Chapter 20 CHAPTER REVIEW Mirrors and Lenses - Lahs Physics


Chapter 20




Mirrors and Lenses

Part A. Vocabulary Review

In each of the following statements, a key term has been scrambled. Unscramble the term and write it on the line provided.

________p_o_l_a_r_iz_e_d_______ 1. Light in which transverse waves vibrate only in one plane is razopidel. 10/20:5

__________la__s_e_r________ 2. A relsa reduces a light source to the size of a single atom.11/20:5

_____c_o_n__c_a_v_e__m_i_r_ro__r___ 3. A accevno rirorm resembles the inside of a spoon. 2/20:1

________re__fr_a_c_t_in__g______ 4. A simple tarrigefcn telescope uses two convex lenses. 6/20:3

_______w__id_e__-a_n__g_le______ 5. A dewi-glena lens produces an image that includes much of its surroundings. 7/20:3

________C__o_n_c_a_v_e_______ 6. Vocenac lenses are thinner in the middle than at the edges. 3/20:2

_______I_n_c_o_h_e__re_n__t_____ 7. Conntheire light rays spread out as the light travels. 11/20:5

_______f_o_c_a_l_p__o_in__t_____ 8. The clofa notip is the point on the optical axis that all light rays reflected from a concave mirror pass through. 3/20:2

______p__la_n_e__m__i_rr_o_r_____ 9. A nepal irrmor has a flat reflecting surface. 2/20:1

_______m_i_c_r_o_s_c_o__p_e_____ 10. A pocormecis is used to magnify very small, close objects. 4/20:2

________te__le_p_h__o_t_o______ 11. A lootheept lens is used for photographing people's faces from a distance. 7/20:3

_________C_o_n__v_e_x_______ 12. Vexnoc lenses are thick in the middle and thin at the edges. 3/20:2

______O_p__ti_c_a_l_f_ib__e_r_s____ 13. Tolacip bresif are thin strands of glass that can carry laser light. 12/20:5

_______fo_c__a_l _le__n_g_t_h_____ 14. The distance from the center of a concave mirror to its focal point is the cofal gentlh. 1/20:1

________r_e_fl_e_c_t_in__g______ 15. The type of telescope that uses a lens and two mirrors is a tergifelnc telescope. 6/20:3

______v_i_rt_u_a_l__im__a_g_e_____ 16. A tulivar geami cannot be projected on a screen. 1/20:1

______c_o_n_v_e_x__m__ir_r_o_r____ 17. A noxevc orrrmi has a reflecting surface that curves outward. 2/20:1

________C_o__h_e_r_e_n_t______ 18. Hortence light rays spread out very little. 11/20:5

Total internal ________r_e_fl_e_c_t_io__n______ 19. Attlo rennalit fonelicert makes transmission of light through optical

fibers possible. 12/20:5

_______r_e_a_l_i_m__a_g_e______ 20. A lear megia can be projected on a screen. 3/20:2

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Chapter 20 Review (continued)

Part B. Concept Review

Match the items in Column II with the terms or phrases in Column I. Write the letter of the correct term in the blank on the left. The items in Column II may be used more than once.

Column I

Column II

__a___ 1. reflecting surface that curves outward 2/20:1

__d___ 2. used to make a magnifying glass 4/20:2

__e___ 3. reflecting surface that curves inward 2/20:1

__c___ 4. flat reflecting surface 2/20:1

__b___ 5. thin in the middle and thick at the edges 3/20:2

__b___ 6. refracts light rays away from each other 3/20:2

__a___ 7. reflects and spreads light 1/20:1

__d___ 8. used to correct farsighted vision 5/20:2

__e___ 9. used in car headlights 2/20:1

__c___ 10. produces a reversed, erect image 1/20:1

a. convex mirror b. concave lens c. plane mirror d. convex lens e. concave mirror

Supply the term or terms needed to complete each of the following statements.

11. A simple ___r_e_fr_a_c_t_i_n_g____ telescope uses two convex lenses to gather and focus light from

distant objects. 6/20:3


12. In a __c_a_m__e_r_a____, a convex lens gathers light and projects an image on light-sensitive film.

13. The Hubble Space Telescope is designed to detect radiation that is usually absorbed by Earth's __a_tm__o_s_p__h_e_r_e____. 8/20:4

14. The Hubble Space Telescope will help humans determine whether there are __p__la_n_e__ts___ circling distant stars. 9/20:4

15. Optical fibers are most commonly used in ___c_o_m__m__u_n_i_c_a_t_io_n__s___. 12/20:5

16. Light reflected from a horizontal surface is partially ___p_o_l_a_r_iz_e_d_____ horizontally. 10/20:5 17. A refracting telescope has an objective lens and a(n) ___e_y__e_p_ie__c_e___ lens. 6/20:3

18. The ___c_a_m__e_ra____ is the optical instrument that operates most like the human eye. 7/20:3

19. Sunglasses with polarized lenses are designed to reduce _______g__la_r_e_____. 10/20:5

20. The condition in which all the light that enters an optical fiber remains inside the fiber is called _t_o_t_a_l_i_n_t_e_rn__a_l_r_e_f_le_c_t_i_o_n_. 12/20:5


Copyright ? Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.





Mirrors and Lenses

The concept map below summarizes the different surface of mirrors and the types of images produced by mirrors. Use the following terms to complete the map (terms may be used more than once): enlarged, inverted, no image, real image, same size, smaller, surface curved inward, surface curved outward, upright, virtual image.

plane has a flat surface produces a

which is



which is

which is

convex has a

which is has a


produces a

with object outside

with object between

with object


focal point

produces a

focal point and


produces a

focal point

produces a

which is

which is

virtual image

which is






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Mirrors and Lenses

Problems at NASA

The decade of the 1990s was to be a decade of continued space exploration. The Hubble Space Telescope, Space Station Freedom, and continuous visits into space by the Shuttle fleet were to be highlights. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was riding on 25 years of success.

However, problems began to plague NASA. Hubble's malformed mirrors produced fuzzy images and required an expensive repair mission. The upcoming retirement of NASA's core of experienced managers and scientists who started their careers in the 1960s is another problem.

Most of NASA's major projects involve large amounts of money and time. An entire program could be lost if critical parts fail.

Hubble's mirrors were made 10 years before the telescope was launched. However, the flaws in the mirrors weren't discovered until the satellite was in orbit. The technology of ground-based telescopes has improved during those 10 years. Maybe a telescope could be built that yields the sharpness of detail of the Hubble telescope. Such a telescope might cost only a fraction of the cost of the Hubble telescope.

Some people believe NASA should concentrate on short-term, cost-effective, unmanned projects instead of long-term, large-budget, manned projects. Funding for large projects such as the Space Station Freedom is already declining. In such large projects, most of the budget goes toward materials, maintenance, and personnel instead of toward developing new technology.

Applying Problem Solving Skills

1. NASA's planning for the 1990s focused on manned space flight and a few big-budget space observatories. NASA assumed these projects were important to the public because of their highly visible nature and the human desire to explore space. How would you evaluate this assumption in light of the current problems at NASA?






2. Should NASA concentrate on a few, large-budget projects or should it develop many lowbudget, but high-tech projects?






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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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