2 individual task in calculus 26.10.2018.

October task (individual).

Edited at 8am 26.10.2018.

s is your student number.

Write your student number: s = ___________________

Write your name ___________________

k = s mod 10000. T = s mod 100.

m10 = s mod 10. m9 = s mod 9. m8 = s mod 8. m7 = s mod 7. m6 = s mod 6.

m5 = s mod 5. m4 = s mod 4. m3 = s mod 3. m2 = s mod 2.


1 section:

Introduction to calculus:

1. Why do you need calculus?


2. Is 1/s a recurring decimal, why?

3. m3 = 0: Write 0.(742) as ratio.

4. m3 = 1: Write 2/7 as decimal.

5. m3 = 2: Write e as decimal


6. m2 = 0: Give examples of algebraic functions.

7. m2 = 1: Give examples of transcendental functions.

8. Find the composite function f(g(x)), g(f(x)), f(f(x)), g(g(x)) for f (x) = kx, g(x) = Tx.

9. Find inverse function f-1(x) for f(x) = Tx + k.

10. m2 = 0: Find f(f-1(x)).

11. m2 = 1: Find f-1(f (x)).


12. Draw the Koch snowflake fractal for your student number for T iterations:


13. Try to prepare to Dota2 gaming competition:

2019 Asia Soccer Cup:

14. Predict 2019 Asia Soccer Cup results.


15. Predict results of Indonesian elections.

16. Calculate ratings of Jokowi and Prabowo T days after 31.10.2018.

International community:

17. Try to apply for all scholarships, fellowships, grants, etc. in North America, European Union, Japan, Australia, etc.


18. How can we prevent bad consequences of tsunamis?


19. Write about your project.

20. Apply for American citizenship in October of 2018.


2 section:

T = 1. 21. When does limit exist?

T = 2. 22. List indeterminate forms.

T = 3. 23. What the properties of the limit? (times constant, sum, product, quotient)

T = 4. 24. Give the main methods for calculating limits.

T = 5. 25. What are the great limits of calculus? 1. 2.

T = 6. 26. [pic]=

T = 7. 27. [pic]

T = 8. 28. [pic] =

T = 9. 29. [pic]

T = 10. 30. [pic]

T = 11. 31. [pic]

T = 12. 32. [pic]

T = 13. 33. [pic]



Investigate continuity of the function:

T = 14. 34. x

T = 15. 35. [pic]

T = 16. 36. [pic]

T = 17. 37. [pic]

T = 18. 38. [pic]

T = 19. 39. [pic]

T = 20. 40. [pic]


T = 21. 41. Give the properties of derivative: times constant, sum, product, quotient.

T = 22. 42. Prove expression for derivative of x2 using limit.

Find derivatives of these functions:

T = 23. 43. ex

T = 24. 44. xp

T = 25. 45. cos(x)

T = 26. 46. [pic]

Applications of derivatives:

Increasing or decreasing:

T = 27. 47. -6x

T = 28. 48. 9x

T = 29. 49. sin(x)

T = 30. 50. cos(x)

T = 31. 51. tan(x)


T = 32. 52. What is Mean Value Theorem?

T = 33. 53. Explain Rolle theorem.

T = 34. 54. Give Fermat theorem.


Concave or convex:

T = 35. 55. x3

T = 36. 56. -x3

T = 37. 57. cos(x)

T = 38. 58. sin(x)

Find inflection point:

T = 39. 59. x3

T = 40. 60. -x3

m10 = 1: 61. cos(x)

m10 = 2: 62. sin(x)

m10 = 3: 63. What is curvature?

m10 = 4: 64. Explain linear approximation.

m10 = 5: 65. What is chain rule?

Multivariate derivatives:

Calculate partial derivatives of the function:

m10 = 6: 66. xy

m10 = 7: 67. yz

m10 = 8: 68. xz

m10 = 9: 69. xyz

m10 = 0: 70. Find linear least-square approximation for your dataset.

(2, m2), (3, m3), (4, m4)

Dim x(3), y(3)

m = 3

x(1) = 2

x(2) = 3

x(3) = 4

y(1) = 0

y(2) = 0

y(3) = 3

sx = 0

For j = 1 To m

sx = sx + x(j)

Next j

sy = 0

For j = 1 To m

sy = sy + y(j)

Next j

sxy = 0

For j = 1 To m

sxy = sxy + x(j) * y(j)

Next j

sx2 = 0

For j = 1 To m

sx2 = sx2 + x(j) ^ 2

Next j

g = (m * sxy - sx * sy) / (m * sx2 - sx ^ 2)

i = (sy - g * sx) / m

MsgBox g

MsgBox i

End Sub

71. Calculate (1 + 1/T)T.

72. [pic]. f(x) = Tx + k. For any ε find δ, using ε – δ definition of the limit.

Find derivatives of these functions:

73. xT.

74. sin Tx

75. Find the largest area rectangle with perimeter of T meters.

76. Calculate the largest area right-angled triangle with perimeter of T meters.

77. Find maximum volume cylinder for surface area of T meters square.

78. Calculate maximum volume cone for surface area of T meters square.

79. Calculate maximum area scalene triangle with perimeter of T meters.

80. Find the best song using calculus.


3 section:

m10= 1. 81. Prove First Great Limit.


Calculate Tsin(1/T).

m10= 2. 82. What is L’Hopital’s Rule?

m10= 3. 83. Calculate the limits using L’Hopital’s Rule.




m10= 4. 84. Give types of discontinuity.

m10= 5. 85. Investigate linear function. L(x) = gx + i.

m10= 6. 86. Explain total derivative.

m10= 7. 87. What is inverse function derivative?

m10= 8. 88. Give implicit function derivative.

m10= 9. 89. Explore Zimmermann calculus competition.

m10= 0: 90. Predict 2018 USA elections results.


4 section:

m10 = 1. 91. What is differential?

m10 = 2. 92. Explain vector.

m10 = 3. 93. What is vector calculus?

Define dot-product and cross-product of vectors.

m10 = 4. 94. Explain directional derivative.

m10 = 5. 95. What are div, curl, grad?

m10 = 6. 96. Explain differential equation.

Define integral.

m10 = 7. 97. Explain antiderivative?

m10 = 8. 98. What is Riemann sum?

m10 = 9. 99. Define functional series.

m10 = 0: 100. What are the main differences between differential and integral?

101. How can Indonesia avoid violence?

102. Solve number puzzle for m8 + 3 digits.

103. Hack password.

104. Find the discriminant of the elliptic curve y2 = x3 + Lx + T.

Here L = m10.

105. Why did Jamal Khashoggi disappear?

Use whiteboard pictures:

Use notes:

Deadline is 31.10.2018.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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