Biological Psychology: Super Heroes ProjectIn your cohorts, you are to complete the following unit project. What is the task? You are to make up 18 superheroes, villains, or sidekicks from a list of 18 areas of the human brain (the list appears below). Ask and answer the question, “What would each character have as their special power and or special weakness if that part of their brain was super?” Again, by the end you should have eighteen separate characters.What will my finished product look like? You will need the following:? Diagram labeling the location of the 18 areas Character Descriptions that include--A name for the character that references the brain areaA Visual of each Super HeroA description of the area’s function (include super powers and/or weaknesses)A practical example of how the area plays a part in our daily lives (i.e., what do we use the area for? What might we see if the area malfunctions? Or, how did this super hero acquire said super power or weakness?)What Format can I use? I’m open to ideas, but this project can be completed on paper by hand or computer. You may use Prezi, Googleslides, or some other format. There are many examples online.1. Medulla 2. Pons 3. Cerebellum 4. Thalamus 5. Hypothalamus 6. Hippocampus 7. Amygdala 8. Occipital Lobe 9. Temporal Lobe 10. Parietal Lobe 11. Frontal Lobe 12. Primary Motor Cortex 13. Primary Somatosensory 14. Left Hemisphere 15. Right Hemisphere 16. Broca’s Area 17. Wernicke’s Area 18. Reticular Formation THE SCORE SHEET1. Medulla _2. Pons _3. Cerebellum _4. Thalamus _5. Hypothalamus _6. Hippocampus _ 7. Amygdala _8. Occipital Lobe _9. Temporal Lobe _10. Parietal Lobe _11. Frontal Lobe _12. Primary Motor Cortex _13. Sensory Cortex _14. Left Hemisphere _15. Right Hemisphere _16. Broca’s Area _17. Wernicke’s Area _18. Reticular Formation _Rubric1. Diagram labeling the location of each part of the brain ____/102. Each brain part needs: -Name for a character that could reference the brain areas-Visual for each Super Hero-A description of the area’s function (include super powers and/or weaknesses)-A practical example on how the area plays a part in our daily lives (i.e., what do we use the area for? What might we see if the area malfunctions?)-18x5= /90Total Score ______/100Adapted from ? 2007 Justin Galusha—permission granted July 30, 2012 ................

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