
SS 11 Development (Standards of Living)You have already looked at this topic, but what is the difference between a Developed Nation and a Developing Nation.left770600Measures of DevelopmentHealth Care (Birth Rate, Death Rate, Maternal Mortality, Epidemiological Shift, Life expectancy, Socialized Health Care).Industrialization (Mechanized Farming, Transport, Production). Infrastructure (Roads, Rails, Cell Towers, Water, Sewers, Electricity, Waste Streams).Education (Local Language books, educated teachers, computers, libraries, local schools).Economy Availability of Jobs, Minimum Wage, Cost of Foreign Goods, Price of local products. Cost of transport, land, food, etc…Public Safety Limited violent crime. Access to fair trials. War, Terrorism and Civil violence rare. Government not overly corrupt and high levels of democracy. 278365117662500Try to guess which of the above are shown by each picure.2988632232598600left53589300-35464332110530039311334765300-3573445479900In Varanasi, India It is Sacred to bathe in the Ganges river. Many peoples’ bodies are also burned here. Here rock for road building is done by hand as is open pit mining for sapphires and emeralds.362632332200-170815000HDI- Human Development IndexEcuador = #85Peru = #82India =#131South Africa = #113Nepal = #147Ethiopia = #173-17780014541500Madagascar = #162Canada = #13Hong Kong = #4361113128445100-177639178974300France = #26 left24004900Look at the following two photos. One is a trendy fashion mall in Sandton, Johannesburg, where whites and blacks wear Gucci, Fendi and local designers and sip fancy smoothies.Below is a township 25 minutes away where the many of the indigenous people live without plumbing or power.This is called Disparity of Wealth and it can foil any attempts to positively develop a country.left5393700EXTENSION: Look at some clear statistics about the world population and development (2016): : Global development is affected by available money. As individual wealth has increased, poverty has increased. Many feel some kind of redistribution has to take place. Here is a study about how the wealthiest has gotten richer at the expense of the poor. : Here is a more detailed study from Oxford University about wealth inequality: perpetuates itself like this: It is also not everyone who equally faces poverty:Women and children are the most subject to violence. In some parts of the developing world, most of the population are young. This is due to high birth and death rates.They are very commonly targeted for sexual exploitation and violence, but young boys are also targeted. 1398895337811Women have far lower levels of education and some are expected to have few rights and work far more than men.Child Brides are the norm in many parts of the world and women who can’t control their fertility are often trapped in situations they wouldn’t choose for life.Child Soldiers are very common in Africa.It is poor, young people who are most often forced into sex work or subject to human trafficking. Foreign visitors with high incomes affect theses things. In one popular sex tourism destination in Madagascar it’s estimated that 70% of women are in prostitution half are probably less than 15 years old.The elderly are also often exploited. In parts of the world they are subject to female circumcision (Genital Mutilation).However distressing, not all news is bad. If you look at the video in your health video you can see in 200 years most countries have vastly better life expectancies and wealth. ................

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