GaDOE Letterhead - Richard Woods





|Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School/ Mylinthia Kelly |


|Richmond County School System / Dr. Angela Pringle |

|□ Comprehensive Support School □ Targeted Support School □ Schoolwide Title 1 School □ Targeted Assistance Title 1 School □ Non-Title 1 School □ Opportunity School |


Advancing Leadership | Transforming Schools

All required components of the Title I Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance are included in this template.


|Superintendent _______________________________________________ Date ________________ |

|Principal Supervisor ___________________________________________ Date ________________ |

|Principal ____________________________________________________ Date ________________ |

|Title 1 Director _______________________________________________ Date ________________ |

|(Title 1 Schools only) |

|Name |Position/Role |Signature |

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Planning Committee Members

Needs Assessment/ Data Review Results

|GA Milestones EOC |Baseline Data |CCRPI Indicators |Data Source (CCRPI |Participants Involved |Communication to Parents and Stakeholders |

|Performance Targets |GA DOE CCRPI 2015 | |Report-See Attached) | | |

|2015 | | | | | |

|84.2% |N/A |Increase the student’s PSAT/ |CCRPI Report |Administrators, Counselor, Leadership Team, Teachers, |Schoolwide and Student Data, Newsletters, Website |

| |(2016 1st Graduating |SAT (1550 of 2400)/ |College Board Reports |Students, Family Service Facilitator, and Community |postings, CCRPI Reports, Shout Points, Parent |

| |Class) |ACT (22 of 26)/ |ACT Reports |Stakeholders |Meeting Minutes, Grade Failure Report |

| | |AP Exams (percent scoring 3 or | | | |

| | |higher) | | | |

| | |Passing Compass Score (for RCTCM | | | |

| | |dual enrollment) | | | |

| | |Achievement | | | |

Needs Assessment/ Data Review Results

|GA Milestones EOC |Baseline Data |CCRPI Indicators |Data Source (CCRPI |Participants Involved |Communication to Parents and |

|Performance Targets |GA DOE CCRPI 2015 | |Report-See Attached) | |Stakeholders |

|2015 | | | | | |

|95.8 |N/A |Percent of graduates earning credit in a physics course |CCRPI Report |Administrators, Counselor, |Schoolwide and Student Data, |

| |(2016 1st Graduating | | |Leadership Team, Teachers, |Newsletters, Website postings, |

| |Class) | | |Students, Family Service |CCRPI Reports, Shout Points, |

| | | | |Facilitator, and Community |Parent Meeting Minutes, Grade |

| | | | |Stakeholders |Failure Report |

|38.4 |Too Few Students |Percent of first time 9th grade students with disabilities earning 3 Carnegie|CCRPI Report |Administrators, Counselor, |Schoolwide and Student Data, |

| | |Unit Credits in 3 core content areas (ELA, mathematics, science, social | |Leadership Team, Teachers, |Newsletters, Website postings, |

| | |studies) and scoring Proficient Learner or above on all required Georgia | |Students, Family Service |CCRPI Reports, Shout Points, |

| | |Milestones EOCs | |Facilitator, and Community |Parent Meeting Minutes, Grade |

| | | | |Stakeholders |Failure Report |

|38.2 |6.15% |Percent of first time 9th grade students earning 4 Carnegie Unit Credits in 4|CCRPI Report |Administrators, Counselor, |Schoolwide and Student Data, |

| | |core content areas (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies) and scoring | |Leadership Team, Teachers, |Newsletters, Website postings, |

| | |Proficient Learner or above on all required Georgia Milestones EOCs | |Students, Family Service |CCRPI Reports, Shout Points, |

| | | | |Facilitator, and Community |Parent Meeting Minutes, Grade |

| | | | |Stakeholders |Failure Report |

Needs Assessment/ Data Review Results

|School’s Performance Target |GA DOE CCRPI 2015 |CCRPI Indicators |

|Mathematics |46.87% (CA) |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| |36.44% (AG) |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 1) Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or above in Mathematics to at least 60% by the |

| | |end of the 2016-2017 school year. |

|Economics |53.7% |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| | |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 2) Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or above in Economics from 53.75% to at least |

| | |61.8% by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. |

|Lexile |67.75% |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| | |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 3) Increase the percent of students achieving a Lexile measure greater than or equal to 1275 on the |

| | |Georgia Milestones American Literature EOC from 67.75% to 72%. |

|Proficient or Distinguished Learner |32.95% |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| | |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 4) Increase the percent of students’ assessments scoring at Proficient or Distinguished Learner on |

| | |Georgia Milestones EOC from 32.95% to 36%. |

|Attendance |77.49% |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| | |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 5) Decrease the percent of students missing fewer than 6 days of school to 75%. |

|9th Grade student achievement |6.15% |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| | |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 6) Increase the percent of first time 9th grade students earning 4 Carnegie Unit Credits in 4 core |

| | |content areas (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies) and scoring Proficient Learner or above on all required Georgia Milestones EOCs from 6.15% |

| | |to at least 40% or higher. |

|Parental Involvement |10% of targeted assistant |RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: Community Engagement |

| |parents attended |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 7) Increase parental and community participation the internal and external community engagement |

| | |initiatives to at least 20% participation. |

|Professional Learning |65% of teacher 2.5 or higher|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

| |mean score in TKES Standard |School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 8) Increase the percent of teachers scoring at 2.5 or higher on the TKES Student Survey from 65% to at |

| |8: Academically Challenging |least 80%. |

| |Environment | |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 1) Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or above on the Mathematics EOC to at least 60% by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All|Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |and Impact on Student Learning | |Source, and/or Resources | |

|Instruction 9 |Rising 9th Grade |Assign all incoming 9th grade students to |Log-in/Password Information |Increase the percent of students scoring |August 2016- |$0 |

|(Provides timely, | |Math XL to work on remediation skills from |Summer Course Sequence |proficient or above on the Mathematics EOC to |May 2017 | |

|systematic, | |8th grade Mathematics or Coordinate Algebra |Reports in Math XL |at least 60% |Monitor i-Ready Data | |

|data-driven | |and to introduce concepts in Coordinate | | |Monitor Intervention | |

|interventions) | |Algebra or Analytic Geometry. | | |Folders | |

| | | | | |Monitor Data in After | |

| | | | | |School Program | |

|Instruction 9 |All students |Provide intervention for students in all |After/Saturday School |Increase the percent of students scoring |August 2016- |$7,299.00 |

|(Provides timely, | |Mathematics classes in the after school and |Attendance rosters |proficient or above on the Mathematics EOC to |May 2017 |Other Salaries 1000-615 |

|systematic, | |Saturday school Mathematics Academy and in |Student Folders |at least 60% |Monitor i-Ready Data |Academy Salaries |

|data-driven | |the SAT/ACT classes to receive intervention |Reports from Computer Software | |Monitor Intervention |$2,000.00 |

|interventions) | |in SAT, ACT, Compass, and core Mathematics | | |Folders |Books and Periodicals |

| | |classes. | | |Monitor Data in After |1000-642 SAT/ACT Prep |

| | | | | |School Program |$10,500 |

| | | | | | |Purchased Services 1000-300|

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Layman College Consulting |

| | | | | | |with students for |

| | | | | | |intervention |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 2) Increase the percent of students scoring proficient or above in Economics from 53.75% to at least 65.3% by the end of the 2017-2018 school year. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All|Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |and Impact on Student Learning | |Source, and/or Resources | |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 3) Increase the percent of students achieving a Lexile measure greater than or equal to 1275 on the Georgia Milestones American Literature EOC from 67.75% to 72%. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All|Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation and |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |Impact on Student Learning | |Source, and/or Resources | |

|Instruction 5 |All |All teachers will implement Sustained Silent |I-Ready Progress Monitoring, | |August 2016- |$0 |

|(Differentiates | |Reading Monday-Thursday 20 minutes daily. |Assessment Reports | |May 2017 | |

|instruction to meet | |Students will read books on their Lexile | | |Monitor iReady benchmark | |

|specific learning | |Levels. Students will be allowed to select | | |reports for student growth | |

|needs of students) | |books from the media center to read during | | | | |

| | |Sustained Silent Reading Monday-Thursday, 20 | | | | |

| | |minutes daily. | | | | |

|Instruction 5 |All |Purchase informational texts (i.e., magazine |I-Ready Reports | |August 2016- |$3,000.00 |

|(Differentiates | |subscriptions, books, etc.) for each content |Book circulation report | |May 2017 |Books and Periodicals (no |

|instruction to meet | |level for students to read during Sustained |ELA EOC Score Report | |Monitor iReady benchmark |textbooks) |

|specific learning | |Silent Reading. Teachers will use instructional|Lexile Report | |reports for student growth |1000-642 |

|needs of students) | |strategies to increase students’ reading | | | |magazine subscriptions, |

| | |comprehension. | | | |books |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 4) Increase the percent of students’ assessments scoring at Proficient or Distinguished Learner on Georgia Milestones EOC from 32.95% to 36%. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All|Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation and |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |Impact on Student Learning | |Source, and/or Resources | |

|Instruction 5 |All |Teachers will identify proficient and |Data Director Common Assessment |(Goal 4) Increase the percent of students’|August 2016- |$0 |

|(Differentiates | |distinguished learners (students who score |reports |assessments scoring at Proficient or |May 2017 | |

|instruction to meet | |above in Data Director) and target them for |Flexible Grouping sheets |Distinguished Learner on Georgia |Monitor iReady benchmark | |

|specific learning | |accelerated activities. |Acceleration/Differentiated plans |Milestones EOC from 32.95% to 36%. |reports for student growth | |

|needs of students) | | | | | | |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 5) Decrease the percent of students missing fewer than 6 days of school to 75%. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All|Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |and Impact on Student Learning | |Source, and/or Resources | |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 6) Increase the percent of first time 9th grade students earning 4 Carnegie Unit Credits in 4 core content areas (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies) and scoring |

|Proficient Learner or above on all required Georgia Milestones EOCs from 6.15% to at least 40% or higher. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All|Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |and Impact on Student Learning | |Source, and/or Resources | |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: Community Engagement |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 7) Increase parental and community participation the internal and external community engagement initiatives to at least 20%. |

|Georgia School |Student group (All |Action /Strategies |Evaluation of Implementation |Monitoring Actions of Implementation |Estimated Cost, Funding | |

|Performance Standard |or subgroup) | |and Impact on Student | |Source, and/or Resources | |

| | | |Learning | | | |

|Family and Community |All |Hold the annual Title I meeting in the fall, |Minutes |(Goal 7) Increase parental and community |August 2016- |$100.00 |

|Engagement | |before the end of October: |Attendance Log |participation the internal and external |October 2016 | |

| | |Informational meeting to inform parents of Title I|Agenda |community engagement initiatives to at |Analysis of Parental | |

| | |Program. Hold revision meetings to ensure that all|Handouts |least 20%. |Involvement Data Family | |

| | |stakeholders have input in the plan. |Photos | |Service Facilitator | |

| | | |Survey Results | | | |

| | | |Revised Plan | | | |

|Family and Community |Representation of |Develop compact with the leadership team and |Minutes |(Goal 7) Increase parental and community |August 2016- |$0 |

|Engagement |school, parent, and |parent council. |Attendance Log |participation the internal and external |May 2017 | |

| |community | |Agenda |community engagement initiatives to at |Analysis of Parental | |

| |stakeholders | |Handouts |least 20%. |Involvement Data Family | |

| | | |Photos | |Service Facilitator | |

|Family and Community |All |Schedule quarterly Title I parent meetings for all|Minutes |(Goal 7) Increase parental and community |August 2016- |$0 |

|Engagement | |faculty, staff and parents to inform parents of |Attendance Log |participation the internal and external |May 2017 | |

| | |the following: |Agenda |community engagement initiatives to at |Analysis of Parental | |

| | |Student Data |Handouts |least 20%. |Involvement Data Family | |

| | |Grades |Photos | |Service Facilitator | |

| | |Attendance | | | | |

| | |Title I Budget and Plan update | | | | |

| | |After School and Saturday School Academy update | | | | |

| | |Provide parents with opportunities for training | | | | |

| | |and support: | | | | |

| | |Infinite Campus (Media) | | | | |

| | |Dual Enrollment (ATC) | | | | |

| | |Parent Volunteer Training (Administration/Teacher | | | | |

| | |Representative) | | | | |

| | |Public Safety and Awareness Training | | | | |

| | |TCM Parental Survival Sessions | | | | |

| | |Mental Health and Depression | | | | |

| | |Job Search/Soft Skills | | | | |

| | |Women in Engineering | | | | |

| | |Youth Apprenticeship | | | | |

|Family and Community |All |The school will work collaboratively with |Minutes |(Goal 7) Increase parental and community |August 2016- |$0 |

|Engagement | |community stakeholders to provide more learning |Attendance Log |participation the internal and external |May 2017 | |

| | |opportunities for students: |Agenda |community engagement initiatives to at |Analysis of Parental | |

| | |NSBE Chapter to host the Technology Forum |Handouts |least 20%. |Involvement Data Family | |

| | |Industry stakeholders to fund and sponsor a |Photos | |Service Facilitator | |

| | |robotics team and compete at the First Competition| | | | |

| | |Industry stakeholders to host mock interview for | | | | |

| | |all students | | | | |

| | |CSRA Sherman Organization and the Fort Gordon | | | | |

| | |Liaison to evaluate the Senior Capstone Project. | | | | |

|RCSS School Improvement Goal Area: High Academic Achievement for All |

|School Goal/County Performance Measure: (Goal 8) Increase the percent of teachers scoring at 2.5 or higher on the TKES Student Survey from 65% to at least 80%. |

|Professional Learning |Professional Learning Timeline|Estimated Cost, Funding |Person(s) Responsible |Monitoring Teacher Implementation |Artifacts/Evidence of Impact on Student |

|Strategy to support achievement of SMART Goals | |Source, and/or Resources | |of Professional Learning |Learning |

|Teachers will be trained in the implementation of |September 2016- May 2017 |$0 |Dr. Kinnitt |Ms. Kelly |Tuning Protocol Documents |

|the Tuning Protocol to increase the rigor in their | | | |Dr. Kinnitt |Standards |

|lessons and Student Work. Department Chairs will | | | |Leadership Team |Performance Task |

|ensure that the Tuning Protocol occurs during | | | |All teachers | |

|Collaborative Planning by one teacher each CP | | | | | |

|session. | | | | | |

|Provide teachers’ training in implementing |September 2016-May 2017 |$12,000.00 Purchased |Layman Consulting |Ms. Kelly |TKES Walkthroughs |

|intervention (SAT/ACT) program. | |Services |Services |Dr. Kinnitt |TKEs Formative Assessments |

| | |1000-300 | |After School/ Saturday School |Focus Walk |

| | |Title I | |Teachers | |

| | |Consulting professional | |SAT/ACT Teachers | |

| | |learning with teachers | | | |


Title I only

The Letter of Intent for Title I Schoolwide ࠀࠆࠊࠛ࡮࡯ࢉࣈࣉ࣊࣫ञट਀୲୴୸௒௔కఖే티믋뮫뮤뮫颤覤歺䥚>ᔔ끨꡶ᘀ表䌀᱊愀᱊ᔠ㹨뭔ᘀ앨㔀脈⩂䌇⡊愀⡊瀀셨妘ᔠ㹨뭔ᘀ䀴㔀脈⩂䌇⡊愀⡊瀀셨妘ᔝ㹨뭔ᘀ앨䈀༪䩃(䩡(桰蕎Bᔝ㹨뭔ᘀ앨䈀ਪ䩃(䩡(桰堛|ᔝ㹨뭔ᘀ乨᜸䈀ਪ䩃(䩡(桰堛|ᔗ㹨뭔ᘀ乨᜸㘀脈䩏䩑ᔌ㹨뭔ᘀ乨᜸ᔟ㹨뭔ᘀ꽨퐔㔀脈䩃䩏䩑䩡ᔟ㹨뭔ᘀ乨᜸㔀脈䩃䩏was submitted on ______________________________________.

Please indicate the programs that are consolidated in this plan: ___________________________________________________________________



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