
Find Your Why: Meaningful Work, Meaningful Future, Meaningful Life

Paradise Valley Community College

September 29 and 30, 2017

Facilitator: Bill Johnson


Note: Symbol stands for “Awakening Meaningful Change”

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Are you satisfied with where you are and the direction you are going? If not, take control of your life and change whatever needs to be changed. You and only you have the power to do this.

And only you can change your world!”

Napoleon Hill

Life Design Program

School of Health and Human Sciences

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Most pertinent question on people’s mind: What SHOULD COULD I do with my life?

Through the exploration of Purpose (“Who do I want to be?”) and Meaning (“What am I here to do?”), The Life Design Program empowers students to optimize their lives and become the best version of themselves in order to make a positive contribution to the world.

Life Design Program Models


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Life Design Program Overview

• Focuses on coaching for personal growth/development and coaching for conversation (vs. coaching for performance).

• Based on premise that purpose and meaning is the foundation for student (and life) success.

• Emphasis on developing self-expertise – “You are the expert on you!”

• Empower students to take control of their educational experience through self-directed learning.

Life Design Center (222 McIver Building)

• Location for all Design Your Life Courses (listed below)

• On-Campus Life Design trainings and workshops

• Individual/group Life Design Catalyst Coaching for students, faculty, and staff on campus

• Assistance with Design Your Life Projects/Posters in all courses

• Provides resources to encourage curiosity through introspection, reflection, creativity and play, which includes Legos, adult coloring books, markers and colored pencils, building blocks, and various arts and crafts tools.

Design Your Life Courses

First-Year Courses

• HHS125: Design Your Life I - What Could I Do With My Life (1 credit)

• HHS135: Design Your Life II - Redesign a Life You’ll Love (1 credit)

Sophomore-level and higher

• HHS250: Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship (3 credits)

• HHS275: Entrepreneurial Personal Branding (3 credits)

Additional Features

• We don’t require a textbook for our courses; we are big proponents of Open Education Resource, so students are provided course materials on-line, free of charge.


• 5-year Graduation Rate (Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, and Fall 2011 first-year cohorts) = 56.8%

(UNCG rate = approx. 50.4%)

• Retention Rate (Fall 2008-09 to Fall 2014-15 first-year cohorts) = 77.8%

(UNCG rate = approx. 76.4%)

• Retention Rate (Students enrolled in both HHS125 and HHS135 during their first-year) = 90.6%

• Learning Objectives Results (Percentage of those that chose either "Strongly Agree" or "Agree")

o 97.6% - I have a much better understanding who I am and what I am meant to do.

o 95.1% - This course has helped me understand the meaningful work that I’m here to do.

o 90.2% - I can make better decisions about my future and my life now that I have completed this course.

o 85.4% - This course helped me decide on my major and/or helped me clarify that I am in the right major.

Life Design Catalyst Coach Training Program

• Created in June 2014.

• Content-focused (vs. Practiced-based).

• Professional development through personal reflection and exploration.

• Trained over 350 Life Design Catalysts Coaches from 57 different colleges and universities internationally, as well as many on-campus departments and local community organizations.

Life Design Staff

• Life Design Program Staff (also serve as HHS Student Success Navigators and Life Design Catalyst Coaches and Training Facilitators): Bill Johnson (whjohnso@uncg.edu) and Megan Delph (mcdelph@uncg.edu)

• Life Design Program Undergraduate Student Staff: Yunhwan Kim, J’Dari Lott, J’Dia Lott, Anna Taylor, and MaryKent Wolff

• Life Design Program Instructors: Dr. Kathy Williams, Senior Associate Dean, School of HHS; Jennifer Clark, Student Success Navigator and Director of Advising, School of HHS

Life Design Motto: Find Your Place in the World. Today.

“I Am" Statements

I Am statements are powerful because they are a direct way to tell the story of yourself. When you say, “I am this” or “I am that” you give very specific and direct details about who you are and how it is for you. For this activity, you will use the power of "I Am" statements to describe where you're at in your life RIGHT NOW. These could be roles you play at work and at home, how you interact with the world, feelings you have about yourself, words that people use to describe you, and/or words you use to describe yourself.

You will need to create at least 25 statements that describe your life at the present moment. Feel free to include both positive and negative statements that best sum up the state of your life right now. There’s power behind both positive and negative statements, so make sure to include both. You may need to stretch yourself to come up with 25 statements – and that’s okay. Stretch yourself anyway. This will be one of the activities to help develop a picture of your life right now; in order to move forward and make change for the better, you need to be clear about where you're at right now. And feel free to add additional “I Am” statements on the back of this sheet.

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

Use the space below to add additional I Am Statements if you desire.

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

I Am __________________________________________________________________________________________

When you come up with your 25 statements, what do you notice about your statements? Is there a common theme with your statements? How do you feel after writing these statements? Use the space below to share any thoughts and/or feelings about writing these statements.

My Life Story Poster and Presentation Instructions

Poster Instructions

The My Life Story Poster and Presentation is a chance for you to reflect on your life and share with your classmates. You will take the information from your “My Life Story Worksheet” and create a poster that graphically displays your results. You can use a combination of pictures and words to complete your poster; you must include at least 20 items from your Worksheet on your poster. The poster must be a minimum of 18" by 24"; we will provide you with paper, you can pick up a sheet at the Life Design Center, or you can purchase/use your own. We strongly recommend using markers for your poster to stand out best; you can either purchase markers on your own or use the markers in the Life Design Center or Digital ACT Studio (more information below) to create your poster. As you complete your poster, please make sure to put your name on the back of your poster (not on the front). For My Life Story Poster examples, check out the file, "posters – my life story, spring 2016," which contains examples of My Life Story posters completed in the 2016 Spring Semester.

As part of your poster, you will be required to include a six-word memoir - six words that describe your life thus far. Think of it as a summation of your life - in six words. Check out the six word memoir videos below for suggestions, tips and examples:

• Six Tips for Writing Six-Word Memoirs -

• Tips for writing a 6 word memoir -

• Six-Word Memoirs, the book -

• Six-Word Memoirs: The Video Story -

• I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure -

Presentation Instructions

To begin class, we will start with a "Gallery Walk," where each of you will post your poster on the wall around the room for your classmates and me to view. This SILENT activity will take 5-10 minutes; no need to make comments, just take it all in and relish this experience. Once the Gallery Walk is complete, each of you will stand by your poster and answer the questions below. Your presentation should be approximately 1-2 minute long. DO NOT share every experience on your poster; just make sure your presentation covers the following points:

1. As you look at the whole picture of your life, what have you learned most about your life so far?

2. Briefly describe one or two of the most impactful events from your past and why they had such an impact.

3. Briefly share your six-word memoir and why you chose those words to describe your past.

4. Briefly describe what the experience of reflecting on your past was life for you. What emotions did you experience as you were putting your list and/or poster together?

5. How do you think reflecting on your past will help you move forward in the future?

Your My Life Story Poster is worth six (6) points; the presentation is worth two (2) points. You are expected to complete the poster and presentation for this specific class period; if you miss this class, you can still receive credit for you poster, but will not receive credit for the presentation. A copy of the "My Life Story Worksheet" (the worksheet used to complete your poster) is on Canvas (under "Pages, Week 2").

Values Assessment

Your values are the things that are most important to you. They are the principles, standards, and qualities you consider worthwhile or desirable. They guide your actions and decisions on a daily basis. If you notice that something isn’t quite right in your life, a lot of times it’s due to a conflict in your values. Your values have a lot of influence on your relationships, your behaviors, your choices, and your personal identity; it’s important to know and understand them in order to live a more fulfilling life! Note: As you identify your values, make sure that you are choosing the most important values in your life right now, not things that you think are important or what you would like to have in the future. This Values Assessment will have you identify the things that are most important in your life RIGHT NOW! They could be things that are important that you “live” on a daily basis – or they may be things that are important, but you don’t actually follow (but would truly like to).

Personal Core Values

• Accomplishment/Achievement - To be involved in and succeed in undertakings that are personally significant, whether or not they bring recognition from others. To complete something successfully, especially by special effort, superior ability, perseverance, or great courage. To participate in activities that bring fulfillment.

• Accountability/Responsibility - To take responsibility for my actions and the outcomes of those actions. To hold myself responsible for my actions, conduct, and decisions. To be answerable for something within my power, control, or management. To be seen as dependable, reliable, and conscientious.

• Advancement/Promotion - To consistently move ahead to new and progressive opportunities. To aspire to higher levels of excellence in one’s professional life. To continue to move forward and improve current rank and/or standing. To have visible success and status in the workplace.

• Authority/Power/Control - To have the power to approve or disapprove proposed courses of action. To make assignments and control allocation of people and resources. To have great influence or control over others. To be given the authorization to enforce, command, determine, or judge. To be in charge.

• Autonomy/Independence - To have freedom of will, thought, and/or action. To be self-reliant and have freedom from the influence, guidance, or control of others. To be self-directed and self-sufficient. To be free from the control, influence, support, and aid of others. To choose own projects, set own pace, schedule, and work with minimal supervision.

• Balance/Stability - To have continuance in life with minimal change. To maintain a life based on reliable, dependable, and predictable situations. To live in a steady, secure, unchanging environment. To have mental steadiness, emotional stability, calm behavior, and use sound judgment.

• Challenge/Risk - To be involved in stimulating and demanding tasks and projects. To be engaged in difficult or complex activities. To face unknown or dangerous experiences. Participating in situations where there is a possibility of damage or loss.

• Competence - To possess the skills, knowledge, and aptitude to effectively perform a task. To execute work with accuracy to achieve results. To demonstrate proficiency and above average effectiveness. To be seen as well qualified and having superior ability.

• Competition - To engage in activities where results are measured frequently and compared with others. A test of skill or ability, usually in comparison with one’s self or others. A contest for some prize, honor, or advantage. To have a strong desire to win and be successful.

• Creativity/Self-Expression - To develop new and innovative ideas. To generate new and better ways of doing tasks. To make, invent, or produce imaginative or original thoughts or things. To use your imagination to find new ways to do or say something. To be able to personalize ideas, emotions, or feelings. To convey or represent one’s own personality, feelings, or ideas.

• Enjoyment/Happiness - To take pleasure in life – both work and personal. To live life to the fullest. To have fun. To experience pleasure, amusement, joy, or cheerfulness in every aspect of life. To incorporate things that brings one pleasure in life.

• Entrepreneurship/Innovation - To organize, manage, or start a business or enterprise, usually with considerable initiative and risk. To create or establish an object, item, or idea. To start or introduce something new and different.

• Excellence - To achieve the highest attainable standard in all aspects of my life. To seek the highest level of quality in all tasks and projects. To possess outstanding quality or superiority merit.

• Expertise - To become a known and respected authority in a particular field. Attain mastery/expertise something specific. To have a high degree of knowledge/skill in a certain subject. To be recognized as an expert in something.

• Fairness/Equality/Diversity - To have the same capability, quantity, effect, value, or status as others. To honor and respect a variety of cultures and lifestyles. To appreciate those things that are different. To welcome others as being the same. To have an equal chance in all things.

• Family - To live with and commit to at least one significant other. To focus on the relationships, time spent with, and attention given to children, spouse, significant other, parents, siblings, and/or relatives.

• Fitness/Health - To be involved in activities that relies on my physical and mental conditioning. To be physically and mentally fit. To be of sound mind, body, and spirit. To be in good health and physical conditioning due to exercise and proper nutrition. To be involved in work that requires substantial physical activity.

• Friendship - To have close, positive, personal relationships with others. To have frequent and caring relationships with non-related people close to you. To develop camaraderie and good-will with others. The cooperative and supportive relationship with two or more people.

• Harmony - To have a feeling of inner calm, peace, and tranquility. To feel or show happiness, contentment, or well-being. To live a life that’s consistent, pleasing, and tranquil. To desire to be at peace with oneself.

• Honesty/Trust - To have faith, belief, and reliance in the character, integrity, and sincerity in another person. To be a person of honor, truthfulness, and fairness. To rely on a person or thing in confidence.

• Integrity - To live and work in agreement with personal moral and ethical standards. To be straightforward and direct with others. To live by and stand up for personal beliefs. To do what you say you’re going to do. To be a person of honor and sincerity. To consistently live by and demonstrate your values.

• Knowledge/Learning/Education - To engage in the pursuit of acquiring information. To be involved in activities that requires thought and reasoning. To study or investigate facts, truths, or principles. To gain familiarity, awareness, or understanding through experience or study.

• Leadership - To motivate and energize other people. To feel responsible for identifying and accomplishing needed group tasks. To guide and direct others. To manage, direct, or supervise the activities of others. To influence the opinions or decisions of others. To personally convince others to take certain actions.

• Leisure - To pursue non-work-related activities. To participate in hobbies, crafts, or recreational activities. To have time and freedom to do things that brings pleasure. To live a life of unhurried ease.

• Loyalty - To be committed to the goals of people who share my beliefs, values and ethical principles. To be faithful and committed to a person. To be trusted to follow an ideal, a custom, a cause, or a duty. Being reliable to commitments and obligations. To follow a leader or a cause with strong devotion.

• Nature/Environment - To care for and appreciate the environment. To respect and values the outdoors. To respect the social and cultural values that shapes the life of a person. To have concerns for the earth and its climate. To be involved in activities or work that’s outdoors – or for the betterment of the outdoors.

• Personal Development/Growth - To do challenging work that will help one grow and allow the utilization of one’s best talents and skills. To develop capabilities and one’s potential to make one more aware of his or her inner feelings or thoughts. To continually search for opportunities to learn about self and about life.

• Recognition/Fame/Prestige - To be seen by others as extremely successful. To be given special notice or attention. To be acknowledged for achievement and service. To obtain recognition and status in one’s chosen field. To have great visibility, a great reputation, and to be recognized and renowned. To seek applause from others.

• Religion - To have a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices from a particular organization. To believe in and follow something devotedly. To practice ritual observances of faith.

• Respect- To be treated with admiration, thoughtfulness, and fairness. To be valued with esteem or honor. To be a person viewed as having certain rights, privileges, proper acceptance, or courtesy. To be a person to show consideration and appreciation for others. To have pride in self and feel worthy.

• Safety/Security - To be free of worry, fear and anxiety. To have minimal concerns about danger or risk. To have predictability in one’s life. To have income and benefits that are predictable and satisfactory. To have the assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation. To have freedom from financial worry.

• Service/Helping Others - To contribute to the well-being and satisfaction of others. To help people who need help and improve society. To give assistance, support, and aid to others. To contribute to the betterment of the world. To have a devotion to the welfare of others. To desire to make a difference. To provide direct services to people with problems.

• Spirituality - To believe that there is a higher power, but not necessarily based on religious beliefs. To view life from one’s soul or spirit. To live a life based on one’s own values and ideals and understand who we are and why we are here.

• Travel/Adventure - To take a trip or journey to a desirable location. To be engaged in new, exciting or unusual experience. To participate in activities that might be considered risky or dangerous. To be in a position where you get to take frequent trips.

• Wealth - To own a significant amount of money, property, or other riches. To be considered rich, prosperous, or affluent by others. To have a valuable amount of possessions and resources. To be in a position to have a lot of money.

• Wisdom - To be aware of one’s self, personal calling, and life purpose. To have knowledge and insight of one’s values in order to make good judgments. To have the intuition to use common sense and good judgment in decisions and actions. To understand the importance of making wise choices. To have a desire to understand life.

After sorting through this list of 36 Values, list and rank order your top Five (5) Most Important Values – the things that are MOST important to you right now.

Value Tags (Assessment) Activity Instructions

The Value Tags Exercise will have you identify the things that are most important in your life RIGHT NOW! They could be things that are important that you “live” on a daily basis – or they may be things that are important, but you don’t actually follow (but would truly like to). Instructions are listed below:

1. Make sure that you have 36 tags.

2. Make two piles of values:

a. Pile 1: Those values that are important in your life right now.

b. Pile 2: Those values that are not important in your life right now.

3. Put aside your pile of values not important (Pile 2).

4. Count the number of values chosen as important in Pile 1.

5. Now, working with the pile of values deemed important (Pile 1), narrow down this pile to your top 10 – your 10 MOST important values. These are the 10 values you deem most important in your life right now. These do not need to be ranked.

6. Once you are done and have identified your 10 most important, you will then narrow down your list to the top FIVE (5) values. You will definitely need to rank order these 5, making sure that the #1 value is the MOST IMPORTANT value – the one that you can’t live without, the one that you will not compromise under any circumstance. Continue this same process with values 2 through 5, making sure to rank order them from #1 through #5.

7. Once you have your five, write down your name, the today’s date, and your list of your ranked top 5 values, from #1 to #5.

8. For each of your top five values, you will write a sentence or two for each one that guides how you make decisions and take action. This definition will provide you the framework and the definition of how you will live according to these values in your life.

9. Once you have your information written, write down/answer the 4 questions below:

a. As you review your list of 5 values, briefly explain why you chose at least your top 5 values and how they are connected.

b. What do you find most interesting about your list of values? Any connections – with your personal life and/or your professional life? Any surprises?

c. Describe how at least two of your values come into play on a daily basis – either in a positive or a negative way?

d. What are at least one or two challenges to living your life according to your highest values? What’s most difficult about living your values?

e. Describe at least two instances where see your values influencing what you decide to do in the future, in your personal and/or professional life?

10. You will be sharing your list/definitions of your 5 values and the answers to the questions in #9 with your fellow classmates.

Desired Work Values

Every day at work, we make choices - sometimes without thinking. Believe it or not, job/career/calling choices are often based on specific work values. What follows is a list of work values that identify the rewards and/or conditions you find appealing at work, including the physical setting, job titles, benefits and earnings/earning potential.

These workplace values have a direct impact on your satisfaction with your job, with your career, and even with your life. When you understand the work values you cherish most, you can make an evaluation about whether your prospective or current employer supports those values. And if you are considering a career change understanding your values is critical to identifying a new career path. If you are currently in a position and have been for several years, are you still doing the kind of work that really suits you? Perhaps it is time for a work values check-up. Use the list below to identify five work values that are most important to you.

Desired Work Values

• Advancement: To be in a job which offers me a good opportunity for promotion.

• Adventure: To have an opportunity to explore and seek new opportunities.

• Aesthetics: To be involved in studying or appreciating the beauty of things, ideas, etc. To be in a position that is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

• Affiliation: To be recognized as a member of a particular organization

• Change/Variety: To have work responsibilities which frequently change in their content and setting. To do many different types of tasks and/or using different skills in my work.

• Competition: To engage in activities which pit my abilities against others where there are clear win-and-lose outcomes.

• Creativity: To be able to create new ideas, programs, organizational structures or anything else not following a format previously developed by others. To engage in artistic expression.

• Culture/Community: To have opportunities to engage in/participate in educational, community, and cultural events.

• Excitement: To be able to experience a high degree of (or frequent) pleasure and stimulation in my work.

• Expertise: To work in an occupation where, as I get better, others recognize my skill and begin to ask my advice as an expert. To become an authority in whatever work I decide to do.

• Fast Pace: To work in circumstances where there is a high pace of activity, where work must be done rapidly. To be able to work as fast as I can, to get as much work done in as short a time as possible. Being paid by the number of deadlines achieved or by the number of items completed.

• Flexible Hours: To have work responsibilities which I can work at according to my own time schedule; no specific working hours required. To be able to choose which hours I want to work, as long as the work gets done on time.

• Friendships: To develop close personal relationships with people as a result of my work activities

• Fun: To be in a place where I have fun and enjoyment doing my work.

• Entrepreneur: To be in a job where I am able to try and create new things as if I was starting my own business. To be able to take safe risks in creating new products and/or services.

• Help Society: To do something that contributes to the betterment of the world I live in.

• Help Others: To be involved in helping other people in a direct way, either individually or in small groups

• Independence: To be able to determine the nature of my work without significant direction from others; not have to do what others tell me to do. Be allowed to decide how to reach a goal and in what order to do my work; deciding what to do first and how fast or slow to work.

• Influence People: To be in a position to change attitudes or opinions of other people. To be able to convince or advise people to do the things I believe they should do.

• Intellectual Status: To be regarded as a person of high intellectual prowess or as one who is an acknowledged "expert" in a given field

• Intellectual Stimulation: To do work that keeps my mind active and forces me to think about difficult concepts. To have an opportunity to learn about new things.

• Job Security: To feel safe knowing that my job will always be there. To know that there is little chance I will lose my job. To be assured of keeping my job and a reasonable financial reward for doing that job

• Knowledge: To be in a job that allows me to engage myself in the pursuit of knowledge, truth, and understanding.

• Location: To be in a place to live (town, geographical area) which is conducive to my lifestyle and affords me the opportunity to do the things I enjoy most.

• Make Decisions: To have the power to decide courses of action, policies, etc.

• Making a Difference: To know that the world is a better place because of the work I do.

• Moral Fulfillment: To feel that my work is contributing significantly to a set of moral standards (to be defined by my) which I feel are very important

• Personal Development: To be able to have time for personal growth, professional development, and self-exploration.

• Physical Challenge: To have a job that makes physical demands on me which I would find rewarding.

• Power and Authority: To direct the work activities of others and have the authority, power, and control to make decisions

• Precision Work: To work in situations that are very structured and there is very little tolerance for error.

• Prestige: To do work that others consider important, so that people will respect me and look up to me because of my work. To be viewed by others with honor and reverence.

• Public Contact: To have a lot of day-to-day contact with people.

• Recognition: To be recognized/noticed for the high quality of my work (such as work tasks, achievements, services, etc.) in some visible or public way.

• Recreation/Leisure: To be in a place where I can be involved with or have access to sports and recreation activities/facilities.

• Respect: To feel admiration and appreciation for the work that I do.

• Risk-Taking: To have work duties which involve frequent risk-taking. To be able to take chances.

• Stability: To have work routines and job duties that are largely predictable and not likely to change over a long period of time. To know exactly what I’ll be doing day-in and day-out.

• Supervision: To have a job in which I am directly responsible for the work done by others.

• Teamwork/Work with Others: To work with others toward common goals or to complete a project.

• Time for Family/Self: To have enough time for myself and my family. To work in an environment that has and supports strong family values. To be at a place that provides me ample time off.

• Travel: To have opportunity to take work related trips throughout the year.

• Money/Wealth: To be in a job where I can make large amounts of money, receive great monetary rewards, and/or accumulate great benefits (such as insurance, retirement accounts, free education) for my work.

• Work Alone: To be in a job where I do projects by myself, without any significant amount of contact with others.

• Work under Pressure: To work in situations where time pressure is prevalent and/or the quality of my work is judged critically by supervisors, customers or others.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once you've completed and written down your top five (5) personal values and your top five (5) desired work values, answer the questions listed below:

• As you review your top 5 list of top personal and desired work values, explain why you chose at least your top three for each category.

• What do you find most interesting about your list of personal and desired work values? Do you notice with your personal, professional or education life? Are they connected in some way to your major and/or area you're interested in pursuing?

• Describe how your values come into play on a daily basis – either in a positive or a negative way.

• What are some of the challenges you face when trying to live your life according to your most important values? In other words, what’s most difficult about living your values?

• Describe how you see your values influencing your decisions in the future? How might they affect your personal and/or professional life in the future?

Meaningful Work

This next part – Meaningful Work – will have you create a statement that defines the work that you’re here to do. If you remember, your meaningful work is work that combines the positive attributes you know about yourself and serving the needs of the world. Defining your meaningful work could be so profound, that it could help you decide your major, identify your career paths/options, create the business you want to start – and so much more. Once you create your meaningful work statement, you will take a short quiz to determine if your statement is truly your meaningful work. The goal is to create a statement that truly defines the work you are here to do!

Finding Your Spark

(From “How to Live a Good Life: Soulful Stories, Surprising Science, and Practical Wisdom” by Jonathan Fields)

This activity provides you an opportunity to reflect on the ideas that might provide you a spark. Use these questions to identify the things you’re curious about, that you find fascinating, you you’d like to learn about at a deeper level, you you’d like to master, and that allows you to serve others in a meaningful way. When you start thinking about the work that you’d like to do, these questions may help you start the process of getting clear about the work that you’d like to do – now and/or in the future.

1. Am I curios about anything in particular? Is there a big question I’d love to answer? Is there a problem I feel compelled to solve?

2. Are there things that fascinate me? Is there a topic or field or thing or pursuit or even a person that I have a deep yearning to know more about?

3. Are there activities that I get lost in? Are there things I love to do where I lose track of time and would pay to be able to do more?

4. Is there something I want to master? Is there an art or field or pursuit I’d love to be really good at, maybe even world-class great?

5. Is there some person or community or being I feel compelled to help? It doesn’t have to be human; it could be an animal, a plant, or even the planet.

Meaningful Work Statement

What if you could be clear about the work that you’re here to do? What if that work was connected to your values, your talents and gifts, and your interests? The Meaningful Work activity which follows provides an opportunity to recognize the work you are here to do, at least at this point in your life. You will use the lists on the next few pages to help you develop a statements that identifies how you want to serve the world in a meaningful way. Use this activity any time you are at a crossroads in your life and want to explore the “work” you’d like to do. Note: If something is not listed in any of the lists below, feel free to add your word to your list!


Values – Choose up to 3

Your Values are the things that are most important things in your life right now. Choose your top three Values and write them on your Life Design You Worksheet.



























Personal Development/Growth





Service/Helping Others





Talents and Gifts – Choose up to 3

Your Talents and Gifts are the things that you are both good at AND you enjoy doing. Choose your top three Talents and Gifts and write them on your Life Design You Worksheet.

|Adapting |Gathering information |Playing games |

|Analyzing data |Giving advice |Playing sports |

|Appreciating things |Giving people hope |Programming |

|Arranging |Giving presentations |Public speaking |

|Asking good questions |Having conversations |Reading |

|Being adventurous |Having fun |Recruiting others |

|Being fair |Healing |Reflecting |

|Being funny |Helping/serving others |Remembering things |

|Being optimistic |Implementing |Repairing things |

|Bringing out best in others |Including others |Reporting |

|Building things |Inspiring others |Researching |

|Buying |Learning from mistakes |Resolving problems |

|Caring for others |Learning new things |Saving lives |

|Cleaning |Leading others |Selling/Marketing |

|Collecting |Listening |Showing compassion |

|Coming up with new ideas |Living in the moment |Singing |

|Compiling statistics |Making arts and crafts |Speaking languages |

|Connecting people |Making decisions |Spending wisely |

|Cooking |Making foods/drinks |Starting new things |

|Coordinating activities |Making music |Storytelling |

|Counseling |Making people happy |Taking care of people |

|Creating new things |Making people laugh |Taking pictures |

|Dealing with pressure |Managing money |Taking risks |

|Dealing with relationships |Managing people |Talking |

|Debating |Managing time |Teaching/Training |

|Decorating |Meeting people |Thinking |

|Demonstrating |Memorizing |Traveling |

|Designing |Motivating others |Understanding law/legal issues |

|Developing |Moving |Using computers |

|Driving |Networking |Using electronics |

|Eating healthy |Note-taking |Using technology |

|Encouraging people |Organizing |Working on cars |

|Enhancing beauty |Painting/Drawing |Working outdoors |

|Entertaining others |Parenting |Working with numbers |

|Exercising |Performing |Working with tools |

|Fixing things |Planning events |Working with your hands |

|Future-thinking |Playing instruments |Writing |

Interests – Choose up to 3

Your Interests are the things that you’re interested in, areas you’re curious about, things that you’re passionate about, problems you’d like to solve, and things that make you angry or drive you crazy. You may also use this as an opportunity to think about areas you’d like to learn more about. Choose your top three Talents and Gifts and write them on your Life Design You Worksheet.

|Government/Politics |Business |Entrepreneurship |

|Farming/Agriculture |History |Medicine/Medical Care |

|Toys/Games |Clothing/Fashion |Writing/Publishing |

|Beauty |Languages |Hotels/Event Planning |

|Cars/Driving |Safety/Security |Entertainment |

|Electronics |Education |Computers/Technology |

|Diversity |Transportation |Mental/Emotional Health |

|Sports/Athletics |Children Issues |Home Improvement |

|Dance |Nutrition/Food |Religion/Spiritual |

|Energy (Resource vs. Spiritual) |Music/Radio |Housing/Real Estate |

|Law/Justice |Military |Math/Statistics |

|Animals/Pets |Families/Relationships |Landscape |

|Design |Exercise/Fitness |Theater/Acting |

|Disabilities |Aviation/Flying |Plants/Flowers |

|Environment/Nature |Marketing/Sales |Self-Help/Personal Growth |

|Humor |Furniture/Antiques |Social Media |

|Money/Finance |Books/Libraries |Cooking |

|Philanthropy |Recreation/Outdoors |Forensics/Death/Mortician |

|Boating/Water |Health/Wellness |Sexuality |

|Travel/Tourism |Television/Movies/Film |Photography |

|Arts/Crafts |Weather |Sciences |

Audience – Choose up to 3

Your Audiences are the people/groups you’d like to help, those you could see yourself working with, and/or those individuals/groups that could benefiting from what you could share. Choose your top three Audiences and write them on your Life Design You Worksheet.

|Business Owners |Entrepreneurs |Athletes |

|Young Children |Communities/Neighborhoods |Deaf/Hearing Impaired |

|Special Needs – Mentally |Special Needs - Physically |Disaster Victims |

|High School Students |Infants/Babies |College Students |

|Creative People |Blind/Visually Impaired |High Level Executives |

|K-12 Education (Teachers, Staff) |Families (includes your own) |Higher Education (Faculty, Staff) |

|Specific Medical Issues |Specific Ethnic/Racial Groups |Substance Abusers |

|Poverty/Rural Areas |“Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) People |Religious Organizations |

|Mothers and/or Fathers |People from Other Countries |Single Parents |

|Delinquents |People in Emotional Crisis |Elderly/Seniors |

|Females/Males |At-Risk Groups |Gangs/Gang Members |

|Homeless People |Farmers |Entertainers/Celebrities |

|Children in Foster Care |Animals |Pregnant Teens/Adults |

|Unhealthy People |Orphans/Runaways |Physically Abused |

|Artists/Performers |Prisoners |Immigrants |

|Veterans/Military |Marriages |Single People |

|Adults |LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Asexual) |

| |

Action – Choose up to 3

Action words describe what you will do to help others, the process of how you will provide your help, or how you interact with others. Your action words may also describe what you the action that your audience will take when working with you. Action words describe action, to DO SOMETHING! As you choose your action words, think about the connection between your action words and your values, talents and gifts, interests, and audience. For this part of the exercise, choose up to five action words. Note: If there are action words that are not listed that you’d like to include, add them to your list. Write your top five list on the Meaningful Work Statement Worksheet.

Advise Advocate Assist Build Change Coach Collaborate

Connect Construct Contribute Coordinate Counsel Create Cultivate

Deliver Demonstrate Design Develop Direct Discover Dream

Educate Eliminate Employ Empower Enable Encourage Engage

Enlist Entertain Evaluate Examine Explain Explore Express

Facilitate Feed Foster Free Freedom Gather Guide

Heal Help Imagine Improve Influence Inform Inspire

Instruct Invite Lead Lift Listen Live Love

Make Mentor Motivate Nurture Optimize Prepare Promise

Promote Provide Pursue Reclaim Rejuvenate Restore Savor

Share Show Study Support Surrender Teach Train

Transform Unlock Uplift Worship

Impact/Change – One or two phrases

And for this last part, take a few minutes to write one or two phrases in the space below that briefly describes the impact you believe you will make, the changes that will occur for the people/groups you serve, the benefit others will have from your work, and/or how the lives of your audience will improve as a result of your help. Use the space below to jot a few ideas for your phrase(s); write your final phrase (or two) on the Meaningful Work Statement Worksheet.

You will use your results from the Values, Talents and Gifts, Interests, Audiences, and Action categories, as well as your Impact/Change phrase, to develop your Meaningful Work Statement.

After you've come up with your list of “words” from the various activities, it’s time to come up with ONE sentence that sums up your Meaningful Work – the work you’d like to do, who you'd like to help, how you’d help them, and the impact you will have and/or the change that will occur. Your meaningful work statement is a declaration that defines your contribution, your positive impact on others, and how your work will make you a better person. You may also decide to create multiple statements, especially if you have multiple interests and/or multiple audiences. Multiple statements may provide you an opportunity to select one statement to start with right away or find ways to combine/connect multiple statements into one. Remember to limit your statement to just ONE sentence to make this process easy for you. Below are several templates that may help you construct your statement; feel free to modify as you see fit – or combine statements that suit your needs. The best way to start this activity is to take your first choice of words in each category (talents, and gifts, interests, audience, and action) and see if you can come up with statement to start with, then modify accordingly. As you construct your meaningful work statement, keep these three questions in mind:

• What do I do?

• Who do I help?

• Why does it matter?

Meaningful Work Statement Sample Templates - fill in the template(s) blanks with at least one choice from each of the areas listed above. Feel free to choose one or both templates below):

• Because I value __________ (value) and have an interest in __________ (interest), I will use my __________ (talents and gifts) to __________ (action) __________ (audience) so that __________ (impact/change).

• My meaningful work is to use my skills in __________ (talents and gifts) to __________ (action) __________ (audience) so that __________ (impact/change), because I value __________ (value) and have an interest in __________ (interests).

Meaningful Work Statement Sample Open-ended Sentence Starters (Note: If you use one of the open ended starters, you’ll need to make sure to incorporate at least one item from each of the six items from the worksheet above):

• I am here to…

• I will serve others (or serve the world) by…

Bill’s Example:

• Because I value wisdom and personal growth/development and have an interest in self-help and well-being, I will use my talents and gifts in group facilitation and connecting people to empower students, faculty, and staff in higher education AND people at a crossroads in life, through reflection, to optimize their lives to become the best version of themselves and make a positive contribution to the world.

Use the space below (or a separate sheet of paper) to come up with your final statement. Feel free to construct multiple statements if you have multiple interests, multiple audiences you wish to serve, etc. We will test you on your Meaningful Work Statement in the next class.

Potential Meaningful Work Statement Checkup

As you try to decide on the ONE Meaningful Work Statements, here’s a way to test whether this statement is aligned with your values, talents and gifts, interests, audience, and impact/change. Use the questions and the scale below to determine the right meaningful work statement for you:

3 = a lot 2 = some 1 = a little 0 = none

1. How much is this meaningful work tied to my personal core values and/or desired work values? _____

2. How much would I be able to include my talents and gifts in doing this meaningful work? _____

3. How much is my interest(s) tied to this meaningful work? _____

4. How much empathy do I have for this particular audience if involved in this meaningful work? _____

5. How much of an impact/change will I really be able to make doing this meaningful work? _____

The highest score you could obtain is 15 (higher is better); you would want to at least score a “10” to consider this your meaningful work. If your score is not a “10” or more, what change in your statement (a change that resonates with you) would you have to make to get your score to a “10?” Does your statement need to be more aligned with your values? Do you need to take more advantage of your talents and gifts? Do you need to work with an audience where you can have a greater impact?

Meaningful Work Statement Quiz

The last part of this activity will have you take the Meaningful Work Statement Quiz, a Quiz that challenges how much your statement resonates with your life. Is your meaningful work truly the work that you’re here to do in this world? The six questions in this Quiz will provide you with one more test to see if this is your meaningful work. It’s a very simple Quiz – you must answer either “YES” or “NO” to each of the questions; MAYBE is not allowed.

Statement #1 – 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______

Statement #2 (if necessary) – 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______

Major/Career/Calling Exploration Poster

Do you have interest in one particular area?  In multiple areas?  Can't decide on any one particular major/area to focus on?   What are your options - as far as majors, minors, and concentrations?  What should you really pursue while in college?  It is our goal to help you find/create work that matters and to understand the difference between a job, a career, and a calling, which we have the listed below (from Job, Career, Calling: Key to Happiness and Meaning at Work? - ):

• Job Orientation: Individuals who fall into this category tend to view their work as a means to an end. They work to receive the pay and/or benefits to support their hobbies, family, or life outside work. They prefer jobs which do not interfere with their personal lives. They are not as likely to have a strong connection to the workplace or their job duties. The job serves as a basic necessity in life.

• Career Orientation: An individual with a “career” orientation is more likely to focus on elements related to success or prestige. This individual will be interested in the ability to move upward in his or her career, to receive raises and new titles, and to achieve the social standing which comes from the career. Careers which have a clear upward “ladder’ are appealing to those with a career orientation.

• Calling Orientation: Individuals with a calling orientation often describe their work as integral to their lives and their identity. They view their career as a form of self-expression and personal fulfillment. Research conducted by Wrzesniewski and colleagues find that individuals with a calling orientation are more likely to find their work meaningful and will modify their duties and develop relationships to make it more so. They are found to be more satisfied in general with their work and their lives.

This week, you will put together a "poster" (must be a minimum of 18" X 24") about your major/career/calling options, to include the following:

1. List your meaningful work statement.

2. A list of at least two (2) and up to four (4) potential majors/concentrations aligned with your meaningful work statement.  You may also choose these majors based on your personality type, your values, your strengths, your talents and gifts, your interests, your audience – or a combination of all of the above.  The goal is to provide you with at least a Plan A and Plan B for your future. If you aren’t sure that to choose, check out this "List of UNCG Majors - ” - to see the many options for majors/concentrations at UNCG.  If you can't narrow down your options because you don’t know or have to many, choose from two to four that sound most interesting - it's always better to have more options than less, especially if you're pursuing a “competitive” major.  If you have an interest in pursuing multiple majors, list these on your poster as well. You will need to list these major(s)/concentration(s) options on your poster.

3. For each of the majors that you choose (even if it’s just one), make sure to identify the specific entrance requirements to get into the major, such as GPA requirements, prerequisite courses, application forms/deadlines, and any other specific entrance requirements.  Make sure to list these entrance requirements on your poster.

4. If you have or have an interest in one or more minors, make sure to list the minor(s) and the requirements to complete the minor(s), such as number of credits, courses that you plan to take to complete the minor(s), and any other useful minor-related information on your poster. Find a list of minors here: list of uncg minors, 10-18-16.doc

5. If have interests in courses not related to major requirements but will enhance your college experience (such as courses in speaking, photography, media studies, art, music, theater, business, etc.), include those options on your poster as well.  For this category (list as “Interesting Courses”), list classes that you might take that would actually be FUN. You can review UNCG's Undergraduate Bulletin () to see the list of courses (and their descriptions) offered at UNCG.  This list of courses may also provide some information to help you choose the major that fits you best.  

6. For this next part, you will need to visit the two links below:

• What Can I Do With a Major In -

• Majors That Pay You Back () -

• Use the links above to write down the following information on your poster:

▪ Specific areas and employers related to your major choices and/or meaningful work.

▪ Information, strategies, requirements, and/or experiences you need to obtain to pursue this work further or enhance your chances of finding/creating a position (graduate school, certificates, observation hours, etc.).

▪ Average starting salary for your major - include both bachelors and, if necessary, graduate/professional degrees - in your major/meaningful work/area of interest.

7. On your poster, write down your list of courses you plan to take for the following (Spring 2017) Semester.  If you're not sure what to take, visit department web sites to see if they have suggested four-year course sequences for their majors.  

• Programs of Study in the School of Health and Human Sciences:

8. Include a four-year plan of study of what you should take for the rest of your college career to finish out your degree. These can be found on most department websites.

9. If you have an interest in graduate school, use the link below to get a list of graduate programs in your area of interest and/or programs in a particular location/state.  On your poster, write down your graduate school interest(s), as well as a list of at least three graduate school programs that have your major/area of interest.  For example, if you want to get a list of graduate-level Physical Therapy programs in the state of North Carolina, use the link below and type in physical therapy and North Carolina for a list of schools.

• Petersons Graduate School Research -

10. Also list student organizations and/or professional organizations that could enhance your experience in the major/area of interest.  List at least three student organizations and/or professional organizations that are associated with your major/area of interest. Campus Activities and Programs:

11. Feel free to include anything other information regarding your interest(s) in majors, careers, calling, and meaningful work that's pertinent to this assignment.

FOR SENIORS ONLY: If you are a junior or senior taking this course, use this as an opportunity to reflect on your undergraduate experience.  You will put together a poster that includes:

1. Your meaningful work statement, as well as your major(s)/concentration(s), minors (if any), and a list of the most interesting courses you’ve taken, at UNCG and/or other places. You can also include any special training/certifications you’re obtained to enhance your education.

2. What you are doing (and what you have done already) to prepare yourself for life after graduation. List graduate school you plan to apply to (or have applied to), potential companies/fields you plan to explore (or received job offers), a small business/side gig you plan to create (or created), or anything else pertaining to your future educational and/or work goals. List the specific areas of interests and employers related to your field, as well as the average starting salary for a degree in your major.

3. A list of student/professional organizations you’ve been involved in during your academic career, regardless of whether they were within or outside your major. Include any internships, apprenticeships, study abroad, part-time/full-time work, or any other experiences that were important and/or valuable in developing your academic/work career.

4. Briefly share your answers to each of the following questions (no more than two sentences for each question):

• How do you feel about your choice of a major? Are you happy with it or would you have chosen something else?

• If you had an option to start your college experience all over again, what would you do differently?  

• List the experiences have been most meaningful and rewarding?  

• What has been your biggest challenge regarding your major/career choice?

• Feel free to add another sentence or two about anything else that addresses the positive or negative experiences about college, i.e. choosing on a major, working with an advisor, etc.

This is no particular design that’s required for these posters. If you are sure what to do, click on this link - to see examples of posters from previous classes.

The purpose of this homework assignment is to get you to explore and understand your options for majors, minors, graduate school, student organizations etc., as well as to provide you with the resources to make informed decisions about your future. Remember, this is to be completed as a poster project, not as a written report.

Calling Connection Worksheet and MindMap

(Adapted from book, “Build Your Dreams: How to Make a Living Doing What You Love” by Alexis Irvin and Chip Hiden)

The Calling Connection is a process to help you identify potential opportunities to pursue based on your meaningful work statement in a variety of areas. You must create a meaningful work statement in order to complete this activity. Categories include Business, Creative, Scientific/Research, Social/Political, and Teaching. Use the blank box next to each listed category to identify specific opportunities you could pursue to get started on the “work” piece of your meaningful work.

|Business | |

|Identify specific job/employment titles you could obtain… | |

|Identify a business you could start/own… | |

|Identify a product(s) you could create… | |

|Identify a service(s) you could offer … | |

|Identify professional organizations and/or associations you could join, create, and/or be | |

|involved in… | |

|Identify student organizations and/or associations you could join, create, and/or be | |

|involved in… | |

|Identify an invention you could make… | |

|Identify an area where you could be an expert… | |

|Identify internship/apprenticeship opportunities you could create… | |

|Identify an app that you could create based on your work… | |

|Creative | |

|Identify strategies you could write about this work (i.e. blog, magazine, newspaper, or | |

|book)… | |

|Identify strategies you could use pictures, drawings, or illustrations… | |

|Identify strategies to incorporate dance or some type of movement… | |

|Identify strategies to use of TV, movies, video, podcasts, and/or film for your work… | |

|Identify strategies to incorporate other type(s) of art, such as painting, photography, | |

|pottery, jewelry, etc.… | |

|Identify strategies to incorporate music and sounds, such as live music, radio, playing | |

|music, etc.… | |

|Identify types of designs or decoration that could be used… | |

|Scientific/Research | |

|Identify strategies you could take to evaluate facts and/or opinions in this area(s)… | |

|Identify strategies to collect data and/or gather information… | |

|Identify types of testing, analysis, and/or experimentation that could be done… | |

|Identify areas of further inquiry, exploration, or investigation… | |

|Identify safety, liability, or other issues that might need to be addressed… | |

|Identify a new method to do this specific work… | |

|Identify specific types of clinical work opportunities… | |

|Identify benefits/drawbacks of this work… | |

|Identify best practice(s) in this area… | |

|Identify types of reports you could write/produce… | |

|Social/Political | |

|Identify strategies to serve as activist or lobbyist… | |

|Identify affected laws and policies involved in this work… | |

|Identify opportunities you could do with non-profits and/or charities… | |

|Identify opportunities within the local community… | |

|Identify opportunities at the state, national, or international level… | |

|Identify opportunities within government… | |

|Identify a new legislative process affected by this work… | |

|Identify economic issue(s) that might be tied to this work… | |

|Identify groups or specific populations that could be affected – positively or negatively | |

|- by your work… | |

|Identify a campaign/movement you could create… | |

|Identify allies/mentors/collaborators that could assist you in doing this work… | |

|Teaching/Education | |

|Identify strategies to teach/instruct others… | |

|Identify strategies to incorporate service/community learning… | |

|Identify programs/activities you could create and/or develop… | |

|Identify specific classes you could teach… | |

|Identify opportunities to create educational programs… | |

|Identify specific degrees, majors, minors, and/or certificates you could obtain in this | |

|area of work… | |

|Identify strategies to provide coaching, guidance, or mentoring… | |

|Identify alternative means to deliver learning opportunities, such as on-line, MOOC’s, | |

|etc…. | |

|Identify apprenticeships and/or internships opportunities that you could obtain… | |

|Identify workshops and/or trainings you could facilitate… | |

|Identify workshops and/or trainings you could attend to become more knowledgeable about | |

|this work… | |

|Bill’s Example - Because I value wisdom and personal growth/development and have an interest in self-help and well-being, I will use my talents and |

|gifts in group facilitation and connecting people to empower students, faculty, and staff in higher education AND people at a crossroads in life to |

|reflect and explore in order to optimize their lives to make a positive contribution to the world and become better people. |

|Business |Creative |Scientific/Research |

|Start a Life Design Coaching business. |Write reviews of best self-help practices or |Research benefits/drawbacks of Life Design |

|Connect with local organizations agencies to |self-help books |program |

|promote self-help work |Create the Dreamdean blog |Identify best practices in coaching and Life |

|Create a new process to reflect on life |Create Life Design videos |Design |

|Connect with Optimize group |Write a Life Design book |Acquire data to support/grow Life Design Program;|

| |Host a vision board party. | |

|Social/Political |Teaching |

|Create a Life Design Manifesto |Teach Life Design classes |

|Start campaign to incorporate Life Design Program in colleges and |Host Life Design workshops and trainings |

|universities |Facilitate train-the-trainer Life Design Program |

|Organize movement to incorporate Life Design activities as part of |Provide undergraduate/graduate internships |

|curriculum | |

|Start my own Life Design tribe. | |

Calling Connection Mind Map

A Mind Map is a visual diagram that uses words and pictures to create themes around a basic idea. The best way to visualize a mind map is to think of an old tree with many, many braches. Mind maps allow users to graphically display information on a topic; people will tend to use them to creatively brainstorm ideas. Here’s an example of a Mind Map:


For today, we will have you create a mind map around your meaningful work. To start, write a synopsis of your meaningful work statement as your central theme in the middle of the paper. For this mind map activity, we will draw five branches from this theme: Business, Creative, Scientific/Research/ Social/Political, and Teaching. We will use the thought-provoking prompts within each of category to help extend the branches our map. Your answer to the prompts would become a branch from the main category. For example, one of the prompts for Business is ‘name a job/employment opportunity…”; you could create a branch from Business that identifies a specific job that you could obtain in that area.


Desired Feelings

When most people think of dreams, they think of things they want to accomplish in their lifetime; however, a lot of time these dreams don't have much substance behind them. What's usually missing: Desired Feelings? Ask yourself these questions:

• How do I want to feel when I accomplish my dreams?

• How do I want to feel when I'm engaged in meaningful work? Or work that I envision doing in the future?

Imagine what your life would be like if your values, work, goals, and dreams were based on your deepest feelings – the things that really drive you on a daily basis. Use the list on the next two pages to pick words that describe how you want to FEEL in your life – in your work, in your play, as you start each day. Take time to not only pick words that seem to fit best with you; pick words that resonate with you at the deepest levels of your soul. So deep, that they may even evoke some type of strong, positive emotion in you when you see them, hear them, feel them! Think about how you want to feel today and every day. You may also want to identify your choices based on the question: “What feelings do I want to have with my (or in my) __________?” and use these options to complete the sentence: work, career, education, money, lifestyle, family, friends, relationships, health, well-being, fun, recreation, religion, spirituality, and personal growth. Once a desired feeling is chosen, take a few seconds to ask yourself, “Why is this feeling important to me?” That may help you narrow you’re your choices. Note: If a word is not listed here that you'd like to use, feel free to list it among your choices.

















At ease

At peace






















Cared about

Cared for


















Committed to






























































Fired up










Full of energy

Full of life









































In control
































Listened to




























































Pumped up












































































































Turned on


























Once you decide on the words that best describe how you want to feel, write down five (5) to ten (10) that fit you best on your Life Design You Worksheet. Make sure these 5 to 10 feelings best describes how you want to feel, starting today. See them, feel them, and let them soak in your consciousness. Imagine that these are the words that will bring you the focus and clarity you need to direct your life – now and in the future.

Desired Dream List

Your Desired Dream List identifies the things you’d like experience at some point in your life. As you construct your list, choose activities, experiences, and accomplishments you’d like to complete, some by the end of 2017. Regardless of what you choose, make sure that you choose items based on how you want to feel once completed - your Desired Feelings. Use the categories and examples below to identify things that you’d like to be, do, or have that would be really important to you to pursue. Your goal is to see if you can come up with 2 desired dreams for each category. As you construct your list, make sure to be as specific as possible; for example, instead of writing, “Be a better person,” write something more specific, such as “spend at least once day a week with my family ” or “volunteer at homeless shelter once a week.” Instead of “lose weight,” state that you’d like to lose 15 pounds by December 31, 2017. Remember, this is YOUR Desired Dream List, not a list of things that others want you to achieve.


|Work/Career/Education |Start a business, get high school/college/professional degrees, get certificates, find job/employment, identify |

| |career/vocation, be a mentor to someone, join professional organizations and associations, create professional group|

|Money/Finances |Increase income, reduce debt, create retirement, savings, emergency fund, limit expenses, get health benefits, |

| |reduce taxes, create budget, give to charity |

|Lifestyle/Social |Purchase clothing, housing, vehicles/transportation, electronics and/or technology equipment, do community work, |

| |improve self-image, start dating |

|Family/Friends/ Relationships |Spend quality time with parents, spouse/life partner, siblings, children, relatives, childhood friends, pets, |

| |co-workers/colleagues, bosses, roommates |

|Personal Growth/Self-Practice |Live according to values/life purpose, work on goals/dreams, learn new skills; managing time/life, get organized, |

| |reduce clutter, eliminate bad habits, create rituals |

|Health/Well-Being |Address physical, mental, relaxation, exercise, diet/nutrition, happiness, reduce stress |

|Recreation/Fun |Travel, adventure, sports, music, arts/crafts, hobbies, writing, add play time, cook |

|Religion/Spirituality |Develop regular practice (prayer, church attendance, etc.), read scriptures, increase belief in higher power, faith,|

| |worship, serve those less fortunate, meditate, yoga |


|Work/Career/Education |Money/Finances |Lifestyle/Social |

|Write a book/e-book |Create a retirement account |Purchase a new house or car |

|Host a training/workshop |Create scholarship for student |Throw a kick-ass party |

|Find a mentor |Create a savings account |Develop close friendships |

|Start a business |Donate 10% of salary to charity |Be a guest on TV/Radio |

|Become expert in something |Eliminate credit card debt |Volunteer at local charity |

|Get a degree/certificate |Create a budget |Join a local club or group |

|Family/Friends/ Relationships |Personal Growth/Self-Practice |Health/Well-Being |

|Go to a show with friends |Learn to play an instrument |Eat fruit/veggies every day |

|Be a role model |Learn a new language |Complete a 10K run |

|Go on a family trip |Take a photography class |Stop eating fast food |

|Host a family get-together |Attend a self-help workshop |Achieve a certain weight |

|Make a nice dinner for partner |Get rid of clutter in your room |Stop smoking |

|Plan a fun day with your kids |Eliminate a bad habit |Relax 10 minutes every day |

|Recreation/Fun |Religion/Spirituality | |

|Learn a new art or craft |Meditate 5 minutes every day | |

|Go on a long hike |Be grateful for something daily | |

|Travel to exotic place |Pray every day for a month | |

|Participate in a new activity |Go on mission trip | |

|Go horseback riding |Read scriptures every day | |

|Go sky-diving or parasailing |Learn to forgive | |

______________________________ Desired Dream List

(Your name)

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|Personal Growth/Self-Practice |Health/Well-Being |

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|Recreation/Fun |Religion/Spirituality |

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Idea Exchange Worksheet

Dream #1:



List of Ideas
















Dream #2:



List of Ideas
















Personal Board of Advisors

(Adapted from Personal Board of Directors, Mad Office Hero: and

One of the most important areas that most people don’t explore is nurturing relationships that help them grow – both professionally and personally. The following worksheet will provide you with a few ideas to help you identify potential people to help you on your journey. Use this as your opportunity to start connecting with people who will help you move forward in achieving your vision for the future. As you put your list together, make sure that you have different people to support the different areas/needs in your life.

Knowledge/Expertise: Who can help you continue to build your knowledge and expertise? Who’s an expert in the areas you want to develop? Who shares best practices or innovations? Who broadens your perspective?

Name: __________________________________________________

Influence: Who, at an executive/high level, supports you? Who’s influential? Who offers guidance and mentoring? Who connects you to resources?

Name: ___________________________________________________

Purpose and Motivation: Who inspires you with fresh ideas? Who motivates you to make a difference? Who validates your work? Who’s a role model that takes action?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Personal Development: Who makes you a better you? Who challenges you? Who gives you honest feedback? Who tells you the things you don’t want to hear but need to hear? Who pushes you to be better?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Personal Support/Closet Confidante: Who encourages you? Who listens while you vent or gripe and reflect back to you? Who gets you back on track when needed? Who can you be yourself with?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Balanced Life: Who encourages your health and mental well-being? Who helps you learn and grow as a person?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Academic Inspirer: Who can help you learn more about a discipline that has piqued your interest?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Industry Professional: Who can help you create connections between your educational and experiential pursuits?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Student Mentor: Who is further along in his/her journey, capable of sharing his/her experience with you?

Name: ____________________________________________________

Wild Card: Who can you include on your board that will help you become the best version of yourself?

Name: ______________________________________________________

Personal Charter Project and Presentation Instructions

The Personal Charter Project and Presentation will have you create and share a poster that is a compilation of everything you've learned about yourself over the course of the Semester.  The Personal Charter can be used as a guide on how you want to live your life on a daily basis.  You will share and present your Personal Charter on the last day of class. Your Personal Charter Poster will contain a minimum of the following:

• 4-Letter Personality Type Code and three words that best describes your personality type.

• Top 10 Personal Values and Top 5 Desired Work Values.

• 5 Character Strengths and 5 Engagement Strengths.

• Seven-Word Life Motto.

• 5-10 Talents and Gifts.

• Meaningful Work Statement.

• Visionary Lifework Twitter Pitch.

• 5 to 10 Desired Feelings.

• I Am Poem.

• 5 Personal Manifesto statements.

Feel free to include any other items to your Personal Charter to make it more “you,” such as pictures, quotes, and other words of wisdom that inspires you. See your Personal Charter as your Life Guide Instruction Manual, a document that guides your actions and decisions and monitors whether you’re staying on track or not.  Like the other posters for this class, your Personal Charter poster will be created by hand, utilizing markers, crayons, and/or colored pencils to identify the 10 parts listed above.  Since you will be displaying your poster for others to read, make sure your words are clearly legible for others to read. Your Personal Charter Poster must be on poster paper/board at least 18" x 24" in size; again, feel free to use any combination of words and pictures to construct your Poster.  You may also use this as an opportunity to revise/refine your answers from any of the previous activities; for example, you may decide that you’d like to redo your meaningful work statement or your list of values.  If so, feel free to reflect these changes in your poster.

If you want ideas/examples on how to construct your poster, click here:  

You will need to bring your completed Personal Charter Poster to the last class; as with the My Life Story Poster, we will hang your poster on the wall for display, then everyone in attendance will participate in a "Gallery Walk," where each attendee will walk around the room to review each poster.  It is important that you attend this class to support your classmates and their work.  The silent Gallery Walk will last for about 5 minutes; once the Gallery Walk is complete, presenters will take one (1) minute to address the following:

• What are three things you learned about yourself over the course of the semester?

• What changes did you make as a result of this class - or what did this class help re-affirm about your major, your career, and/or your life?

• What impact will this class have on your future, personally, educationally, and professionally?

Remember, your presentation is only for one (1) minute. The Personal Charter Project and Presentation is worth 8 points - 6 points for the Personal Charter and 2 points for the Presentation. Good luck and have fun!

You can download the Personal Charter Poster and Presentation Instructions here: personal charter poster-presentation, 11-16-16.doc

Jump– Steve Harvey

(Video: )

This activity can be used when you want to think about taking a leap of faith and moving forward in your life. This video by Steve Harvey occurred after an episode of Family Feud, when he decided to take a few minutes to talk to the audience. As you watch this video, think about what a “jump” would look like for you in your life.

What does “jump” mean to you? What would a “jump” look like for you?

If you had to make a “jump,” who would get to help and/or support you? Why would you want this person to help you make that “jump?”

What are at least one or two “jumps” you could make by the end of the month? By the end of the year?

Once completed, share your thoughts about your “jump” with at least one other person.

Life Word Activity

For this week's activity, we're going to have you identify your LIFE WORD - one word that will sum up your legacy on this earth, the word that will drive every action and decision now and the future. According to the authors of the book, "Life Word: Discover Your One Word to Leave a Legacy" the authors believe that there's "a word that will inspire you to live your best life while leaving your greatest legacy. In the process you’ll discover your why which will help show you the way to live with a renewed sense of power, purpose and passion."

So, what do you think your Life Word would be? There's a list of words below that you can use to narrow down your options. If you had our "What Could I Do With My Life" course, you may also pick a word from one of the activities done in that class. If a word resonates with you and it's not on the list, definitely choose that word. You may even want to ask those people close to you to see if there's one word that might identify the impact that you've had on them. Or, if you come up with your ONE WORD, ask the people close to you to see if they agree with you.

Once you have your ONE WORD, you will have the option to construct either a poster or a video that illustrates that word in your life. You will need to identify at least 10 items where your ONE WORD could come into play in your life. They could be pictures, quotes, or anything else that can be used to illustrate how this ONE WORD will identify your lasting legacy. You will bring your ONE WORD poster or video to class next week. Good luck and have fun!

Short List of “Life Words”







































































































































































Contact Information

Bill Johnson

Student Success Navigator, Life Design Catalyst Coach and Lead Facilitator, Instructor

Life Design Center/Advising and Personal Development Center

School of Health and Human Sciences

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Office e-mail: whjohnso@uncg.edu

Office/Business phone: 336-207-6795

Bill’s Dream Dean Blog:

Megan Delph Cayton

Student Success Navigator, Life Design Catalyst Coach and Facilitator, Instructor

Life Design Center/Advising and Personal Development Center

School of Health and Human Sciences

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Office e-mail: mcdelph@uncg.edu

Office/Business phone: 614-284-1443

UNCG web site:

Life Design Catalyst sites:

• Home:

• Facebook Group: Life Design Catalyst Coaching


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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