Practical World History I

Midterm Exam

Fall Semester 2007

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1. The term for the transition from hunting and gathering to farming:

a. the industrial revolution

b. the agricultural revolution

c. Neolithic Age

d. Paleolithic Age

2. Artifacts are

a. are the earliest forms of human language

b. only pieces of art from other cultures

c. man-made objects that we use to study other cultures

d. anything that we could pick up outside

3. Artifacts are to prehistory as ___________ are to history.

a. written records

b. cave paintings

c. art

d. historical evidence

4. Paleolithic means

a. radioactive dating

b. Old Stone Age

c. New Stone Age

d. Iron Age

5. Neolithic means

a. radioactive dating

b. Old Stone Age

c. New Stone Age

d. Iron Age

6. Humans got their food during the Paleolithic Age by:

a. farming

b. hunting and gathering

c. there were no humans during the Paleolithic Age

d. going to their local food store

7. One impact of the Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution was

a. smaller populations

b. fewer settled communities

c. domesticated animals and plants

d. bbq grills

8. Prehistory is the term for

a. the period of time before the invention of writing

b. the period of time after the invention of writing

c. all of human history

d. modern human history

9. The shift from food gathering to food production is most commonly known as

a. the Industrial revolution

b. the Neolithic revolution

c. the Copper Age

d. Civilization

10. If the Flintstones had fire, advanced stone tools and domesticated pets, such as Dino, and agriculture, they lived during the

a. Paleolithic Age

b. Middle Ages

c. Neolithic Age

d. Barney Rubble Age

11. Artifacts are

a. literally facts to help study different art forms

b. every item from the past

c. man made objects that help to study human cultures

d. anything that could be picked-up outside

12. The need to keep records led to the development of which of the following in Ancient Mesopotamia:

a. Cuneiform

b. Hieroglyphics

c. Music

d. Haiku letters

13. Hammurabi’s code is the most famous early writing example of:

a. A newspaper

b. A set of laws

c. A historical epic

d. A declaration of war

14. Judaism is an example of which type of religion

a. Polytheism

b. Neolithic

c. Monotheism

d. Heliocentrism

15. The first alphabet was developed by the

a. Egyptians

b. Babylonians

c. Shang Chinese

d. Phoenicians

16. Cuneiform was a

a. Burial procedure for the Sumerians

b. Writing system developed by the Sumerians

c. Architectural style developed by the Babylonians

d. Religious practice instituted by the Hebrews

17. The Persian civilization was important because it

a. was the largest empire

b. was the longest lasting empire

c. developed the first written language

d. developed the first spoken language

18. Which of the following most nearly represents the religious and administrative centers of the Mesopotamians?

a. b.

c. d.

19. What is the name of the building described in the answer to the question above?

a. Acropolis

b. Pantheon

c. Edduba

d. Ziggurat

20. Who is considered to be the father of Judaism?

a. Solomon

b. Jesus

c. Mohammad

d. Abraham

21. In Hinduism, the word karma refers to the concept of

a. ritual purity

b. laws based on doctrine

c. the state of perfect understanding

d. the level of good and bad somebody accumulates

22. The social class system that came to be known as the caste system was brought to India by

a. Aryans

b. Hittites

c. Hinduism

d. Harappans

23. Rising from the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, the ___________river is considered holy by Hindus.

a. Rivanna

b. Ganges

c. Nile

d. Huang He

24. In Buddhism, enlightenment comes from complete understanding and is the release from selfishness and pain; it is known as

a. sangha

b. dharma

c. moksha

d. nirvana

25. In Hinduism, enlightenment comes from complete understanding and is the release from selfishness and pain; it is known as

a. sangha

b. dharma

c. moksha

d. nirvana

26. Hinduism and Buddhism have in common a belief in the following, except

a. karma

b. dharma

c. the caste system

d. reincarnation

27. This is the name of the Indian god of destruction

a. Vishnu

b. Zoroastrianism

c. Brahma

d. Shiva

28. The original “Enlightened One,” a prince who sought the meaning of life and achieved nirvana at the age of 35 was

a. Siddhartha Gautama

b. Chandragupta Maurya

c. Asoka

d. Kalidasa

29. The Persian rulers were most noted for being ________________________ toward their conquered people.

a. tolerant

b. mean

c. violent

d. uncooperative

30. The statements above most nearly reflect the teachings of

a. Siddhartha Gautama

b. Chandragupta Maurya

c. Asoka

d. Kalidasa

31. They are collectively referred to as

a. The Eightfold Path

b. The Upanishads

c. The Four Noble Truths

d. The Vedas

32. This Indian leader was known as a person who believed in religious tolerance, as he actually converted from Hinduism to Buddhism and spread its tenets throughout the empire.

a. Siddhartha Gautama

b. Kalidasa

c. Chandragupta Maurya

d. Asoka

33. Rebirth of a soul into another life-form is referred to as

a. karma

b. reincarnation

c. dharma

d. filial piety

34. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Indian caste system?

a. The untouchables were at the top

b. There was not a place within it for warriors

c. People could move from caste to caste easily

d. There was virtually no social mobility

35. The Persian King, Darius I, is known for

a. being tolerant toward the people he conquered

b. instituting administrative reforms, such as having governors rule each province.

c. building an excellent road system.

d. all of the above.

36. Ancient Indian society changed and developed after a group invaded; they were called the

a. Aryans

b. Jainists

c. Buddhists

d. Mauryans

37. Siddhartha Gautama, the 6th-century B.C. philosopher, was called “Buddha”, meaning the

a. greatest nobleman

b. enlightened one

c. stone heart

d. fierce warrior

38. The Gupta Empire is sometimes called India’s “Golden Age” because its

a. skilled workers sculpted many gold statues.

b. writers, artists, scientists, and mathematicians brought forth great achievements

c. merchants secured much gold in exchange for exports of Indian goods

d. rulers conquered the gold mines of the Deccan Plateau

39. The following are the 3 main Hindu gods except

a. Dharma

b. Shiva

c. Brahma

d. Vishnu

40. Who of the following was a Persian ruler?

a. Buddha

b. Gupta

c. Darius

d. Hammurabi

41. According to Confucius, all of the following are important relationships EXCEPT

a. friend and friend

b. ruler and subject

c. man and nature

d. father and son

42. The philosophy of Taoism was developed by

a. Wudi

b. Han Feizi

c. Lao-tse

d. Asoka

43. The Zhou Dynasty justified their rule by claiming that they had

a. the Mandate of Heaven.

b. challenged the king’s authority.

c. the most money.

d. acted in accordance with Taoist principles.

44. All of the following were inventions of classical China EXCEPT

a. gold

b. gun powder

c. mulberry paper

d. silk

45. Which of the following were contributions of Confucianism in forming social order in China?

a. belief that humans are good, not bad

b. respect for elders

c. emphasis on education

d. all of the above

The Master said, "When a prince's personal conduct is correct, his government is effective without the issuing of orders. If his personal conduct is not correct, he may issue orders, but they will not be followed."

46. This is most likely from a collection of quotations called the

a. Analects.

b. Tao te Ching.

c. P’u.

d. Wudi.

47. Which of the following relationships does this reflect?

a. father-son

b. emperor-subject

c. friend-friend

d. brother-brother

48. The Silk Road was most important to China because it provided

a. contact with other cultures through trade.

b. a means of administering civil service examinations.

c. a military route for the defense of the northern border.

d. a means for the country to expand its borders.

49. The symbol pictured here is associated with which of the following?

a. Taoism

b. Legalism

c. Confucianism

d. Marxism

50. This symbol most accurately reflects

a. Confucian formalism.

b. the interplay between society and the individual.

c. the idea of the Eightfold Path.

d. the opposing forces present in nature.

51. All of the following were contributions of Qin Shi Huangdi (Qin Dynasty) EXCEPT

a. he unified the warring states in China.

b. he allowed the people to have a say in government.

c. he standardized coins and measurement.

d. he linked the Great Wall.

“The people believed that government should not play much of a role in people’s lives and that individuals should find their own path in life through nature.”

52. This quote can best be identified with which of the following schools of thought?

a. Shinto

b. Confucianism

c. Legalism

d. Taoism

53. The Japanese system of feudalism led to the creation of ________________ to aid in the protection of land.

a. Buddhism

b. Shinto

c. Samurais

d. Pagodas

54. The two major religions of Japan are:

a. Christianity and Judaism

b. Shintoism and Buddhism

c. Hinduism and Buddhism

d. Hinduism and Islam

55. Which city-state was characterized by strong military discipline, more freedoms for women, and severe treatment of slaves?

a. Athens

b. Corinth

c. Sparta

d. Syracuse

56. The columns of this structure can be identified as ________ because they had little or no capital.

a. Delian

b. Corinthian

c. Doric

d. Ionian

57. Persian war

a. was fought over the city of Troy.

b. ended Athenian power.

c. destroyed the Persian Empire.

d. preserved the independence of the Greeks.

58. In the Peloponnesian War

a. democracy triumphed over militaristic oligarchy

b. militaristic oligarchy triumphed over democracy

c. Greece triumphed over Persia

d. neither side won a military victory

59. A city-state was

a. a city governed by a foreign nation

b. a city that performed all the functions of an independent nation

c. a capital of an empire

d. the fortified section of a city

60. A city-state in Greece that taught absolute obedience to authority was

a. Thebes

b. Athens

c. Olympia

d. Sparta


|Word Bank: Questions # 1-5 |

|Aristotle |Torah |Before Common Era |monotheistic |Anno Domini |

|________________________ |A.D. stands for this in Latin |

|________________________ |term for the belief in one god |

|________________________ |B.C.E. stands for this in English |

|________________________ |I am a Hellenic philosopher who began a classification system for animals and loved education. |

| |Oh, and by the way, Alexander (the Great) was a famous student of mine. |

|________________________ |name of the first five books of the Hebrew bible |

|Word Bank: Questions # 6-10 |

|nirvana |untouchables |nomad |shogun |Mandate of Heaven |

|________________________ |type of person who wanders from place to place in search of food |

|________________________ |the name of the lowest class in India’s caste system |

|________________________ |Buddhist term for inner peace or enlightenment |

|________________________ |term for a powerful lord or military leaders of Japan when it had a feudalist government |

|________________________ |belief of the Zhou dynasty that the gods determined who should rule China and if a ruler is not |

| |good they can be overthrown |

|Word Bank: Questions # 11-15 |

|Alexander the Great |Pericles |Sophocles |Shintoism |Theocracy |

|________________________ |I conquered Persia, Asia Minor, Egypt, and the Fertile Crescent, forming the largest empire ever |

| |seen at that time. |

|________________________ |The term for a type of government in which the leader is also the head of the religion |

|________________________ |religion native to Japan characterized by the fact that everything has a soul, called kami. |

|________________________ |Name of the Greek writer who wrote about the struggle between a person’s will and fate; wrote |

| |Oedipus Rex and Electra. |

|________________________ |Ruler of Athens during its Golden Age; he encouraged democracy and allowed it to flourish |

|Word Bank: Questions # 16-20 |

|Confucious |Zorastorism |Neolithic Revolution |Equator |Herodotus |

|________________________ |Term for zero degrees latitude |

|________________________ |Chinese philosophy in which the core value is benevolence |

|________________________ |I am the “Father of History” and am known for being biased in my writings as well as for using |

| |unreliable sources. I wrote about the Persian War in The Histories. |

|________________________ |term for the purposeful adaptation of plants and animals for the benefit of humans; began once |

| |people began to settle in one place |

|________________________ |A monotheistic religion started by Persians |

|Word Bank: Questions # 21-25 |

|archeologist |Xerxes |Persian Empire |bushido |Zhou |

|________________________ |Chinese dynasty when Shi Huangdi unified China and built the Great Wall |

|________________________ |Term for the code of conduct a samurai was to follow |

|________________________ |son of Darius; ruler of the Persians who lost at the Battle of Salamis to the Greeks |

|________________________ |the ancient empire known for building the Royal Road and for ruling the people it conquered with|

| |tolerance |

|________________________ |name for scientists who digs up and studies artifacts and fossils (not a paleontologist) |



Please consider all that we have studied from that past year. Please respond in complete sentences. Please think both about the bigger ideas we have discussed as well as some specific details to illustrate those concepts. Be thorough in your response.

A) If you were to create your own society and be in charge of it (in whatever capacity you choose), which society that we have studied so far would you model most in your decisions about how to rule it? Please give at least 4 specific reasons you would choose this society, making sure to reflect both your knowledge of the society as well as your reason for choosing that particular aspect. Also please list at least one characteristic from 2 other societies we have studied that you might want to include in addition (or instead of) to the society you chose.





















-Suffering exists

-Suffering has a cause in desire

-Suffering can be erased

-Follow the middle way to erase suffering


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