The 5 Paragraph Essay Hooks and IntroductionsIntroductory Paragraph ReviewThe introductory paragraph starts with a “hook” - an opener that grabs the reader’s attention. An opener leads the reader to the thesis statement, which is just a fancy name for the topic sentence of an essay. After the hook, there may be 1 or 2 sentences that transition to the thesis statement. The thesis statement is near the end of the introductory paragraph. The last piece is the plan, which indicates the 3 points you will make about your topic. Therefore, an introduction always has 3 parts in this order: #1 is the hook, #2 is the topic and #3 is the points or areas for support.HooksRead through the information on the different types of hooks that start an essay, and read the sample introductory paragraph after each type of hook. Note that after the hook, there are a number of transition sentences which lead to the thesis statement. Remember, the thesis can be one sentence or two, depending on if it includes the plan or not. As you read, you need to understand how the hooks are different, but the thesis for each sample paragraph, although written a little differently each time, is the same message. The topic was to write about the experience of attending Fulton Secondary School.For each common type of hook, there is the brainstorming and then an example of a complete paragraph, and the added transition sentence or two that is necessary to connect the hook to the rest of the paragraph. Note – there are several components to the introductory paragraph, but only one mon Types of Hooks: Questions: You can start an essay by asking questions. You should ask 2 to 3 interesting questions. Try to make these unique. The questions should lead you to thesis statement.Hook – Questions: Do students remember their first day of high school? Were they worried about being picked on or bullied? Did they envision an overwhelming amount of homework each and every night?Thesis - Students lucky enough to attend Clarence Fulton Secondary School have had a different experience.Plan - Fulton provides caring teachers, an exceptional cafeteria, and a wide array of extracurricular opportunities. SAMPLE PARAGRAPHDo students remember their first day of high school? Were they worried about being picked on or bullied? Did they envision an overwhelming amount of homework each and every night? These are questions any grade 8 might have when entering high school. However, those students lucky enough to attend Clarence Fulton Secondary School have had a different experience. They have found that Fulton provides caring teachers, an exceptional cafeteria, and a wide array of extracurricular opportunities. Quotation: You can start an essay with a quote about the topic you will be talking about. This requires a little more effort and you may have to do some research. Make sure you attach the quote smoothly to the paragraph and you may need to include a reference if it’s not common knowledge.Hook – Quotation: “The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives,” said Robert Maynard Hutchins, a well-known American educational philosopher.Thesis – Such an environment can be found at Clarence Fulton Secondary.Plan - Caring teachers help guide students, an exceptional cafeteria introduces students to new foods, and extracurricular activities include everything from leadership to team sports and drama productions.SAMPLE PARAGRAPH“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives,” said Robert Maynard Hutchins, a well-known American educational philosopher. In order for students to gain a good education that will help them with their future goals, it is important to have a good learning environment. That environment needs to be diverse and to offer many types of experiences. Such an environment can be found at Clarence Fulton Secondary where caring teachers help guide students, an exceptional cafeteria introduces students to new foods, and extracurricular activities include everything from leadership to team sports and drama productions. Broad or General Statements: You can start an essay with a broad statement that suggests the topic. This can be tricky because the statement needs ‘broad’ in nature but interesting enough to attract the reader.Hook – Broad or General Statements: A good high school education can help prepare an individual for the rest of their life. That education needs to offer opportunities to a variety of students. It needs to make all students, regardless of their abilities, feel welcome. It also needs to challenge students and help them expand their abilities.Thesis – One such high school is Clarence Fulton Secondary.Plan - Teachers help students explore their interests, where the professional cooking program helps students experience a possible career path, and where team sports help students understand the lifelong learning that comes from completion.SAMPLE PARAGRAPHA good high school education can help prepare an individual for the rest of their life. That education needs to offer opportunities to a variety of students. It needs to make all students, regardless of their abilities, feel welcome. It also needs to challenge students and help them expand their abilities. High schools are a place where these opportunities abound. One such high school is Clarence Fulton Secondary where teachers help students explore their interests, where the professional cooking program helps students experience a possible career path, and where team sports help students understand the lifelong learning that comes from completion. Significance/Relevance: This type of hook can be similar to a broad statement but is usually more specific in what it says.Hook – Significance/Relevance: High school is an important time in a young person’s life because they start to truly learn about themselves. They start to explore and develop their likes and dislikes. They start to understand the benefits of hard word, determination, and perseverance. The possibilities of life, with its challenges, obstacles, and adventures, start to become evident.Thesis - Clarence Fulton Secondary offers such an atmosphere.Plan - They have found that Fulton has an innovative teaching staff, the extraordinary professional cooking program, and the extensive extracurricular opportunities.SAMPLE PARAGRAPHHigh school is an important time in a young person’s life because they start to truly learn about themselves. They start to explore and develop their likes and dislikes. They start to understand the benefits of hard word, determination, and perseverance. The possibilities of life, with its challenges, obstacles, and adventures, start to become evident. A learning environment that can foster this atmosphere is extremely important. Clarence Fulton Secondary offers such an atmosphere for many reasons including the innovative teaching staff, the extraordinary professional cooking program, and the extensive extracurricular opportunities. Contrast: Start with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. This approach works because your readers will be surprised and then intrigued by the contrast between the opening idea and the thesis that follows it. Hook – Contrast: High school is an absolute waste of time. What is there truly left to learn that you can’t find in any number of YouTube videos? Spending 6 hours a day listening to an uninteresting teacher is a way to stupefy an individual, not educate them.Thesis - A good high school education is what students encounter when they enter the doors of Clarence Fulton Secondary.Plan - They have found that Fulton has an innovative teaching staff, the extraordinary professional cooking program, and the extensive extracurricular opportunities.SAMPLE PARAGRAPHHigh school is an absolute waste of time. What is there truly left to learn that you can’t find in any number of YouTube videos? Spending 6 hours a day listening to an uninteresting teacher is a way to stupefy an individual, not educate them. Many students believe these sentiments to be true. However, many others have realized that a good high school education opens doors to opportunity and knowledge. A good high school education is what students encounter when they enter the doors of Clarence Fulton Secondary for many reasons including the innovative teaching staff, the extraordinary professional cooking program, and the extensive competitive sporting opportunities. Anecdote: Start the essay with a brief story. The story introduces the idea of the essay. Hook – Anecdote: At the beginning of April in grade 9, I moved from Montreal, Quebec, to Vernon, British Columbia. I still remember that first day walking through the doors of Clarence Fulton Secondary. I kept thinking to myself, “They named the school after a guy named Clarence. Really!!!. Oh boy, I don’t know about this school, and I haven’t even entered a classroom yet.”Thesis - Clarence Fulton Secondary was helping me succeed and grow.Plan - It had supportive, nurturing teachers, it was offering interesting courses like cafeteria class, and it even provided me a chance to play a sport I was good at: rugby. SAMPLE PARAGRAPH At the beginning of April in grade 9, I moved from Montreal, Quebec, to Vernon, British Columbia. I still remember that first day walking through the doors of Clarence Fulton Secondary. I kept thinking to myself, “They named the school after a guy named Clarence. Really!!!. Oh boy, I don’t know about this school, and I haven’t even entered a classroom yet.” Those thoughts made me anxious, but I quickly learned that there was no need. By the end of the year, I was thriving. Clarence Fulton Secondary was helping me succeed and grow. It had supportive, nurturing teachers, it was offering interesting courses like cafeteria class, and it even provided me a chance to play a sport I was good at: rugby. AssignmentYou must have done both previous essay assignments (apple plant outline & thesis statements) and had them returned before you do this assignment. Take three of your six completed and returned thesis statements and make a complete introductory paragraph for each thesis statement. You will use a different type of hook for each. Each of your paragraphs will have a hook, transitional sentences, a thesis statement, and a plan. Use different color highlights for each of the 4 components, like my examples. Make a key for me if you choose to use unique colors. You must have a heading before each paragraph that states the type of hook used. ................

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