
First Presbyterian Church200 E. Boutz Road - Las Cruces, NM 88005575-526-5559 Fax: 575-647-5910Website: fpc.lc - Office e-mail: linda@fpc.lc Rev. Norm Story e-mail: revstory@fpc.lcFacebook: Look up First Presbyterian Church of Las CrucesFaith & Fellowship Website: Report For 2018Church StaffRev. Dr. Norm Story, PastorRev. Pyong San Yu, Korean MinistriesDr. Janet Loman, College Ministry Commissioned Lay PastorKaren Candusso, Salt & Light Interim CoordinatorGreg and Kelly Temple, Youth Group SponsorsRyan Fellman, Chancel Choir DirectorBeth Borchert-Thomas, Youth Choir DirectorDr. Howard Smolleck, OrganistJamie Gill, Bell Choir DirectorLinda V. Ramirez, SecretaryVanessa Medina, BookkeeperHenrica Misquez, Assistant BookkeeperJulian Morales, MaintenanceMike McClanahan, Sunday Custodian Judi Ferguson, Samantha Armendariz, Natassja Galaz, Nursery AttendantsIndex of ReportsPastor…………………………………………………………………………….…….. 3Session / Clerk of Session………………………………………………….……….…. 5Board of Deacons………………………………………………….……………….….. 6Commissioned Lay Pastors…………………………………………………………….. 7Ministry Teams:Administration ……………………………………………………………….. 9Building and Grounds ………………………………………………………… 10Christian Education ………………………………………………………….... 11Youth Sponsor Report.……………………………………………………. 13Congregational Life/Outreach………………………………………………… 15College/Youth Adult Ministry…………………………………………….. 16Missions……………………………………………………………………….. 20Music and Worship. ………………………………………………………....... 21Organizations:Fellowship Groups (In-Betweeners & Mary Martha Circle)…………………..23Jennie Curry Bible Study............................................................................................24Salt & Light.. …………………………...……………………………………...25‘Vision 2012’ Sanctuary Renewal Project…………………………………………….. 26New Members ………………………………………………………………………..27Necrology Report……………………………………………………………………….28Financial Statements……………………………………………………………………29Pastor’s Letter for the Annual Report 2018Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:7)No, God does not change, but we do. This has been a year of several significant changes, especially on our church staff.For many years Michelle Osborne has been the familiar face and voice of our Salt and Light program as our dedicated and amazing director. It was always a mystery to me how she managed to keep so many details about the children, their families, and the volunteers all straight and working together, but somehow she did it. Unfortunately Michelle also has a bad back and needed to step down so she could concentrate on her treatments and getting well.One of our member-volunteers, whose children have participated in the Salt and Light program for several years, Karen Candusso agreed to take over. She accepted the call and responsibility to direct our after-school program. It has gone very well under her leadership and care, and somehow she makes it look simple. Trust me on this, it is a very difficult job and requires tremendous effort, attention to detail and the faithful support of many dedicated volunteers and parents. Last year, Ryan Fellman, our choir director, decided that it was time to start applying to graduate school, which he could not do and faithfully lead our choir. God is good and works things out for us. As it happened, Beth Borchert-Thomas was retiring from teaching in public school and was willing to become our music director. Hasn’t it been a great blessing to hear Ryan and the other choral scholars singing with our Chancel Choir, our Salt and Light Choir and other instrumentalists, all under the creative direction of Beth? I’m not expecting to hear any better worship music than our own at 1st Pres. until I hear the choirs of angels in the Kingdom of God.After more than 5? great years of dedicated and faithful ministry, Greg and Kelly Temple decided that it was time to step down as our youth directors and take a well-deserved break. Under their direction we saw our youth ministry expand, go on outstanding mission trips and do wonderful things in the lives of many youth. As I was struggling to figure out what to do now, Karen and Bobby Candusso stepped up and said that they would take over and continue that important ministry. Our church and our youth have been blessed again with wonderful and committed leadership, and we can joyfully anticipate great things to come.Regrettably, Karen has not yet mastered being in two places at once, which makes it impossible for her to direct Salt and Light at the same time is she teaching the Mid-school and High school Bible studies. Once again, God has graciously provided the answer. Elizabeth Loman grew up participating in the Salt and Light program, and as I was praying with her about finding a job, like a flash the answer came. I spoke with Karen about hiring Elizabeth to help her with Salt and Light. The next day she interviewed Elizabeth, and she became our Assistant Salt and Light Director, truly a blessing for us all. Join me in welcoming Elizabeth, the newest member of our church staff.Also this year, Elder Paul Deason completed our Presbytery’s training and has been commissioned by the Presbytery to join Elder Janet Loman by serving as a Commissioned Lay Pastor. Paul is helping out with visitation and serving Communion to our shut-ins. He is also helping to fill the pulpit at 1st Presbyterian Church in Deming. Janet is primarily focused on college and young adult ministry, which has grown tremendously this past year – I counted more than 30 young people at the last dinner-gathering. She also leads a young adult Bible study, visits and serves Communion to shut-ins, continues to fill our pulpit from time to time and is planning a meditative Taise worship service that will begin in February. Janet’s ministry is making a significant difference in the life, outreach and mission of our church. Her remarkable effectiveness and commitment also demonstrate how important Commissioned Lay Pastors are to our Presbytery and Denomination.These are indeed remarkable and exciting times at First Presbyterian Church! A year ago, all these many changes would have seemed inconceivable. This year has been a wild ride of exciting new things and adjusting to changing circumstances. As you read through the rest of this Annual Report, you will see how active each of our committees, organizations, and programs have been this past year. It is amazing and encouraging to reflect on the work and effectiveness of our volunteers striving to make a difference for the glory of the Lord. I believe God is up to some marvelous and incredible things in the life and mission of First Presbyterian Church and your faithful generosity is making it possible. Thank you!I am grateful for all the signs of God's blessings that promise a wonderful future for our church. We have been blessed in so many ways, and I believe we are poised for a wonderful and exciting year ahead. We have a strong and stable foundation upon which to build a glorious future. Our God is always faithful and always calling us to new life and joy as we respond in faithfulness to the Lord’s purpose and our church's mission. In countless ways you support our church's mission and outreach, and I thank you.As we read in Psalm 135, “Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord; give praise, O servants of the Lord, you that stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for he is gracious.”SESSIONClerk of Session: George RuthA.?? MEMBERSHIP January 1, 2018???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? 307?????? ADDITIONS:????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? Received youth members ???????????????????????????? 1??????????? Received members ???? ? ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? 8??????? REMOVALS:??????????? Removed due to Death?????????????????????????????????? ??? ??????? ???????????????????? ?6??????????? Removed 24??????????? MEMBERSHIP DECEMBER 31, 2018????????????????? ??? ???????????????????? ?286?B. BAPTISMS:???????? Adult???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0????????????????????????????????? Infants/Children?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0?? ?C. WEDDINGS:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?D. MEETINGS:? ????? Congregational:???????????????????????????????????????? ????? ????? Called Congregational ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0????? ????? Annual Congregational?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? 2?? ????? Stated Session ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? 10????? Membership Commission???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ? 3 Corporate Meeting 1????? E.? SESSION MEMBERSClass of 2018???????????? Class of 2019????????????? Class of 2020 Lyn Ames ??????????? Brent Brewer??????? ?Samantha Armendariz Larry Courter Dinah Jentgen?????????Karen Candusso??? ? ????????????????????Jean O’Neill ???????Nancy T. Johnson ?Vicki Edwards????? ??? Roger Sellers?? Penelope Printz ? Dina Schroeder F. COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES (2018)??????????? Clerk of Session????????? George Ruth??????????? Administration??????????? Lyn Ames ?, Nancy T. Johnson, Penelope PrintzBuilding & Grounds?? Brent Brewer ? ??????????? Christian Education??? Karen Candusso ? ??????????? Cong. Life/Outreach?? Samantha Armendariz? (Deacon)??????????? Missions?????????????????????? Jean O’Neill?, Roger Sellers??????????? Music & Worship??????? Vicki Edwards?, Dinah Jentgen SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 BOARD OF DEACONSClass of 2018 Class of 2019Class of 2020Corina Armendariz Ernie ArmendarizLon AndersonPat Courter Bruce PearsonCurtis BenawayJanet Green Dennis ThomasMargaret BurrSteve Harbaugh Rosa Taylor (youth)Laura ConniffFred Yanker Jasey LomanValencia Owens (youth)Divine MbohSandra RuthThe Board of Deacons serves as the outreach arm of the congregation and it serves both the congregation and community by:Ushering – greeting worshipers, handing out bulletins and collecting the offering.Providing - Transportation: providing transportation to services for congregants without their own transportation, including those in wheelchairs.Providing Transient Meals: providing sack lunches to transientsProviding Emergency Services: providing financial assistance to church and community families in need.Visitation – visiting our home bound and hospitalized membersSoup Kitchen – Providing workers for the local soup kitchen.Special Events: coordination of events such as the Deacon’s Hamburger Fry, “Socks and Undies,” Blessing of the Backpacks, and Christmas Food Baskets.Details of the year’s activities can be found in the monthly meeting minutes and are a mirror of previous year’s activities as outlined in the Deacon’s Handbook.The Deacons have no budget, but finance their activities from your generous contributions.Thank you for supporting the Deacons.Respectfully Submitted, Corina ArmendarizA COMMISSIONED CALL TO SERVEFIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHWhen Rev. Norm Story asked me to report on my call to serve our church, I had to pause and decide what name to call myself, for the Book of Order has changed the title twice since 2013, the year of my first 3-year commission!I was called by the Presbytery of Sierra Blanca to be a Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) in 2013; a Commissioned Lay Pastor (CLP) in 2016; and will be known as a Commissioned Pastor (CP) when I am re-commissioned this year. A Commissioned Pastor serves where there is a particular need, so the commission will vary from church to church. When I first began my call, I chose, with Norm’s collaboration and God’s blessing, to serve in three areas:Supply preaching in our church and in the Presbytery,College/Young Adult Ministry, andVisitation.These elements of my ministry have remained constant, although the young adult ministry has grown beautifully and now requires the most commitment; I thus have elected to serve as guest preacher only in my own church and unfortunately cannot visit as much as I would like. I also have been honored to preside and assist with several funerals. God has blessed me with joy beyond words in all that I do. I came to First Presbyterian Church in 1970 as a young wife and mother, and can see the changes over the years as we have been faithful to our call as a community of Christ and to his commandment that we love our neighbor as ourselves. Through both challenges and opportunities, and with God’s creative power, we have finished so many things well!Paul encourages us with these words in 2 Corinthians 3: 2-3:You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all; and you show that you are a letter of Christ, prepared by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. With deep gratitude,Janet Loman Commissioned Lay Pastor for Las Cruces First PresbyterianIn 2018, it was my honor and privilege to be asked to participate in the preparatory program provided by Sierra Blanca Presbytery to be Commissioned as a Lay Pastor for the presbytery. Classes were conducted at least monthly at Ruidoso First Presbyterian, under the teaching guidance of Rev. Caryn Thurman of Hobbs First, Rev. Tony Chambless of Ruidoso First, and our own Rev. Dr. Norm Story. There were eight of us from throughout Southern New Mexico completing the class, then sitting examination with the Committee on Ministry, finally being commissioned at the Presbytery meeting in Corona in September. Since that time, I have served the Lord and the church by presenting devotional services and Communion at the Solstice Senior Living Community in Las Cruces, and providing pulpit supply and pastoral care for Deming First.Dr. Paul DeasonMinistry Team: ADMINISTRATIONA major responsibility of the Administration Committee is to monitor the financial activities of the Church and the operation of the Church Office. This year has been mostly routine. Henrica Misquez, our assistant bookkeeper, has been able to assume more responsibility from Vanessa Medina, our bookkeeper, so that the bookkeeping activities have gone very well. The Session and committees have received accurate and timely financial reports. Our secretary, Linda Ramirez, has been with us for many years, and her experience and dedication are very valuable.Another responsibility of the Administration Committee is the stewardship campaign. This year, in addition to the stewardship letter that was mailed to all members and friends of the Church, three “Minutes for Mission” were given during Sunday Worship. The results of the campaign were encouraging, as we received 4 additional pledges with $14,000 more committed as compared to 2017. This is the first year that pledging has increased in some time, and therefore we were able to increase the budget and give some pay increases for 2019. For the year, our income exceeded our expenses because we had reduced the budgets of all committees, and we received two large donations in December, which put us in the black. All committees stayed within their budgets. We also changed insurance companies, which saved us some money in 2018 and more in the future.Administration TeamLynford Ames, Nancy T. Johnson, Penelope Printz, Janet Green, and Jasey LomanMinistry Team:BUILDINGS AND GROUNDSModerator – Brent BrewerDeacons - Steve Harbaugh, Bruce Pearson, Dennis Thomas, Divine Mboh and Lon AndersonAt-large-member – Ed GreenBuilding and Grounds continues to maintain our church. The following is a list of completed projects: Completed metal roof install on garage.Our janitor Chuy Espinosa left us in September. We hired Julian Morales in October after his retirement from the city. Julian is doing a great job and is very self-motivated.Replaced loose tile in Branigan HallPainted classroom wall in Brainigan Hall.Replaced a damaged garage door.Resurfaced the parking lot. Special thanks to the Foundation, Jerry Grandle, and Lon Anderson for getting all the details handled on this large job.Prepped church vans for mission trip.Installed an office sign outside of Jones HallRebuilt an AC compressor on Watkins HallReplaced a valve on our Sanctuary boilerSponsored Spring Church Work DayThe following is a list of ongoing and upcoming projects: Repainting the church garage.Hiring an arborist to trim our campus treesRepairing our church busSpring Work DayWe are also in the process of investigating our options regarding our landscaping needs and the potential replacement of one of the church vans. Thank you to all current and former committee members for your continuing contributions to this ongoing committee. Submitted by Brent BrewerMinistry Team: CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONMembers: Greg Temple, Blaine Goss, Margaret Burr, Corina Armendariz, and Karen Candusso as moderatorFirst, we would like to thank all of the volunteers who have dedicated so much of their time tohelp make the ministries of Christian Education possible. Sunday school is offered every Sunday from 9:00-10:00 AM for ages birth through adults. The birth-3 year olds program is led by Judi Ferguson, Natassja Galaz, and Samantha Armendariz, with Natassja running the video program. This video program takes place in Branigan Hall, after the Childrens Talk during Worship for children through 2nd grade. We encourage parents to have their children stay with them on Communion Sunday, no video on Communion Sunday.The 4-year old Kinder program is led by Judith Ames and Carol Goss. Elementary classes are run by Erin Taylor. We continue to use a Lectionary-based curriculum, which allows the kids to see the connection between what they are learning in Sunday School with what is taught in the worship service. The mid and high school classes were taught by several volunteers, and the adult classes are led by Rev. Larry Hicks and Catie Brewer.Six Bibles were presented to our 3rd and 6th graders and highlighted with a verse, picked just for them by Rev. Norm We would like to thank Greg and Kelly Temple for all of their great work with our youth. Also, Michelle Osborne for her hard work and dedication to the Salt & Light Ministry, and to the entire congregation for helping our youth grow in faith and service. In Christ, Karen Candusso VBS Ministry “Son West Round Up” was the theme used for our VBS that was held the first week in June. 29 families registered with a total of 37 children, along with the youth, a large number of volunteers, and “behind the scene” helpers. In addition, members of the congregation held up this program in prayer, along with generous offerings of their time, talents, and resources. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude, for helping to keep this important ministry going strong. Judith Ames and Carol Goss had a class full of children ages Pre K - 1st grade. Amon Taylor assisted, and Barbara Roegge led the outdoor recreation. Erin Taylor led a Bible class for 2nd and 3rd graders, and Lon Anderson taught the 4th and 5th graders. With the large class sizes, a youth member graciously volunteered to assist in both these class rooms. Gena Breck led recreation time for the 2nd - 5th graders, with the assistance of Rachel and Kyle Breck. Greg and Kelly Temple led the youth, helped with the sound system, and music. Kathy Story made the snack menu to go with our theme, and prepared the food along with a great team of helpers. Our morning started at 9 am with a song or two, led by Valencia Owens and Rosa Taylor. We would then have an opening prayer, with any announcements for the day. The children would eagerly line up in their group, ready to start the big day! With a rotating schedule, they would enjoy Bible time, outdoor recreation, craft time, and snacks. Our closing ceremony was a skit performed by our mid, and high school youth. Followed by the songs we had learned earlier that day. It was a very special week to glorify the Lord, and be His witness. I am extremely thankful to have been a part of this ministry. In Christ, Respectfully submitted by Karen Candusso YOUTH SPONSOR REPORTFirst Presbyterian has been so blessed during the year of 2018! It has been exciting to see many of our youth grow through the years at FPC. God is at work in the Youth Group. We have strived to create a loving environment where all the kids feel accepted, wanted, challenged, and safe. Besides the many happenings during Salt & Light, we continue to concentrate on the many aspects of relationships with each other and with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Many activities include serving the church. The youth serve the church in a variety of ways. Once a month, a youth serves as liturgists for Sunday morning worship service. Being involved in worship services, the youth help to bring a sense of family which spans the ages. Christmas Eve wouldn’t be the same without all the luminarias. Work days, Christmas decorating, taking offering, making announcements, hosting Elder retreats and luncheons keep the youth busy. We are striving to plug youth into more church activities and to do more service in the community. Through our many activities, we don’t want to lose sight of the most important aspect of a youth group. It is not about doing many activities or having a large youth group, but how they, the youth, can be nurtured to grow in a relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.A massive thank you has to go out to all the volunteers who have helped us this year. Gena Breck, Lon Anderson, Karen & Bobby Candusso and Ernie Armendariz have been a blessing to the youth with their gifts and talent with lessons and activities. Many other volunteers showed great commitment, not because they were asked, but because they wanted to help bring up and support our youth. The members and friends of First Presbyterian Church have also helped and supported the youth ministry by their generous financial gifts. The mid-school youth were able to travel to Navajo Nation Reservation at Fort Defiance, AZ, where they took part in helping with Kids Camp and grounds clean-up at St. Michael’s School, Bible study, and devotions while having some fun with one another and other youth from around the country. The trip with its activities helped to ask questions and look at challenges where their faith fits into today’s world. Looking back over the past year, all we can do is praise God for all the blessings He has poured out on the youth, First Presbyterian Church and the volunteers involved with the youth ministry. Kelly and I appreciate the support, help and love that was given to us as we sponsored the youth for 5 years. As we depart as the sponsors, we are happy to know that the leadership of Karen and Bobby Candusso will continue to minister to the youth. We pray for their call to be a vital part of the youths’ lives and pray for continued support from all the volunteers and congregation for this blessed ministry.As members, family and friends, we encourage you to be active in seeing, talking and listening to these amazing young people about who they are and their personal relationship with Jesus. With God’s blessings and your support, great things will happen in God’s time for the Youth Group in the life and body of the church.In Christ, Greg & Kelly TempleMinistry Team: CONGREGATIONAL LIFE & OUTREACH SUPPORTThe first part of our team’s mission is “Congregational Life”. We sponsored these activities intended to create opportunities for building relationships in the life of our congregation. We succeeded in the following activities with the help of our congregation:International potluck (new member recognition)Easter egg huntGraduation and Mother’s Day recognitionFather’s DayIce cream social Hymn Sing & SaladNew member commissionThe second part of our team’s mission is “Outreach Support”. “Support” means that our team facilitates outreach, but the congregation is responsible for this mission. We hope that the entire congregation will reach out to our local community, as a welcoming, service-oriented church. Some of the outreach activities we participated in are these:Sponsored “Trunk or Treat”, which is a well-attended outreach to our neighborhood on Halloween. Provided visitor welcome bagsAdvertised in the local newspapers, on our website, facebook page, yellow pages, church banners, and marketing flyers. Coordinated the Fellowship Time after Sunday Worship. This activity is a crucial opportunity for congregation members a chance to meet and welcome visitors to our church.Blessing of the Backpacks (Project is led by the deacons)Looking forward to 2019, the suggested path forward is to enhance outreach activities and to gain new membership. Submitted by: Samantha ArmendarizCOLLEGE/YOUNG ADULT MINISTRYAT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHThere are many exciting things happening in our ministry, which was begun in September, 2013. Attendance at Dinner Night, which takes place in our home once a month during the school year, has grown to 25-30 young adults. Remarkable relationships have formed among this gathering, as their diverse backgrounds and cultures reflect the whole family of God who come together to share their experiences, stories, and faith in Jesus Christ. To encourage the relationships formed by Dinner Night, we continue to meet weekly for Small Group Bible Study in Jones Hall Chapel, and have just finished a study on “Following Jesus Today: Challenges and Opportunities.”Plans began in 2018 to implement two new facets of ministry:We will participate in a work day for Habitat for Humanity during Spring Break, andWe will begin a Taizé worship service in Jones Hall Chapel once a month. The Taizé Community was begun in Burgundy, France after WW II as a spiritual practice in reconciliation, bringing all Christians together as God’s children regardless of individual beliefs and church doctrines. The worship style contains meditative prayer, simple repetitive songs, and universal biblical truths, and is done in a reverent atmosphere with candlelight. God has blessed us with these young adults who share wonderful meals with us, and often bring their own special recipes to share! We also have been greatly blessed with friends in the church who support our ministry with offerings of delicious food, help, and hospitality: Bea and Carl Connor, Marianne and Wayne Maley, Helen and Jerry Moser, and Kathy and Norm Story. We thank God for all your generous gifts!Faithfully,Janet and Steve LomanFebruary 1, 2019 Ministry Team: MISSIONMinistries supported by First Presbyterian Church:Local: Gospel Rescue Mission and St. Luke's Health CareNational:? Doug and Sherry Barron working with CRU in California and Pasos de Fe in El Paso and Juarez.World-wide:? Donna Evans in Indonesia with Wycliffe Translators.Joel and Barbara Trudell, South Africa, in Bible translation and education.Bob and Donna Waguespack in Mexico City with United World Missions; Bob training Mexican pastors and missionaries and Donna illustrator for translations into sign language.??? A highlight of 2018 was hosting the Trudells in November for a weekend with a meal at the Burr's home and presentations at the Adult Class and after church.A report on one Mission project is given each month to the Mary Martha circle by Jean O'Neill.? This prompted a gift of $100 to be sent to the Waguespacks from this circle. One Great Hour, Pentecost, and Joy Offerings were sponsored; also the Presbyterian Gift Catalogue was promoted.The International Dinner was sponsored along with the Congregational Life Committee in September.???? A new Missions Directory was published and is in every pew.? Thank you, Linda.???? Missions requested the Budget Committee to raise our monthly budget by $116.69 if the 2019 budget allows, to enable us to give more to our seven projectsJean O'Neill, Missions Committee ModeratorCommittee members: Alex Burr, Roger Sellers, Curtis Benaway, Fred YankerMinistry Team: MUSIC AND WORSHIPM&W: Moderator: Vicki Edwards, Co-Moderator & Secretary: Dinah Jentgen, Members: Pat & Larry Courter, Dina Schroeder, Members-at-large: Beth Borchert-Thomas, Music Director (replacing Ryan Fellman, Choir Director, who will attend grad school); Jamie Gill, Bell Choir Director; Howard Smolleck Organist; Pat Courter, Pianist.Decorations: Pat Felhauer, Janette Williams, Nancy Johnson, Tom & Kaaren Morehart, Linda Pearson, Vicki Edwards, Dinah JentgenChildren’s Worship Activity Bags: Esther SmolleckYouth Liturgists: Greg TempleYoung Disciples Speakers: Judith AmesThe Music & Worship team carried out both its regular duties and some special projects. We are truly blessed to have such a beautiful worship space, and the teams of God’s servants to make each worship service meaningful to all.Regular duties included:Finding liturgists and special readers (Vicki Edwards). Many thanks to Linda and Norm for helping out when finding enough readers for Christmas Eve became overwhelming.Setting up for Communion, cleaning up, and providing a Communion count to session each month (Dinah Jentgen, coordinator). M&W decided not to rely on the deacon count, as it typically underestimates the actual number. Instead, we use a cup count. M&W also provides the juice, bread, gluten-free wafers, and plastic communion cups. Judith Ames makes and provides the Communion wafers.Setting up for special services — Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter), Pentecost, Communion Sundays, including World Communion Sunday, Reformation Sunday, Advent, Christmas, etc.Planning & directing special music programs. Securing talented guest musicians (Ryan Fellman and Beth Borchert-Thomas)Recording of all services onto CD (A/V tech for spoken tracks, Howard Smolleck for music tracks, file processing, and final CD production)Piano & organ maintenance (Pat Courter & Howard Smolleck).Helping with the annual Hymn Sing.Providing Fellowship Time food 4 times per year.Decorations, including organizing the Christmas decorate and “de-decorate” partiesWe have decided against using live poinsettias, due to lack of interest in taking them home, difficulties in getting them to shut-ins, and difficulties with keeping them watered.We acquired new silk arrangements of lilies for Easter, and poinsettias for Advent / Christmas (thanks to Pat Felhauer).Janette Williams provided beautiful new arrangements for Fall and Advent / Christmas.We acquired new fall banners (in time for next fall)M&W also pays for substitute pastors, guest musicians, and music-related supplies, such as sheet music, bell choir gloves, etc. We also pay the Choral Scholars, but had to temporarily suspend the program, due to the overspending for sheet music that occurred early in the year.Managing our budget, both expense and designated-fund line items. Our final spending report will be available before the upcoming Session meeting.Special projects included:Communion prep checklist (thanks to Dinah)Christmas decor inventory list (thanks to Dinah)Installing shelving in room 316 (thanks to Brent Brewer), organizing and consolidating most of the decorating items to 316. Vicki now has a key to the banner room, making it easier to access the banners off-hours.Acquiring a custom-made purple table runner for the communion table (thanks to Ronnie Hardin, with her machine-embroidery/appliqué expertise).Hosting the Southwest Winds double-reed chamber music group in the Spring.Beth substituting for Jamie toward the end of the year to direct the bell choir, when Jamie was fighting various illnesses.The organ has been problematic, and Grahame Davis was tied up during the Christmas season. We need to obtain a rebuilding cost estimate early in 2019.The Sanctuary also was used for concerts by Vox Vallis, which includes Janet Loman as organist, and some high-school Christmas concerts. Our own Christmas pageant was advertised on the radio (thanks to Nancy Johnson for using her connections in Dallas to produce the ad for free, and to Pastor Norm for paying the unexpectedly high cost of airing the ad on multiple radio stations).I would also like to thank Dinah Jentgen for her very generous year-end donation to the Music Ministry Designated fund. This money will be used for either organ repairs or choir robes, TBD once we obtain a quote for rebuilding certain components of the organ (bellows, toe shims, etc).Respectfully submitted,Vicki Edwards, M&W ModeratorORGANIZATIONSADULT FELLOWSHIP GROUPIN-BETWEENERSWe are a group of empty-nesters, both couples and singles, a casual group made up mostly of retirees. The In-Betweeners gather each month to have dinner together, alternating catered meals and planned potlucks. Dinner is followed by a program such as a speaker on local history, tales of travel, a local author, or music. In 2018 we have traveled with different speakers to New Zealand, Cuba, Peru, and Israel. We have had programs about Martin Luther, how an historical movie was made, seasonal trees in different parts of the world, and a WW I training camp at Deming, NM. At the beginning of Advent each year, many In-Betweeners help with decorating the church Sanctuary for the ing to a dinner with us is a good way to get to know people!We welcome both newcomers and church members of long-standing.MARY MARTHA CIRCLEMary Martha Circle meets for Bible study and fellowship on the second Tuesday of the month, September through May, at 10:00 am in Jones Hall Library. Our study leader is Gracia Class. This year our focus has been the New Testament Book of Acts. Acts is the history of how Christianity was founded and organized. The community of believing began by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit, who enabled them to witness, to love, and to serve.This year’s Christmas offering went to went to Children’s Reading Alliance. First Teacher/Primer Maestro is a free FREE six-week program that engages parents of three to seven year olds. The classes provide parents with hands-on opportunities to learn how talking, playing, and reading skills necessary for success in kindergarten and beyond. Since it began in 2012 over 1,100 families have earned certificates. The program also has a summer book program when volunteers provide story time opportunities and distribute over 8,000 free books to encourage reading pleasure during the K-3+ summer program at the Las Cruces, Public Schools. There are Reading Buddies offer individual support to a struggling beginning reader in an elementary school setting. In May we traditionally donate diapers and wipes to the Jardin de los Ninos, a local child care center.All women of the church and guests are welcomed at Mary Martha Circle meetings.JENNIE CURRY BIBLE STUDYThe Jennie Curry Bible Study is a God-centered, animated, ecumenical, engaging study of God's Word. The Bible study group began during Rev. John Poling’s administration of the church. Initially, the women met in the parlor of what was known as Reeves Hall at the time. Later, under Reverend Story’s leadership, Kathy Story hosted the study in their home until it expanded to include meeting in the homes of the other members. It was during that time that the group chose the name The Jennie Curry Bible Study.Today, the meeting place has changed, and the women around the study table have increased in numbers. However, the ardent desire to know and love God more intimately remains at the heart of this Bible study. The goal continues to be a deeper comprehension of God’s Word and a pathway to more closely follow Christ. We have 20 motivated members this session. Not every study is attended by every woman, but there is always a good group.We are currently studying Children of the Day, 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Beth Moore. The current study offers four levels of participation. Level one is taking part in the video sessions only, level two adds the homework, level three adds writing out the two books of Thessalonians, and level four adds memorization of First and Second Thessalonians. Together, the group chooses the next study by voting on materials sourced by Lifeway, Biblical Solutions for Life.Our time together begins at 6:30 PM with refreshments and some time to catch up socially. Prayer time follows where we break into small groups of two or three praying together. At other times, we go around the table and pray aloud for the needs voiced by those present. We pray for one another, our churches, and our nation as well as for peace among all countries in our world. We look over our homework together - responding to key principal and personal questions in addition to discussing anything that stood out for us in that month's lesson. We watch a video to introduce the next lesson. We conclude our time together in prayer. We learn a great deal from the lessons, but then again, we learn even more from one another.Refreshments come to us via revolving volunteerism. At this time, we do not have a single leader, and so we also take turns leading the class, which brings a fresh perspective each month.Please consider joining us on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM in the library of Jones Hall. We promise to welcome you with open hearts, minds, and arms.SALT & LIGHT Children & Youth MinistrySalt and Light is a vital, faith-enriching program at First Presbyterian Church for our children and youth. After many years as the director, Michelle Osborne took a well-deserved break. Karen Candusso stepped in as interim director for the second semester of 2018. There are many dedicated adult and youth volunteers that we rely on to keep this program running strong.To our teachers, assistants, kitchen crews (and kitchen leaders) shepherds, decorating team, music support, table parents, church office staff, drivers, childcare providers, snack teams and recreation leaders we are extremely grateful for all of your dedication! And to all the people who you don’t see, baking cupcakes, laundering table cloths each week, and donating their time, efforts, and their resources, we thank you all!The Salt and Light program has been going strong for 27 years at First Presbyterian Church. We continue with Wednesday afternoon beginning at 4. The children and youth have a schedule of outdoor recreation, Bible classes, choir and music enrichment, and we all sit down and enjoy dinner together. Greg and Kelly Temple continued as youth sponsors for grades 6-12. Judith Ames, and Carol Goss continue as teachers to grades K-1st. Lynne Carver with the assistance of ElizabethLoman lead the 2nd and 3rd grade class, and Susan Grandle, along with Lon Anderson teach the 4th and 5th grade class. Judi Ferguson continues to provide day care. Rosa Taylor and Clayton Jones ( two of our high school youth) lead recreation for children grades K-5. Beth Borchert-Thomas continues as our music director. It is truly a blessing to see everyone come together, to minister to these children and youth who have been brought to us. We had a special Christmas program this year, ‘O little Town of Bethlehem’, coordinated and directed by Beth Borchert-Thomas, along with her team of volunteers. What an amazing night it was! Over 200 invitations went out to church members, and Salt and Light families. Steve Loman donated the meal for this special event, and with his dedicated team they fed 180 people that evening. Lloyd Kirschenmann volunteered his talents by taking photographs and a video for some who could not attend. Rev. Norm Story is always supportive of all the volunteers, and staff. He serves as Dinner Dean, and leads the room in prayer every night. He floats from the classrooms, to music time in the Sanctuary, to the kitchen, and to the game room, ministering to all. We are all so grateful for our pastor’s encouragement and support.This is a “donation” based program that allows those who can afford to donate more, to do so. We gladly accept donations of any size. We are humbled and appreciative that, because of your donations, no child was kept from participating, regardless of the family’s ability to contribute! Thank you again for giving of your time, and resources so generously! In Christ, Respectfully submitted by Karen Candusso, Interim Director‘VISION 2012’ SANCTUARY RENEWAL PROJECTSince March, 2016, our congregation has responded generously, cheerfully, and faithfully to a three-year, $300,000 campaign toward the renewal of our Sanctuary, with dramatic and beautiful results! By November 2017, we had enhanced the function, lighting, and acoustics of our worship space, and dedicated the first phase of our “new” sanctuary. Although we have now completed some critical portions of renewal and have done so under budget, there are still important items remaining. Most crucial is an unforeseen circumstance that is beyond our control. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that they have sold 600-700 MHZ radio frequencies (which we currently use in our church audio system) to cell phone companies. This means that by July, 2020, our already failing and outdated system will require new wireless microphones. In faithful stewardship, the committee has opted to update the complete system now, to improve audio clarity and versatility and guarantee that all components are compatible. During the past 8 months, the Sanctuary Renewal Committee has been gathering cost estimates for the additional, needed improvements to our Sanctuary:an updated audio system that will allow allwho enter the Sanctuary to hear well, $100,0002. new choir chairs, and$20,0003. new pew upholstery.$27,000 Total estimated_____________ $147,000Surely, we are a blessed and grateful congregation! As you contemplate personal contributions toward our church’s mission, please remember “Vision 2012,” praying for our church and all that it endeavors to do toward faithful worship and spreading the glory of God in our community for future generations. Janet Loman “VISION 2012 “ Total Campaign Activity to Date (11/15/2018)INCOMECombined pledges received 2016 & 2017$249,995.80Other gifts, including Wells Fargo Stock $56,161.27 ____________$306,161.07+Phase I (carryover from previous campaign) $85,000.00+Pledges (remaining 2018)? $9,835.10 _____________ $403,672.17EXPENSESCombined 2016 & 2017 $275,340.492018?? $11,121.92_____________$286,462.41NEW MEMBERSJeffrey & Terri SelfNaomi LoyaRichard Myers & Lorry HokschAnna LowryBobby CandussoDelfina ZertucheHoly God, we praise you for calling us to be a servant people, and for gathering us into the body of Christ. We thank you for choosing to add to our number, sisters and brothers in faith. Together may we live in your Spirit, and love one another, that we may have the mind of Christ. Guard these your servants and let your Holy Spirit be with them forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love:The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.Before our Father’s throne We pour our ardent prayers;Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares.We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear,And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear.From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin we shall be free;And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity.NECROLOGY REPORTRemembering members of First Presbyterian Church who died in 2018:Frances JohnsonBeverly AllenBetty KriegelMary DeBoySunny ParishCollette WalzEternal God, loving Father and Creator of us all, amid all the changes of life, you alone remain the same and unchanging. We acknowledge the uncertainty of life; for we are given a mere handful of days. All life is as grass, and all its beauty fades like the flower of the field. But our hope is in you, O God. Even in the valley of the shadow of death, you are with us. O Lord, help us remember that our days are numbered and that you are eternal, gracious and loving.We thank you for the great company of those who have kept the faith, who have finished their race, and who now rest from their labor. We praise you for those dear to us, and especially we thank you for the life and victory of these your servants, whom you have now received into your presence. Receive them into your arms of loving mercy, into the blessed rest of eternal peace and eternal home. Now Lord, let your servants go in peace, your word fulfilled. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever more shall be. Amen and Amen.FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHThe 2018 Financial Statements have been summarized for your convenience. Should you have any questions or would like more detail on some of the reported numbers please contact the Administration Committee. The 2018 Finance Summary below shows the combined budgeted and designated year end net. The Budgeted Expense Report shows the expenses with budget comparisons. It also includes the 2019 Budget approved by Session.Final report shows the Designated Fund Balances as of 12/31/2018. ................

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