SPR&I .us

SPR&I 2008-2009

Unique Programs

|Program |DOC |JDEP |YCEP |Jails |LTCT |Hospital |OSB/OSD |

|Facilities: |Coffee Creek in |School Districts |District-ESD/ Facility |Baker |Contractor - # Prog. |MESD: | |

| |Wilsonville (females |Coquille SD/ CAD/AYA |(School Name) |Benton |School Districts |Doernbecher Children’s | |

| |only) |Bend LaPine SD/ COIC Skills | |Clackamas |Ashland - 2 |Hospital (OHSU) | |

| |Eastern Oregon, |Lab |School Districts |Clatsop |Central Pt - 2 |Legacy Emanuel | |

| |Pendleton |Douglas Co. SD/ Mt Nebo Alt |Harney SD / Eastern Oregon |Coos |Central - 1 |Children’s Hospital | |

| |2 Rivers, Umatilla |Ed |YCF (Monroe School) |Columbia |Dallas -1 |Shriners Children’s | |

| |Snake River, Ontario |Medford SD/ Medford |3 Rivers SD / Rogue Valley |Crook |Eugene -1 |Hospital | |

| | |Opportunity |YCF (Newbridge HS) |Curry |Grants Pass-1 |Oregon State Hospital | |

| | |Grants Pass SD/ Josephine |Tillamook SD / Tillamook YCF |Deschutes |Hood River -1 | | |

| | |County Shelter/Detention |(Trask River HS) & Camp |Douglas |Klamath Falls City -1 |WESD: | |

| | |Klamath Falls City SD/ |Tillamook |Grant |LaGrande -1 |Oregon State Hospital | |

| | |Klamath Institute Annex |Warrenton-Hammond SD/ North |Harney |Lincoln County-1 | | |

| | |Lincoln County SD/ Lincoln |Coast YCF (S. Jetty HS |Hood River |Medford -1 | | |

| | |County JDP | |Jackson |Newberg -1 | | |

| | |Salem-Keizer SD/ Marion |ESDs |Jefferson |North Bend -1 | | |

| | |County JDP |LBL / Corvallis House |Josephine |North Wasco -1 | | |

| | |Pendleton SD/ Umatilla County|(Riverside HS) & Camp |Klamath |Pendleton -1 | | |

| | |JDP |Florence (Ocean Dunes HS) & |Lake |Portland -10 | | |

| | |Warrenton-Hammond SD/ Young’s|Oak Creek (Three Lakes) |Lane |Reynolds -2 | | |

| | |Bay |Willamette/ Hillcrest YCF |Lincoln |Salem-Keizer-1 | | |

| | |ESDs |(Robt Farrell HS) & MacLaren |Linn |Springfield-3 | | |

| | |Linn Benton Lincoln/ Serbu & |YCF (Wm Lord HS) |Malheur |Three Rivers/ Josephine-2 | | |

| | |Oak Creek |Umatilla Morrow /River Bend |Marion |Tigard-Tualtn-1 | | |

| | |Multnomah / Donald E Long |YCF (River Bend Alt Ed) |Multnomah |ESDs | | |

| | |Columbia Gorge / NORCOR | |Polk |Clackamas - 2 | | |

| | |Willamette / Yamhill JDP | |Tillamook |Douglas -1 | | |

| | | | |Washington |High Desert -1 | | |

| | | | |Umatilla |LBL -2 | | |

| | | | |Union |Multnomah -2 | | |

| | | | |Wasco |NWR -4 | | |

| | | | |Yamhill |Umatilla-Morrow -1 | | |

| | | | | |Willamette -1 | | |

|County Contact /SPRI |Sam Ko |Sam Ko |Sam Ko |Regular county contact|Kevin Hunking | |Robbi Perry |

|ORSs/ |OAR 581-015-2600 |ORS 326.695, 326.700, |ORS 326.695, 326.700, |OAR 581-015-2605 |ORS 343.961; |ORS 343.261; |ORS Chapter 346 |

|OARs | |326.712, ORS 327.026, |326.712, ORS 327.026, | |OAR 581-015-2570 |OAR 581-015-2575 & | |

| | |327.297, & 336.585; OAR |327.297, & 336.585; OAR | | |581-015-2580 | |

| | |581-015-2585, 581-015-2590, |581-015-2585, 581-015-2590, | | | | |

| | |581-023-0022 |581-023-0022 | | | | |

|Students Served |11 adult DOC |Youth detained in county |Students adjudicated and |Youth over the age of |Children placed by other |Any school aged child |Resident Oregon |

| |institutions, but only|juvenile facilities or county|sentenced to Oregon Youth |15; juveniles awaiting|Oregon state agency (DHS, |admitted to the hospital|students placed by |

| |4 serve juveniles who |corrections facilities. |Authority (OYA) custody. |trial under Measure 11|OYA or their agents). |for treatment. |their resident school |

| |are remanded by the | |Ages 12 to 25. |may be housed in jail | | |district as per IEP. |

| |courts to adult | | |up to one year. | | | |

| |prisons. | | | | | | |

|FAPE |DOC acts school |ODE contracts with LEAs or |ODE contracts with LEAs or |LEA in which the jail |ODE contracts with LEAs or|ODE contracts with LEAs |Resident school |

| |district and is |ESDs to provide ed program. |ESDs to provide ed program. |is located. |ESDs to provide ed |or ESDs to provide ed |district. |

| |responsible for FAPE. | | | |program. |program. | |

|Placing Agency |Adult courts |Law enforcement officers |Juvenile courts |Law enforcement |State agency (OYS, DHS – |Medical personnel |Resident school |

| | |and/or juvenile courts | |officers and/or adult |including CAF, DD | |district |

| | | | |courts |services, & MHO’s) | | |

|Residency |DOC operates as its |Student’s/parent’s resident |Local school district where |Local school district |Residential = local school|Student’s/parent’s |Student’s/parent’s |

|See ORS 339.133 and |own school district. |district. |facility is located. |where facility is |district where facility is|resident district. |resident district. |

|339.134 | | | |located. |located; Day = student’s |Often dual enrollment in| |

| | | | | |resident district. |resident district & | |

| | | | | | |hospital ed. | |

|SPR&I Annual Training |Required. Minimum of |Not Required. |Required. Minimum of one |Minimum one licensed |Required. Minimum of one |Required. Minimum one |Required. One admin |

| |one licensed special | |licensed special ed staff |special ed staff |licensed special ed staff |licensed special ed |and one staff member |

| |ed staff member. | |member. |responsible for jail |member. |staff member |minimum. |

| | | | |program. | | | |

|Access to SPR&I |Yes |Yes for LEAs; no for ESDs. |Yes for LEAs; Yes for ESDs. |Yes, as LEA program. |Yes for LEAs; Yes for |No. |SPR&I data entered by |

|Database | | | | |ESDs. | |resident district |

|SPR&I Determination |Yes |No |Embedded if LEA contractor; |Embedded in LEA |Embedded if LEA |No |No |

| | | |no determination for ESD |determination. |contractor; no | | |

| | | | | |determination for ESD | | |

|SPR&I Focused |Yes. |Programs included if the LEA |Programs included if the LEA |Programs included if |Programs included if the |Programs included if the|No |

|monitoring | |or ESD that holds the |or ESD that holds the |the LEA or ESD that |LEA or ESD that holds the |LEA or ESD that holds | |

| | |contract is selected for |contract is selected for |holds the contract is |contract is selected for |the contract is selected| |

| | |focused review. |focused review. |selected for focused |focused review. |for focused review. | |

| | | | |review. | | | |


|Ashland SD |LTCT |Lithia Springs/SOASTC |SOASTC Ashland |

|Astoria SD |Jail |Clatsop County Jail | |

|Baker City SD |Jail |Baker County Jail | |

|Bend LaPine SD |JDEP |Deschutes County JDEP |COIC Skills Lab |

| |Jail |Deschutes County Jail | |

|Central SD |LTCT |Poyama Land |Poyama Land |

|Central Curry SD |Jail |Curry County Jail | |

|Central Point SD |LTCT |SOCSTC |SOCSTC – Central Point |

|Coquille SD |JDEP |Coos County JDEP |CAD/AYA |

| |Jail |Coos County Jail | |

|Corvallis SD |Jail |Benton County Jail | |

|Crook County SD |Jail |Crook County Jail | |

|Dallas SD |LTCT |Polk Adolescent Day Treatment |PADTC |

| |Jail |Polk County Jail | |

|Dept of Corrections SD |DOC |Coffee Creek, Eastern OR, 2 Rivers & Snake River |Same |

|Douglas SD |JDEP |Douglas County JDEP |Mt Nebo Alt Ed |

|Eugene SD |LTCT |Stepping Stone Lodge |Same |

| |Jail |Lane County Jail | |

|Grants Pass SD |JDEP |Josephine County Shelter/Detention |Josephine County Shelter/Detention |

| |LTCT |Family Friends Center |Same |

| |Jail |Josephine County Jail | |

|Great Albany SD |Jail |Linn County Jail | |

|Harney SD |YCEP |Eastern Oregon YCF |Monroe School |

| |Jail |Harney County Jail | |

|Hillsboro SD |Jail |Washington County Jail | |

|Hood River County SD |LTCT |The Next Door |Same |

| |Jail |Hood River County Jail | |

|Jefferson County SD |Jail |Jefferson County Jail | |

|John Day SD |Jail |Grant County Jail | |

|Klamath Falls City SD |JDEP |Klamath County JDEP |Klamath Institute Annex |

| |LTCT |Klamath Youth Development Center |Same |

| |Jail |Klamath County Jail | |

|LaGrande SD |LTCT |Grande Ronde Child Center |Same |

| |Jail |Union County Jail | |

|Lake County SD |Jail |Lake County Jail | |

|Lincoln County SD |JDEP |Lincoln County JDP |Same |

| |LTCT |Olalla Center |Same |

| |Jail |Lincoln County Jail | |

|McMinnville SD |Jail |Yamhill County Jail | |

|Medford SD |JDEP |Jackson County JDP |Medford Opportunity HS |

| |LTCT |SOCSTC |SOCSTC - Medford |

| |Jail |Jackson County Jail | |

|Newberg SD |LTCT |Chehalem Youth & Family Services |Same |

|North Bend SD |LTCT |SOASTC |SOASTC – North Bend |

|North Wasco SD |LTCT |Mid-Columbia Child & Family Center |Same |

| |Jail |Wasco County Jail | |

|Oregon City SD |Jail |Clackamas County Jail | |

|Pendleton SD |JDEP |Umatilla County JDP |Same |

| |LTCT |Homestead Youth & Family Services |Same |

| |Jail |Umatilla County Jail | |

|Portland SD |LTCT |Boys & Girls Aid Society/Johns Landing |Same |

| | |Janus Youth Programs |Same |

| | |Lifeworks NW – Nickerson Center |Same |

| | |Morrison - Breakthrough |Same |

| | |Parry Center for Children |Same |

| | |Morrison– Hand-in-Hand |Same |

| | |Parry Center SCIP |Same |

| | |Rosemont |Same |

| | |Wildflowers |Same |

| | |Edgefield Children’s Center |Same |

| | |White Shield Home |Same |

| |Jail | Multnomah County Jail | |

|Reynolds SD |LTCT |Center for Continuous Improvement |Same |

|Roseburg SD |Jail |Douglas County Jail | |

|Salem Keizer SD |JDEP |Marion County JDP |Secondary Alt Ed Programs |

| |LTCT |Catholic Community Services |Same |

| |Jail |Marion County Jail | |

|St Helens SD |Jail |Columbia County Jail | |

|Three Rivers SD |YCEP |Rogue Valley YCF |Newbridge HS |

| |LTCT |SOASTC |SOASTC – Three Rivers |

|Tigard-Tualatin SD |LTCT |Janus Youth Programs |Cordero House |

|Tillamook SD |YCEP |Tillamook YCF |Trask River HS |

| |YCEP |Camp Tillamook |Trask River Camp |

| |Jail |Tillamook County Jail | |

|Vale SD |Jail |Malheur County Jail | |

|Warrenton-Hammond |JDEP |Clatsop County JDEP |Young’s Bay |

| | | | |

|ESDs | | | |

|Clackamas ESD |LTCT |Christie Care |Merrick School |

| | |Christie Care |Clackamas River |

|Columbia Gorge ESD |JDEP |NORCOR Detention |NORCOR |

|High Desert ESD |LTCT |Cascade Child Center |Same |

| | |Tamarack Cascade |Same |

|Linn Benton Lincoln ESD |YCEP |Camp Florence |Ocean Dunes HS |

| | |Corvallis House |Riverside HS |

| | |Oak Creek YCF |Three Lakes HS |

| |JDEP |Lane County JDEP |Serbu |

| | |Linn County JDEP |Oak Creek |

| |LTCT |Children’s Farm Home |Same |

| | |Old Mill Center |Same |

|Multnomah ESD |JDEP |Multnomah County JDEP |Donald E Long |

| |LTCT |Kerr/Wynne Watts |Same |

| | |Kerr Youth & Family |Same |

| |Hospital |Doernbecher Children’s Hospital |Same |

| | |Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital |Same |

| | |Shriners Hospital for Children |Same |

| | |Oregon State Hospital |Same |

|NW Regional ESD |LTCT |Lifeworks NW |Tualatin Valley |

| | |Albertina Kerr |PACE |

| | |St Marys Home for Boys |Levi Anderson |

| | |Lifeworks NW (OHSU) |Same |

| |YCEP |North Coast YCF |South Jetty HS |

|Umatilla Morrow ESD |YCEP |RiverBend YCF |RiverBend HS |

| |LTCT |Pendleton Academies |Same |

|Willamette ESD |JDEP |Yamhill County JDP |Yamhill |

| |LTCT |Rainbow Family |Metsker Heights |

| |Hospital |Oregon State Hospital |Same |

| |YCEP |Hillcrest YCF |Robert Farrell HS |

| | |MacLaren YCF |William Lord HS |


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