Long vowels |Year 2: 5 |Stage 6 In the Garden (Bk3 p16) |6 |

| |ay, ee, igh, ow, ue, |Recognise less common digraphs and trigraphs, |Stage 6 Kipper and the Giant (Bk3 |Orange |

| |oo, ar, ou, oy |exploring word families |p20) | |

| | |Routinely apply phonic knowledge for reading unknown | | |

| |or, air, ir, |or difficult words | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Use syntax, context and word structure when reading | | |

| |root word with |for meaning |Stage 6 Land of the Dinosaurs (Bk3| |

| |-ing, -ed, -s | |p28) | |

| |syllables |Use knowledge of word structure to support reading, | | |

| | |including polysyllabic words | | |

|Stories Set 5 Yellow |Long vowel sounds |Year 2 5 | |7 |

| |ay, ee, igh, ow, oo |Recognise less common digraphs and trigraphs, |Stage 6 In the Garden (Bk3 p16) |Turquoise |

| | |exploring word families | | |

| |compound words |Routinely apply phonic knowledge for reading unknown |Stage 7 Lost in the Jungle (Bk3 | |

| | |or difficult words |p50) | |

| |syllables | | | |

| | |Use knowledge of word structure to support reading, |Stage 7 The Broken Roof (Bk3 p54) | |

| | |including polysyllabic words | | |

|Stories Set 6 Blue |Long vowel sounds |Year 2 5 |Stage 6 In the Garden (Bk3 p16) |8 |

| |ay, ee, igh, ow, ue |Recognise less common digraphs and trigraphs, | |Purple |

| |air, or, ir, |exploring word families |Stage 7 Red Planet (Bk3 p46) | |

| | | | | |

| |oy, ar, |Routinely apply phonic knowledge for reading unknown | | |

| | |or difficult words | | |

| | | | | |

| |compound words |Use knowledge of word structure to support reading, |Stage 7 Lost in the Jungle (Bk3 | |

| |syllables |including polysyllabic words |p50) | |

| | | |Stage 7 The Broken Roof (Bk3 p54) | |

| |suffixes –ing, -ed, s for |Use syntax, context and word structure when reading | | |

| |plurals |for meaning | | |

| | | | | |

|Stories Set 7 Grey |ay, igh, oo, ow, ue, |Year 2 5 | |9 |

| |air, or, ir |Recognise less common digraphs and trigraphs, |Stage 9 The Quest (Bk3 p116) |Gold |

| | |exploring word families |Stage 9 Survival Adventure (Bk3 | |

| |ear, | |p120) | |

| | | |Stage 8 A Day in London (Bk3 p92) | |

| | |Routinely apply phonic knowledge for reading unknown | | |

| |ire, -ture, -ure, our, tion, |or difficult words | | |

| |tious, cious, able, ible | |Stage 8 Viking Adventure (Bk3 p80)| |

| | | |Stage 9 The Litter Queen (Bk3 | |

| |syllables |Use knowledge of word structure to support reading, |p112) | |

| | |including polysyllabic words | | |

| | | | | |

| |suffixes: ing, ed, s for | | | |

| |plurals, | |Stage 8 The Flying Carpet (Bk3 | |

| | |Use syntax, context and word structure when reading |p88) | |

| |ly, |for meaning | | |

| |er, est, y, | | | |


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