Going forward, students will complete a weekly response following their watching of a video of their choosing by the YouTuber Thomas Frank. Thomas is a college grad, whose channel centers on productivity and efficiency in scholastic endeavors, including videos that cover life tips for making the most of your time and energy, how to become a better reader, how to get better sleep with a busy course-load, and so much more! Frank is an accomplished speaker, publishing his own book, and even teaching a Productivity Masterclass on the acclaimed site Skillshare. I myself discovered Thomas Frank’s channel months ago, and find him to be a rich cornucopia of information and knowledge, aptly applying principles that he discusses both in the classroom as a teacher, and as a student of life myself. Students will watch at least one of his videos, and then complete a response that ranges from a solid paragraph to half a page on their thoughts and feelings towards what they viewed. Was the video helpful? What new information was garnered? How does the student plan on implementing this into their own life? I look forward to reading the various responses composed by these brilliant young minds, and hope that they find his channel as enriching as I have, especially at such a crucial academic crossroads as senior year, when such tips, advice pieces, and general life hacks should never be unwelcome. Good luck, and happy viewing! The link to Thomas’ channel (or simply search “Thomas Frank” on YouTube): CREDIT for any and all information gained through this exercise going forward of course goes to Thomas and his channel. ................

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