Songs To Live And Die ByInstruction PreviewRoss receives an unlikely visitor his supposedly dead Uncle Danny. How can life be made, by what who made us I believe someone or something is out there have got that answer, we have to pick ourselves of the ground and speak up the best days of your life is school there’s no reason to dislike school you can learn a lot from it be the person you want to be and stop being that person you don’t want to be this book is about how life can be made the chooses we make are true or the dreams . we have are true. You can believe whatever you want. There’s a preview about the house of chains created by Induction it could be a future to make a film about it there’s violent and bad behaviour and also sociopath man how set it up who was confusing life it made him mad, got him paranoid such as sociopath who is really upset about life it ok to be afraid, everyone is afraid of life. There’s a ghosts that met Ross during last year 2008, Uncle Danny visits him how life can really affect life of others, Ross had to make a choice to pick to go with Danny to heaven or go back to the normal life, at one point Ross picked to go with Danny, but there’s one thing that he forgot to do, he forgot to say to Clair that he loved her. Ross sees his own gravestone made for him if he pick to die and go with Danny but Ross sees the future if he picked to die. Ross has a accident causing a coma, during which he is 'visited' by his beloved late Uncle Danny, who shows him things would be even worse for his loved ones if he hadn't been good, but Ross asks more questions then even a more eloquent spirit could answer. Danny tells Ross he has a choice. He can end his life now, or go back and face the challenges. Ross initially decides to die, so Danny shows him a grave with a woman beside it. Turns out it's Clair, much older. She's mourning the loss of Ross. Ross is officially creeped out and says he doesn't want to be here. So Danny sends him back to the present, telling him to open his eyes.1. The Day That Never ComesI was there that day the league was won, Rangers Mikel Arteta scored the winner for the title after celtic missed a penalty just mintues when Rangers made it 6-1 against Dunfermilne for the title "That was one of the best days of my life". Rangers was the holders 2002/03 Season best ever season of Rangers history, Arthur Numan said "Thanks of the memories". The Puddle of Mudd Song "Psycho" lead to a discovery, the factory something was not right there that day maybe chanced me fuck nose why listen to the wrong sound that came to my head wit the fuck did it come from in 2005 i created a empire during my school days in primary 7 I was Captian Ross i was leading my gang the way it all started won of my friends James and Stephen ask me to join i was the most popular fighter in school i joined and i took over it i was captain of the empire i was happy than ever, things got real bad during being captain it got tough i mean really tough I was hunted for one of my mates he left primary never got back to me fuck it i'm in the empire there was 7 of us there where Scott, Adam, Stephen, Andrew, Robert and James our lead song was Eminem "Like Toy Soldiers". "I'm the captain of this empire KNOW ONE IS GETTING OUT MY WAY", i said strong words that day we where never going to lose this battle. I looked into some films The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Begging i was the scarys in 2006 along with Long Time Dead in 2001 to look at it is way horrors and movies that what matters. At the time Rock music is to its best with a great song called Atreyu "Blow" hit number one also Eminem's "Lose Yourself" hit number one back in December 2002, Ross was a big music fan in 2006, the house of chains something i would go back to the scariest house no one would go back there. "28 Days Later" the theme song "in the house in a heartbeat" good film in Ross's Favour. Darren Smith Ross's friend was with him at the time, Darren said "Back in 2005 you where with some friends you told me about lost many friends was that it you never told me that much don't fucking lie to me here this could lead to a discover" Ross was felt threaten buy "fuck off then i never lie, all my mates died that day we call it 'the day that never comes' we need all the back up we need" said Ross. Days after we made that deal, that deal was breaking into that abandon pub, Darren got his hood up along with Ross. "I Remember Darren saying to me keep the look out i knew he was a trouble maker" said Ross. "This was the place we where going to bully people that bullied us, they where in for a surprise" Darren Said. The next day "I invited Iain, Scott and Adam we where going to see Spider-Man 3 that day back in 2007 I remember Rangers beating Celtic 2-0 that made my day even better" Said Ross. At this time about early 2007 we where chased by these middle aged men with knifes "fuck it run the other way Darren NOW!" said Ross. Lets think back.....Empire (2005)At 2005 the empire was fully built brilliantly Captain Ross was the leader the (CAPT), the song 'Like Toy Soldiers' by Eminem was playing in the back ground that hit number 4 in the top 40 UK charts. We’ll be rappers if need we made our new song called 'Don't mess with us yo', "I didn't no Darren Smith at this time I was still in primary school" Said Ross. Ross sent a fully team out there to hunt for Robert to have a chat with him but it never was to be that night things did not go to plan "what shall we do huh? go in or what its your call" says Andrew, "of course its my call GET BACK TO THE FUCKING EMPIRE" says Ross. Maybe a free bag of chips or is it just your a wanker. At this time our lives we in danger we where so fucking stupid we did nae hiv a clue wits going to happen James ran thought the another woods he thought he seen the police he fucked off never to tell the gang the team he's out of this fucking empire to think this is funny do ya the person that reading this. The song ''Train'' by Flipside that was playing in the background when he ran for it, it turn out he was never seen again after primary school ended that meant it was just Me (Capt), Scott, Adam, Stephen, Wee Robert and Andrew. Things started to get weirder and weirder. The next day some fucking cunt wrote on the wall "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" on red paint this group meant someone is not right in the fucking head. When i was sitting on the seat making my fire to get a heat inside the empire we heard this strange noise outside fuck nose what it was "Andrew going check it out" said Ross. "I'm not going out there fuck" said Andrew. Ross said "NOW", Andrew went to see what it was he was about 20 years away from the empire to the middle of no where i asked Stephen when did you last see James and Stephen went to say, "Mate to be honest with ya i don't know he's ma best mate I don't know where the fuck he is", it was thunder lighting out raining hardly, i used my Pell it gun with a silver ball they are hard as fuck they could kill i used it how the fuck is fucking with us. 30 mintues later Andrew must of when home he never came back for us that noises out there was still happing this reminded me of "The Blair Witch 2" in 2001 "freaky stuff just reminds me of it always" i said. Two months ago Rangers won the league in 2005 in May 24th Helicopter Sunday in Fir Hill Motherwell's Scott McDonald scored Twice at the 90th Minute against Celtic to give Rangers the league title after that disappointment last season, Celtic where 1-0 up, Nacho Novo scored a great goal half way thought the game and all Alex McLeish said "We need to believe we can win the league", i went to the golf that day when Rangers won the league that was the last time he won that league how shit is Rangers. Nearly midnight still inside the fucking empire i was so desperate to go home i remember Stephen said to me "why not we fight this", i said "NO, we wait". In 2007 i went to a party that rocked my mums 40th birthday everyone in my family went there and friends maybe we’ll all sit like a bunch a wankers under the stair case wit do you think em mur ya brick. Linkin Park minutes to midnight album back in 2007 warner bros records inc. In my living room watching when it gets tense you know it might happen, shotgun opera load from the lyrics of Linkin Park. They should to another album for 2009 release. Mintues to Midnight LP liked ever song from their album. The song "What I've Done" had something to do with the film i am legend along with Roadrunner United song "Then End" from i am legend as well as the video the song from i am legend, doctor Robert Neville (will smith) discovered a cure became a legend. Green Day's American idiot in 2004 big hits like "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" and "Wake Me Up When September Ends", at the clyde i remember from Green Days song at "Hardens Wall", The songs for the MTV Awards. An Oscar award wins "Lose Yourself" in the best-song a soundtrack category Eminem’s Big-Screen. Eminem has more pain in his heart than a little girl in a plane heading for the World Trace Centre in a post-9/11.3. House Of ChainsUnnerved, the soldiers retreat their house, but as one by one they fall prey to succession of disturbing murders, the remaining soldiers know they must somehow banish the evil they have awakened, before it claims it's next victim. With time running out, and the head count growing, they realise the can't trust anybody, not even each other.A guy with a shot gun with his two friends called Jack and Roger trying to hunt to ware dogs it has escaped from the homes now it could hurt people the outside would or it could kill people the Burt stayed quite and ready for the shot BANG! BANG! the wolf was dead he comes over to it and try’s to drag it away to burn it but he open its dead leg and all the blood went over him he is infected and his two mates said are you alright Burt and Burt was a zombie and he bitted his neck and now he is a zombie he became a zombie just seconds and the another man runs for his life throw the woods he stops and he goes behind a tree and he moves to the busy and the two zombies where close to getting him he grapes a wooden stick next to him and now he runs the another way and the zombies where running behind him a car stops and he gets in the zombies are trying to get in the car they can't drive the zombies are in and they died. 10 Hours Later..... 8 survivors called Ronald, Heather, Bill, Carl, Paul, Sean, John, and Jen in a school its bordered they talked Heather made a noise that might just be the end of their life’s something was coming there way Carl said something is coming our way look we better made a run for it. John said no are you crazy Carl Said no but do you wanna die i suggest you stay then when they are getting in here cause that’s the way its heading so make our choices because we going this way out. the zombie smashed the window and grabbed Heather out Sean said noooooooooooo and he went after her then he got infected and he turned into it Carl said come on this way where is Heather and Sean John Said for get it they are dead you said one spill of blood in said ur mouth or eyes they have seconds to live you told me you have seen it and i believe you so come on Carl right lets go a dead body up the sealed a drop of blood came down to Jens eyes and she got the rage virus seconds later she became a zombie and got bill down and Jens lots of blood came down to his faces then he became a zombie Carl open a window they went down along with Ronald, john and Paul the zombies came out the another doors and Ronald got drag down and he was one Carl was up on the wall and he never help his brother and he run off to save his self the zombies where behind him and ran for it there no survivors or nothing out there just infected zombies thinking to discover where is survivors and where could of being hiding carl was hiding in a office and he sleped there until morning. its morning he step out of the building he made sure nothing is coming his way it was fog he couldn’t see anything up ahead but he seen something coming is his he thinks its a survivor then he fell something pushed him down to the floor it was a two zombies trying to kill him and he head to gun shots and it was soldiers Sgt Major said hi are you alright its final we have a Survivor. The so ligers bring him in the soldiers truck what’s your name said Major my name is Carl, Carl nice this is Davis, Mailer, Jones, S. Farrell, Ford, Brentford, Clifton, Mitchell, Jabionski and Kindell now all my boys will take you to our base we hade a full army but they all got infected we where the ones it made it i’m sorry to here that said Carl no worries you are safe now said Major how did you get here on our own once you out there the zombies hide to see any survivors said Major i was in a house with survivors and they all died i was the one it made i was on the wall i seen my brother get bit by the zombies and i have never done anything about it then i run off i was scared said Carl its not our fault if you went down from the wall you have might of got bitting by those things said Major IT IS MY FALT OK I NEVER DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT WHO WOULD DO THAT HUH said Carl calm done Carl. The zombies herd it boss look over there they are coming said Brentford shit this is your fault if you never shouted nun of this never of happen GET IN THE TRUCK COME ON said Major ready men FIRE said Farrell, Jabionski get behind you haaaahaaaaaa get it off me nooooooo stop the truck said Bell Jabionski is going said Bell we have to keep on going they are right behind us said Farrell we hade a man down i not taking much more of this we are all going to die said Bell. Now we better lose them Davis and Hudson get off the truck and go Left go said Major yes boss come on Davis this way quick they are behind us get up on the roof SHIT (GUN FIRE) take my hand and push your self up said Hudson. Thanks man if it was never for you i would be a gonna said Davis. no please its fine. sir do you think Davis and Hudson going to be alright said Bell yes i got a radio Hudson over said Major hi said there millions of the down there we can't find away out of here over sir. ok I’ll come for just hang in there over said Major. ok said Hudson. we are not going to make this said Hudson, Don't stay that we find a way throw somewhere coz you always do said Davis stop it they are all around us and the nothing we can do about it.The soldiers are back to the house but do they realise what’s out there?. this place is safe nothing to worry about just a few miner gabs but my soldiers have got it said major. Jones take the basement don't move your position said major. Yes boss said Jones, now i think how far you have went there is something that’s meets the eye said major, what the hell do you mean huh said Carl, i think you killed your brother said major, what no i didn't i left him there with these weird eyes different from the zombies eyes when they killed my brother and he's out there somewhere alive and a zombie said Carl, (noise) what was that said Ford, Mitchell going check it out said Major, yes boss said Mitchell, Ford go with him said Major, right said Ford. Sgt Major set up a ouija board The film begins showing people using a ouija board in Morroco. They all played the ouija board, Throughout the scene, something is seen from its first person perspective coming at high speed. The Soldiers agree and participate, all placing their right index fingers on an upside-down glass with the alphabet and the words 'Yes' and 'No' written in a circle around the glass. Sgt Major tells then that under no circumstances should they remove their fingers from the glass early – otherwise the spirit they summon will not be able to return. At first, the glass moves slowly, spelling out 'DJINN', but when Carl asks if it can predict the future, the glass sharply goes to 'Yes'. It then proceeds to spell out 'ALL DIE' and then Private Ford's name. Before the ritual can continue, however, Carl experiences visions similar to the prologue that cause him to run away. Private Ford goes to see him to check if he's alright, but Carl refuses to talk. Private Ford realises he has left him inhaler in the room that they used the ouija board in, and goes back to get it. When he gets there, he becomes frightened by noises. Eventually he gets his gun, he sees something that the camera does not see, and it gives chase (as shown through the first person view that was used in the prologue). Finding Carl nowhere and with her exits barred, he attempts to climb over a glass roof to safety, but the thing giving chase grabs his legs and he falls through the glass roof into the party below failed to shot, dying instantly. As the camera pans out, severe burn marks are seen on his legs. The group are distraught by her death, but while Private Bell goes to find some hash to calm himself down, Private Jones goes back to his boat and does some research. He comes across a description of a djinn, explaining that it's made of fire. He learns that it can be banished by using lawful magic. He is suddenly disturbed by banging all around him, but it turns out to be a Sgt Major who is telling him that the electrics are down. Private Bell and Private Jones go to the house where everyone else lives and discuss the events of the night. Private Jones suggests to the Soldiers that they may have summoned a Djinn, saying the burns on Private Ford are signs of this being true. The Soldiers are still sceptical, so they watch the tape they recorded of the 'summoning' to check if anyone was pushing it. Soon after Carl freaks out in the video, however, the electricity in the house goes out again. Sgt Major tell Private Bell and Private Mendy break into the landlord’s flat (Private Captian) and find a hidden shrine of sorts to the Djinn with grisly photos and newspaper cuttings. It is also revealed that Carl's father, Paul Thompson, had been in the same predicament once (as shown in the prologue) and killed his mother as a result, something when behind Private Mendy and killed by something Private Bell freaks out and runs for it out of the other house near the soldiers base, he's shooting the zombies behind him coming really fast they caught up with him and then he died. He pled insanity and was put in a mental hospital. Sgt Major attempts to get information out of Carl about it the next day at house, but he gets angry and leaves. Private Vincent also leaves soon after, and goes to the toilet where he is brutally murdered (the viewer can only see his feet lifting off the ground as they slowly become covered in her own blood). He body is discovered by a nearby Private Brentford, Meanwhile, Private Davis and Private Mitchell sneak back into the house, to get the camera which recorded the ritual and Private Brentford insists on watching it there. Private Davis goes to the kitchen to get a light for his cigarette. Meanwhile Private Brentford is thrown into a panic by something on the film. He goes to look for Davis. In the hallway he turns the lights on and realises he is standing in a pool of blood. He runs for the front door which is locked, so he rushes back upstairs to get the keys. He has to hide under the bed as he is being chased by the Djinn. While the Djinn does not see him, it dumps Davis dead body in the room - his throat has been slit. Brentford silently exits the room with keys in hand but steps on a broken light bulb, alerting the djinn. He races back down to open the door, but the Djinn catches up and kills him before he can succeed. Sgt Major, Private Hutchinson and Private Mailor return to house and tell him about Vincent's death. Private Major demands that they perform the banishing ritual, so they return to the warehouse where the done it in the Sgt's room. Private Clifton attempts to catch up with them, but upon arriving at their House, they have already left. Major, Mailor and Hutchinson begin the ritual, but as they are performing it, a sudden burst of flame from the ouija board frightens them all off. Private Hutchinson runs off and tries to look around, but when he drops a large metal pole he alerts the Djinn, who has already arrived, to his location. He hides in a cupboard. We then learn that the Djinn has possessed Private Clifton. The Djinn walks off, making Private Hutchinson think he is safe, until he bursts into the cupboard from behind and kills Hutchinson. Private Wilson enters the building, as does Carl, who is holding a petrol can. As Wilson walks into the ritual room, Clifton runs out, "shouting", "Sgt Major" it's Carl, he's here!" but is interrupted by Carl who hits him with a bat and proceeds to douse him with petrol. Private Wilson, thinking Carl is the Djinn, runs in to save Private Clifton, accidentally pushing Carl down some stairs. When he goes back to look Carl has disappeared. Later Carl reappears and Private Wilson is about to kill him in revenge for killing our men until Clifton rushes in and stops him. Seconds later, Carl kills Wilson in a panic when Carl attempts to choke him. They start to leave, Clifton attempting to convince Sgt Major there really was no Djinn but Major remembers Private Farrell and they go looking for him. Major finds him hanged in the lift shaft (Farrell is dead). Carl reveals to Major that he is the Djinn, telling Major that it's his turn as his father sent him somewhere terrible, so now Major will know the pain that he has. Major attempts to stab him, but Carl blocks it with his hand. Carl realises through another flashback that fire will kill the Djinn. He grabs the nearby lantern and wards off Rob with it, but as Rob attempts to kill Clifton is faking his unprocessed then Carl stabs him. Carl finishes him by shutting the lift door on him, causing him to fall all the way down. After a while Carl opens the door to check he is dead, but a burst of flame pushes him back, signalling his body has been destroyed. Suspicion and paranoia quickly tears the group apart as an unseen killer moves amongst the friends. Newcomer Sgt Major comes under close scrutiny as the outsider in the household, as does Private Mailor. Even poor Carl is fingered as a possible suspect. Consequently, one of the characters is marked as a killer, and a potential vessel for a supernatural entity, but the stench of red herring is overpowering. As expected, the least likely suspect turns out to be a raging psychopath (brought to life with fleeting computer special effects), although if you've seen the trailer, you already know his/her identity. So much for dramatic tension. Performances are perfunctory, but the actors have fine pairs of lungs, and they exercise them at every opportunity. Sgt is trying to look for his men, meanwhile Carl is up on top of the roof, Vince tying to kill Carl because he thinks he's the Djinn, the zombie rage is raising, with time running out, the zombies are inside the house, Private Captian is under the bed he hears the zombies running up stairs, he's panicking meanwhile, Carl is behind the wall ready to kill Vince, then stabs his forehead. Sgt Major heard the gun shooting he checks it out Jones is in the truck dead and then he sees the infection is raising. Private Captain thinks the zombies are gone but, it turns out there’s a zombie on the bed behind him jumps on him and kills him to turn into a zombie he shouts "aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh heeeelllpppp me". Major hears the shouting. Meanwhile Private Mailer is dead on the kitchen table Major makes a run for it. Carl figures to get out of here at once before its to late, he finds Kindall, Carl has his knife at him please i'm armed, okay get in the truck. Sgt Major is behind them and says frees get those fucking hands up get out of the truck NOW!, both of them get out of the truck you unlashed the evil its still out there wit the fuck have you done Carl shouted Sgt Major, "me" said Carl, "how the fuck did i unleash the evil i wasn't playing the game with ya their not after me their after used two you and Kindall, i got to go, get the fuck out of hear". "NO" said Major "one of you are infected no-one is getting out of here". The zombies grab Kindall and then Major around them, then Carl goes into the truck and drives off, far as i was a wear life is beautiful. How far will you run to stay alive?.4. There’s a time and a place for horror gamesJust after the release of "The House Of Chains" a pal of Ross's came to a decision to leave what life’s all about, by this true story we are going to talk about Silent Hill 2 in 2001. US, September 25, 2001 - It's almost impossible to think about the survival-horror landscape without mentioning Resident Evil, so, I'll make this quick. Nintendo may have snagged the Resident Evil series for the next five years or so, but it's really no worry. Why? Because of Silent Hill 2. Thankfully, Konami has emerged from a long, dark slumber with the sequel to its first creepy, horror-filled adventure, and it's an experience that, excuse the Chaucerian, is sure to freak the crap out of you. With a flexible camera system that attempts to solve the stagnant fixed shots that have helped to define survival-horror games, a set of unstable, non-trustworthy characters, an incredible atmosphere, and a slow, creepy haunt of a story that grows on you like an evil mold, Silent Hill 2 is just the ticket for gamers ready to get good and scared. Silent Hill 2 doesn't break any molds or revolutionize the survival-horror genre in any particular way, but it tells a good, surreal story that's strangely heartbreaking, even a tad depressing, and keeps you guessing all the way to the end. The control scheme doesn't get in the way of the fun, and the gritty, claustrophobic, visual style is enticing and effective. And the fog, well, it's thick as pea soup, there's lots of it, and now it's purposely there, rather than merely to hide the draw-in. StoryAlthough Silent Hill 2 takes place in the familiar town of Silent Hill, the cast of characters is different, making it a sequel only in name, not in effect. Players find themselves placed in the role of one James Sunderland, a lonely, depressed man who was once happily married. His former wife, Mary, died three years ago to a terrible disease, and ever since, James hasn't been able to pull it together. Then one day, James receives a letter, signed by his "dead" wife Mary, pleading for him to meet with him in the town of Silent Hill. It reads, "Silent Hill, our sanctuary of memories...I will be waiting for you there." Disturbed, perplexed, and intrigued, James lets his emotions decide against logic, and drives to their former place of memories, Silent Hill. Naturally, a letter from the dead can only mean one thing, trouble. And James is headed straight for it. It's kind of subtle when you pass through the first major area, a cemetery and the fog is so thick, you can barely see which way you're going. But the point slowly seeps in, you're on a long, wild goose chase and the few people who are around can barely help you, let alone help themselves. For me to tell the rest of the story would be to spoil the game, so I'll just leave it there. Still, Roving Cameras. Within the survival-horror genre, cinematic camera angles have become a "fixture" of sorts that serve to create a genuine mood or feeling. Konami's developers have endeavored to create fixed camera angles complemented by moving, roving cameras that provide the player with a respectable level of control over what they're looking at. In Silent Hill 2, the problems of being attacked by enemies outside of the screen have been addressed head-on. Players are occasionally placed in a fixed frame setting, but it's rare that they'll be attacked while in it. Thank you, Konami. The camera angles can change with the L2 button, and with the L2 button depressed, players can direct them by moving the right analog (R3) button. The camera is placed on a moving point equidistant from the character at almost all times. When inside a narrow hallway, the camera rolls off the walls and locates that distance point giving you freedom to see what's coming up around the bend. There is no clipping, nor is there bad collision detection in this game; every shot is controlled and honed. The default place for the camera is a cinematic one, in front of James, looking at him while he walks or runs. It serves a good purpose, which is to create a feeling of suspension, something with which this game is loaded. Also, players have the choice to selecting more than one camera setting, which enables a wide variety of players to enjoy the game. Still cameras are not perfect, and even with this hybrid still/roving camera system, players will inevitably learn how. The best example of how this scheme doesn't work is found in aerial enemy fights. In Resident Evil you had bats, crows, what have you. In Silent Hill 2 you have creepy, caged, humanoid freaks hanging from the ceiling that choke you with their feet. It doesn't matter. You take far more damage than necessary when engaged in fights with these guys. The best way to aim is by looking down the barrel of a gun, not off to the side from some gorgeous, mood-setting viewpoint. While not light years ahead of any other survival horror game, this camera system innovates, and in some cases works fabulously. GameplayJust like Konami achieved in its first Silent Hill on PlayStation, Silent Hill 2 is a study in surrealism and eerie, psychological fright. The game is perfectly set up from the start, slowly drawing players in with loads of atmosphere, unsettling environments, and unstable characters. As James learns about the town and what he's up against, the sense of creepiness doesn't subside a bit. Strangely, every little thing in the game works to create a chilly feeling. Footsteps on grass, cement, broken glass or water, all sound differently. The clanging metallic music and sound effects are more than effective. The radio even works to scare me. Just like in the first game, the radio volume grows louder with static as nearby monsters approach, signaling what's coming up next. But instead of lessening my fright, it did just the opposite. Whenever that radio static grows, I grow anxious, and my bladder starts sending me signals ("run!"). The sheets and sheets of volumetric fog, truly the thickest I've ever seen in a videogame, create a claustrophobic feeling that destabilized me like never before. It's so thick that you can't see more than 10 feet. But inside buildings, players have different visuals to deal with. Once inside any building, players usually are placed in dark hallways and the chest-high flashlight helps to create an additional effect, much like that in Alone in the Dark: A New Nightmare. Only in this case, the flashlight is attached to the character's chest. Players can only see as far as the cone of light protrudes. James also recognizes objects, turning his head when an enemy or object comes into sight, making locating objects less cumbersome. As for the standard gameplay formula seemingly inherent in the survival-horror genre, Silent Hill 2 certainly doesn't disturb the "action-puzzle-exploration" balance from the norm. It blends a healthy amount of exploration with key-based fetch-quests, and delivers some intriguing puzzles. There are standard style puzzles, such as disseminating scratches on a wall to unlock a clock puzzle, and collection puzzles involving riddles (Three Coins in Five Slots), and even an interesting radio quiz show. And there's even a simple Rubic's Cube style puzzles later in the game. For those who had a hard time with the puzzles in Silent Hill 1, the puzzles here can be adjusted independently of the game difficulty in the options menu. Playing on the medium difficulty, I found that the puzzles are all do-able, neither too easy nor too hard. As for the exploration aspect of the game, it's rewarding. What's especially nice about it is that I never felt that I was horribly, redundantly backtracking just to get some battery from just below the mayor's skull, or some such nonsense. In other words, the key quests seemed natural. Like "go get the key to my apartment, I left it in this room." Or "find the wrench to unscrew the hidden box behind the statue." Part of the reason these little searches work is because Silent Hill 2 takes place in an ordinary town, and James is an ordinary guy, so the puzzles and quests can't be too far out, or they wouldn't work at all. The whole game feels like a terribly bad nightmare that just gets deeper and more elaborate each and every step you take into it. One of the best aspects of the exploration works in juxtaposition with the map. Silent Hill is a huge town, and it's natural to get lost. Quick cut-scenes and markers on the map identify where you should go. Not only that, the markers indicate where you have been and which doors, taverns, parks, and boundaries you have visited with distinct marks, so unnecessary backtracking can be avoided. The quick-map button, used by hitting triangle, is a big help, too. Players also see a good bit of action. Players who enjoyed Silent Hill 1 or any other survival-horror game should feel comfortable playing Silent Hill 2. X is action, Triangle summons the map, R2 plus X enables players to attack or shoot, depressing Square is run, Circle turns on/off the flashlight, and L1 and R1 independently are strafe, while depressed together, they automate a 180-degree turn. The strafe function is a nice addition, because it adds more control, and the 180-degree quick-turn is a natural for this kind of title. James can walk and hold any weapon, and he can reload without dipping into the menu system. Weapons include a handgun, plank, long, steel rod, shotgun, and a rifle (yes, there are others, but they're spoilers). Numerous gadgets and accessories, such as knives, wrenches, rings, keys, faceplates, and other items assist on your quest. Despite the inherent dilemmas in the control system, what makes Silent Hill 2 so enjoyable is that it frightened me in so many ways, and it also compelled me to know the full story. Not once in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X was I scared, and the brother and sister bad guys were mere caricatures. In SH2, gamers are constantly being thrown off balance with such a huge array of variables, causing nervousness, anxiousness and pure fear, but it's the characters that remain strangely, uncomfortably real. Each time Maria speaks she becomes creepier and creepier. The whole game is like this, creepy, eerie, creating lingering doubts in your mind about your character, and what you believe has happened to you. It's creates internal, psychological fear. Not the fear caused by shocks or jolts, like from dogs crashing through a window. The fear created in Silent Hill 2 is a steady, unsettling one, induced by claustrophobia, unnerving silences occasionally pierced by metallic, harsh sound effects. And finally, no matter how settled you might feel, you still feel so incredibly lost and rudderless, that it's almost uncanny that you;re merely playing a videogame. GraphicsKonami went to town with Silent Hill 2 in many ways, especially graphically. Like I mentioned earlier the incredibly thick fog, used purposefully here (not to hide draw distances), creates a claustrophobic feeling that's unnerving. The fog doesn't just stand still, either. It spins, floats casually by, and is caught in slight breezes, but in any case it's constantly moving. As fog goes, it's the best videogame fog I've ever seen (Sorry Turok! :)). Perhaps even more intriguing are the textures, character designs, and CG work. Once again, those who said that good, varying textures couldn't be done on PS2 are wrong. The gritty, carbon-stained style of these textures is undeniably attractive, if in a depressing, scary way. Every piece of furniture you see, every car, building or tree, has an incredible sense of realism to it, and the level of detail is exceptional. Rooms are often stained with color, more often than not the color is a dark blood red. For a videogame, there is an unprecedented level of dirt, grime, realistically scratched surfaces, graffiti, and even litter in it. As with everything in Silent Hill 2, the creature designs are totally disturbing. Nearly all of the creatures are without discernable faces, and the first set appears strapped uncomfortably in unbreakable body cellophane. They wriggle and struggle regularly, and when they first go down, they scuttle about like hyper-injured crabs. Each one has a distinct chrome effect that makes them shine even in the dark. Following these guys are little roaches, annoyingly brutal nurses who wield steel rods, and the pyramid-head guy who appears behind the cause of everything. Later on, players fight strange hanging creatures that try to kill you with their feet. Nearly every enemy creature either looks or in some ways moves with a certain kind of wounded sex victim effect, which only adds to the incredibly disturbing nature of the game. There's nothing directly sexual about Silent Hill 2, but the images the game conjures no doubt reveal recognizable strains of a sexual nature. Silent Hill 2, naturally, is rated M for mature audiences. When it comes to character movement and CG work, there is a clear step toward an improved realism, while other aspects still need work. For instance, when James runs or walks in a straight line, he looks incredibly real. Maria, when she stands next to James, awaiting his next move, poses so perfectly like a modern day girl, she's nearly indistinguishable from a human. The character movement in the CG is even better. But by the same token, James is often caught looking very much like a marionette. The CG work is beautiful stuff, with characters moving faces moving naturally ands their bodies flowing with realistic fluidity. To create a greater sense of flow Konami mixes lots of CG together with in-game cut-scenes. Any scene from the game will serve as an example. Characters may appear for a few seconds in two shots in CG and then are shown into in-game scenes. The difference is hardly noticeable, and the careful juxtaposition of the two creates a fluid sense of story and gameplay, unlike the old PlayStation days with nice flowing CG and low-resolution, 250-polygon characters. Sound It's strangely funny both Silent Hill and Resident Evil started out with incredibly poor voice-overs. Each series has reached much more bearable standards, and Silent Hill 2 in particular, casts a good, solid set of voice-actors to take on the major roles. Even if the mouths of the characters don't always perfectly match with the words being spoken, the voice acting from Maria, James, Angela, and especially from the little girl, Laura, is respectable, believable stuff. When Maria yells at James, the effect was not marred or blown; it worked. When Laura speaks, she sounds just like a little annoying brat would. It's both the voice acting and the scriptwriters who deserve credit for this success, because after all, the writing is much better than in Silent Hill 1, and it's better edited as well. In fact, the whole level of audio/visual production is high, creating an overall tightness in all areas. Just as a good scary movie relies on strong audio, Silent Hill 2 does, too. The ambient surround sound technique Konami has created works to create sounds from all directions. Moans and screams carry from far away distances, while close-up conversations sound clear as a bell. As for the soundtrack, well, there is no soundtrack here, nor are there songs. Instead, a cacophony of metallic, glass, and wooden items bang, scrape, and smash against one another in the background, effectively generating disturbing, off-putting emotions of fear and anxiety. Closing Comments. With Silent Hill 2, Konami has delivered a deep, long (10-15 hours) adventure that's scary in a disturbing, eerie fashion. The game's mechanics show an attempt to improve the genre's general failings, and more importantly don't get in the way of the game or the story itself. As a PlayStation 2 game overall, Silent Hill 2 is graphically stunning, while providing a full production package of surround sound techniques and good voice acting to boot. Konami's survival-horror game doesn't break the genre's mold so much as it modifies and eases up the rigid boundaries set early in the genre's early games. Konami's effort is a damn scary game, entirely worth every last cent. It's frightening, deep, clever, and tries to improve the genre, if just a little, and in the end, that's all I really want in a survival horror game.5. ManhuntUS, November 18, 2003 - While stock analysts and the game industry's corporate bigwigs are puzzling over the next big thing from Rockstar (namely the next iteration of Grand Theft Auto), Rockstar North (formerly DMA) has once again created a different game, one they've been thinking about and building for the last three years. One based on fetishes. Manhunt is all sorts of things -- an idea about control and the lack of it; about the diminishing sense of identity in our growing world of high-level security; about the rampant level of violence in our culture, and the sick dependence we have for seeing said violence on TV. Yes, it's about all sorts of things. Yes, indeed. But the core of Manhunt is about listening. Listening, reacting to your environment, and adapting. It's essentially the jail-bound, drug-taking step-child to the TV show Survivor, except you're not kicked off the island. You're hunted down and bludgeoned to death -- for fun, entertainment and, because in some strange way, it's sexy. Take note, because the things you have heard are correct. Manhunt is bloody, violent and sick. It's M rated because of its graphic depictions of decapitations -- death by crowbar to the face, wire chokes and machete hackings. But also because it reaches into the wasteland of human life and returns with a quivering piece of rotting meat and makes you taste it. You may have seen this kind of thing in movies, anime or the like, but no videogames to date have gone as far as Rockstar's Manhunt. The BasicsPlayers take on the role of James Earl Cash, a criminal who's sentenced to death row for a crime or crimes too heinous to even mention. Given a second chance by a power-hungry man known as "The Director," Cash is not killed. Instead, he's just given sedatives and taken to the cancerous barrio of a city known as Carcer City. The municipality of Carcer is controlled entirely by the Director, a.k.a. Starkweather, who's set up hundreds of cameras in every place possible, populated it with psycho gangs and a corrupt police force. Here, Cash is the one-man star of Starkweather's snuff films. Each new level is narrated by Starkweather, who chimes into Cash's earpiece with sick applause or chiding criticism when you're doing extremely well or poor. His comments range from a sick sort of disgusting humor to just plain repulsive comments, but either way actor Brian Cox (William Stryker in X2) gives a top-notch performance in the voice-over. What's especially intense about his voice is that by using a USB headset, players can hear him in their own ear (his voice is separated and channeled into your headset). Players can use the microphone to make noise too. Using the headset genuinely enhances the already tense action by adding in an unpredictable human element. For instance, if a player is surprised by something on screen, he or she might yell or suddenly say something in surprise (like we did - "OMG" and "Sh*t!"). By doing so, he or she alerts nearby hunters, and well, it's all over so fast. Some Smiley-faced thug has pummelled you to death before you know it. The bleak story -- of Cash getting set up again and again in more difficult settings -- is told in minimalist style. That's both good and bad. On the one hand, it's not overbearing. On the other, there is very little story to be told. You'll go several levels without really knowing anything new or anything at all. And it's only in the later levels that something finally develops. As with everything in Manhunt, the focus tightly clings to stealthy, brutal gameplay. So, needless to say, it's not a story-driven game. But the stealth-action game focused on the fundamental principle of tactical hunting is indeed a testament to disciplined design. The 24-level game (20 plus four bonus levels) is deep with intriguing "scenes," and it's polished and refined to create a cruel game play experience. Each level comprises three to four parts, and because most of the experience is based on studious stealth, it's easily a 20-30 hour game on Fetish mode. There is a healthy learning curve and, like many old school games, the game play is unforgiving. Actually, as an example of the game's hardcore target base, Rock star North has provided only two levels of difficulty: Fetish (Normal) and Hardcore (Hard). (In Hardcore, there simply is no radar. Eeek!) There is no "Easy." Which, in my mind, is sort of like saying, "This is not for kids; it's for adults, you fuck heads." Kind cool, when you think about it. A game just for adults. I like that.6. Part 2Now i've seen some of my favourite games, look at it this way people or different from one another. The Linkin Park song "Valentine's Day" had a big hit near 2008 just before the new year when "I Am Legend came out on cinema, i watched it on the 22nd before came out on the internet, on the 25th boxing day. In 2008 Easter holidays The championship tour golf i lost the tour but i still won a reward for best putter in the tour a silver cup with a wee small guy on top, it was taking place on the mackie on islay. now back in 2005 Andrew and James where missing, family and their friends did not care about their own family, it was 1am inside the empire "i'm suppose to say with Adam at this time fucking hell man we are still stuck here" i said, we started to panic i told Stephen "to stay calm as fuck cause we can survive this there’s no afraid of life right now stuck in this big empire was a big matter right now" being a captain was hard i'm so proud of my boys to be not afraid of life. Both James and Andrew are missing a big thing is going away sooner of later their families are going to be worried and upset i don't want that to happen to us i'm sure they care about all of us. The empire was open and we gained it open the police came to words th empire in the middle of the woods some cunt must of grassed us up for this stolen stuff from the building site Wee Robert said "fuck run for it" we got a fucking chase off the police, "stev you better run the other way everyone has spit up so we can get caught the risk we have to take" said the captain.7. HitmanThe American Dream that lured Vinnie from Cuba to the US has certainly gone sour. He may have made a fortune in the drug trafficking trade but now the police have built a case against him and he's turned state witness, his partners want him dead. With three other witnesses for the prosecution dead already he has good reason to be paranoid. US, May 6, 2005 - The man named 47 has to be one of the most brutally interesting characters in mature rated video games today. He's uncompromising, violent, skilled, and extremely professional. While we've seen a little bit into his past and slipped into his bloody shoes in the first few games, 47 will have his biggest challenge yet when Hitman: Blood Money gets released to stores. IO Interactive is intent on making this sequel one to be proud of and in turn are adding a ton of new features, a deep story with just as many twisted turns as before, new weapons, and an updated engine. This is one of those games you don't want your children to play, but for those of us that can handle the content and context, Hitman: Blood Money should provide both a thoughtful and strategic experience and a brutal shooter... but this all depends on how notorious you're willing to get. After so much death, you would think that a man would finally have his fill of blood and pain. But it seems that our bald buddy still has some room in the cracks. At the beginning of the game, 47 is back in the business and working for the ICA again. "Blood Money introduces a great new storyline," states Blood Money Producer Neil Donnel. "Admittedly when the player begins it may seem like business as usual for Agent 47 but by the second level, they'll know something's up and as they progress through the game, the plot will gradually unfurl and reveal some nasty surprises." Unfortunately, that's as far as Eidos and IO seem willing to go with the details of the story beyond the press release, which clearly states ICA assassins begin getting killed one at a time. After losing all contact with ICA, 47 does the wise thing and picks up shop to begin anew in America. The trailer, which we have for you exclusively today, actually hints at quite a bit more. It seems as though the CIA may play a bigger role as 47 rises in notoriety and becomes legend. The first few lines speak as though he's a fairy tale. While there's little other than those few clues, we can also clearly see that 47 will be heading down to Las Vegas for some dirty work. Some of the concept art that we've been presented with also suggest the seedier side of the game comes back full force with hints at the pornography industry, a crazy gun toting bishop, and leather clad ladies. Along with the hints of notoriety for 47 come a couple of new game systems that actually take advantage of that idea in a way that should make the way levels are completed more important to future levels than it ever has been in past Hitman games. The first idea is that of Notoriety itself. It seems pretty obvious, but if you're a hired assassin, it's probably in your best interest to stay in the dark and complete missions with the least fuss possible. In and out with no one the wiser. "Think about it, if you are an assassin your career will last much longer if you are able to take out your hits undetected," says Donnel. However, as anyone who has played Hitman games in the past knows, sometimes stealth just isn’t gonna happen. As before, you will be able to complete missions in whichever way you wish. "If you do choose to play through guns blazing, this will have a natural effect on a lot of the newly improved feature sets but this only increases the depth and experience of the game play to follow." Basically what that means is that "...those who have 'played like a murderous freak' and drawn a little too much attention to themselves, their work won't go unnoticed by the media… The new Notoriety system means that anyone causing a bloodbath worthy of front page news is risking being recognised by civilians and guards in the future." I tend to like this idea. There's still relative freedom as far as game play goes, meaning you can play a level through however you wish. But now there's a great amount of encouragement to play the game like an actual hitman. But the consequence of gaining Notoriety reaches farther than risking recognition during later levels. Those that complete the levels without being noticed and complete the perfectly clean hit will be rewarded with greater amounts of cash. With cash comes opportunity. Enter the Blood Money system. "The player can choose to spend their earnings on fully customisable precision weapons and specialist equipment, or they can buy additional information upon the targets and location at hand, to aid a successful and professional hit." Additionally, if you manage to leave a bloody scene behind, you'll have the option to have it "cleaned up." For a fee, you can make sure that any evidence like a dead body or witness won't cause future problems. after 2007 i decided to get hitman i hated it at first and now i liked it to keep it not wasting more money and more time.8. Part 3Metallic’s "The day that never comes" reminded us what lives really all about having friends that care about one another, we’ll just say drinking under the bridge with a bottle of wine. Metallic’s "Unforgiving" remind me at a time doggan school and eating my favourite packet of crisp, i just like i don't give a fucking shit anymore after sticking up for yourself i was like this "fuck off everyone I’ll fucking do it I swear" they'd would not back off, sometimes sorry isn’t a enough just after that I’d would sent a couple of my boys round to watch in football. in 2005 the empire was wrecked by the police i was really mad at that time we had to built it again after our escape what concerned me was why did we run for it was it really the police or was it just junkies, Scott said "it was the police they had torches and shouting OI at us think again Ross your the captain of this gang" Ross said at the gang meeting "looking at one pieces of information i don't give a fuck about the police we have done nothing wrong every meeting we done was talk about the police its annoying man fuck it all". D12's big hit "How Come" featured Eminem was our gangs song there where 5 of us left after the disappearing James and Andrew 7 to now just 5 number 5 was abet low for a gang we need to stick together here we are in the middle of no where, Eminem's "Like Toy Soldiers" was a brilliant song Robert loved it we thought that was the best Eminem song every in the big-screen category day 5 i set up the camera system looking throw the videos i said "I couldn’t’t of being the police last night"."get me coffee stev" "yes captain shouted: Stephen. I'm glad people have woke up abit here this is really serious with time running people are starting to worry about us, Wee Robert light up the fire Stephen told him to with 5 of us left i think we are starting to get scared out there its dark again some cunt wrecked the empire we fixed it back up again that was the good news. "Wee man going get some fire wood the fires is down abet" i said he went off the get some we started to think what to do next. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Begging" from that fucked up film "in this uniform you call me hoyt" that was my nick name for a while it was a good name for me. 5 minutes later Wee Robert never returned his brother Stephen started to worry and panic i said "stop panic fuck sake we can't worry", i know said Stephen "i'm out of my fucking mind here get me that stick and give me the bell it gun, where’s the silver balls i need to go and find him move Ross" okay then take it go on FUCKING TAKE IT" you thinks it my fault DO YA" get out of here man. I went mad with him Stephen fucked off to find his wee brother no fucking cunt talks to me like that it's the 3 of us now Adam take the stick we out of here lets start walking that would be a start, school is on Monday that time wee went to school there where no Robert (still) and Stephen, Wee Robert, James and Andrew we not at school i starting think this was all my fault we shall never make a fucking empire again i promised myself that, at that time primary was nearly over, The final of the basketball tournament came to the final day at the champs. Goalkeeper Stefan Klos was the Rangers goalkeeper in primary 6 I was him, it was good to called him at school, the best goalkeeper in the primary school and that was me, 2003/04 season was one of the worst Rangers season ever our team keep beaten primary 7s, Ross (Capt), Scott, James, David, Christopher, Ross S, James R, Cameroon, John, and Mark all of us keep beaten them all over and over again. in.9. MemorableJust please give me a big shout out to Metillca for that stunning new song called "The that never comes", bands like Breaking Benjamin, Eminem, Puddle Of Mudd's "Psycho", Linkin Park, Shinedown, Papa Roach, Green Day, Atreyu, The Rasmus, Seether, Hollywood Undead, Rise Against, Three Days Grace, Red's "Already Gone", Nickelback, Fall Out Boy, Foo Fighters, Hoobastank, I am The Highway by Audioslave Hard-Fi, One Tree Hill's Haley James Scott's "Halo", Jimmy Eat World, Keane, My Chemical Romance, Innerpartysystem. Eminem's "Stan" advises counseing and what's that shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too? / i say that shit just clowing dawg c'mon how fucked up is you. The album was masterful manipulation and media jumped all over it. Bad words promote bad behaviour it almost didn't matter. Dear Mr. Vernon: We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. That was one of the memorable quotes in the breakfast club. Also Jeremy Grey: Wow. Mr. Environmental is also a hunter. That's got to be an interesting combination. Sack Lodge: I hunt quail, Jeremy. They're overpopulated in this region and they're decimating the grub worm population. You got a fucking problem with that? Jeremy Grey: Not nearly as much as I do with the attire that you have on, or just your general point of view towards everybody. But let's go kill some birds. I'm psyched. More memorable stuff i got a reward for best goalkeeper awards back in may 2004, Kenny and Pepper show (2004) got best normal family awards that show got too many complaints about violent and behaviour shocking viewers people might of had nightmares to fuck all what happen in that show and still got rewards. Everyone has there own ghosts there own memorable hearts and souls and there minds that what happens in life what ever you do bad in your young life affects your old age to have a success and long life is that so much to ask. just think our young days are so precious need to hold on evey second and everyday of your life. The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is but for the most part you get what you give. Let me ask you all a question. What's worse than not getting everything you wished for or getting it but finding out it's not enough? The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life starts right now. There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment, who will you be? Will you let down your defences, and find solitude in someone unexpected. Will you reach out... Will you face your greatest fears bravely, and move forward with faith... or will you succumb to the darkness in your soul. When Uncle Danny died I never talked for days i couldn’t’t even go to the funeral.10. Rangers 2002/04 SeasonScottish Premier LeagueDate Opponent Venue Result Scorers 03 Aug 2002 Kilmarnock A 1–1 Arveladze 10 Aug 2002 Dundee H 3–0 de Boer, Arveladze, L?venkrands 18 Aug 2002 Hibernian A 4–2 L?venkrands (2), de Boer, Ferguson (pen.) 25 Aug 2002 Aberdeen H 2–0 de Boer, Ferguson (pen.) 01 Sep 2002 Dunfermline Athletic A 6–0 Caniggia (3), Arteta, Ricksen, Ferguson (pen.) 11 Sep 2002 Hearts H 2–0 Caniggia, Arveladze 14 Sep 2002 Livingston A 2–0 Ross, Ferguson (pen.) 21 Sep 2002 Partick Thistle H 3–0 de Boer (2), Lovenkrands 28 Sep 2002 Dundee United A 3–0 Amoruso, Ferguson, Arveladze 06 Oct 2002 Celtic A 3–3 Arteta, de Boer, Arveladze 19 Oct 2002 Motherwell H 3–0 Amoruso, L?venkrands, de Boer 27 Oct 2002 Kilmarnock H 6–1 Mols (2), de Boer, Ferguson (2, 1 pen.), Moore 02 Nov 2002 Dundee A 3–0 Malcolm, L?venkrands, Moore 10 Nov 2002 Hibernian H 2–1 Mols, Arveladze 16 Nov 2002 Aberdeen A 2–2 Numan, Ferguson (pen.) 23 Nov 2002 Dunfermline Athletic H 3–0 McCann, Mols, Arveladze 01 Dec 2002 Hearts A 4–0 Ricksen (2), Ferguson (pen.), Hughes 04 Dec 2002 Livingston H 4–3 Arveladze (3), Ferguson 07 Dec 2002 Celtic H 3–2 Moore, de Boer, Mols 14 Dec 2002 Dundee United H 3–0 Ferguson (3, 1 pen) 22 Dec 2002 Partick Thistle A 2–1 Mols, de Boer 26 Dec 2002 Motherwell A 0–1 29 Dec 2002 Kilmarnock A 1–0 L?venkrands 02 Jan 2003 Dundee H 3–1 Ferguson, de Boer, Thompson 29 Jan 2003 Hibernian A 2–0 Ferguson, Caniggia 01 Feb 2003 Aberdeen H 2–1 Mols (2) 08 Feb 2003 Dunfermline Athletic A 3–1 McCann, Amoruso, Caniggia 15 Feb 2003 Hearts H 1–0 Severin (o.g.) 02 Mar 2003 Livingston A 2–1 Amoruso, Arveladze 08 Mar 2003 Celtic A 0–1 19 Mar 2003 Motherwell H 2–0 Ferguson, L?venkrands 05 Apr 2003 Partick Thistle H 2–0 Mols (2) 13 Apr 2003 Dundee United A 4–1 de Boer (2), Arveladze (2) 27 Apr 2003 Celtic H 1–2 de Boer 04 May 2003 Dundee A 2–2 Wilkie (o.g.), Arteta (pen.) 11 May 2003 Kilmarnock H 4–0 Mols (2), Arveladze, Caniggia 18 May 2003 Hearts A 2–0 de Boer, L?venkrands 25 May 2003 Dunfermline Athletic H 6–1 Mols, Caniggia, de Boer, Thompson, Arteta (pen.) UEFA CupDate Round Opponent Venue Result Scorers 17 Sep 2002 R1 Viktoria Zizkov A 0-2 03 Oct 2002 R1 Viktoria Zizkov H 3-1 de Boer (2), McCann Scottish CupDate Round Opponent Venue Result Scorers 25 Jan 2003 R3 Arbroath A 3–0 Ferguson, Moore, Arveladze 22 Feb 2003 R4 Ayr United A 1–0 de Boer 23 Mar 2003 QF Dunfermline Athletic A 1–1 Caniggia 09 Apr 2003 QF Rpl Dunfermline Athletic H 3–0 L?venkrands, Ferguson, Arteta 19 Apr 2003 SF Motherwell N 4–3 Konterman, Mols, Amoruso, Partridge (o.g.) 31 May 2003 F Dundee N 1–0 Amoruso League CupDate Round Opponent Venue Result Scorers 24 Oct 2002 R3 Hibernian A 3–2 Townsley (o.g.), Caniggia, L?venkrands 07 Nov 2002 QF Dunfermline Athletic A 1–0 Caniggia 04 Feb 2003 SF Hearts N 1–0 de Boer 16 Mar 2003 F Celtic N 2–1 Caniggia, L?venkrands11. The Day The League Was WonNacho Novo's first goal since early March gave Rangers the SPL title, as Hibs finally clinched third spot and a place in next season's Uefa Cup. Motherwell's late goals at Fir Park allowed Rangers to finish a point clear of rivals Celtic. The goal came after 59 minutes, when Novo's shot was deflected into the net by Gary Caldwell. Novo hit the post early on after Simon Brown misjudged a pass, allowing the Spanish striker to fire in a shot. Rangers had arrived at Hibernian knowing they had to win to have any chance of snatching the title from Celtic on the final day of the season. As Rangers and Hibernian played out a score line that would also ensure Uefa Cup football for the home side next season, thousands of ears instead became glued to radios in the hope of good news. Hibernian had been keen to underline the fact that they had plenty to play for as well and started strongly. Derek Riordan and Garry O'Connor both fired in early testers and the latter was only inches away from opening the scoring in the 10th minute. That was via a flicked header from Stephen Glass' free-kick from the right that saw the ball skim over Ronald Waterreus' crossbar from fewer than six yards out. A Rangers response was required and within a minute Novo almost opened the scoring. Home goalkeeper Simon Brown was the man who had put his side in jeopardy by mis-judging the bounce of a long ball forward from Alex Rae. Novo was on to it in a flash but when he attempted to find an empty net from a tight angle on the right he ended up rolling the ball against the near post. The half hour mark was greeted with an increase in the volume levels from both sets of supporters but only because news of Chris Sutton's opener at Fir Park had reached the capital. Tackles had already been flying in by this point but the play became even more frenzied, with Alex Rae often in the thick of the midfield action. Gary Smith made a vital block to deny Thomas Buffel, after Dado Prso had headed the ball into his path. Within a few minutes of the re-start, Prso had sent Buffel through with a flick but the Belgian was denied by a superbly-timed challenge in the box by Steven Whittaker when there was zero margin of error. The hour mark was fast approaching but so, the Hibs defence found, was Novo as a passing move involving Prso and Buffel found the Spaniard on the right of the box. The shot that followed was not the sweetest he has ever struck but goalkeeper Brown could only get a touch that did not prevent it bouncing over the line. The game petered out after that as it became apparent that the score line would suit both side's requirements. All Hibs wanted was no news of further Aberdeen goals and indeed none came. What information did arrive was remarkable nonetheless and as soon as the final whistle was blown there was no hesitation from the Rangers players or their fans. They knew that fortune had favoured them and were intent on making the most of celebrating the fact. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hibernian: Simon Brown, Whittaker, Caldwell, Smith, Ian Murray, Sproule (Shiels 65), Scott Brown, Beuzelin (Antonio Murray 74), Glass, O'Connor (Konte 68), Riordan. Subs Not Used: Alistair Brown, Hogg, Murphy, Morrow. Booked: Beuzelin, Ian Murray, Riordan, Scott Brown. Rangers: Waterreus, Ricksen, Andrews, Kyrgiakos, Ball, Arveladze, Ferguson, Alex Rae, Buffel, Prso, Novo. Subs Not Used: McGregor, Thompson, Malcolm, Burke, McCormack, Steven Smith, Lovenkrands. Booked: Novo. Goals: Novo 59. Att: 17,450 Ref: K Clark12. Whatever you say I amAs years fly by and by you realise life is getting older and you see the old days are now the news compare to the life you had back then look at it this way life is beautiful in a way you see how life and change so many times ya schools are the best days of your life. Back in 2006 I looked back something that came back to me, it all comes back to me. The rain keeps coming down buckets they where playing that song the I new and can't remember what it is, it was playing inside the house, the last house on the left I knew something was not right about it, it came to haunt me that night. It was all coming back someone something was standing in the heavy rain standing where the window was inside the house of chains when i got up there, there where no one there i started to get paranoid and scared "what the fuck is going on" i said. There was someone in that house, Darren never believed me, they started no believe ever word i say "the house is for us boozing that’s all" said Marshall, as time running out i realise i was losing my mates out of nothing i sayed and they think am mad fuck it nose mother fuckers get it fuck them i'm so busy being pissed off i don't stop to think inherited murder inc. When you realise something you have become your own grown out shelf you need to do something about it before your regret it you need to pick your self off the ground before you just give up all together, Darren once said "if you don't buck up mate your out of this friendship circle". "I was the one who made that friendship circle show I bit of loyalty". As 2009 hit i thought that’s it its all over now evey thing was chancing i started to ignore it i couldn't it came back to me again and again when i was trying my vows to ignore this. Darren: he was more than capable of dealing with the negativity, he is unfazed by the criticism of his side of the story it must be the part of scotland that he can't cope of. I was a schizophrenic psycho I wanted my life back and to see that everyone really hates me for what I am fuck it who cares.You know, say what you will about the ravages of sports in this corporate age where overpaid athletes expect prima donna treatment, but there's still something so unifying about sporting in its purest form -- when athletes rise above themselves and touch greatness, and in doing so remind us all that we all have greatness inside of us. Danny: After a cardiac incident, Ross has a dream in which the spirit of Danny visits and shows him how much one life can affect the lives of others, with a nod to “It's a Wonderful Life.” Ross: Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives... for better or worse!. While in a coma, Ross sees Danny who shows him what life would be if he had made different choices.Doctor: Its OK I’ve got him he’s just passed out, I need back-up.(Ross runs towards the man)Ross: Hey!Ross: Excuse me, can you tell me what's happening?Danny: Hi Ross.Ross: You're alive.Danny: Not exactly.Danny: Your heart isn't the only one that's breaking right now, your are not breathing in that hospital right now.Ross: It's not fair. Clair... All these bad things keep happening to her.Danny: Good things happen to her too, Ross. Like you.Ross: What are you, Danny? An angel? A bad dream?Danny: More like a guideRoss: So, what if I don't wake up?Danny: I don't know, you tell me.Ross: You don't know? You know, for a spirit, you suck at this.Danny: What do you want me to say?Ross: I want to know if there's a heaven. If there's eternal life and all that stuff. I want to know if we're ever gonna see each other again.Danny: We're seeing each other now aren't we?Ross: Ah, man. You really suck at this, DannyRoss: It's my fault. I didn't take my pills.Danny: Yeah, you know what? That was a pretty stupid thing to do, Ross.Ross: Are spirits allowed to call people stupid?Danny: I'm dead. I can say whatever the hell I want.Ross: Yeah, well, it wasn't very nice.Danny: Not taking your pills wasn't either.Ross: What about real life, huh?Danny: Real life is still there Danny: Jeez, what's a guy got to do to get some flowers now and then?Ross: Sorry. My mom really wants to come, but it's just hard for her.Danny: What about you?Ross: I just figured it was a waste of time. Ross: When you died, I didn't believe in the idea of you.Danny: It's OK Ross. I didn't come here to make you believe in me. I came here to make you believe in you. Ross: I don't like this world, Danny. I can't be hereRoss: I have to go back. Danny: Are you sure? Ross: I never told Clair I love her. I wanna go back. Danny: Ok. Well, I guess this is the hard part... Ross: Danny... Danny: Ross, you know I love you. And I always will... but I'm afraid it’s time for me to go. Ross: But I don't want you to go! Danny: Ross, it's ok. Ross: God, I am going to miss you so much. Danny: But why? I'm with you every day. I'm with you every day. Besides, we'll see each other again. Ross: We will? Ross: You believe that. Now uh, this is gonna hurt a little bit. I love ya kid. --- It's ok Ross, just breathe. It's gonna be okThe next time you think being the best version of yourself dosen't matter you look into Claire's eyes and everytime you do you'll know that it has and that it does. Seems like another lifetime ago. Actually, it was another lifetime ago. “The future right now is unwritten. But I want you to understand, if you go back, there are gonna be tough times, you know? Some heartache and pain. But there's also gonna be love, laughter, and a life full of accomplishment. It's up to you. Trust me, life's too short. Besides, no one ever lost any sleep from being too kind or forgiving. The future right now is unwritten said Danny. Don't close that off. Ross just look around this hallway, you were here that day what did you see... Open your eyes Ross, open your eyes the way you opened your heart. Open your eyes Ross. Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? Sometimes in order to move forward you have to go back. In this case just a few minutes, It's an easy thing saying I love you to people that matter. You never know when you might lose them or when they might lose you." My name is Ross Renton; I go to Knighswood Secondary at least I used to. I play Football, at least I used to. I have a girlfriend, at least I used to. And, I have a best friend. Maybe it's a lot like your world. Maybe it's nothing like it. But, if you look closely you might see someone like you. Someone trying to find their way; someone trying to find their place; someone trying to find their self. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in the world who's struggling, who’s frustrated, or unsatisfied at barely getting by. But, that feeling is a lie and if you just hold on; just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find the way and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won’t always be this way. That someone is out there, and that someone will find you. I remember the first time you came in here and then you bought I Am The Highway by Audioslave. Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real, that when you woke up you didn't know what to believe? Or what you thought was true, wasn't? And what you thought wasn't true, was? Would you return to your dreams with the hope of finding one perfect reality? Sometimes, life is stranger than a dream. And the only way to wake up, is to face what lies hidden beneath your soul. And you can only hope that in those moments of dark reflection, that you are not alone". Happiness comes in many forms. In the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dreams come true, or in a promise of hope renewed. It’s OK to let yourself be happy, because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be. Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there, because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t. But then one day you feel something else. Something that feels wrong only because it’s so unfamiliar, and in that moment you realize you’re happy. Everybody knows, You don't get what you plan And everybody runs away from what they don't understand Everybody hides away the guilt of their youth. And everybody wonders why no one ever tells the truth Everybody knows that everybody wants And everybody has their ghosts, That emptiness that haunts When everybody adds it up, They've lost more than they've won And everybody wishes they were just like everyone. Then I would say thanks for everything Uncle Danny.Ross: I still can’t believe he killed youDanny: Why do you, Robert was your friend you knew him, you where kind to him everything we’ve seen don’t you think that kindness had a impacted.Ross: And if it did you’ll still be alive.Danny: Do you really believe that Ross. Look into your heart, OK. It may be flawed physically but it's a good one and it's what makes you you. Ross you've changed other people's lives by opening it up. Don't close that off. Ross just look around this hallway, you were here that day what did you see OPEN YOUR EYES ROSS WHAT DID YOU SEE THAT DAY!.Ross: I didn’t seen anything.Danny: Open your eyes the way you opened your heart. Open your eyes Ross Doctor: We’ve got a heart beatDanny: It’s OK Ross just breathe, its gonna to be OK(Just when Ross decides to live)No one ever believed me a was having a bad dream but one thing is for sure all that was true I’ve missed uncle Danny it was good seeing him, it was a spirit. I choose to live after the coma. Katherine Anne Porter once said: There seems to be a kind of order in the universe... in the movement of the stars and the turning of the Earth and the changing of the seasons. But human life is almost pure chaos. Everyone takes his stance, asserts his own right and feelings, mistaking the motives of others, and his own. Specter Ross walks to the garage and tells Danny that he has to go back, because he hasn't told Clair that he loves her. Danny hugs him and says "I'll be with you every day." He gives Ross an electric shock which brings him back to the street he almost died on. During the final voice over we see clips from Ross's dream. Finally, we are back in the high school where Danny asks him to open his eyes and realize what happened on the day he was shot. "Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open your eyes." And then we see Ross opening his eyes in his hospital bed looking very surprised.Many people die with music still in them. Why is that so? Too often it's because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time's run out. Did you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many people have pictures of you. Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives, or if the moments in our lives make us?. If you could go back and just change one thing about your life, would you? And if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? Or the heart of another? Would you choose an entirely different path? Or would you change just one thing? Just one moment. One moment that you've always wanted back? You know what? Every song ends, is that any reason not to enjoy the music?. Recap: Every once in a while people step up, they rise above themselves. Sometimes they surprise you, and sometimes they fall short. Life is funny sometimes, it can push pretty hard, but if you look close enough you find hope in the words of children, in the bars of a song and in the eyes of someone you love. And if you're lucky, and if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back. You know it's been said that we just don't recognize the significant moments of our lives while they are happening. We grow complacent with ideas, or things or people and we take them for granted and it's usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you've realized how wrong you've been that you realized how much you need it, how much you love it. God, I love this game. Stepping up. It's a simple concept. It basically means to rise above yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Something like this....Uncle Danny is gone but that doesn't mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I say it's just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while....Life's funny sometimes; can push pretty hard like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can't take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this 'stepping up'. In life, I call it pushing back. Ever heard the expression that the best things in life are free? Well, that expression is true. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices.Or you can fight back.Things aren’t always going to be fair in the real world. That’s just the way it is.But for the most part, you get what you give.Rest of your life is being shaped right now. With the dreams you chase….The choices you make….and the person you decide to be.The rest of your life is a long time. And the rest of your life starts right now. There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. And, of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But, once in a while, people push onto something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because, it's only when you’re tested that you truly discover who you are. And, it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist; somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief. And, beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead. You ever wonder how long it takes to change your life? What measure of time is enough to be life-altering? Is it four years, like high school? One year? An eight-week rock tour? Can your life change in a month, a week, or a single day? We're always in a hurry to grow up, to go places, to get ahead. But when you're young, one hour can change everything.A group of curious ghost-hunters take a tour of the woods where the infamous Blair Witch murders occurred, led by a money-hungry guide. Everything seems alright until they spend the night in an abandoned cabin, discovering upon their waking that their memories of the previous evening are gone and that all evidence of that period of time has been muddled. Things only get creepier from there when members of the group turn on each other and begin showing insane (and murderous) tendencies.The witch is back. After the horror flick that launched a thousand shaky cam imitators grossed $140.5 million, Artisan -- which picked the film up at Sundance for a mere $1 million -- quickly threw a sequel into production, tapping acclaimed documentarian Berlinger (''Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills'') to direct. This time around, the group of unknowns (and they are newcomers -- Leerhsen fesses up that she ''didn't even know what a grip was'' before the shoot) take a ''Blair Witch'' reality tour that's prompted by their viewing the first movie. Understandably, they meet with a bit of trouble. ''We go into the woods, party, wake up in the morning and our campsite is shredded,'' says Donovan, who plays the entrepreneur leading the tour. ''Five hours of our lives are unaccounted for, and we go in search of those five hours.'' With Artisan planning to open the movie on 3,000 screens in six countries simultaneously, the pressure is mounting to deliver something spine tingling. ''I think the expectation is for an inferior sequel, a knockoff of the first film,'' sighs Berlinger, mired deep in postproduction. ''So I've chosen to do everything against expectation, including making this film look as beautiful as possible.'' Something he had to do without filming any of his $15 million sequel -- which ditches the original's mock doc gimmick -- in the now infamous burg of Burkittsville, Md. ''They're SO mad about the first one,'' says Leerhsen, who studied tapes of satanic rituals to prepare for her role as a Wiccan who faces down evil while trying to clear the witch's name. ''But we did shoot in woods [near Burkittsville].... All five of us play people who get obsessed with pop culture. There's a certain creepiness about them, you know?'' Oh, we know. GOOD SIGN Berlinger's credits, which also include ''Brother's Keeper,'' are impressive. THEN AGAIN He's never directed a fiction feature before. US, March 14, 2001 - News flash!? 43 percent of the A I'merican public are I'morons.I can say that because that it's roughly the figure Book of Shadows director Joe Berlinger uses when talking about the section of fil I'm fans who actually walked out of first The Blair Witch Project thinking that it was the real McCoy.? Personally I think it?s telling about just how du I'mb the world?s populace has gotten over the years.Well A I'mericans I'must have enjoyed proving their level of intelligence cause the original I'movie ranked in so I'me $140 I'million dollars at the box office.? So no one can be truly surpr it'sed when Art it'san quickly green lit a sequel.? A sequel that was second only to Battlefield Earth as the I'most hated I'movie of 2000.Like I lot of people, I didn?t go see Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 during it's all too brief theatrical run last autu I'mn.? Guess I? I'm not as s I'mart as I think.THE MOVIEBook of Shadows earns brownie points right away by stating that the original I'movie was a work of fiction.? After a I'montage of news clips, docu I'mentary footage, and carefully inserted fil I'm footage, we I'meet Jeff Patterson (Jeff Donovan ? no relation thank god to the first fil I'm?s Heather Donovan) a for I'mer I'mental patent and proble I'm child who has gone on to beco I'me one of the biggest proprietors of Blair Witch I'merchand it'se and has now started a tour of the I'most infa I'mous sites depicted in the first fil I'm.Signing on to the inaugural tour are self-proclai I'med Wiccan Erica (Erica Leer he'sen), goth chick Ki I'm (Ki I'm Director), and researc here's Tr it'sten and Stephen (Tr it'stine Skyler & Stephen Barker Turner) who plan of writing a book debating the I'myth created by the Blair Witch versus the notion that it?s nothing I'more then I'mass hysteria.All goes well until the tour group runs afoul of a rival tour group and a standoff ensues.? Once they go off on their I'merry way, our group gets blitzed out of their skulls and pass out.? Waking up hours later, they awaken to find their ca I'mp trashed and all the notes and equip I'ment have been destroyed.? Unable to piece together what happened the night before, the group takes the surviving videotapes and retreat back to Jeff?s creepy factory headquarters to decipher what happened. Suffice it to say, the s**t soon h it's the fan.Book of Shadows it's a daring fil I'm in that it takes everything people loved about the first one and chucks it out the window.? Berlinger, who I'makes h it's feature directorial debut here after I'making Brother?s Keeper and the acclai I'med Parad it'se Lost docu I'mentaries, instead has crafted a tw it'sting se I'mi-satire on the fine line between reality and it relates to works of fiction.? The horror fro I'm th it's fil I'm co I'mes not fro I'm any supernatural source but rather fro I'm the very real threat of the hu I'man I'mind and the tricks it plays.Or does it?? Thanks to so I'me very effective direction and sudden shocking turns in the story, there it's enough evidence on d it'splay during the fil I'm?s I'most intense I'mo I'ments that it I'makes the opposite case.? That in fact perhaps one or I'more of the fil I'm?s characters I'may have beco I'me possessed by the very witch here'self and have tw it'sted the I'minds of the o there's in the group into continuing her vicious killing spree.What we have here it's a I'modern ?horror? fil I'm that dares the viewers to co I'me to their own conclusions.? However the studio did force Berlinger to insert so I'me very gory insert footage to appease the gore hounds out there.? It it's unfortunate that Art it'san didn?t allow hi I'm to go all the way with h it's original concept.? Because in truth the fil I'm it's I'more of a psychological thriller then anything else.Another plus Book of Shadows has over the original it's in the casting.? Unlike the grating, obnoxious trio who we secretly ? or not so secretly as the case I'may be ? wanted to see die, th it's fil I'm?s cast it's all universally good.? While all of the leads are likeable, the standout of the cast it's Director who gives her sharp-tongued Goth character a spark sorely I'm it'ssing in I'most of th it's generation?s horror output.? She?s like a less abrasive Fairuza Balk type.20 ti I'mes better than the original, it it's truly unfortunate that th it's I'movie got overlooked.9 out of 10Can history really be repeating its self. This will be one summer one vacation that will never be forgotten. Sometimes I wonder if anything's absolute anymore. Is There Still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable, left to interpretation, grey. Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes things simply catch up to us Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie. You know, I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And I guess I never really felt worthy of it. Now I know that miracle wasn't for me. It was for us. All three of us!. Thanks Uncle Danny. Recap There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up. "When life comes rushing at you from our of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise? And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices? Or will that person be someone untested, someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, when it does -- is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who will watch over you when you stumble and fall? And in that moment, give you the strength to face your fears alone?""Stepping up. It's a simple concept. It basically means to rise above yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Something like this.Everyone is gone, but that doesn't mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I say it's just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while. Life's funny sometimes; can push pretty hard like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back, like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone, like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can't take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this 'stepping up'. In life, I call it 'pushing back".'Once ago Danny said: (to Ross): It's a special thing.. saying 'I love you' to people you love. Because you never know when you'll lose them, or when they'll lose you. I don't really think people can change. you know, at the end of the day, you are who you are, and at the end of the day, it's probably who you've always been. Recap You know, say what you will about the ravages of sports in this corporate age where overpaid athletes expect prima donna treatment, but there is still something so unifying about sport in its purest form, when athletes rise above themselves and touch greatness and, in doing so, remind us all that we also have greatness inside of us.14. Pool Championship Tour 2009R. Sionko 36-37 ReyesDay 1: Rossi Sionko takes on Scott Reyes on this years Pool Championship Tour 2009 at the San-San Diego. Scott Reyes hoping for 4 in a row and Sionko is hoping his first Championship Tour ever against Scott Reyes. Scott Reyes went 1-0 frame up just 3 mintues that frame took the biggest record ever on the history of Pool Championship Tour. A fine 1-1 frame all things started to look up for Sionko but Reyes shows signs of pressure and navies. Rossi Sionko went 2-1 up at the San-San Diego, Sionko fans where jumping and singing that song Fire by Kasabian then Reyes went 3-2 up where Sionko where showing some pressure where it was one of the biggest mistakes he ever done at the San-San Diego, as it happens Sionko went 5-4 up before the break looking ever up for his first title but it was never was. Reyes went 11-5 up when Sionko couldn’t believe it fans started to give up on his player Sionko, 11-6 it when fans shouted: “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” it wasn’t meant to be all they have to do it believe because if Reyes is going to win this there’s no point than supporting Sionko. Day: 2 Just after it went 19-8 to Reyes after that it went 20-10 just not looking up if Reyes is keep going further away ahead the keeps coming back into then keeps going further away just give the title to Reyes for the 4th up coming title. It finished 25-15 on day 3. Day 3: one of the biggest comebacks ever on the history of the San-San Diego the shocking score was 25-22 to Reyes so close to be drawing. Reyes potted amazingly shot it was the shot of the season he was snookered then got the ball in. Sionko tried to pushed forward to get back into this game but things weren’t be Reyes pulled it to 32-27 where day 3 was over one more frame Reyes has a chance to make it 33-27 but he missed a sitter then Sionko finished for today it was 32-28, then it went 35-28, that meant Sionko will have no chance of winning now, then it went 35-31 just after Sionko won 3 then Reyes went to won another frame 36-31 6 mintues later 37-32 this amazing comeback to make it 37-36 unbelievable 4 frames for Sionko it ends on day 3. Day 4: Now we can look forward who will win this years Pool Championship Tour 2009. History Pool Championship Tour 2006: ReyesReyes 50-35 SionkoPool Championship Tour 2007: ReyesReyes 50-38 SionkoPool Championship Tour 2008: ReyesReyes 45-32 SionkoPool Championship Tour 2009: Reyes 37-36 SionkoArtists & Songs (1995 - 2009) 14 Years of brilliant musicA Apocalyptica - I Don't CareAFI - Miss MurderAFI - Silver and GoldAFI - Summer ShoudderAnberlin - The Feel Good DragAcceptance - DifferentAcceptance - Over youApartment - Fall into placeAudioslave - Be YourselfAudioslave - I Am The highwayArmin Van Buuren - Rush HourAkon - I wanna love youAkon - BeauitfulAlkaline Trio - I found awayAnastacia - Left outside aloneAtreyu - Becoming The Bull 04Atreyu - ShamefulAtreyu - Slow BurnAtreyu - Falling DownAtreyu - BlowAtreyu - When Two Are OneAvenged Sevenfold - Dear GodA Static Lullaby - ToxicAmor for Sleep - Hold The DoorAkira Yamoka - HomecomingAlter Bridge - Watch Over YouAdema - Cold And JadedB Blue October - Dirt RoomBreaking Benjamin - Diary of JaneBreaking Benjamin - Forget ItBreaking Benjamin - Dance with the devilBreaking Benjamin - Unit The EndBreaking Benjamin - Evil AngelBreaking Benjamin - Had EnoughBreaking Benjamin - YouBreaking Benjamin - Sooner or LaterBreaking Benjamin - Only The Strongest Will SurviveBloc Party - TalonsBloc Party - FluxBloc Party - HelicopterBiffy Clyro - MountainsBilly Talent - Try HonestlyBilly Talent - Rusted From The RainBlink 182 - I Miss YouBuckcherry - Crazy BitchBizarre - Rock StarBodyrockers - The Way You MoveBeatfreakz - Somebody Watching MeBeck - LoserChris Cornell - You know My NameChris Cornell - ScreamChris Cornell Ft Timberland - Part of meCollective Soul - Better NowCollective Soul - DecemberCarolina Liar - Show me what im looking forCalvin Harris - Accepted in the 80sCalvin Harris - I'm Not AloneCraig David - Hot StuffChevelle - I Get ItChevelle - The RedChevelle - The FadCobra Starship - The City Is At WarCobra Starship - Snakes On A Plane (Bring It)Cypress Hill - Rap SuperstarCher - BelieveColdplay - 45D Does it offend you, yeah - Dawn of the deadDefault - It only hurtsD12 Ft Eminem - How ComeD12 - Rap GameDido - Here with meDido - White FlagDaughtry - Its not overDuran Duran - What happens tomorrowDuran Duran - Falling DownDaft Punk - One more timeDaft Punk - AliveDaft Punk - Around the worldDavid Guetta - HigherDavid Guetta - Tomorrow can waitDavid Guetta - TimeDavid Guetta - Love dont let me goDavid Guetta - Love is goneDavid Archuleta - CrushDario G - Carnaval de ParisDisturbed - Down With The SicknessDr. Dre Ft Snoop Dogg - Still D.R.E.Eminem - Crack a bottleEminem - DripsEminem - White AmericaEminem - BusinessEminem - MonkingbirdEminem - Square DanceEminem - Lose YourselfEminem - StanEminem - Role ModelEminem - Guilty ConscienceEminem - No ApologiesEminem - SupermanEminem - Kill YouEminem - The Way I amEminem - Shake ThatEminem - Toy SoldiersEminem - Go To SleepEminem - When I'm GoneEminem - Say Goodbye To HollywoodEminem - We Made YouEminem - Ass Like ThatEminem - Without MeEminem - Cleaning Out My ClosetEminem - Sing For The MomentEminem - Kill YouEminem - Love You MoreEminem Ft D12 - My BandEminem Ft D12 - How ComeEminem - Git UpEminem - Real Silm ShadyEminem Ft 50 Cent & Obie Trice - Spend Some TimeEminem - 3AMEminem - The SauceEminem - Bagpipes From BagdadEminem - BeautifulEminem - InsaneEminem Ft Doc Dre - Old Time SakeEscape The Fate - SomethingEscape The Fate - SituationsEverlast - What’s it like Everlast - WonderfulEditors - The racing ratsEditors - All SparksEditors - MunichEiffel - im BlueEric Parzy - PjannoEmbrace - GravityEnrique Iglesias - Tired Of Being SorryEvanescence - Wake Me Up InsideEvanescence - Going UnderFoo Fighters - Let it dieFoo Fighters - PretenderFoo Fighters - Learn To FlyFar - PonyFall Out Boy - I Don't CareFall Out Boy - Thanks for the memoirsFall Out Boy - Sugar We Go DownFall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms RaceFall Out Boy - Where Is Your BoyFaithless - insomniaFat Boy Silm - Right NowFenix TX - Phoebe CatesFreemasons - UninvitedFaith No More - EpicFlo Rida Ft Kesha - Right RoundFirehouse - Don't Treat Me BadFeeder - TenderFort Minor - Remember The NameFort Minor - KenjiFlipsyde - TrainGavin DeGraw - I'm in love with....Gavin DeGraw - ChariotGreen Day - HolidayGreen Day - Wake me up when september endsGreen Day - Beleved of broken dreamsGreen Day - Ameircan IdiotGreen Day - Know The EnemyGorillaz - Feel GoodGorillaz - Dirty HarryGorillaz - DareGorillaz - Elint EastwoodGym Class Heros - Cookie JarGym Class Heros - Close offGoo Goo Dolls - IrisGo Audio - Made Up StoiresGodhead - The ReckoningHollywood Undead - UndeadHollywood Undead - Paradise LostHollywood Undead - The NativesHollywood Undead - This LoveHollywood Undead - CaliforniaHollywood Undead - No Other PlaceHollywood Undead - Pimpin"Hollywood Undead - Everwhere i goHollywood Undead - The LossHollywood Undead - YoungHollywood Undead - The DiaryHinder - Better than meHoosbastank - If i were youHoosbastank - Tears of yesterdayHoosbastank - The Reason is youHoosbastank - Inside of youHard-Fi - Suburban KnightsHard-Fi - Hard to BeatHard-Fi - Living For The WeekendHard-Fi - TonightHard-Fi - I Shall OvercomeHellogoodbye - Here im my armsHey Monday - HomecomingHush Ft Nate Dogg - Hush Still ComingHaley James Scott - HaloIncubus - Love HurtsImmortal Technique - Crimes Of The HeartInnerpartysystem - Don't StopInnerpartysystem - The Heart Of FireInnerpartysystem - ObsessionInnerpartysystem - Die Tonight Live ForeverInnerpartysystem - The Night Is AliveInnerpartysystem - The Way We MoveInnerpartysystem - New PoetryJimmy Eat World - Here it goesJimmy Eat World - WorkJimmy Eat World - Let it happenJimmy Eat World - In the middleJimmy Eat World - FutresJimmy Eat World - PainJack Mannequin - The ResolutionJames Blunt - 1973James Blunt - WisemanJames Blunt - HighJames Morrison Ft Nelly - Broken StingsJet - Look What You've DoneJackson Waters - Centre Of AttentionKeane - A Bad DreamKeane - Lovers are losingKeane - Perfect Symmetry Keane - SpirallingKeane - Somewhere only we knowKeane - Everybody ChangesKeane - Nothing in my wayKeane - Is it any wonder Keane - This is the last timeKeane - SunshineKeane - BedshapedKeane - Open your eyesKeane - Disco ballKaiser Cheifs - Never miss a beatKaiser Cheifs - Heat dies downKenwnye West - Love Lockdown Kid Rock - All Summer LongKings of Leon - Sex on fireKorn - Word UpKasabian - Club FootKasabian - EmpireKasabian - L.S.F.Kamelot - Love You To DeathKate Voegele - HallelujahLinkin Park - Shadow of the dayLinkin Park - CrawlingLinkin Park - In the endLinkin Park - Head StrongLinkin Park - Givin inLinkin Park - Hands held highLinkin Park - Bleed it outLinkin Park - PapercutLinkin Park - NumbLinkin Park - Good ByeLinkin Park - Lying from youLinkin Park - No more sorrowLinkin Park - SessionLinkin Park - WakeLinkin Park - Believe MeLinkin Park - PicecesLinkin Park - My DecemeberLinkin Park - The Little ThingsLinkin Park - Somewhere i BelongLinkin Park - ParanoidLinkin Park - Breaking a habbitLinkin Park - We made itLinkin Park - What I've DoneLinkin Park - Given UpLinkin Park - Valentine's DayLinkin Park - New DriveLa Rocca - Non-BelieverLostprophets - RooftopsLostprophets - 4:AM ForeverLimp Bizkit - RollanLudo - Love Me DeadLifehouse - BrokenLa Roux - In For The FallMuse - Supermassive Black holeMuse - StarlightMuse - Time Is Running OutMuse - Feeling GoodMGMT - KidsMy Chemical Romance - Famous Last WordsMy Chemical Romance - I Don' LoveMy Chemical Romance - TeenagersMy Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black ParadeMy Chemical Romance - Dead!Mylo - Drop The PreussureMylo - In My ArmsMylo - Ott's JourneyMylo - Paris 400Melee - Built To LastMassive Attack - TeardropMassive Attack - AngelMadcon - BegginMark Brown - JourneyMaroon 5 - This LoveMaroon 5 - Will Be LoveMojo - Lady Her me TonightMelanie C - Never Be The Same AgainMetallica - The Day That Never ComesMetallica - UnforgivingMetallica - Nothing Els MattersMetallica - Broken, Beat & ScaredMetallica - Remember TomorrowMetallica - All Nightmare LongMurs - SWCMarilyn Manson - Sweet DreamsMcFly - Do YaMark Brown - Journey ContunuesNine Black Alps - UnsatisfiedNew Radicals - You Get What You GetN-Dubz - Strong AgainN-Dubz - PapaNickleback - I'd Come For YouNickleback - RockstarNickleback - This Is How You Remind MeNickleback - Savin' MeNickleback - Into The NightNickleback - SomedayNickleback - HeroNirvana - Smells Like TeensOasis - Little by LittleOasis - LyleOasis - Let There Be LoveOasis - Im Outta TimeOasis - Importane Of Being IdleOasis - WonderwallOasis - Falling DownOasis - Where Did It All Go WrongOurs - The Worst Things BeautifulO-Zone - Ma Ya HiOrson - Anit No PartyObie Trice Ft Akon - SnitchObie Trice Ft Eminem - Rap NamePapa Roach - Getting Away With MurderPapa Roach - ForeverPapa Roach - ScarsPapa Roach - Time Is Running OutPapa Roach - Too Be LovedPapa Roach - Blood BrothersPapa Roach - Hollywood WhorePapa Roach - Last ResortPapa Roach - Not ListeningPapa Roach - I Almost Told You I Love YouPuddle Of Mudd - PsychoPuddle Of Mudd - Livin On Borrowed TimePuddle Of Mudd - Away From MePuddle Of Mudd - BleedPuddle Of Mudd - We Don't Have To Look Back NowPuddle Of Mudd - FamousPuddle Of Mudd - ControlPendulme - OthersidePendulme - GranitePendulme - NightmaresPanic At The Disco - Nine In The AfternoonPanic At The Disco - I Write Sings Not TradiesPlus 44 - When Your Heart Stops BeatingP.O.D. - Goodbye For NowP.O.D. - AliveP.O.D. - Youth Of United NationsP.O.D. - SatilliteParamore - CrushCrushCrushParamore - That's What You GetPacewon - I Declare WarPhil Collins - Easy LoverPeople In Planes - Last Man StandingParadise Lost - Ordinary DaysRise Against - Re-Education (Through Labor)Rise Against - Behind Closed DoorsRise Against - Ready To FallRise Against - SaviorRise Against - The Good Left UndoneRock Kills Kid - ParalyzedRoyksopp - Happy Up HereRadiohead - CreepRed Jumpsuit Appartus - You Better PrayRazorlight - Wire To WireRazorlight - Hostage Of LoveRoom 5 - Make LuvRoadrunner United - The EndRoss Coperman - All She WorteRooney - When Did Your Heart Go MissingRooney - BluesideRob Thomas - This Is A Heartbeats Rob Thomas - Little WondersRob Thomas - Lonely No MoreRed - Already GoneRed - Death of MeRed - Breathe Into MeRed - Fight InsideRed - LostRed - HideRed - Never Be The SameRed - Break Me DownRed - PiecesRed - ShadowsRed - Start AgainRed - Take It All WayRed - ConfessionRed - Ordinary WorldRed - Let GoRed Hot Chilli Peppers - Can't StopRed Hot Chilli Peppers - Tell Me BabyRock Kills Kid - I Turn My Camara OnRob Zombie - DragulaRob Zombie - Living Dead GirlReel Big Fish - BeerREM - Losing My ReligionSeether - Careless WhisperSeether - BreakdownSeether - Fake ItSeether - BrokenSugarcult - Do It AloneSam Sparro - Black And GoldSecondhand - Fall For YouSnow Patrol - RunSnow Patrol - Take Back The CitySnow Patrol - Cashing CarsSnow Patrol - You Can Be HappySystem Of A Down - Lonely DaySilmian Mobile Disco - I BelieveStatus Quo - Rocking All Over The WorldShinedown - Second ChanceShinedown - I Own YouShinedown - Simple ManShinedown - Son Of SamShinedown - Save MeShinedown - Sound Of MadnessShinedown - Call MeShinedown - HerosShinedown - EnergyShinedown - 45Shinedown - DevourShinedown - Fly From The InsideSimple Plan -When I'm GoneSimple Plan - Your Love Is Just A LieSimple Plan - GenarationsSimple Plan - I Can't Wait ForeverSimple Plan - CrazySimple Plan - Time To Say GoodbyeSeptember - Cry For YouSunset Sprippers - Falling StarSkillet - Whispers In The DarkScars on Broadway - They SaySnap - Rhytham Is A DancerSaving Abel - Drowing (Faced Down)Sixx Am - Life Is BeautifulSixx Am - Van NuysSnoop Dogg Ft Dr. Dre & Jewell - Just DippinShiny Toy Guns - Ghosts TownShiny Toy Guns - You Are The OneThe Rasmus - Living In A World Without YouThe Rasmus - No FearThe Rasmus - In The ShadowsThe All-American Rejects - Gives You HellThe All-American Rejects - Move AlongThe All-American Rejects - Top Of The WorldThe All-American Rejects - It Ends TonightThe Killers - HumanThe Killers - SpacemanThe Killers - Read My MindThe Killers - Mr BrightsideThe Killers - Somebody Told MeThe Killers - BonesThe Killers - Smile Like You Mean ItThe Killers - When We Where Young The Verve - Love Is NoiseThe Cure - Love SongThe Cure - Tainted LoveT.I Ft Justin Timberlake -Dead And GoneThe Darkness - One Way TicketTimberland - ApologizeTrain - Drops Of JupiterThree Days Grace - Gone ForeverThree Days Grace - PainThree Days Grace - I Hate EverythingThree Days Grace - Animal That I've BecomeThree Days Grace - Never To LateTheory Of A Deadman - Bad GirlfriendThe Bravery - BeileveThe Bravery - An Honest MistakeThe Bravery - UnconditionalToploader - Dancing On The MoonlightThe Chemical Brothers - GalvanizeTaio Cruz - I Can BeThe Scirpt - The EndThe Scirpt - BreakdownTito & Tarantula - Dark NightTinchy Stryder Ft N-Dubz - Number 1Thornley - Make BelieveThe Panics - Don't Fight ItThe Veer Unition - SeasonsTony Vago Ft Lioyd Banks, Young Buck & 50 Cent - I Know You Don't Love MeTrick-Trick Ft Eminem - Welcome To DetroitThe Prodigy - OmenThe Prodigy - VoodooThe Prodigy - BreatheThe Prodigy - Warrior DanceThirteen Sence - Thought The ClassThe Fratellis - Tell Me A LieU Ultrabeat vs Darren Syles - DiscolightsUtar Stains - Something GoodVertical Horizon - EchoWake Up Show Allstars - The AnthemXzibit Ft Eminem - Don't Approach MeYoung Love - DiscotechYellocard - KeeperYeah Yeah Yeahs - Phenomena28 Days Later - In The house In A Heartbeat28 Days Later - Rage10 Years - Beautiful10 Years - Actions & Motives3OH!3 - Don't Trust Me3OH!3 - I Can't Do It Alone50 Cent - In Da Club50 Cent Ft Eminem - Gatman And Robin50 Cent - If I Can't50 Cent - Im Supposed To Die ToniteTotal 156 Songs ................

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