|A | |

|[pic] |

|Abreciated Jasper |

|This stone is composed of angular fragments of minerals. Metaphysically it is often used for stress relief and relaxation. Mined in |

|China and Brazil. |

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|African Sodalite |

|A navy blue stone that is made up of sodium and has streaks of white calcite running through it. Darker blue than regular Sodalite, |

|it is often confused with Lapis. It is said to harmonize the inner being and it is used to stimulate thought. Mined in Africa. Mohs |

|hardness 6-7. |

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|African Turquoise |

|African Turquoise is mined in Africa and is actually a type of spotted teal jasper rather than turquoise. Its matrix structure and |

|shade is similar to that of turquoise, and is light bluish-green. Metaphysically, African Turquoise is called a ‘Stone of Evolution’ |

|because it brings encouragement to growth, development and positive change within life itself. Mined in Africa. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Agua Nueva Agate |

|The Agua Nueva Ranch mine is located about hour north of Chihuahua City in Mexico. Some of the world's best agate has come from the |

|Agua Nueva ranch. Predominant colors include gold, lavender, purple, pink and white. Metaphysically, Agate is a good protective stone|

|and can also strengthen the body’s connection to the earth. Hardness: 6.5-7.0 |

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|Amazonite |

|A member of the feldspar family, Amazointe, also known as Amazon Stone, ranges in color from blue-green to green. It's an opaque |

|stone often found with white, yellow, or gray inclusions and a silky luster or a silvery sheen. It is know for it's balancing energy,|

|harmony, and universal love. Most commonly mined in Madagascar, Russia, or Brazil. Mohs hardness 6-6.5 |

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|Amethyst  |

|This is the official birthstone of February. It forms in silica-rich liquids deposited in geodes and generally is found in clusters |

|of crystal points. Amethyst's name is derived from from the Greek word amethystos meaning "not drunken", because people of ancient |

|times believed it to protect the wearer from drunkeness. Mined in USA, Uraguay, South America, & Africa. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Angelite |

|A natural blue quartz, it raises the state of conscious awareness and facilitates contact with your angels. It is mined in Africa. |

|It's also known as Angelita and Angelite Quartz. Morhs hardness 7. |

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|Artistic Stone |

|It is often called a jasper, but is made up of Calcite or Calcium Carbonate (commonly referred to as limestone). Each bead can depict|

|a unique landscape or can resemble a Chinese character making each bead a piece of artwork. It is said to increase and amplify |

|energy. It is a protecting , grounding, and centering stone that is said to bring prosperity. Morhs hardness 4. |

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|[pic] |

|Australian Dragons Blood |

|A serpentine mined out of Australia. "Dragon's blood" refers to the red spots that are matrixed in the stone. Historically, in the |

|19th century, people became aware of the fire resistant nature of serpentine, as a result is was utilized in many materials and |

|fabrics. According to legend, Romans used this stone as protection against sorcery and the dark arts. mohs hardness 6.5. |

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|Aventurine |

|Aventurine is a form of quartz, characterised by its translucency and the presence of platy mineral inclusions that give a shimmering|

|or glistening effect termed aventurescence. The most common colour of aventurine is green, but it may also be orange, brown, yellow, |

|blue, or gray. Chrome-bearing fuchsite (a variety of muscovite mica) is the classic inclusion, and gives a silvery green or blue |

|sheen. Oranges and browns are attributed to hematite or goethite. Because aventurine is a rock, its physical properties vary: its |

|specific gravity may lie between 2.64-2.69 and its hardness is somewhat lower than single-crystal quartz at around 6.5. |

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|B | |

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|Birds Eye Rhyolite |

|Birds Eye Rhyolite refers to some spherulitic rhyolites. Rhyolite was named "streaming rock" because of its beautiful bands, bubbles|

|and crystal-rich layers that form as lava flows onto the surface of stone and moves forward. Rhyolite can look very different, |

|depending on how it erupts. Rhyolite has a composition similar to granite but has a smaller grain size. It is composed of the |

|light-colored silicates and is usually buff to pink in color. Because of its varied formational traits it represents change, variety|

|and progress. Mined in Mexico. Also known as Brown Rhyolite. Mohs hardness 6. |

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|Black Gold Amazonite |

|This stone is made up of Amazonite, Tourmaline, and Pyrite all in one light blue and black stone. This member of the feldspar family|

|often forms near Schorl (Black Tourmaline) and Albite, a white transparent variety of the feldspar family. Mined in Africa. Also |

|known as Rainbow Amazonite and Black Cloudy Amazonite. Mohs hardness 6. |

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|Blue Apatite |

|A blue transparent Phospate mat erial. It derives from the Greek word apate, meaning to deceive. Apatite is a great stone for |

|encouraging inspiration and is famous for deepening meditation. Mined in Brazil, Mexico, Myanmar, Africa, and USA. Mohs hardness 5. |

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|Blue Crazy Lace Agate |

|This is color enhanced Mexican Crazy Lace Agate which is normally white opaque with swirling patterns. To emphasize these beautiful |

|patterns, the blue color is added. Color enhancing is common amongst agates to make them fashionably relevant. Although colors are |

|enhanced the healing properties remain the same. Lace agates are said to keep the wearer well-balanced while helping to banish fear.|

|Mohs hardness 6.5-7 |

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|Blue Goldstone |

|Goldstone is a glass with flecks of copper suspended in it. The glass is made in a reducing furnace with copper salts added; the |

|copper platelets suspended in the glass give it its characteristic glitter. Goldstone has been around since the European |

|Renaissance. Stories say that it was discovered by Venetian monks when by accident, molten copper tipped into a molten glass |

|container. This crystallized into thousands of tiny crystals and formed a melt with golden light sparkles. Made in Italy and China. |

|Mohs hardness 5.5. |

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|Blue Green Quartz |

|From Brazil, Blue Green Quartz, also known as Prase, is solid clear Quartz crystals that get its bluish green color from Actinolite |

|and Chlorite. Quartz is the most common mineral found on the face of the earth and occurs in all environments and all rock types - |

|sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous. Mohs Hardness 7.0 |

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|Blue Impression Jasper |

|Impression Jasper comes in a variety of colors and possibly more names. The material comes with variety of tan and crimson matrix |

|colors which create a striking contrast to any color it may be enhanced. Blue Impression Jasper has been color enhanced. It is used |

|to find clarity and inner peace. Mined in Hubei China. Also known as African Blue Opal, Aqua Terra Jasper, Impression Jasper, Sea |

|Sediment Jasper. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Blue Kyanite |

|This stone is a blue silicate material found in aluminum-rich environments. It is considered the "Earth Stone" due to its soothing |

|earth tone colors, as well as its grounding and tranquil nature. While most minerals have just one hardness, kyanite has a range of |

|4.5-6.5; this is due to Kyanite have alternating cleves. Mined in Brazil, U.S.A., Switzerland, Russia, India, Kenya, Myanmar and |

|Australia. Mohs hardness 4.5-6.5. |

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|Blue Labradorite |

|Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar found in igneous or metamorphic rocks. It has been dyed blue to enhance the purple and blue |

|fire or labradorescence (schiller) the material emits. Labradorite is said to detoxify the body and slow the aging process. Named |

|for Labrador Island in Canada the first place it was discoved. Mined in Canada, Madagascar, the Ukraine, Australia, Mexico, Norway |

|and the U.S.A. Mohs hardness 6. |

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|Blue Lace Agate |

|Blue Lace Agate is a unique natural form of Agate from the Chalcedony family, pale blue in color, laced with bands or swirls of |

|white to grey to periwinkle. It is among the most popular and rare varieties of Agate. It is said to be a calming and uplifting |

|stone that relieves stress by fostering peace and tranquility when gazed upon. AKA: Lace Chalcedony. Mined in Africa. Mohs hardness |

|7. |

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|Blue Tiger Eye |

|This stone is natural in color and is classified as a "pseudomorphous" stone. This means that the blue Crocidolite is replaced |

|during the growth process by Silica (Quartz). Used to balance pessimistic behavior and dissolves negative energy and the thought |

|patterns associated with it. This "all seeing stone" allows perspective on any situation and it can help gently attune the Third Eye|

|and will enhance psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. Mined in Canada, India, South Africa and USA. Also known as Hawk's Eye and |

|Falcon's Eye. Mohs hardness 7 |

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|Botswana Agate |

|Botswana Agate is banded with defined parallel lines. It is found in purple, pinks and white on hues of gray. The value of the rough|

|material has risen in recent years since it has become scarce on the market. Botswana Agate has an anti-depressant quality and |

|stimulates the exploration of the unknown. Mined in Botswana. Mohs hardness 7 |

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|Brioche Agate |

|Brioche Agate is a brown, tan and white agate that has brecciated patterns and subtle banding. Agate is a variety of chalcedony |

|formed from layers of quartz which usually show varicolored bands. It usually occurs as rounded nodules or veins. Metaphysically it |

|is a very good protective stone, especially children. Mined in Africa. Mohs hardness 6 |

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|Bronze Infused Purple Turquoise |

|Created from sky blue Kingman Turquoise infused with violet epoxy resin, heated and finished in metal bath of Bronze. It is truly a |

|striking combination of textures and colors. Made in the USA. Mohs hardness: 4-5 |

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|Bronzite |

|Bronzite is a member of the orthopyroxene group of minerals, belonging with enstatite and hypersthene to the orthorhombic series of |

|the group. Rather than a distinct species, it is really a ferriferous variety of enstatite, which owing to partial alteration has |

|acquired a bronze-like sub-metallic luster on the cleavage surfaces |

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|C | |

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|Carnelian |

|A translucent chalcedony or an A-grade Agate that receives its beautiful red tints from iron oxides. Heat treated to darken the |

|material. |

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|Cat's Eye |

|Cat's Eye is a form of Chrysoberyl and is an aluminate of beryllium with the formula BeAl2O4. The name chrysoberyl is derived from |

|Greek words chrysos and beryllos, meaning "a gold-white spar". Despite the similarity of their names, chrysoberyl and beryl are two|

|completely different gemstones. Chrysoberyl is the third-hardest frequently encountered natural gemstone and lies at 8.5 on the |

|hardness scale, between corundum (9) and topaz (8). Area of origin: Madagascar |

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|Cherry Quartz |

|Cherry Quartz is a beautiful man-made glass from China, a mixture of clear glass and swirls of deep pink. It is made from glass |

|melted in a furnace then combined with a coloring agent to produce the swirling inclusions or "needles" that give it its unique |

|look. The glass is then cooled, cut, & polished like a gemstone. It has been said to attract love. Country of origin: China. Mohs |

|Hardness: 7 |

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|Chrysocolla |

|Chrysocolla is a copper bearing mineral that is often confused with Turquoise. A relatively soft stone, it has variegated colors of|

|blue and green and is most often found wherever copper deposits occur, especially in the southwestern US, Australia, Chili, Zaire, |

|England and France. The name Chrysocolla was first used to describe the stone by Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist, in|

|315 B.C. Chrysocolla is associated with peace and tranquility and is said to foster creativity. Mined in United States. AKA |

|Chrysocolla Malchite, Azurite Chrysocolla Mohs hardness 7 |

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|D | |

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|Dog Teeth Amethyst |

|Dog Teeth Amethyst is a combination of Amethyst and White Quartz mixed together in a striped, chevron pattern. Named for its |

|resemblance to a flower, the Dog Tooth Violet. Metaphysically, Dog Teeth Amethyst is said to help remove resistance to change and |

|to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. AKA- Dog Tooth, Cape Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst. It is mined in Africa. Mohs |

|hardness 7. |

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|Dragon Blood Jasper |

|A "stone of courage", Dragon Blood Jasper is actually a variety of quartz that displays flecks and veins of red within an opaque |

|green background. A legend says the stone is the remains of deceased ancient dragons ? the green being the skin and the red the |

|blood. Metaphysically, Dragon Blood Jasper is an intensely healing stone, promoting courage, strength, and vitality while also |

|supporting centeredness and grounding. Mined in South Africa Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Dumortierite |

|Dumortierite is a fibrous variably colored aluminum boro-silicate mineral. The crystals are vitreous and vary in color from blue, |

|green, and brown to the more rare violet and pink. It can enhance organizational abilities and orderliness. It is mined in North |

|America, South America, South Africa, Europe, Mozambique, Australia, and South Korea. Mohs hardness 7-8.5. |

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|E | |

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|Emerald |

|Emerald is a variety of green Beryl, and it is a highly sought after gemstone. The color in an Emerald is caused by trace amounts |

|of chromophore such as Chromium or Vanadium. The majority of Emeralds are mined in the Muzo area of Columbia. Emeralds are the |

|stone of love and romance. Mohs hardness 7-8.. |

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|F | |

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|Flower Jade |

|Flower Jade is a type of jadeite. The variety of jade known as jadeite comes in a variety of colors including red, orange, yellow, |

|green, blue, lilac, pink, black, white, and brown. Jadeite can be found in Japan Myanmar, Guatemala, California and Alaska. |

|Historically, jadeite has been treasured in China as the royal gemstone, Yu, for 5,000 years. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Fluorite |

|Fluorite is a colorful mineral, both in visible and ultraviolet light, and the stone has ornamental and lapidary uses. |

|Industrially, fluorite is used as a flux for smelting, and in the production of certain glasses and enamels. The purest grades of |

|fluorite are a source of fluoride for hydrofluoric acid manufacture, which is the intermediate source of most fluorine-containing |

|fine chemicals. Optically clear transparent fluorite lenses have low dispersion, so lenses made from it exhibit less chromatic |

|aberration, making them valuable in microscopes and telescopes. Fluorite optics are also usable in the far-ultraviolet range where |

|conventional glasses are too absorbent for use. Mined in China, Germany, and USA. Mohs hardness 4 |

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|Fuchsia Labradorite |

|Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar and we dyed it Pink to enhance the purple and blue fire or labradorescence (schiller) the |

|material emits. Labradorite is said to detoxify the body and slow the aging process. Named for Labrador Island in Canada the first |

|place it was discoved. Mined in Canada, Madagascar, the Ukraine, Australia, Mexico, Norway and the U.S.A. Mohs hardness 6. |

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|G | |

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|Golden Obsidian |

|Golden Obsidian is a variety of obsidian that has a golden sheen effect. Obsidian is a volcanic glass, a rock rather than a |

|mineral. It is formed in the latest stages of volcanic eruptions. Metaphysically is is used to alleviate pain, reducing tension, |

|and releasing energy. It is protective and helps remove negativity. Also known as Sheen Obsidian. Mohs hardness 5-5.5. |

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|Goldstone |

|Goldstone is a glass with flecks of copper suspended in it. The glass is made in a reducing furnace with copper salts added; the |

|copper platelets suspended in the glass give it its characteristic glitter. Goldstone has been around since the European |

|Renaissance. Stories say that it was discovered by Venetian monks when by accident, molten copper tipped into a molten glass |

|container. This crystallized into thousands of tiny crystals and formed a melt with golden light sparkles. Made in Italy and |

|China. Mohs hardness 5.5. |

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|Green Brecciated Jasper |

|This stone is composed of angular fragments of minerals. Pyhsically, it is found in a pale and earthy green. Metaphysically it is|

|often used for stress relief and relaxation, but is also said that it can enliven and promote happiness. Like other forms of |

|jasper it is a power, grounding, and protective stone which promotes strength and vitality. Brecciated Jasper is also known to |

|increase physical endurance and fend off dehydration. AKA: Army Jasper, Abreciated Jasper, Brecceated Jasper, Bracciated Jasper |

|Mined in Africa. Mohs hardness 6.5-7 |

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|Green Crazy Lace Agate |

|Color enhanced Mexican Crazy Lace Agate and is normally white and opaque with swirling patterns. To emphasize these beautiful |

|patterns the green color has been added. Color enhancing is common amongst agates to make them fashionably relevant. Although the|

|colors are enhanced the healing properties still remain. Lace Agates are said to keep the wearer well-balanced while helping to |

|banish fear. Mined in Mexico. Mohs hardness 6.5-7 |

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|Green Garnet |

|Garnets are a group of silicate minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. All species of |

|garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition. The different species are |

|pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular (varieties of which are hessonite or cinnamon-stone and tsavorite), uvarovite and |

|andradite. |

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|Green Goldstone |

|Goldstone is a glass with flecks of copper suspended in it. The glass is made in a reducing furnace with copper salts added; the |

|copper platelets suspended in the glass give it its characteristic glitter. Goldstone has been around since the European |

|Renaissance. Stories say that it was discovered by Venetian monks when by accident, molten copper tipped into a molten glass |

|container. This crystallized into thousands of tiny crystals and formed a melt with golden light sparkles. Made in Italy and |

|China. Mohs hardness 5.5. |

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|Green Impression Jasper |

|Impression Jasper comes in a variety of colors and possibly more names. The material comes with variety of tan and crimson matrix|

|colors which create a striking contrast to any color it may be enhanced. Green Impression Jasper has been color enhanced. It is |

|used to find clarity and inner peace. Mined in Hubei China. Also know as Impression Jasper, Sea Sediment Jasper. Mohs hardness 7.|

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|Green Kyanite |

|Green Kyanite is the more rare green version of this silicate material found in aluminum-rich environments. It is considered the |

|"Earth Stone" due to its soothing earth tone colors, as well as its grounding and tranquil nature. While most minerals have just |

|one hardness, kyanite has a range of 4.5-6.5; this is due to Kyanite have alternating cleves. Mined in Brazil, U.S.A., |

|Switzerland, Russia, India, Kenya, Myanmar and Australia. Mohs hardness 4.5-6.5. |

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|H | |

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|Hematite |

|Hematite crystallizes in the rhombohedral system, and it has the same crystal structure as ilmenite and corundum. Hematite and |

|ilmenite form a complete solid solution at temperatures above 950 °C. Hematite is a mineral, colored black to steel or |

|silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. Varieties include kidney ore, martite |

|(pseudomorphs after magnetite), iron rose and specularite (specular hematite). While the forms of hematite vary, they all have a |

|rust-red streak. Hematite is harder than pure iron, but much more brittle. Maghemite is a hematite- and magnetite-related oxide |

|mineral.  |

|Mohs hardness 5.5 - 6.5 |

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|Herkimer Quartz |

|Herkimer Quartz is the industry name for a very hard variety of Citrine. After breaking diamond drill bits and dulling saw blades|

|cutting this material the factory incorrectly labeled this material a diamond. It forms in small nodules, not like most crystals.|

|Also known as Citrine Quartz. Mohs hardness 7 |

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|Hessonite Garnet |

|Hessonite is an orange-brown variety of garnet popular with the Greeks and Romans for jewelry. It was also believed that |

|hessonite illuminated the night, therefore preventing evil from harming the wearer. Garnet is also the January birthstone, and |

|derived its name from the Latin word "granatus", meaning "like a grain." In Madagascar, hessonite is often referred to as |

|"cinnamon stone." The color is from traces of manganese and iron. |

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|Howlite |

|Howlite grows in irregular nodules that are white with fine gray or black veins in an erratic, often web-like pattern, and in |

|rare situations grown in crystal form. It was discovered near Nova Scotia. It is known for creativity and improving ones |

|emotional attitudes. It is mined in California. Also known as White Turquoise, White Buffalo Turquoise, and White Buffalo Stone. |

|Mohs Hardness 3.5 |

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|I | |

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|Ice Obsidian |

|This rare stone is from the Caucasus Mountains in Russia. It is not easy to export mineral items from Russia. Obsidian is a |

|natural glass of volcanic origin that is formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava. Metaphysically, this stone integrates the|

|shadow and the light to clear murkiness. AKA: Russian Midnight Lace Obsidian. Mohs hardness 5-6. |

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|Imperial Jasper |

|Imperial Jasper is found in beautiful combinations of pale earthy tones of mossy greens, pink, brown, and cream. Each stone has|

|a unique pattern including branding color variation and streaking. Metaphysically, Imperial Jasper is known as a spiritual and |

|healing stone. Like other types of jasper, it a strong healing, power, and protective stone. It is also known as a good stone |

|to help one get organized, relax, and reach tranquility. Each stone is a very solid, fine-grained, and hard jasper. Mined in |

|USA. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|[pic] |

|Impression Jasper |

|Impression Jasper comes in a variety of colors and possibly more names. The material comes with variety of tan and crimson |

|matrix colors which create a striking contrast to any color it may be enhanced. It is used to find clarity and inner peace. |

|Mined in Hubei China. Also known as African Blue Opal, Aqua Terra Jasper, Sea Sediment Jasper. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Iron Zebra Jasper |

|Iron Zebra Jasper is a stone composed of characteristics similar to Tiger Iron and Tiger Eye. Colors vary from dark rich browns|

|streaked with grey to a lighter brown brushed with a cream color and some materials have shiller, like Tiger Eye. Iron Zebra |

|Jasper is said to bring strength, artistic creativity and balance to those who wear it. Mined in Africa. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|J | |

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|Jade |

|Jade is the industry name for this beautiful deep green stone. Ours is actually a Serpentine, but takes a trained eye and a |

|microscope to discern the difference between this material and the Jade it is named after. It is extremely tough and resistant |

|to fracture and has been used to make choppers and blades since Neolithic times. It has been said that it brings strength and |

|longevity to the wearer. It protects against failure and misfortune. AKA- BC Jade, Serpentine, Canadian Jade, Green Jade. Mined|

|in North America. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|K | |

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|Kyanite |

|Kyanite is a vitreous stone and the name comes from the Greek word ?kyanos? meaning blue, the common color of the species. |

|Mined in North America, South America, South Africa, Tanzania, Nambia, Europe, Asia, and Australia. This stone has been used |

|for attunement and it is known to induce tranquility and calm. Mohs hardness 5.5. |

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|L | |

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|Labradorite |

|Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar that emits a purple and blue fire or labradorescence (schiller) when the light hits it. |

|Labradorite is said to detoxify the body and slow the aging process. Named for Labrador Island in Canada the first place it was|

|discoved. Mined in Canada, Madagascar, the Ukraine, Australia, Mexico, Norway and the U.S.A. Mohs hardness 6. |

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|Lapis |

|Lapis is a semi-precious stone that contains primarily Lazurite, Calcite, and Pyrite. It was originally described from the |

|Lapis-Lazuli mine in Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan. It is said to enhance ones insight, intellect, and awareness. Mined in|

|Afghanistan, and San Gabriel Mountains in California. AKA: Lapis Lazuli and Denim Lapis. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Larvakite |

|The name originates from the town of Larvik, Norway where this type of igneous rock is found. Larvakite goes by other names |

|such as “Norwegian Moonstone”, “Black Labradorite”, and “Blue Granite”. Legend has it that it came to the world’s attention in |

|the 1890s when a local geologist saw it glimmering in the moonlight and recommended that it be submitted as a representative |

|stone from Norway to the World’s Fair in Germany. It won 1st price and has been used ever since in sculpture, jewelry, and |

|architecture. It is not a granite, rather a feldspar-rich igneous rock. Mined in Norway. Mohs hardness 6.5 - 7.0 |

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|M | |

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|Malachite |

|Malachite is a bright green carbonate that is considered a secondary mineral of copper that forms when it minerals are |

|changed. Carbonated water and limestone create malachite when combined with copper. Malachite is the indicator that copper is|

|present by it bright green color. Malachite is a soft stone that once polished and cut, can be used for ornaments, and |

|jewelry. It was even used for the construction of columns for St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. Metaphysically|

|Malachite is believed to be a strong protector of children. It is said to protect the wearer from accidents and protects |

|travelers. Most commonly mined in Africa. Mohs hardness 4 |

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|Matte Amazonite |

|A member of the feldspar family, Amazointe, also known as Amazon Stone, ranges in color from blue-green to green. It's an |

|opaque stone often found with white, yellow, or gray inclusions and a silky luster or a silvery sheen. It is know for it's |

|balancing energy, harmony, and universal love. Most commonly mined in Madagascar, Russia, or Brazil. Mohs hardness 6-6.5 |

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|Matte Carnelian |

|Carnelian is a translucent chalcedony or an A-grade Agate that receives its beautiful red tints from iron oxides. Most deep |

|red Carnelian is heat treated to darken the material, this one has been sandblasted to give a matte finish. The ancient |

|Greeks and Romans particularly valued Carnelian and believed that it could calm bad temper or still the blood. Mined in |

|Brazil, India, Australia, Russia, Madagascar, South Africa, Uruguay and U.S.A. AKA- Cornelian, Mecca Stone, Natural Agate |

|Mohs 6.5 |

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|Mexican Crazy Lace Agate |

|Mexican Crazy Lace Agate is white and opaque with swirling patterns of red, mustard and crimsons. While Lace Agates are mined|

|all over the globe- the Mexican variety is the most strinking. Lace Agates are said to keep the wearer well-balanced while |

|helping to banish fear. Mined in Mexico. Mohs hardenss 6.5-7. |

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|Mexican Laguna Lace Agate |

|Mexican Laguna Agate is known for it's tight banding and vibrant hues of red. It is found about 150 miles south of the |

|American-Mexico border in the state of Chihuahua. It is mined on several sites on the mountains, spanning 4 miles. Agates |

|metaphysically are used for improving memory and increasing energy. They are also useful for stabilization and strength. |

|Mined in Mexico. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Mexican Red Snowflake Jasper |

|Mexican Red Snowflake Jasper is a stone mined in Mexico. It looks like a variation of the Orbicular Jasper, also know as |

|Ocean Jasper, and Fish Eye Jasper. It consists of warm fall colors, nice dark reds, blacks, oranges and browns. Mined in |

|Mexico. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Moss Agate |

|Moss agate formed from silicon dioxide & is a type of agate which includes minerals of a green color embedded in chalcedony, |

|forming filaments and other patterns suggestive of moss. Mined in Australia. Historically, Moss agates are considered the |

|most powerful of the agates. It was the agate of warriors. Mined in North America and Europe. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|N | |

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|New Burma Jade |

|New “jade” is the trade name for a semi-translucent serpentine stone available in a variety of green shades including olive, |

|sea green, green, and peridot. New Burma Jade is from a newly discovered deposit and closely resembles the top grade Jade |

|from Burma. Metaphysically it is said to help correct emotional inbalance and to enable you to feel more in control of your |

|life. |

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|Noreena Jasper |

|Noreena Jasper is a silicified pelite or mudstone mined in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It is known for its |

|abstract designs in rusty red, mustard yellow and cream tones and can be confused for Mookaite. Our Noreena Jasper is A |

|Grade. Mined in Australia. AKA- Norena Jasper, Red Australian Picture Jasper. |

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|[pic] |New Brazil Agate |

| |Found as sizable geodes of layered nodules in Brazil. These occur in |

| |brownish tones inter-layered with white and gray. Quartz forms within |

| |these nodules, creating a striking specimen. At the turn of the 20th |

| |century, the German area of Idar-Orbestein imported large quantities |

| |of agate from Brazil on an industrial scale using the stone as ship's |

| |ballast. During that time, they produced colored beads that were sold |

| |around the globe by making use of a variety of proprietary chemical |

| |processes. Mohs Hardness 6.5 |

|O | |

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|Ocean Jasper |

|Ocean Jasper is a highly silicified Rhyolite or Tuff that has quartz and feldspar crystallized into needle like crystals that form orbicular |

|(spherical) structures. It is said to increase the expression of love in words and actions. It is mined off of a remote coast in Madagascar. |

|Also known as Orbicular Jasper. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Onyx |

|Black Onyx perhaps the most famous variety, but is not as common as onyx with colored bands. Artificial treatments have been used since |

|ancient times to produce both the black color in "black onyx" and the reds and yellows in sardonyx. Most "black onyx" on the market is |

|artificially colored. Mohs hardness 6 - 7. |

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|Orange Sodalite |

|This particular type of Sodalite is from Brazil however Sodalite is found all over the world. It is named after its sodium content; in |

|mineralogy it may be classed as a feldspathoid. Sodalite was discovered in Greenland in 1806, but was not widely used as an ornamental stone |

|until 1891 when large deposits were discovered in Ontario, Canada. On a visit to Ontario, Princess Patricia chose Sodalite as interior |

|decoration for Marlborough House in England, hence the alternative name for this beautiful gemstone: Princess Blue. Mohs hardness 6. |

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|Outback Jasper |

|Mined in Australia this Jasper closely resembles wood grain or petrified wood, but it is all Rock. Jasper is called an ornamental rock, |

|composed mostly of chalcedony, microcrystalline quartz, in association with other minerals, which is what give it those colorful patterns. |

|Dakota Stones has selected a matte finish to this material because we feel it enhances the organic look of the material. Metaphysically: |

|combats exhaustion. AKA- Matte Outback Wood Jasper, Petrified Wood Jasper. Mohs Hardness: 6 - 6.5 |

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|P | |

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|Picasso Jasper |

|Picasso Jasper is known for it's streaks of bold colors for an abstract look reminiscent of the late painter, Picasso. Originating from the |

|chalcedony/quartz family, Picasso Jasper is a stone with beautiful contrast. It is commonly found in black or grey with streaks of black, |

|grey, and sometimes red. Metaphysically, it is used to release creativity blocks, awaken spirit. and has strong calming and qualities. It is |

|known to aid in building relationships and self-discipline, while some say it also promotes weight loss. In astrology, Picasso Jasper is the |

|birthstone of the Leo. |

|AKA Picasso Marble, Spider Lace Jasper/Agate. Mohs Hardness 7 |

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|Picture Jasper |

|Picture jasper is a type of jasper that has great bands of different colors. It's typically found in the mountains of Eastern Oregon. It is |

|grounding and a harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth. It is said to promote feelings of responsibility towards the planet,|

|encouraging a need to care for and protect it. |

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|Pietersite |

|Pietersite is found only in Africa and China. Pietersite contains brown, gold and blue bands that are similar to tiger eye. Pietersite was |

|1st discovered by Sid Pieters in Namibia, Africa in 1964. In the mid 90s Pietersite was also found in China. The Chinese Pietersite's fibrous|

|mineral is a magnesium-rich alkalic amphibole. The African variety is mainly crocidolite. Pietersite is said to help you relax and release |

|limits placed on your creativity and allows you to recognize your divine potential. Mined in China and Africa. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Pink Crazy Lace Agate |

|Pink Crazy Lace Agate is actually color enhanced Mexican Crazy Lace Agate and is normally white and opaque with swirling patterns. To |

|emphasize these beautiful patterns the pink color has been added. Color enhancing is common amongst agates to make them fashionably relevant.|

|Although the colors are enhanced the healing properties still remain. Lace Agates are said to keep the wearer well-balanced while helping to |

|banish fear. Mined in Mexico. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Pink Impression Jasper |

|Impression Jasper comes in a variety of colors and possibly more names. The material comes with variety of tan and crimson matrix colors |

|which create a striking contrast to any color it may be enhanced. Pink Impression Jasper has been color enhanced. It is used to find clarity |

|and inner peace. Mined in Hubei China. Also known as Impression Jasper, Sea Sediment Jasper. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Porcelain Jasper |

|Porcelain Jasper is a brecciated jasper found high in the Serra Madre Mountains of Sonora, Mexico, about a hundred miles North East of |

|Hermosillo Mexico. It was found years ago on a gold claim. Its exotic patterns and formations usually consist of purples, creams, and reds. |

|Mined in Mexico. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Prehnite |

|Prehnite was discovered in South Africa in 1774, and was named after it's discoverer, a Dutch Colonel named Hendrik Von Prehn. Prehnite is |

|the first mineral to be named after a person. It is a fairly strong crystal with a rich green color. Prehnite is now considered to be within |

|the phyllosilicate category, and is composed of silicon, calcium, aluminum, and a trace amounts of iron. It is believed that it was formed by|

|Volcanic aftermath. Black Tourmaline often forms in Prehnite and can be seen as the black fibers crisscrossing throughout the materials |

|adding another dimension to the stone. AKA: Cape Emerald. Mohs Hardness: 6 - 6.5 |

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|Purple Artistic Stone |

|This is a rare Jasper with unique coloration in the Artistic Stone family. A mix of purples, burgundies and mustard tones with dramatic |

|patterns make this a great stone. It is reminiscent of Red Creek Jasper. We only acquired a small amount of rough and cut a limited run, so |

|get it while you can. Mined in China in the same area as Red Creek Jasper. Mohs Hardnesss 7 |

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|Purple Impression Jasper |

|Impression Jasper comes in a variety of colors and possibly more names. The material comes with variety of tan and crimson matrix colors |

|which create a striking contrast to any color it may be enhanced. Purple Impression Jasper has been color enhanced. It is used to find |

|clarity and inner peace. Mined in Hubei China. Also know as Impression Jasper, Sea Sediment Jasper. Mohs hardness of 7. |

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|Pyrite |

|Pyrite is an iron sulfide and has an opaque, shiny, metallic luster. It is named for the Greek word pyr, or "fire," as it produces sparks |

|when struck with steel. Pyrite has been used in jewelry and ornamentation for thousands of years. North American Indians used pyrite as |

|amulets. Pyrite is used to foster intelligence, logic and analytical ability. All that and it also magnetic! Also known as Fool's Gold. Mohs |

|hardness 6. |

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|Quartz Crystal |

|Quartz is the most common mineral found on the surface of the earth. It is a significant component of many igneous, metamorphic, and |

|sedimentary rocks. Quartz is the stone of power. It can enhance thoughts, and is extremely beneficial in meditating, manifesting, and |

|protection. It is mined in North and South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|R | |

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|Rainforest Agate |

|Mined in Madagascar, rainforest agate is a green and brown jasper that is marbled with pockets of chalcedony. Its formation is a result of |

|volcanic activity. |

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|Red Creek Jasper |

|Red Creek Jasper combines softly muted shades of mustard yellow, olive green, and burnt red in patterns reminiscent to a picturesque sunset.|

|Metaphysically, it is believed by some to bring balance and relaxation, and like all jaspers, it is a stone of protection and grounding. |

|Mined in China. Also known as Cherry Creek Jasper, Multi-Picasso, Red Picasso. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Red Tiger Eye |

|Red Tiger Eye is natural in color and is classified as a "pseudomorphous" stone. This means that the red Crocidolite is replaced during the |

|growth process by Silica (Quartz). Used to balance pessimistic behavior and dissolves negative energy and the thought patterns associated |

|with it. This "all seeing stone" allows perspective on any situation and it can help gently attune the Third Eye and will enhance psychic |

|abilities such as clairvoyance. Mined in Canada, India, South Africa and USA. Mohs hardness 7 |

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|Red Tiger Iron |

|Red Tiger Iron is composed of 2 billion year old sedimentary deposits of 3 stones; Tiger's Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite. Both Tiger Eye and|

|jasper are members of the quartz family and Hematite is an iron oxide. Metaphysically, Red Tiger Iron enhances power, passion, and |

|creativity. It is also very protective, especially from danger. Mined in South Africa. Mohs Hardness 7 |

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|Rhodonite |

|Rhodonite is found all over the world but these specific Rhodonite bead are mined in Beijing. The black matrixing found in Rhodonite is |

|black manganese oxides. Rhodonite gets its name from the Greek work "rhodos" meaning Rosy. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Rhyolite |

|Rhyolite is an igneous rock with high silica content - chemically identical to granite, although sometimes mistaken as jasper. The stone's |

|mossy greens, browns and grays are reminiscent of a rainforest. Metaphysically, Rhyolite is said to light the fire of creativity within the |

|soul and help with self-realization. Mined in USA and Africa. Also known as Rainforest Jasper, Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Rose Quartz |

|Rose Quartz is a pale pink to rose red semi-transparent quartz. Metaphysically, Rose Quartz is known as the "love stone" and known for it's |

|healing, calming, joy, and warmth qualities. As with other types Quartz, Rose Quartz is known for it's ability to amplify energy and is |

|commonly used in calming meditation and jewelry-making to stimulate romance and sensuality. Mined in: Madagascar, India, Japan, Brazil, |

|South Africa, and South Dakota. Mohs hardness: 7 AKA: Strawberry Rose Quarts, Bohemian Ruby |

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|S |

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|Sardonyx |

|Sardonyx is an onyx that is characterized by parallel lines of sard and different colored minerals. It is a distinct and dramatically banded|

|variety of chalcedony composed of quartz layers. Typically found in black, brown and white layers. Metaphysically, Sardonyx is believed to |

|improve memory and increase one's analytical talents. Mined all over the globe. Mohs Hardness: 7 AKA- Black Line Agate, Tuxedo Agate |

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|Seraphinite |

|Seraphinite is a particular form of clinochlore and a member of the Chlorite group. It got its name because of the resemblance to feathers |

|the stone's surface has. It is mined in a limited area of eastern Siberia in Russia. It has been used for spiritual enlightenment, self |

|healing, and spirit communication. Also known as Chlorite Jade and Clinochlore. Mohs hardness of 2-4. |

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|Smoky Quartz |

|Smoky quartz is named after its smoky color which is caused by gamma rays. The color of Smoky quartz is variable from brown to black and |

|sometimes smoky gray. Sunglasses, in the form of flat panes of smoky quartz, were used in China in the 12th century. Smoky quartz is |

|nature's stone of endurance. If you need an extra boost, carry a smoky quartz gemstone with you. It enhances organizational skills and is |

|good to have around in the workplace or home office. Mined in Brazil. Mohs Hardness 7 |

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|Snowflake Obsidian |

|Snowflake Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass. It is formed when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal |

|growth. Obsidian has been known since prehistoric times, and has some fascinating properties as well as some important practical uses. In |

|addition to its use as a gemstone, obsidian has been used in cardiac surgery, as well-crafted obsidian blades have a cutting edge many times|

|sharper than high-quality steel surgical scalpels. In some stones, the inclusion of small, white clustered crystals of cristobalite in the |

|black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern, and this is known in the gem trade as snowflake obsidian. Mohs hardness: 5.5. |

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|Tiger Eye |

|Tiger Eye is a variety of quartz which is chatoyant because of parallel intergrowth of quartz crystals and altered amphibole |

|fibers that mostly turn into limonite. It has been used to enhance wealth and vitality. Mined in North America. Mohs hardness |

|7. |

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|Turritella Agate |

|Turritella Agate is one of those rare & interesting materials due to the visible appearance of fossilized animals crystallized|

|in agate over 40 million years. All rock is old, but being able to see ancient life in every bead or pendant adds a dimension |

|not common in all materials. It makes your jewelry an interesting conversation piece to point out the now extinct- E. Tenera- |

|freshwater snail that lived in Wyoming (USA) during the Eocene Epoch (35-55 million years ago). You can’t say that about glass|

|beads. |

|The name Turritella comes from the Latin word turritus meaning "turreted" or "towered" and the diminutive suffix –ella. The |

|ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing. Turritella is a genus of medium-sized sea snails with|

|an operculum, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Turritellidae. They have tightly coiled shells, whose overall shape is |

|basically that of an elongated cone. |

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|W | |

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|White Lace Red Jasper |

|Red and burnt orange tones are accented with tan highlights and flecks of translucent quartz. This material is reminiscent of |

|the changing of the leaves in fall. Like most Jaspers White Lace can increase strength, vitality and courage. Mohs hardness 7.|

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|Wildhorse Picture Jasper |

|Wildhorse Picture Jasper is one of the many varieties of cryptocrystaline quartz, which includes others such as agates, |

|chalcedony, and various other jaspers. It is believed to help with spiritual communication and can help you achieve balance in|

|your life. It is mined in the Owyhee Mountains on the border of Idaho and Oregon. Mohs hardness 7. |

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|Yellow Jade |

|Yellow Jade is the industry name for this natural serpentine. This stone features an array of shades from deep oranges to |

|creamy off white tones. In China, jade was believed to preserve the body after death and is often found in the tombs of |

|emperors from thousands of years ago. To ensure physical immortality, one tomb contained an entire suit fashioned of jade. |

|Mohs hardness 6 - 6.5. |

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|Yellow Turquoise |

|Yellow Turquoise is sometimes called Chinese Turquoise or Yellow Chinese Turquoise. Most times this stone is actually a |

|Jasper. It is said to help with intuition, creativity, and communication. Mined in Africa. Also known as Lemon Chrysoprase. |

|Mohs hardness 7. |

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