Directions for Receiving and Inventorying Literacy By 3 Resources

HISD has partnered with Scholastic to provide building and classroom level resources as part of the Literacy By 3 approach.

Below is a table outlining the various resources you will receive. Following the table is a more in depth description of each product, how it is shipped and guidelines for accurately checking in the product so you can be sure you have received everything correctly.

|Phase |Product Description |Date Received |Shipped From |

|1 |Scholastic Leveled Bookroom |Late May or early June |Scholastic via HISD Warehouse |

|2 |Read Aloud Libraries K-2 |Late May or early June |Scholastic via HISD Warehouse |

|3 |Read Aloud Library Grade 3 |Late July/Early August |Scholastic direct to school campus |

|2 |Spanish Classroom Libraries K-1 |Late May or early June |Scholastic via HISD Warehouse |

|3 |Dynamic Personalized Libraries K-3 |Late July/Early August |Scholastic direct to school campus |

Shipment Phases

As indicated in the table above, there will be 3 major phases of shipments included in the delivery, the first delivery will be in the May-early June timeframe and the 2nd one will quickly follow in the same time period. Both of those shipments will arrive to your campus from the HISD warehouse. The 3rd phase of shipments will be in the late July/early August timeframe in time for back to school.

Each shipment will arrive with a check-in sheet that is specific to that phase. It is important that someone at the school is responsible for the check-in sheet and carefully follows the directions and checks in each phase separately against that sheet. That sheet will need to be sent back to the central office and will be the document that alerts central office and Scholastic of any issues or discrepancies with the shipment.

Phase 1 (Late May/Early June)

The Leveled Bookroom will arrive to the school from the warehouse on 3 pallets. The pallets will be clearly marked with a pallet number and the levels included. The cartons will need to be counted and checked against a packing slip that will come with the shipment. The check in sheet describes where to find the contents of the carton and is organized by pallet. You should have received the check-in sheet with your shipment from the warehouse OR it was attached in an envelope on one of the pallets. If you did not receive one with the Leveled Bookroom shipment you can use the one accompanying this memo.

|[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |

After checking in the material, you are welcome to begin putting your Leveled Bookroom together in advance of August, 2014.

Phase 2 (Late May/Early June)

The Read Aloud Libraries and Spanish Libraries will arrive to the school from the warehouse. The check-in sheet for this phase will be titled: Classroom Libraries Check-In Sheet and should be in an envelope on the shipment. (Note: this check-in sheet is specific to the K-2 Read Aloud libraries shipped in Phase 2 and should not be confused with the Dynamic Personalized Libraries (DPLs) shipping in Phase 3 which is late July/early August. You will receive a new check-in sheet for that shipment at that time).

Read Aloud Libraries: Nell Duke K-2 consists of the following items:

| |Title |Qty. |

|978-0-439-90026-3 |NELL DUKE BUZZ ABOUT IT GRK PP |1  |

|978-0-439-90028-7 |NELL DUKE BUZZ ABOUT IT GR1 PP |1  |

|978-0-439-90029-4 |NELL DUKE BUZZ ABOUT IT GR2 PP |1  |

|978-0-545-14241-0 |CLSRM BKS LIBRARY TUB(2) |3  |

Each classroom will receive 1 of the Nell Duke Libraries cartons for the appropriate grade and 1 carton with 2 Classroom Tubs included.

Spanish Libraries for bilingual teachers will include:

| |Title |Qty. |

|GRADE K | | |

|978-0-545-78518-1 |SPANISH LIBRARY GR K BOX 1 |1 |

|978-0-545-78522-8 |SPANISH LIBRARY GR K BOX 2 |1 |

|978-0-545-78523-5 |SPANISH LIBRARY GR K BOX 3 |1 |

| | | |

|GRADE 1 | | |

|978-0-545-78534-1 |SPANISH LIBRARY GR 1 BOX 1 |1 |

|978-0-545-78549-5 |SPANISH LIBRARY GR 1 BOX 2 |1 |

|978-0-545-78550-1 |SPANISH LIBRARY GR 1 BOX 3 |1 |

Please be sure these are placed in the classrooms with bilingual teachers, each of these classrooms will receive 3 cartons.

The chart below provides more detail on the products arriving in the first two shipments:

|Product Name |Grades or Use |Picture |

| |And What you get | |

|Leveled Bookroom 3rd Edition: |K-5; School level resource to be shared across all students |[pic] |

|Supports leveled reading with over | | |

|5000 books across a variety of |Each K-6 Bookroom Includes: | |

|themes, text types , genres and |• 910 Titles (6 copies each) | |

|content areas to help all students |• 5,460 Books (GR Levels A-Z, DRA Levels A-80, Lexile Levels BR-1280) | |

|master complex text. Includes a |• Master Title List (PDF) | |

|leveled teaching card for every title|• Downloadable Identification Stickers that include each book’s title, | |

|and deep teaching support. |author, genre, Guided Reading level, DRA Level, and Lexile level | |

| |• Teaching Cards for every title | |

| |• 2 Resource Kits* | |

| |• 4 Next Step Guided Reading Sets | |

| | | |

| |*Each Resource Kit Includes: | |

| |• Guided Reading Implementation DVD | |

| |• Guided Reading Implementation DVD Viewing Guide | |

| |• Leveled Bookroom Set-Up Guide | |

| |• 5 Guided Reading Toolkits (Implementation Guide, Flip Chart, and Website | |

| |access) | |

| |• Text Set Finder Access | |

| |• 15 Implementation Guides | |

|Read Aloud Libraries: |Every K-2 Classroom |[pic] |

|Nell Duke Buzz About It for K-2 | | |

| |Nell Duke: Each grade-level library includes: | |

|Custom Read Aloud Library for Grade 3|• 50 Books (25 titles, 2 copies each) | |

| |• Lesson Cards (specific to the titles in the libraries) | |

| |• Professional Book (Reading and Writing Informational Text in the Primary | |

| |Grades) | |

| |• Ships with Attractive and Practical Storage Bins! | |

| |Custom Grade 3: 50 Book Collections with Bins | |

|Bilingual Book Collections |Half of the K-1 Classrooms |[pic] |

| | | |

| |150 book collections with authentic texts to serve the independent reading | |

| |needs of Bilingual classrooms. | |

Documents Returned to the Elementary Schools Office (your SSO’s Secretary)

Please identify a staff member to receive and inventory all of the Scholastic book orders.  Please make sure every carton is inventoried upon arrival using the check-in sheets as described above.  We want to make sure that each teacher and campus received their books and that HISD can account for the funds spent.  Please do the following:     

• Make a copy of your check-in sheets after you inventory your materials.

• Use these as a resource when and if needed to account for cartons received or not received. 

• Create a system or way to account for all of the cartons being checked into the campus.  You want to be able to show that you received or did not receive cartons/books.   

• Keep the copies of your check in documents (inventoried and signed) all together.   Please submit your check in document, with principal signature, and school name to your SSO secretary by Friday, June 27, 2014 for Phase 1 an 2 shipments.

• Please direct any questions or discrepancies to Scholastic at a dedicated email : hisdinquiry@


Phase 3 (Late July/early August)

In late July/early August timeframe but before schools open the 3rd phase of the materials for the Literacy Project will arrive. This shipment will contain the Dynamic Personalized Libraries that will be custom developed for each classroom. Each classroom library will vary depending on the profile of the classroom. The goal is to match each student’s reading ability to an array of texts in their reading lexile band and interest area. These will be packaged together and labeled for the classroom.

This phase will also contain the 3rd grade Read Aloud Libraries that are custom libraries for HISD.

|Dynamic Personalized Library (DPL) |Every English K-3 Classroom |[pic] |

| | | |

| |Each classroom library will consist of: | |

| |Leveled books per child aggregated in a classroom library | |

| |Each book will be labeled with Lexile and GR level | |

| |Library will have a mix of appropriate genres, themes and content areas | |

| |Library will be grade and interest level appropriate | |

| |Contain fiction and non-fiction | |

| |Bins for classroom storage | |

|Read Aloud Libraries Grade 3 |Will contain 50 books selected specifically for Houston for 3rd grade read | |

| |aloud | |

Enlarging Classroom Libraries or Getting More Libraries

If you have had to add on classrooms, please understand that the school will be responsible for placing future orders.  Dannie Moreno-Lewis is our Scholastic contact for placing orders.   If you are interest, please don’t hesitate to call her.  Her information is below:

(Phone)281-597-8302  (Fax)866-768-2883 (Cell)281-299-2733

For shipment questions or customer service inquiries, please contact:

HISD Dedicated Customer Service: hisdinquiry@

 If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Sample from check-in sheet


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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