Tuesday, May 31: - 6TH GRADE MATH

Tuesday, May 31:

Use the Weights of Dogs line plot below to find the ….

Maximum=_______Minimum=_______ Range=________Mode=_________ Frequency =__________

Median=________ Mean=__________

LT: Students will create a line plot with given statistical measures.

In Class: Additional Practice INV 1

SC: (5-4-3-2-1 Level of success) Create a line plot with 14 names, a median of 12 letters and a range of 7 letters to 17 letters.

Homework for Tuesday, May 31: Make a line plot for the basketball scores data, then determine the frequency ________, maximum________, minimum________, range________, mode________, median________, and mean________. The middle school basketball team scored the following points in each of their games this year: 64, 84, 52, 66, 46, 29, 57, 71, 75, 60

Wednesday, June 1:

Warm-up: 1) About how many minutes does it take you to get to school? _________

2) Add Categorical Data and Numerical Data to your foldable. Include a definition written in your own words and examples for each. (Use page 14 to help.)

LT: Students will learn to create and interpret Stem-and-Leaf Plots.

In Class: Stem & Leaf Plots Lesson 2.1, categorical data and numerical data

SC: (5-4-3-2-1 Level of success) Create a Stem & Leaf Plot of the time it takes students to get to class and determine the maximum, minimum, range, mode, frequency, and median.

Homework for Wednesday, June 1

Write a categorical question and give the answer.

Write a numerical question and give the answer.

Thursday, June 2: The back-to-back Stem-and-Leaf plot below shows the high and low temperatures for a week in a certain city. Use this to answer the questions.

What is the range for the high temperatures?__________

Find the median for the low temperatures. __________

Find the mode for the high temperatures. __________

Find the mean for the low temperatures.___________

LT: Students will analyze and create Stem-and-Leaf plots.

In Class: Inv 2 additional practice – Stem-and-Leaf plots.

SC: (5-4-3-2-1 Level of success) Students identify benefits of a line plot and of stem-and-leaf plots.

Homework for Thursday, June 2: This is your last 6th grade math homework assignment! Find the mean, median, mode, and range for each set of numbers.

1) 2, 9, 5, 1, 4 Mean _________ Median _________ Mode________ Range______

2) 10, 6, 12, 9, 9 Mean _________ Median _________ Mode________ Range______

Friday, June 3

Warm-up: Turn to pages 16 & 17 and use the graphs and tables to answer questions;

C.___________ F.______________ H._____________ I._____________ J._____________

LT: Students will read and interpret a variety of graphs and highlight evidence to support their interpretations.

In Class: Data Question Bank

SC: (5-4-3-2-1 Level of success) Students will highlight accurate parts of graphs.

Homework for Friday, June 3 – B.A.K. Enjoy your weekend with family and friends.

Monday, June 6 – Stem-and-Leaf Additional Practice (No Homework!)

Tuesday, June 7- DATA QUIZ – last math quiz of the school year !

Wednesday, June 8th – Spatial Activity/Bill Nye

½ day Thursday, June 9th- Year Wrap-up, Memories (20 minute classes – adjusted schedule)

½ day Friday, June 10th- Talent Show with 1st hour, then go to CR after talent show for attendance and walk to Veteran’s Park. Bring water bottles and basketballs, Frisbees, volleyballs, etc… We will be back at the middle school by 10:45am.

June 9th ½ day schedule (bring a healthy snack as lunch is not served on ½ days)

1st Hour 7:30-7:55

2nd Hour 8:00-8:25

3rd Hour 8:30-8:55

4th Hour 9:00-9:25

5th Hour 9:30-9:55

6th Hour 10:00-10:25

7th Hour 10:30-11:00


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