Safely In His ArmsPilot TreatmentA One-Hour, Episodic Serial TV SeriesBy Katt Samuels (Kaydie Smith)LOGLINE:Allison, a farm girl living in the city has a high need to feel safe in all aspects of her life is looking for the man of her dreams while working at a job that she doesn't like, for a boss who is impossible to please and has sexual harassment motivation.TEASER:Allison wakes up with the sun hitting her in the eye from a tear in the curtain. She has a hangover and notices she is alone once again after her latest one-night stand is gone.ACT ONEAllison is late for work. She is a people pleaser and is desperate to keep her job because she can’t go back to that farm where she was sexually abused as a child. Allison arrives at work. She sneaks to her cubicle hoping not to be noticed by her boss. Thomas Booker yells for her to come into his office. He scolds her for being late, once again reminding her that he will fire her if it happens again. Every time Booker speaks to Allison, he shows his disdain for her by being condescending and demanding every time he talks to her, the rest of the day.Inside Allison's apartment building she is trying to unlock the door to her one-room apartment fumbling with her keys. Her arms are full of her briefcase and a bag of groceries. Allison enters the room exhausted kicking off her shoes and flopping down hard on her sofa bed. A neon sign outside the window flashes red and yellow. She sighs, getting up and puts the grocery bag down on the table near the kitchenette. She pulls out a bottle of wine and goes over to the only drawer in the kitchen. Opening the drawer, she grabs a corkscrew and starts to open the bottle of wine. Reaching for a wine glass She notices that her cell phone lights up and rings. She notices it is her best friend Cloe and answers the phone. Cloe begs her to meet her at the famous nightclub, Blue Steel for another night of drinking and dancing. Cloe met someone the night before and is hoping to see him again tonight. Allison feels guilty for not being available for her friend and agrees to go.Allison arrives at Blue Steel. The bouncer recognizes she is a regular and lets her in without a cover charge. Inside, the nightclub is full of people dancing, drinking, and enjoying themselves. She decides to sit at the bar because she won't be here long. She orders a margarita and starts scanning the dance floor for Cloe. When he finds her they make eye contact. Allison nods to Cloe and sips her drink. Allison takes another sip while scanning the nightclub for interesting people. She reaches the front entrance and notices a very handsome man coming inside. The woman next to her says, "I'll have two of him! What a gift of a man."He notices Allison looking at him and nods as if to say “hello.” She looks away embarrassed. When she looks back, he has disappeared. She drinks some more of her margarita while looking down at her reflection in the bar top. She says to the lady next to her, “He is probably meeting someone here.” A male voice asks Allison, “May I join you?” She sees the man from the entrance standing there and responds politely, “Please do.” He introduces himself as Liam and asks to buy her another drink. Allison introduces herself. "Yes, you can get me another margarita." And they begin the first conversation of the evening.Cloe is on the crowded dance floor dancing by herself with the other patrons.A man's hand touches her around the waist, startled, she sees the man she came here hoping to meet again, Ethan. He gets her another drink, and they find a booth in a dark corner of the nightclub. The bartender calls, "Last Call.” Allison and Liam realize that they hadn’t moved or stopped talking all evening. Liam gives Allison a ride home in his limousine. Liam walks her into the elevator of the apartment building, where he kisses her very gently and asks her for her cell phone. Then sends himself a text from her phone so that there is a record of her correct phone number. He kisses her again very passionately "good night."Once inside her apartment, she gets worried that he is too good to be true and thinks that she should research him on the Internet. Then he realizes she has no idea his last name. She notices the time and hears Thomas Booker telling her that if she is late again, he will fire her. She pulls out her sofa bed and lays down to sleep.END ACT ONEACT TWOThe next morning, Allison’s phone is ringing waking her up. The screen says “unknown caller.” She answers the phone groggy. It is Liam asking her to go out to dinner with him when he gets back from his business trip to New York City on the following Wednesday. She is shocked and agrees. He asks her what her full name is and introduces himself as Liam A. Erskine. There is a long silence from Allison. He asks, “Are you still there?” She responds asking him if he is “the” Liam Erskine. He laughs and asks her if that makes a difference. She responds, “No of course not.” Liam asks her if he can call her while he is gone so they can continue to get to know each other. She tells him that she would like that.She is still talking to Liam as she walks into work, on time. When she reaches her cubicle, she tells Liam that she has to get off the phone before her boss "barks" at her. He laughs and asks her if he "barks" at her. He tells her not to let anyone treat her badly. His plane is getting ready for takeoff, so they end the call. Before she can sit down, Booker yells her name and tells her to get in his office with a pad and pencil, NOW! She enters his room and closes the door. He tells her that she has one last chance to prove to him that she is worth "keeping around." He has been invited to speak at a convention in Los Angeles, and he needs her to design the brochures and flyers, plus his presentation slides. He tells her that she will be too busy to do anything else because the date of the convention is next Wednesday. Then he informs her that she is going with him just in case any corrections occur in his presentation. "This is an excellent opportunity for the company to show what they can do and to get much-needed referrals." He states. She will also need to make all of the travel arrangements. They will leave early on Wednesday and return on Sunday. Her heart drops, Wednesday was when she was supposed to have her first date with Liam, and now she won't even be in town.When Allison returns to her cubicle, she sees the receptionist who is holding a large bouquet of expensive Orchids for her. Allison looks for the card and sees they are from Liam. She wants to cry because Booker's damn convention has ruined her date with him. Then she worries about what Booker will say to her when he sees the flowers.From his private plane, Liam calls out to his Security Officer/Chauffer and tells him that he needs two background checks, one on Allison Anthem and another on Thomas Booker. He doesn’t like how Booker treats Allison and will put a stop to it if he has to buy Booker’s company out from underneath him and fire him to protect her.END ACT TWOACT THREELater that evening, She pours herself a big glass of wine and heads to the bathroom, starts a bubble bath, and lights some candles. She undresses and steps into the claw foot bathtub. She gets settled in the floral scented bubbles when Liam calls. She has to tell him about the convention. He is very understanding and tells her they will just postpone their date until her return. He hears her slosh some water and asks her if she is near the water. Smiling she tells him that she is taking a bubble bath and having a glass of wine. They talk about the events of their day. They talk so long that the water gets cold, and all of the bubbles disappear, she gets out of the tub and lies on her bed after pouring herself another glass of wine. Liam mentions that she must be looking like a prune and that the water is probably cold. She tells him that she is now on her bed.By Tuesday evening all of the brochures and flyers are sent to the convention venue by FedEx overnight. Allison finishes the final corrections on Booker’s presentation and saves it to a flash drive. She is very pleased with her work. Booker has been in his office practicing it for the last two hours. She knocks on his door and asks if she can leave for the day so she can go home and pack for the 7:30 AM flight the next day. Booker demands that Allison sits down and lectures her on the process for Air Travel. He reminds her that she can't be late, or she will miss the flight. She feels like Booker thinks she is a twelve-year-old child. Then he lets her leave while watching her ass as she walks out of his office door. He thinks, “Finally we will be alone, and she will not be able to do anything to stop him in L.A.”Liam receives the background checks on Allison and Booker. He sees how vulnerable Allison is because of sexual abuse in her childhood and the loss of her older brother, a Navy Seal, in Iraq six years ago. Then he reads the information on Thomas Booker and turns pale. Liam can't let Allison be alone in Los Angeles with this lecherous man. He makes plans to "surprise" Allison by showing up at the hotel where the convention is happening. He'll whisk her away for their date after all. It will be easier to protect her if he is right under Booker's nose. That afternoon Allison and Booker are looking at the ballroom where the presentation will take place. Allison hears Booker say, "What the hell is he doing here?" She doesn't pay attention to him. She feels a hand placed on her lower back, and it startles her into turning around. When she sees Liam, she smiles and gives him a hug. He kisses her sweetly. He then walks over to Booker and introduces himself shaking his hand. The two men walk across the room where Allison can't hear them talk, but she notices that the conversation looks solemn. Liam walks back over to her and grabs her by the hand and pulls her out of the ballroom saying, “He just gave you the rest of the day off. Let’s get out of here before he changes his mind.” They have their dinner and go to a concert before having a romantic end to the perfect afternoon and evening.The next day Booker's presentation goes off without a hitch. Liam and Allison go on a trip up Highway 101 to San Francisco to spend the rest of the weekend together. On Monday afternoon they fly back to Vancouver, B.C. on his private jet.END ACT THREETAG:Monday night back in Vancouver, there is an ominous silhouette of a man standing outside Liam’s Apartment building, smoking a cigarette. He watches Liam’s silver limousine come down the street and pull into the parking garage. The man flicks the spent cigarette butt into the gutter and walks toward a battered car and gets inside. A lighter flame lights another cigarette. The car starts with a puff of black smoke out the tailpipe and drives off down the street. END EPISODE ................

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