Chapter 17


|MUST KNOW: |Circular Loans (Dawes Plan) |FEPC |

|isolationism |Manchuria invasion |CORE |

|interventionism |FDR’s “Bombshell” |“Code-Talkers” |

|fascism |Reciprocal Trade Agreement |braceros |

|totalitarianism |The Good Neighbor Policy |Zoot-Suit Riots |

|Nazi Germany |Inter-American Conference |“Rosie the Riveter” |

|Pearl Harbor |Neutrality Acts |“government girls” |

|World War II |“Quarantine Speech” |WACs and WAVEs |

|Axis Powers |Munich Conference “Appeasement” |“latchkey children” |

|Allies |Cash-and-Carry Policy |“Baby Boom” |

|militarism |America First Committee |Life Magazine |

|Japanese atrocities |Wendell Wilkie |USO |

|concentration camps |Lend-Lease Policy |“Relocation Centers” WRA |

|Holocaust |Atlantic Charter |Korematsu v. United States |

|mobilization |Tripartite Pact |repeal of Chinese Exclusion |

|racial segregation |Battle of Midway |1944 Election |

|civil liberties |Guadalcanal |“Strategic Bombing” |

|Japanese Internment |Stalingrad |Battle of the Bulge |

|“Island-Hopping” |St. Louis |Leyte Gulf |

|D-Day invasion |Office of Price Administration (OPA) |Okinawa |

|Atomic bombs |War Production Board |Manhattan Project |

| |National Defense Research Committee |J. Robert Oppenheimer |

|ADDITIONAL TERMS: |Radar & Sonar, ULTRA & MAGIC |Trinity |

|Washington Conference |“Double V” Campaign |Hiroshima & Nagasaki |

|Kellogg-Briand Pact |A. Philip Randolph |VE-Day & VJ Day |


• What were the key foreign policy decisions including international investment, peace treaties, and military intervention during the 1920s and early 1930s?

• To what extent was the U.S. isolationist in the 1920s and 1930s?

• Why did most Americans oppose military action in the 1930s despite the rise of fascism, totalitarianism and acts of aggression by Nazi Germany and Japan?

• What effect did the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor have on the United States?

• To what extent was World War II a fight for the survival of freedom and democracy against fascist and militaristic ideologies and revelations about Japanese wartime atrocities, Nazi concentration camps, and the Holocaust?

• What effect did World War II mass mobilization have on the U.S. economy and the lingering effects of the Great Depression?

• How did the U.S. industrial base play a pivotal role in helping the Allies win World War II?

• What social effects did World War II have on women and minorities?

• How did World War II lead to debates over racial segregation and challenges to civil liberties?

• How did Allied cooperation, technological and scientific advances, the contributions of servicemen and women, and strategies such as Pacific “island hopping” and the D-Day invasion lead to defeat of the Axis powers?

• How did the use of atomic bombs both contribute to the end of the war and spark debates over the morality of atomic weapons?

• How did the United States emerge from the war as the most powerful nation on the globe?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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