Curriculum Vitae



P.O. BOX 3030




NAME : Dr. Saleh M. Radaideh

ADDRESS :Jordan University of Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering Department, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid, Jordan

E-mail :

PHONE NO( Home) : +962 –2-7315830

PHONE NO(MOBILE):+0785113980

PHONE NO( Work) : +962 –2-7095111 ext. 22501


DATE OF BIRTH : Feb.1963




❑ Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 1995, Electrical Engineering Department, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Ph.D. thesis title: Approximate Solution for Nonlinear Filtering and Identification Problems.

❑ M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, 1989, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. (Cumulative Average 91.6 %).

Master thesis title: A Simple Numerical and Multiple Scales Solution for the Steady State Reaponse of Nonlinear Balanced Modulators and Mixers.

❑ B.Sc in Electrical Engineering, 1986, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. (Cumulative Average 80.6 %).

❑ High School Certificate, Scientific Stream, 1981, Al-Ameer Hassan Secondary School, Irbid,Jordan.(Cumulative Average 91.2 %).


❑ (Sep.2007 to August 2008 & Sep 2009 to date) Chairman of Electrical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O.BOX.3030, Irbid, JORDAN

❑ (May 26, 2003 to date ), Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid, Jordan.

❑ (Sep.2004-Aug.2005), Visiting associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Yarmouk University.

❑ (Sep.2007-Aug.2008), Visiting associate Professor, Power Engineering Department, Yarmouk University

❑ (September 16, 1995- to May 25, 2003), Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid, Jordan.


• Systems and control

• Signals and Linear Systems

• Optimal Control Theory (Graduate course)

• Advanced Linear Systems theory and Design (Graduate course)

• Applied Engineering Mathematics (Graduate Course)

• Engineering Circuit Analysis 1

• Engineering Circuit Analysis 2

• Probability theory

• Stochastic Processes

• Numerical Analysis

• Applied Mathmatics For Engineers

• Linear Algebra and its Applications

• Digital Logic Deasign

• Engineering Control Lab.

• Engineering Circuit Lab.

❑ (Sep.1991- Sep.1995), Teaching Assistant, Electrical Engineering Department, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Tutored and marked:

• Linear Systems

• Optimal Control

• Control Lab.

❑ (January 1986 -Jun 1989),Teaching and Research Assistant, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.

Responsibilities included: Teaching Assistant for courses in

• Circuit analysis,

• Control system Lab.

• Circuit Lab.


1. Artificial Generation of Ozone and it’s Use in Water Purification.

2. A Novel Low Harmonic Three-Phase Rectifier

3. Design Digital Speed meter

4. A Simple Circuit for Direct Current Measurement Using a Transformer

5. The Diesel Electric Locomotive Control System

6. Phase Locked Loop without overshooting Response

7. Control of Robot Arm Using Joint Torque Sensor

8. Using the Operational Amplifier and Transformer to Measure Direct Current

9. Application of Kalman-Bucy Filter in Binary System Communication Channel

10. Design Robot Controlled Motorcycle

11. Design Six Legged Ambler

12. Design of Inverted Pendulum using Fuzzy Logic Controller


1. Robust Tuning of Dead Time Compensator for Processes with Integrator and Long Dead Time.

2. Dyanamic Object Tracking Using Image Segmentation and Motion Compensation

3. Controller Subsynchronous Resonance in Power Using TCSC and SSSC: A Comparative Study

4. Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Power System Stabilizaer Design

5. Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) Control of Parallel Input Parallel Output Modular Buck Converter

6. Design of Power System Stabilizers Using Two Level Fuzzy and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Sy

7. Fuzzy Logic Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator

8. Optimal Control of the Current Mode Controlled Parallel Connected DC-DC Boost Converters

9. Controlling Subsynchronous Resonance in Power System Using TCSC and SSSC: A Comparative Study


1. Optimal Control

2. Fuzzy Control

3. Nonlinear Filtering and Optimal Estimation

4. Dead Time Compensators

5. System Identification

6. Stochastic Control

7. Adaptive Control


❑ Languages: :C++ , Fortran

❑ Spread Sheets: :Excel

❑ Software Packages: : Matlab, MS-Word.

❑ Operation Systems: :VAX/VMS, DOS, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows.


1. O. Asfar and S.M. Radaideh, ‘’A Simple Numerical and Multiple Scales Solution for the Steady State Response of Nonlinear Balanced Modulators and Mixers’’ International Journal of Electronics, Vol.70, No.2, pp.305-319, 1991.

2. N.U.Ahmed, S.M.Radaideh,’’ Modified Extended Kalman Filtering, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp1322-1326, July 1994.

3. N.U.Ahmed, S.M.Radaideh, ‘’Identification of Linear Stochastic Systems Based on Partial Information, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, Vol.8, No.3, Fall 1995.

4. N.U.Ahmed, S.M.Radaideh, A Powerfull Numerical Techniques Solving Zakai Equation for Nonlinear Filtering, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Vol.7, No.3,pp.293-308, July 1997.

5. S.M. Radaideh, M.T. Hayajneh,’’A Modified PID Controller (PII[pic]D)’’, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.339, No.6-7, pp.543-553, 2002.

6. S.M. Radaideh, M.Al-Rousan,’’A New Numerical Technique for Solving the Nonlinear Filtering Problem’’, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.89, No.7, pp.561-573, 2002.

7. S.M. Radaideh, M.Al-Rousan,’’ AP[pic]I Controller for linear Systems with Nonconstant Disturbances’’, Computers & Electrical Engineering,Vol.29, No.4, pp.479-488, 2003.

8. S.M. Radaideh, M.T. Hayajneh,’’A Modified PID Controller (PII[pic]D) for Controllable Linear Time Invariant Single Input/Single Output Systems’’, Control and Intelligent Systems, Vol.31, No.2,pp.95-100, 2003.

9. S.M. Radaideh, M.Al-Rousan,’’ AP[pic]I[pic] Controller for linear Systems with Ramp Disturbances’’, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 23, No.3, pp.167-171, 2003.

10. M.T.Hayajneh, S.M.Radaideh, Modeling Surface Finish in End Milling Process Using Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Based System Identification, Materials and Manufacturing Perocesses, Vol.18, No.4, pp.653-665, 2003.

11. S.M. Radaideh, M.T.Hayajneh, A Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Scheme for the PII[pic]D Controller, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol.24, No.1,pp. 8-12, 2004.

12. S.M.Radaideh, M.T.Hayajneh, A New Fuzzy Scheduling Scheme for the PID Controllers, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol.9, No.4,pp.296-277,2003.

13. S.M.Radaideh, R.Radaideh, M.T.Hayajneh, Series Resistance Compensationin PTAT Temperature Sensors and Bandgap Reference Circuits, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.91, No.5, May 2004, pp.259-269.

14. S.M.Radaideh, M.T.Hayajneh, and Smadi, I.A., PII[pic]D Controller for Linear Time Invaraint Single Input/Single Output Systems, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.55, No.11-12, pp.324-327,2004.

15. Hayajneh,M.T, Radaideh, S.M., Al-Oqla, F.M and Al-Omari, F.A., Reduction of Pendulations in Overhead Cranes Carrying Massive Loads on Long Cables Using a Cable Reeling Technique, International Journal of Engineering Simulation, Vol.6, No.3 pp.39-45, 2005.

16. E.A.Felat, A.M.Jaroshi, S.M.Radaideh, Performance Assessment of Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer, Proc, of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. On Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, pp.256-261Dec. 2005 .

17. I.Nejdawi, S.M.Radaideh, I. Smadi, Two Fuzzy Adaptive Controllers for Linear Systems with Nonconstant Disturbances, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol.26,No.4, 2006

18. Hayajneh, M.T., Radaideh S.M., Monitoring Hole Quality in Drilling Process Using Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Based System Identification Method, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.35, No.3, pp.297-302, May 2007.

19. Hayajneh.M.T., Radaideh,S.M., Smadi, I.A., Fuzzy Logic Controller for Over Head Cranes, Engineering Computation International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, Vol.23, No.1, pp.84-98, 2006.

20. E.A.Felat, A.M.Jaroshi, S.M.Radaideh, A Comparative Design and Performance of Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer, WSEAS transactions on Power Systems, ISSUE2, Vol.1, pp.289-295, Feb.2006.

21. E.A.Felat, A.M.Jaroshi, S.M.Radaideh, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Technique for Tuning Power System Stabilizer, 4th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2006), UK, Newcastle uponTyne, pp.170-174, Sep.6-8, 2006.

22. Mohammed T.Hayajneh, Saleh M. Radaideh, Faris M. Al-Oqla and Imad Nejdawi, '' Reductions of Pendulations of Overhead Cranes Under the effect of air Resistance by A Cable Manipulation Manner, Proceeding of the 5th international Symposisum on Mechatronics and its applications (ISMA08), Amman, Jordan May 27-29, 2009.

23. S.M.Radaideh, I.M.Nejdawi, and M.H.Mushtaha, Identification of

Optimum Locations of PSS in a Power System, Submitted for

possible publication in the International Journal of Engineering Electric

Power System.

24. S.M.Radaideh, I.M.Nejdawi, and M.H.Mushtaha, Design Power

System Stabilizers Using two Level Fuzzy and Adaptive Neuro

Fuzzy Infernce Systems, Submitted for possible publication in the

international Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.

25.S.M.Radaideh, MT.AlAhmed, A New DTC for Controlling Processes

ControllingProcesses with an Integrator and Long Dead Time,

Submitted to the International Journal of Modelling and Simulation.

26. S.M.Radaideh, S.R.Alwash, S.A.Albatran, Fuzzy logic Control of

Self Exited Doubly Fed Induction Generator, Proceeding of the 29th

IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control

(MIC2010), pp. 183-189,Feb. 15-17, 2010, Innsbruck, Austria.

27. M.R.D.Al-Mothafar, Saleh M.Radaideh, and M.A.Abdullah,LQR-

Based Control of Parallel-Connected Boost DC-DC Converters: A

Comparison with Classical Current-Mode Control, Submitted for

possible publication in the International Journal of Computer

Applications in Technology.

28. M.R.D. Al-Mothafar, Saleh M. Radaideh, and N.M. Radaydeh, ''

Application of the LQR Theory to Modular Current- Programmed

Buck Converters, Submitted for possible publication in the

InternationalJournal of Engineering Systems Modelling & Simulation.


❑ Professor O.R. Asfar, Electrical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology , Irbid, Jordan.


❑ Professor M. Abbadi, Electrical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology , Irbid, Jordan.


❑ Professor A. Hamdan, Electrical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology , Irbid, Jordan.



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