
Law School Blog Challenge

The LexisNexis Insurance Law Center (ILC) has launched the New Appleman Xtreme Blog Challenge in connection with the recent publication release of the New Appleman on Insurance Law Library Edition (NALE).

What is the Xtreme Blog Challenge?

The Xtreme Blog Challenge is a writing competition that invites law students and junior associates to submit a blog to the Insurance Law Center about an insurance topic of their choice.  The deadline for submitting a blog is November 30, 2009.  Additional information about the contest is available at the Insurance Law Center.

What Can Students Win?

Winners will receive an Amazon Kindle, a complimentary one-year online subscription to NALE and a spot on the Insurance Law Center’s New Appleman blogging team.

Why Else Would Students Want to Enter the Contest?

• The legal market is becoming tighter and even more competitive.  Blogging on the Insurance Law Center allows students to publish and “get noticed.”   The Insurance Law Center is supported and marketed by Lexis and is viewed by practitioners, regulators, and insurance industry professionals from all over the country.  What better place for students to share their ideas on a particular topic and in doing so, be able to “connect” with a practitioner who may be able to provide them with career advice or opportunities. 

• Law reviews with upcoming insurance law articles or comments may want to blog to highlight their upcoming release and promote it to insurance practitioners.

How Do Students Register?

All contestants that participate in the New Appleman Xtreme Blog Challenge must register on the LexisNexis Insurance Law Center and agree to the site’s terms and conditions. To do that, send your students the link: To register, click here, and have them start exploring the Law Center themselves. Registration is free!

Appleman Fact:  Did you know that over the past five years, Appleman on Insurance Law and Practice has been cited by federal and state courts at all levels more than 500 times!  This should give students the assurance that the analysis in Appleman is the correct one.  It should give them the security that they are correcting understanding the cases or applying the law – to their blog, their research, their internship, their job – the right way.

Need More Information?

For more information on the blog challenge or on the Insurance Law Center, contact Karen Yotis at Karen.Yotis@

For more information on New Appleman on Insurance Law Library Edition, contact Bob Lopatin at Robert.M.Lopatin@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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