
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SUMMER APPALACHIA PROGRAM (UDSAP)APPLICATION2020Please Print6903720-38862000Name______________________________________________________________________School Address______________________________________________________________Email______________________________________________________________________Cell Phone Number _________________________________________________________ Year in School____________ Home Phone Number_____________________________Home Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applicants are asked to submit this application by Monday, January 27 to Nick Cardilino in Liberty Hall Room 107. Two letters of recommendation are due to the same office by January 27 as well. Please review the entire application packet.Please answer the questions below. Your responses will be reviewed by a member of the Center for Social Concerns, Meaghan Crowley, the acting advisor of the program, and Brother Tom Pieper, former program advisor, along with last summer’s student Co-Directors. This information along with a personal interview will provide the data for selecting participants. Thanks!1. Give two reasons for considering a summer in Appalachia as a possible part of your college experience?2. Share one or two types of volunteer efforts, work experiences or extracurricular activities (or other experiences) you have participated in.3. Describe two personal characteristics or qualities about yourself which you feel would contribute constructively to the summer programs (e.g. organizational skills, communication skills, relational skills, etc). 4. Describe one or two interpersonal skills, or personal talents about yourself which you feel would contribute constructively to the group community living situation? 5. Describe one personal limitation about yourself. 6. Describe a situation that is stressful for you.7. Explain how you deal with stress, and or a personal problem. (ie. Hold them in, talk them out, etc)8. The nature of the UDSAP program promotes shared daily meals, weekly community meetings and living in a focused Christian community. The community comes together weekly for prayer: reflection and sharing. What do you like/dislike, about these aspects of the program? 9. The house is fairly small and therefore there is a lot of “close living.” This tends to lead to a variety of group dynamics throughout the summer. What would you say is the most important value for living with a large group in close quarters for 9 weeks? What would you find exciting about living with a large group of other students? What would you find difficult about living with a large group?10. Living in a small house with a large group of people there is little privacy. What do you do to find time alone, to find a little privacy? 11. One of the goals of the UDSAP program is to experience a simpler life style. What would simple living look like for you. What would be hard for you? Easy for you? 12. If you were to be in Appalachia for the nine weeks, what would be two personal goals for the summer?13. Are there other special circumstances that should be considered? (e.g. this is your last opportunity to go, this experience will contribute to your major, I have a wedding to attend, etc.)?Please indicate in the chart below when you CAN be interviewed during a MON-FRI schedule. We need about one hour for the interview. We will call you to set up a time and day. Thanks for your interest in UDSAP!NAME _____________________________________________________________________AMMondayWednesdayFriday8:009:0010:0011:0012:001:002:003:004:00AMTuesdayThursday8:009:0010:3012:001:303:004:30UDSAP 2020University of Dayton Summer Appalachia ProgramAPPLICATIONApplications can be picked up in Rm 107 in Liberty Hall, Social Concerns Office. The Applications must be returned by Noon on Monday, January 27, 2020LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATIONPlease ask two persons with whom you have worked or lived (a parent, friend) tofill out a Letter of Recommendation.Please return the Letters of Recommendation orHave the Letters of Recommendation sent to:Campus MinistryUDSAP 2020University of Dayton300 College Park DriveDayton, OH 45469-0408Letters of recommendation should be received by Monday, January 27, 2020INTERVIEW After we have received your application and the two letters of recommendation We will set up a personal interview with you. The interview is an opportunity forus to review your application with you present. It is also a time for you to askany questions you may have concerning the summer program.TRIP TO SALYERSVILLE, KY.If you have not made a trip to see the community UDSAP house and the town ofSalyersville, Ky. it would be good for you to do so. A trip down will be plannedsometime in March or April. MORE INFORMATION?If you need more information or wish to talk to someone personally, please feel free to call Nick Cardilino at X92524, Meaghan Crowley X94813 or ask a former UDSAP participant.UDSAPUNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SUMMER APALACHIA PROGRAMLETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONFor: ______________________________________________________________How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?Please rate the Applicant on the following: (5 = High 1 = low )Willingness to learn5 4 3 2 1Good listener5 4 3 2 1 Ability to work and cooperate with others5 4 3 2 1 Ability to live in community with others 5 4 3 2 1 Reliable, Honest and Trustworthy5 4 3 2 1 Respectful of others’ values and opinions5 4 3 2 1Responsible5 4 3 2 1 Can take initiative with responsibilities5 4 3 2 1 Open to new experiences5 4 3 2 1 Sense of humor5 4 3 2 1List and explain two or three good strengths or virtues of the applicant.What would be the challenges for this applicant in living in a community with 13 other students?What would be the challenges for this applicant living a simple life style?Other comments you might want to add.Name _______________________________________ Date __________Due: Monday, January 27, 2020 Please put this recommendation in a sealed envelope and give it back to the applicantOr mail it to : Campus MinistryAttention: UDSAP 300 College Park Dayton, OH. 45469-0408UDSAPUNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SUMMER APALACHIA PROGRAMLETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONFor: ______________________________________________________________How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?Please rate the Applicant on the following: (5 = High 1 = low )Willingness to learn5 4 3 2 1Good listener5 4 3 2 1 Ability to work and cooperate with others5 4 3 2 1 Ability to live in community with others 5 4 3 2 1 Reliable, Honest and Trustworthy5 4 3 2 1 Respectful of others’ values and opinions5 4 3 2 1Responsible5 4 3 2 1 Can take initiative with responsibilities5 4 3 2 1 Open to new experiences5 4 3 2 1 Sense of humor5 4 3 2 1List and explain two or three good strengths or virtues of the applicant.What would be the challenges for this applicant in living in a community with 13 other students?What would be the challenges for this applicant living a simple life style?Other comments you might want to add.Name _______________________________________ Date __________Due: Monday, January 27, 2020 Please put this recommendation in a sealed envelope and give it back to the applicantOr mail it to : Campus MinistryAttention: UDSAP 300 College Park Dayton, OH. 45469-0408 ................

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