July 2000

September 2019

Citation/Review List [NO self-citations]

Cary Joseph Nederman


Religion, Power and Resistance from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries: Playing the Heresy Card (co-edited with Karen Bollermann and Thomas M. Izbicki). The New Middles Ages series. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2014).

--Michiel Decaluwé et al, eds., A Companion to the Council of Basel (2017), p. 96

--Speculum 92 (2017): 791-793 (review)

--Renaissance Quarterly 69 (2016): 746-747 (review)

--The Medieval Review (2016) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 16.01.83 (review)

--Perergon 32 (2015) 269-271 (review)

A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (co-edited with Gerson Moreno-Riaño). Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2012.

--Gianluca Briguglia, Il pensiero politico medievale (2018), p. 157

--Didier Ottaviani, La Naissance de la science politque (2018), p. 381

--British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2018): 278, 295

--Unn Falkeid, The Avignon Papacy Contested (2017), p. 250

--Jacob Langeloh, Erzählte Argumente (2017), pp.331, 398

--Michiel Decaluwé et al, eds., A Companion to the Council of Basel (2017), p. 138

--English Historical Review 131 (2016): 1129-1130 (review)

--Cristianesimo nella historia 37 (2016): 463

--Deutsches Archiv für Enforschung Mittelalters 71 (2015): 738-750 (review)

--Scriptorium 69 (2015):179

--Chris Jones, ed., John of Paris (2015), pp. 18, 30

--Journal of Ecclesiastical History 65 (2014): 179-180 (review)

--Parergon 30 (2013): 258-260 (review)

--sehepunkte 13 (2013)sehepunkt.de/2013/02/20917.html (review)

--The Medieval Review (2012) hti.umich/t/tmr ID 12.11.17 (review)

Mind Matters: Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Intellectual History in Honour of Marcia Colish (coedited with Nancy Van Deusen and E. Ann Matter). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2010.

--Karma Locherie, Nowhere in the Middle Ages (2016), p. 266

--Susan Bromhill, ed., Ordering Emotions in Europe, 1100-1800 (2015), p. 4

--Chris Jones, ed., John of Paris (2015), pp. 55, 73

--Jessica A. Boon, The Mystical Science of the Soul (2012), pp. 183, 301

--English Historical Review 127 (2012): 1199-1201 (review)

--Catholic Historical Review 98 (2012): 531-532 (review)

--Journal of Religious History 36 (2012): 121-122 (review)

--The European Legacy 17 (2012): 569-570 (review)

--Sixteenth Century Journal 42 (2011): 487-488 (review)

--The Medieval Review (2011) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 11.04.08 (review)

--Parergon 27 (2010): 254-256 (review)

Lineages of European Political Thought: Explorations along the Medieval/Modern Divide from John of Salisbury to Hegel. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2009.

--Brett Edward Whalen, The Two Powers (2019), pp. 281, 294

--Graham McDonald, John Ruskin’s Politics and Natural Law (2018), pp. 209, 249

--Geoffrey Vaughn, Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers (2018), p. 141

--James Muldoon, John Adams and the Constitutional History of the British Medieval Empire (2018), p. 6

--Journal of the History of Economic Thought 40 (2018): 104, 105, 130

--Xavier Márquez, ed., Democratic Moments (2018), pp. 55, 56

--History of Political Thought 39 (2018): 423

--Mark Hill and R.H. Helmholz, eds., Great Christian Jurists in English History (2017), p. 43

--Horizonte 15 (2017): 1303, 1318, 1323

--Michiel Decaluwé et al, eds., A Companion to the Council of Basel (2017), p. 110

--inTRAlinea 19 (2017), intralinea.ord/archive/article/2264

--Michael Tugendhat, Liberty Intact (2017), pp. 123-124, 230

--Reformation and Renaissance Review 19 (2017): 118, 121

--Bethany Wiggin and Catrona MacLeod, eds., Un/Translatables (2016), p. 228

--Daniel Lee, Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought (2016), p. 49

--Theory and Society 45 (2016): 58, 87

--Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016): 359

--Antje Fluchter and Jivanta Schottli, eds., Dynamics of Interculturality (2015), pp. 13, 21

--Desafios 27 (2015): 160, 164

--Journal of Medieval History 41 (2015): 105

--Chris Jones, ed., John of Paris (2015), pp. 55, 73, 226, 237, 252, 266, 303

--Viator 46:2 (2015): 102

--Bettina Koch, Patterns Legitimizing Political Violence in Transcultural Perspectives (2015), p. 58

--Viator 46:2 (2015): 329

--Melissa Schwartzberg, Counting the Many (2014), pp. 50, 225

--Tyler Lange, The First French Reformation (2014), pp. 7, 8

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 207

--Journal of Political Power 7 (2014): 129, 146

--Maaike van der Lugt, ed., La nature comme source de la morale au Moyen Âge (2014), p. 115

--Alin Fumurescu, Compromise (2013), pp, 7. 9, 14, 16, 287, 288

--Parergon 30 (2013): 62

--Dimitrius Vardoulakis, Sovereignty and Its Other (2013), p. 222

--Stuart Elden, The Birth of Territory (2013), p. 371

--Cahiers de civilisation medievale 56 (2013): 213-215 (review)

--Christopher Pierson, Just Property, v. 1 (2013), pp. 78, 271

--Gianluca Briguglia, Marsilio da Padova (2013), p. 20

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 164

--Religion and Politics 6 (2013): 130, 144

--Zeitschrift für Rechtsphilosophie 11 (2013): 24

--Paolo Evangelisti, ed., Il Dodicesimo libro del Cristiono (2013), pp. 16, 45, 215

--Miguel Vatter, Machiavelli’s The Prince (2013), p. 152

--James Muldoon, ed., Bridging the Medieval-Modern Divide (2013), p. 13

--D.L. Sadler, Reading to Reverse Façe of Reims Cathedral (2012), pp. 36,

--Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos 3 (November 2012): 153

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 24 (2012): 479

--Micaela Paasche Grudin and Robert Grudin, Boccaccio’s Decameron and the Ciceronian Renaissance (2012), pp. 152, 177

--Isegoria 47 (2012): 669

--Advances in the History of Rhetoric 15 (2012): 207, 221

--Hassan Bashir, Europe and the Eastern Other (2012), pp. 37, 132

--Leiden Journal of International Law 25 (2012): 616

--Contemporary Political Theory 11 (2012): 251, 262

--Michigan Academician 41 (2012): 24, 36

--Studies in History and Philosophy Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2012): 253, 255

--History of Political Thought 33 (2012): 27, 29, 35

--Andrew A. Latham, Theorizing Medieval Geopolitics (2012), pp. 28-29, 30-31, 62, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175

--Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos 3 (2012): 154

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 165

--Les cahiers psychologie politique 20 (2012)

--Katharina Bull et al, eds., Habitus: Norm und Transgression in Text und Bild (2011), p. 138

--Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 58 (2011): 317-318 (review)

--Anne Orford, International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect (2011), p. 108

--Rethinking History 15 (2011): 499, 509

--Eric MacGilvray, The Invention of Market Freedom (2011), p. 88

--Catholic Historical Review 97 (2011): 330-332 (review)

--History of European Ideas 37 (2011): 87

--Journal of Religious History 35 (June 2011): 306-307 (review)

--Viator 42:3 (2011): 335, 338, 341

--Political Theory 39 (2011): 288-295 (review)

--History of European Ideas 37 (2011): 76-80 (review)

--Viator 42 (2011): 402

--Parergon 27 (2010): 252-254 (review)

--The Sixteenth Century Journal 41 (2010): 1184-1185 (review)

--Il Pensiero Politico 43 (2010): 427-429 (review)

--History of Political Thought 31 (2010): 562

--Review of Politics 72 (2010): 553-555 (review)

--The Medieval Review (2009) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 09.12.07 (review)

--Franciscan Studies 67 (2009): 423

--Choice 47 (2009): 47-1688 (review)

Machiavelli. Beginner’s Guide Series. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2009.

--Michael Jackson and Damien Grace, Machiavelliana (2018), p. 45

--Nikos Panou and Hester Schadee, eds., Evil Lords (2018), p. 229

--Betty Kaklamanidou and Margerat J. Tally, eds., Politics and Politicians in Contemporary US Television (2017), pp. 77, 90

--Administrative Theory & Praxis 38 (2016): 112, 113

--Viator 47:2 (2016): 312

--William B. Parsons, Machiavelli’s Gospel (2016), pp. 7, 195, 265

--William J. Connell, ed., The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli (2016), p. 192

--Polity 48 (2016): 128, 129

--Miguel Vatter, Machiavelli’s The Prince (2013), pp. 146, 152

--Otfied Höffe, ed., Der Fürst (2012), pp. 39, 47, 202

--History of European Ideas 37 (2011): 87

Western Political Thought in Dialogue with Asia (coedited with Takashi Shogimen). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield, 2008.

--Review of International Studies 43 (2017), p. 624

--Arthur Westeijn, ed., International Law and Empire (2017), pp. 24, 38

--L.H.M Ling, India China (2016), pp. 120, 166

--Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 15 (2016), pp. 157, 158

--Annual Review of Political Science 18 (2015): 480

--Jun-Hyeok Kwak and Leigh Jenco, eds., Republicanism in Northeast Asia (2015), pp. 4, 11

--Jon D. Carlson and Russell Fox Arben, eds., The State of Nature in Comparative Political Thought (2014), p. 7

--Digest of Middle East Studies 22 (2013): 353, 360

--Daniel R. Brunstetter, Tensions of Modernity (2012), pp. 204

--Sankar Muthu, ed., Empire and Modern Political Thought (2012), pp. 361, 385

--Marica Costigliolo, Islam e Cristianesimo (2012), p. 12

--Human Figurations 1 (2012)

--Farah Godrej, Cosmopolitan Political Thought (2011), p. 196

--Perspectives on Politics 8 (2010): 1220-1222 (review)

--Annual Review of Political Science 13 (2010): 218, 234

--Review of Politics 71 (2009): 535

--Antony Black, A World History of Ancient Political Thought (2009), pp. vii, 250

Princely Virtues in the Middle Ages, 1200-1500 (coedited with István Bejczy). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2007.

--Nikos Panou and Hester Schadee, eds., Evil Lords (2018), p. 5

--Scandia 83 (2017): 111

--Hilaire Kallendorf, Ambiguous Antipodes (2017), p. 265

--Patrick Nold and Alison Frazier, Essays in Renaissance Thought and Letters (2016), p. 140

--Tijdschrift voor nederlandse tall-en letterkunde (2015): 49

--Viator 46:1 (2015): 214

--Parergon 31 (2014): 49

--Francis Oakley, The Mortgage of the Past (2012), pp. 226, 284

--Michael Grünbart, ed., Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft (2011), p. 151

--Noëlle-Letitia Perret, Les traductions françaises du De regimine principum de Gilles de Rome (2011), pp. 28, 397

--Renasimento 51 (2011): 114

--Annalisa Ceron, L’amicizia civile e gli amici del principe (2011), p. 127

--Albrecht Classen and Nadia Margolis, eds., War and Peace (2011), p. 50

--Karen Green and Constant Mews, eds., Virtue Ethics for Women 1250-1500 (2011), p. xi

--Mediaevitik 23 (2010): 451-454 (review)

--SunHee Kim Gertz, Visual Power and Fame in René d’Anjou, Geoffrey Chaucer, and the Black Prince (2010), pp. 152, 203

--Albrecht Classen, Deutsche Schwankliteretur des 16. Jahrhunderts (2009), p. 183

--Catholic Historical Review 95 (2009): 125 (review)

--Journal of Religious History 33 (2009): 98-99 (review)

-- The Medieval Review (2009) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 09.01.08 (review)

--Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 43 (2008): 314-319 (review)

--New Medieval Literatures 10 (2008): 199

--Medium Aevum 77 (2008): 179 (review)

Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince: On the Art of Power (edited with an introduction). London: Duncan Baird Publishing, 2007.

--Michael Jackson and Damien Grace, Machiavelliana (2018), p. 6

--Theoria 62 (2015): 68, 83

--Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 23 (2010): 677, 697

Heresy in Transition: Transforming Ideas of Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (coedited with Ian Hunter and John Christian Laursen). London: Ashgate, 2005.

--Wiep van Bunge, From Bayle to the Batavian Revolution (2018), p. 336

--Mariano Pavanello, eds., Perspectives on African Witchcraft (2017), p. 76

--Natalia Nowakowska, King Sigismund of Poland and Martin Luther (2017), p. 7

--Jameson Tucker, Construction of Reformed Identity in Jean Crespin’s Livre de Martyres (2017), p. 191

--Carlo Invernizzi Accetti, Relativism and Religion (2015), p. 230

--Ephraim Radnor, ed., Brutal Unity (2012), p. 26

--Manuscrits: Revista d’História Moderna 30 (2012): 106, 121

--Rubén Peretó Rivas, ed., Tolerancia (2012), p. 190

--Bulletin hispanique 114 (2012): 49, 56

--Gregory Dodds, Exploiting Erasmus (2009), pp. 292, 381

--Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 37 (2008): 18-19 (review)

--Sixteenth Century Journal 39 (2008): 474-475 (review)

--Heythrop Journal 49 (2008): 1076-1077 (review)

--Catholic Historical Review 93 (2007): 398-399 (review)

--Archivo Storico Italiano 165 (2007): 174-175 (review)

--Parergon 24 (2007): 201-203 (review)

--Journal of Religious History 31 (2007): 334-335 (review)

--Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für die die Geschictswissenschaften 7 (2007) (review)

--Church History 75 (2006): 899-901 (review)

--Rivista di storia della filosofia 61 (2006): 1075-1078 (review)

--Catholic Herald 1 June 2006, 5E (review)

John of Salisbury. Tempe, Arizona: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies/Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005.

--Gianluca Briguglia, Il pensiero politico medievale (2018), p. 12

--Irene O’Daly, John of Salisbury and the Medieval Roman Renaissance (2018), p. 235

--Laura Slater, Art and Political Thought in Medieval England, c.1150-1350 (2018), pp. 20, 23

--Baron Reed and Diego Machuca, eds., Skepticism (2018), pp. 193, 195

--Nikos Panou and Hester Schadee, eds., Evil Lords (2018), p. 172

--Siân Echard and Robert Rouse, eds., The Encyclpedia on Medieval Literature in Britain (2017), p. 1095

--Catholic Historical Review 103 (2017), p. 414

--Gary Remer, Ethics and the Orator (2017), p. 258

-- L’Atelier du CHR: Revue électronique du Centre de Recherches Historiques 16 (2016), nt 63

--Arthuriana 26 (2016): 85

--Renaissance Studies 30 (2016): 618

--Theodore Evergates, Henry the Liberal (2016), pp. 250, 291

--Rita Copeland, ed., The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature (800-1558) (2016), p. 388

--Paul Dalton and David Luscombe, eds., Rulership and Rebellion in the Anglo-Norman World (2015), p. 160

--Maryanne Kowaleski et al, eds., Peasants and Lords in the Medieval English Economy (2015), pp. 176, 196

--Contributions to the History of Concepts 10:2 (2015): 87

--William Altman, ed., The Brill Companion to the Reception of Cicero (2015), p. 321

--Sandrine Berges, A Feminist Perspective on Virtue Ethics (2015), pp. 177, 191

--Dallas Denery, The Devil Wins (2015), p. 281

--Viator 46:2 (2015): 306, 319,

--Bettina Koch, Patterns Legitimizing Political Violence in Transcultural Perspectives (2015), p. 58

--Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), pp. 10, 11, 33, 37, 107, 110, 119, 162, 169, 193, 221

--Silke Schwandt, Virtus (2014), pp. 25, 56, 112, 160, 161, 213

--David Albertson, Mathematical Theologies (2014), pp. 345, 449

--Hugh Thomas, The Secular Clergy in England, 1066-1216 (2014), p. 231, 240, 274, 291

--Quaderni Storici 49 (2014): 215

--Michael Filetra, Wales and the Medieval Colonial Imagination (2014), pp. 33

--Literature & Theology 28 (2014): 286, 296

--Dallas Denery et al, eds., Uncertain Knowledge (2014), p. 14

--Humanities 3 (2014): 16

--Clare Monagle, Orthodoxy and Controversy in Twelfth-Century Religious Discourse (2013), pp. 66, 87

--Lidia Lanza, Aristotele nel pensiero political medievale (2013), p. 142

--Suzanne Conklin Akbari and Jill Ross, eds., The Ends of the Body (2013), p. 178

--Christopher Brooke and Elizabeth Frazier, ed., Ideas of Education (2013), pp. 63, 64, 65

--Mark Bruhn and Donald Wehrs, eds., Cognition, Literature and History (2013), pp. 108, 113

--John D. Hosler, John of Salisbury: Military Authority of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (2013), pp. 1, 2, 9, 10, 22, 49,, 110, 174

--Juanita F. Ruys et al, eds., The Classics in the Medieval and Renaissance Classroom (2013), pp. 224, 253

--Christophe Grellard, Jean de Salisbury et la Renaissance Médiévale du Scepticisme (2013), pp. 225, 227

--Amanda Power, Roger Bacon and the Defence of Christendom (2013), p. 143

--John Marenbon, ed., Investigating Medieval Philosophy (2013), p. 118

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--David Bloch, John of Salisbury on Aristotelian Science (2012), pp. ix, 3, 12, 16, 18, 21, 24, 192-193, 227

--Francis Oakley, The Mortgage of the Past (2012), pp. 93, 245, 300

--Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 38 (2012): 59

--Thomas F.X. Noble and John Van Engen, eds., European Transformations: The Long Twelfth Century (2012), pp. 515, 518, 519

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 150

--Transylvanian Review 20 Suppl. 4 (2011): 29

--Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novi 16 (2011): 105

--Lisa H. Cooper, Artisans and Narrative Craft in Late Medieval England (2011), pp. 226, 260

--Classica et Medievalia 61 (2010): 273, 290

--Journal of Religious History 34 (2010): 98-99 (review)

--Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 53 (2010): 247

--Biochemia Medica 20 (2010): 294

--Cahiers de civilization médiévale 53 (2010): 22

--Oxford Review of Education 36 (2010): 584, 586, 588

--Robert Pasnau, ed., The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy (2010), pp. 913, 1150

--Robert Bjork, ed., The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (2010), 3:908.

--Christopher Celenza, ed., Angelo Poliziono’s Lamia (2010), pp. 58, 62

--Barbara Caine, ed., Friendship: A History (2009), p. 108

--Ronald E. Pepin, ed., Anselm and Becket (2009), pp. vii, 1, 3

--Carla Rossi Bellotto, Marie de France et les érudits de Cantorbéry (2009), p. 219

--Medium Aevum 78 (2009): 366 (review)

--Doctor Virtualis 9 (2009): 78

--Ethics & Global Politics 2 (2009): 80

--The Medieval Review (2009) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 09.04.07 (review)

--Revue de synthèse 129 (2008): 488, 506

--Ruth M. Karras et al, eds., Law and the Illicit in Medieval Europe (2008), p. 259

--Hunt Janin, The University in Medieval Life (2008), pp. 200, 213

--Neohelicon 35 (2008): 19-20

--Mediaevistik 21 (2008): 397 (review)

--Frédérique Lachaud and Lydwine Scordia, eds., Le Prince au miroir de la literature politique de l’Antiquité aux Lumières (2007), p. 88

--Journal of Medieval Latin 17 (2007): 126-127, 128, 130, 140, 141

--JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory 37 (2007): 206, 215

--Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 63 (2007): 242, 256

--Political Studies Review 5 (2007): 406 (review)

--Humanitas 19 (2007): 134

--Cahiers de civilization médiévale 50 (2007): 229

--Carla Rossi, Marie, ki en sun tens pas ne s’oblie (2006), p. 26

--English Historical Review 121 (2006): 1166-1167 (review)

--Parergon 23 (2006): 161-163 (review)

--Review of Politics 68 (2006): 712-714 (review)

--Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 6 July 2005

--Donnalee Dox, The Idea of the Theater in Latin Christian Thought (2004), p. 162 (cited as forthcoming)

--Sharan Newman, Heresy (2002), p. 351 (cited as forthcoming)

Speculum Sermonis: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Medieval Sermon (co-edited with Georgiana Donavin and Richard Utz). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2004 [released in April 2005].

--Quidditas 32 (2011): 42, 64

--Scriptorium: Bulletin Codicologique 61 (2007): 125-126 (review)

--Cesky casopis historicky [The Czech History Review] 105 (2007): 167-171 (review)

Talking Democracy: Historical Approaches to Rhetoric and Democratic Theory (co-edited with Benedetto Fontana and Gary Remer). University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004.

--Guiseppe Ballaci, Political Theory Between Philosophy and Rhetoric (2018), p. 8

--History of Political Thought 38(2017): 26

--Nathan J. Brown, Arguing Islam after the Revival of Arab Politics (2017), p. 48

--Politica y Sociedad 53 (2016): 80, 97

--J.S. Sutton, A Revolution in Tropes (2015), p. 112

--Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai—Studuia Europaea 2 (2015): 204

--Language in Society 44 (2015): 526, 550

--Jane Suttin and Mari Lee, eds., A Revolution in Tropes (2015), p. 112

--Conceptos: Revista de Folosofia 4 (2014): 146, 162

---Oxford Bibliographies: Greek Rhetoric, Classics 10.1093/OBO/9780195389661-0060

--Conrado Hübner Mendes, Constitutional Courts and Deliberative Democracy (2013), p. 234

--Journal of Pragmatics 46 (2013): 41, 67

--Perspectives on Politics 10 (2012): 1060

--Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentacion 5 (2012): 3, 17

--Annual Review of Political Science 14 (2011): 169, 178

--Participations 1 (2011): 271

--Michael Morrell, Empathy and Democracy (2010), p. 149

--European Journal of Political Theory 9 (2010): 148

--Review of Communication 10 (2010): 92, 94

--Journal of Public Deliberation 6 (2010): 5, 9, 30

--Research on Language and Social Interaction 42 (2009): 70, 88

--Political Theory 37 (2009): 346

--Argumentation et Analyse du Discours 2 (2009): 19

--Elizabeth Markovits, The Politics of Sincerity (2008), p. 37

--Jennifer Richards, Rhetoric (2008), p. 188

--Kari Palonen et al, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to the Politics of Democratization in Europe (2008), p. 198

--Frank Fischer et al, eds., Handbook of Public Policy Analysis (2007), p. 243

--Bollettino Roncioniano 6 (2006): 32

--Kevin O’Leary, Saving Democracy (2006), p. 262

--The European Legacy 11 (2006): 79-82 (review)

--Bryan Garsten, Saving Persuasion (2006), p. 215

--Quarterly Journal of Speech 92 (2006): 220

--Argumentation and Advocacy 42 (2005): 120-121 (review)

--Italiana Culture 23 (2005): 97

--Political Studies 53 (2005): 745

--Perspectives on Politics 3 (2005): 616-617 (review)

--Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.07.61 (review)

--Virginia Quarterly Review 81 (2005): 255 (review)

Rhetoric and Renewal in the Latin West 1100-1540: Essays in Honour of John O. Ward (co-edited with Constant J. Mews and Rodney M. Thomson). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2003.

--J.C. Jackson, Conversation, Friendship and Transformation (2017), p. 175

--Ralph O’Connor, ed., Classical Literature and Learning in Medieval Irish Narrative (2014), p. 219

--Antonella Scorpo, Friendship in Medieval Iberia (2014), p. 21

--Quidditas 32 (2011): 69

--English Studies 92 (2011): 606

--William Dominik and Jon Hall, eds., A Companion to Roman Rhetoric (2007), p. 366

--Rhetorical Review 4 (2006): 20-23

--Scriptorium: Bulletin Codicologique 60 (2006): 219-220 (review)

--Sixteenth Century Journal 37 (2006): 776-777 (review)

--English Historical Review 212 (2006): 901 (review)

--Journal of Medieval Latin 15 (2005): 306-311 (review)

--Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature 89 (2005): 45-46

--Rhetoric Society Quarterly 34 (2004): 75-78 (review)

--Parergon 21 (2004): 219-222 (review)

--The Medieval Review (2004) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 04.06.17 (review)

--Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales 10 (2003) (review)

Political Thought in Early Fourteenth-Century England: Treatises by Walter de Milemete, William of Pagula, and William of Ockham (edited and translated with introductions). Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 250. Tempe, Arizona/Turnhout, Belgium: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies/Brepols, 2002.

--Laura Slater, Art and Political Thought in Medieval England, c.1150-1350 (2018), pp. xxi, 5, 196, 200, 203-210, 212,

--Journal of Politics 80 (2018): 1163, 1167

--Parergon 34 (2017), pp. 41-42, 44

--Jennifer Hole, Eeconomic Ethics in Late Medieval England (2016), pp. 77-79, 86, 258-259

--Historical Research 89 (2016): 649

--Rita Copeland, ed., The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature (800-1558) (2016), p. 319

--Arthuriana 25 (2015): 63

--Sarah Chayes, Thieves of State (2015), pp. 222, 223, 228, 231, 234, 237

--R.N. Swanson, ed., The Routledge History of Medieval Christianity (2015), p. 250

--Bettina Koch, Patterns Legitimizing Political Violence in Transcultural Perspectives (2015), pp. 61-66

--Rory Cox, John Wyclif on War and Peace (2014), pp. 35, 93

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 198

--Parergon 30 (2013): 62

--Christopher Pierson, Just Property, v. 1 (2013), pp. 77, 271

--Conrad van Dijk, John Gower and the Limits of the Law (2013), pp. 80, 173, 176, 207

--Jonathan Robinson, William of Ockham’s Early Theory of Property Rights in Context (2013), xiv, 372

--Hannah Skoda et al, eds., Contract and Exchange in Later Medieval Europe (2012), pp. 195, 199, 200, 201

--Lynn Staley, The Island Garden (2012), pp. 140, 270, 273, 308

--Henrik Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (2011), p. 796

--Charles F. Briggs, The Body Broken: Medieval Europe 1300-1520 (2011), pp. 286, 290, 291, 326

--C.T. Allmand, The De re militari of Vegetius (2011), pp. 267, 272

--Frédérique Lachaud, L’Éthique du pouvoir at Moyen Âge (2010), pp. 223, 411

--Roberto Lambertini and Leonardo Sileo, eds., I beno di questo mondo (2010), pp. 257, 258, 262

--SunHee Kim Gertz, Visual Power and Fame in René d’Anjou, Geoffrey Chaucer, and the Black Prince (2010), pp 187, 201

--David Matthews, Writing to the King (2010), pp. 40, 110-113, 177, 192, 193

--Seymour Phillips, Edward II (2010), p. 531

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--Daniel Brunstetter and Cian O’Driscoll, eds., Just War Thinkers (2018), pp. 92, 103

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--Joshus Hollmann, The Religious Concordance (2017), pp. 10, 122

--Journal of Mediterranean Studies 26 (2017): 210, 226

--Heather Blurton and Hannah Johnson, The Critics and the Prioress (2017), p. 29

--Edmund Mazza, The Scholastics and the Jews (2017), pp. 81, 131, 86, 87, 253, 272

--Marica Costigliolo, The Western Perception of Islam between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (2017), pp. 7, 160

--Dana Katz, The Jewish Ghetto and the Visual Imagination of Early Modern Venice (2017), pp. 134, 175

--Jeremy Cohen, A Historian in Exile (2017), pp. 202, 225

--J.R. Bowlin, Tolerance among the Virtues (2016), pp. 89, 258

--Han Lamers, Greece Reinvented (2016), pp. 164, 369

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--Marica Costigliolo, Islam e Cristianesimo (2012), pp. 7, 12

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--Theological Studies 73 (2012): 650, 652

--Nadine Lewycky and Adam Morton, eds., Getting Along? Religious Identities and Confessional Relations in Early Modern Europe (2012), p. 5

--Kritika 12 (2012): 518

--Studia Neophilologica 84 (2012): 162, 165

--History of Political Thought 33 (2012): 403

--Marguerite Ragnow and William Dr. Phillips, Jr., eds., Religious Conflict and Accomodation in the Early Modern World (2011), p. 64

--Karen Sullivan, The Inner Lives of Medieval Inquisitors (2011), pp. 17-18, 20, 211

--The Thomist 75 (2011): 294

--Political Studies 59 (2011): 739, 751

--Ideas y Valores 60 (2011): 142, 164

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--Elmer J. Thiessen, The Ethics of Evangelism (2011), pp. 111, 267

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--Studia Comeniana et Historica 39 (2009): 11, 14

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--Miri Rubin and Walter Simons, ed., The Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 4, Europe c.1100-c.1500 (2009), p. 357

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--Dana E. Katz, The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance (2008), pp. 162, 164

--Aaron Tyler, Islam, the West, and Tolerance (2008), pp. 168, 176, 179, 180, 181, 184, 187, 202

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--Phillip W. Gray, Being in the Just War (2007), p. 142

--Sharon Achinstein and Elizabeth Sauer, eds., Milton and Toleration (2007), p. 24

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--Benjamin J. Kaplan, Divided by Faith (2007), p. 388

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--K.D. Johnson, Theology, Political Theory and Pluralism (2007), p. 9

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--George Newlands, Christ and Human Rights (2006), pp. 123-124

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--Kelvin Knight, Aristotelian Philosophy (2006), p. 58

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--Richard Whatmore and Brian Young, eds., Palgrave Advances in Intellectual History (2006), p. 105

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--Thomas M. Izbicki et al, eds., Reject Aeneas, Accept Pius (2006), p. 52

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño, ed., Tolerance in the Twenty-First Century (2006), p. 91

--Jamal Malik and Helmut Reifeld, eds., Religious Pluralism in South Asia and Europe (2005), pp. 26, 40

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--Jean Dangler, Making Difference in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (2005), p. 182

--David A. Weir, Early New England (2005), p. 432

--American Historical Review 110 (2005): 14, 36

--Bettina Koch, Zur Dis-/Kontinuität mittelaterlichen politischen Denkens in der nerzeitlichen politischen Theorie (2005), pp. 223, 273, 274, 276

--Adam Seligman, Modest Claims (2004), pp. 185, 191

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--Albrecht Classen, ed., Violence in Medieval Courtly Literature (2004), p. 30

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--Naeem Inayatullah and David L. Blaney, International Relations and the Problem of Difference (2004), pp. 28, 227

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--Antoine Picon and Alessandra Ponte, eds., Architecture and the Sciences (2003), p. 50

--Bettina Bildhauer and Robert Mills, eds., The Monstrous Middle Ages (2003), p. 131

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West (2003), p. 322

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--Ingrid Crepell, Toleration and Identity (2003), pp. 168, 172

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--Alan Levine, Sensual Philsoophy: Toleration, Skepticism, and

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--Choice 39 (2001): 327 (review)

--American Political Science Review 95 (2001): 981-982 (review)

--Maxim Homyakov, ed., Toleration, 2 vols. (2001), 1: 7

--Andrew Murphy, Conscience and Community (2001), pp. xv, xx

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--Jeffrey Waldrop, The Emergence of Religious Toleration in 18th Century New England (2018), p. 11

--Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 37 (2018): 337

--Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 5 (2018): 137, 158

--Edmund Mazza, The Scholastics and the Jews (2017), pp. 14-15, 27

--Journal of Religious History 42 (2017): 201

--Aviva Rothman, The Pursuit of Harmony (2017), pp. 286, 332

--I. Opris and M.F. Casanova, eds., The Physics of Mind and Brain Disorders (2017), pp. 681, 687

--Church History 86 (2017), p. 721

--Dana Katz, The Jewish Ghetto and the Visual Imagination of Early Modern Venice (2017), pp. 134, 172

--J.R. Bowlin, Tolerance among the Virtues (2016), pp. 23, 63, 257

--Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (2016): 291, 299

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--Deutsche Zeitscrift für Philosophie 63 (2015): 23, 55

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--Nadine Lewycky and Adam Morton, eds., Getting Along? Religious Identities and Confessional Relations in Early Modern Europe (2012), p. 5

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--Geoffrey B. Levey and Tariq Madood, Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship (2009), pp. 4, 255

--Michael Margolis and Gerson Moreno-Riaño, The Prospect of Internet Democracy (2009), pp. 69, 172

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--Christine C. Ames, Righteous Persecution (2009), p. 30

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--Stephen J. Harris and Byron L. Grigsby, Misconceptions About the Middle Ages (2008), p. 52

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--Jonathan Kirsch, The Grand Inquisitor’s Manual (2008), p. 281

--Dana E. Katz, The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance (2008), p. 162

--Stuart B. Schwartz, All Can Be Saved (2008), p. 258

--Aaron Tyler, Islam, the West, and Tolerance (2008), pp. 167, 176, 202

--History 93 (2008): 357

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--Journal of Religious History 31 (2007): 256

--Sharon Achinstein and Elizabeth Sauer, eds., Milton and Toleration (2007), pp. 10, 25

--Amy Chua, Day of Empire (2007), p. 346

--Benjamin J. Kaplan, Divided by Faith (2007), p. 387

--R.I. Moore, Beyond the Persecuting Society, 2nd ed. (2007), pp. 192-193

--K.D. Johnson, Theology, Political Theory and Pluralism (2007), p. 9

--G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, Christian Persecution, Martyrdom and Orthodoxy (2006), p. 232

--Christopher Durston and Judith Maltby, eds., Religion in Revolutionary England (2006), p. 62

--Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 61 (2006): 183

--Chris Beneke, Beyond Toleration (2006), p. 237

--Wendy Brown, Regulating Aversion (2006), p. 210

--George Newlands, Christ and Human Rights (2006), p. 41

--Richard Whatmore and Brian Young, eds., Palgrave Advances in Intellectual History (2006), p. 105

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño, ed., Tolerance in the Twenty-First Century (2006), p. 91

--Michael Frassetto, ed., Heresy and the Persecuting Society in the Middle Ages (2006), pp. 3, 15

--John Marshall, John Locke, Toleration and Early Enlightenment Culture (2006), p. 2

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--Ian Hunter and David Saunders, eds., Natural Law and Civil Sovereignty (2002), p. 10

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p. 6

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--Maxim Homyakov, ed., Toleration, 2 vols. (2001), 1, p. 7

--Andrew Murphy, Conscience and Community (2001), pp. xiv, xv

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--Ole Peter Grell and Roy Porter, eds., Toleration in Enlightenment Europe (2000), p. 19

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--Stephen Holmes, Passions and Constraint (1997), p. 198

--James Blythe, ed., On the Government of Rulers (1997), p. 290

--David Hillman and Carla Mazzio, eds., The Body in Parts (1997), p. 306

--Cahiers Elisabethains No. 51 (1997): 45

--Sixteenth Century Journal 28 (1997): 108

--Yoko Hirata, Collected Papers on John of Salisbury and his Correspondents (1996), p. 217

--Neuphilologische Mittelungen 97 (1996): 187, 199

--Oliver O’Donovan, The Desire of the Nations (1996), p. 292

--Gerard B. Wegemer, Thomas More on Statesmanship (1996), p. 242

--William Caferro and Duncan G. Fisher, eds., The Unbounded Community (1996), p. 82

--Judith Ferster, Fictions of Advice (1996), p. 196

--Cahiers civilisation medievale 39 (1996): 142-47 (review)

--Michael Senellart, Les arts de gouvener (1995), pp. 129

--Anna S. Abulafia, Christians and Jews in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (1995), p. 150

--Jens Bartleson, A Genealogy of Sovereignty (1995), p. 264

--Stephen Holmes, Passions and Constraint (1995), p. 293

--Speculum 70 (1995): 784

--Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 25 (1995): 188

--Susan Crane, Gender and Romance in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1994), p. 208

--Vivarium 32 (1994): 134

--Arthur Monahan, From Personal Duties towards Personal Rights (1994), p. 70

--Revue d'histoire religieuse 211 (1994): 102 (review)

--K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, John of Salisbury: Policraticus I-IV (1993), p. lvi

--Elias Sandoz, ed., Roots of Liberty (1993), p. 271

--Ethics 103 (1993): 846-47 (review)

--Fidelio (Spring 1993): 79-80 (review)

--Political Studies 40 (1992): 359-61 (review)

--History of European Ideas 14 (1992): 294-95 (review)

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“Medieval Toleration through a Modern Lens: A `Judgmental’ View.” Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 4 (2016), 1-26.

--Albrecht Classen, Toleration and Tolerance in Medieval and Early Modern European Literature (2018), pp. 54, 306

--Vicki Spencer, ed., Toleration in Comparative Perspective (2018), p. 20

--Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016): 377-378

“John of Salibury and Thomas Becket (with Karen Bollermann). In Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), pp. 63-104.

--Irene O’Daly, John of Salisbury and the Medieval Roman Renaissance (2018), p. 230

--Journal of Historical Sociology 31 (2018): 306, 311

--Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 44 (2018): 716

--Paul Webster and Marie-Pierre Gelin, eds., The Cult of Thomas Becket in the Plantangenet World (2017), p. 27

“John of Salisbury’s Political Theory.” In Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2015), 558-588.

--Irene O’Daly, John of Salisbury and the Medieval Roman Renaissance (2018), p. 235

--Philobiblion 22 (2017), pp. 67, 68, 71

--History of Political Thought 38 (2017): 252

“Standing in Abelard’s Shadow: Gilbert of Poitiers, the 1148 Council of Rheims, and the Politics of Ideas” (with Karen Bollermann). In Karen Bollermann, Thomas M. Izbicki, and Cary J. Nederman, eds., Religion, Power and Resistance from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries: Playing the Heresy Card (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2014) 13-36.

--Albrecht Classen, Toleration and Tolerance in Medieval and Early Modern European Literature (2018), pp. 215, 279

--Speculum 92 (2017): 791 (discussed in review)

--Perergon 32 (2015) 269-271 (discussed in review)

“The Sunset Years? John of Salisbury as Bishop of Chartres and the Emergent Cult of St. Thomas Becket in France” (with Karen Bollermann). Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 45:2 (2014), 55-76.

--Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), p. 107

“Toleration in Medieval Europe: Theoretical Principles and Historical Lessons.” In James Muldoon, ed., Bridging the Medieval/Modern Divide: Medieval Themes in the World of the Reformation (Farnham, U.K.: Ashgate, 2013), 45-64.

--Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016): 377

--Sixteenth Century Journal 45 (2014): 142 (mentioned in review)

--Renaissance Quarterly 67 (2014): 279 (mentioned in review)

“A Special Collection: John of Salisbury’s Relics of St. Thomas Becket and Other Holy Martyrs” (with Karen Bollermann). Mediaevistik: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Research 26 (2013), 163-181

--Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), pp. 107, 140

“Civil Religion—Metaphysical, Not Political: Nature, Faith, and Communal Order in European Thought, c.1150-c.1550.” Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (January 2013), 1-22.

--Bernat Hernández, Bartholomé de Las Casas (2015), p. 296

--William Altman, ed., The Brill Companion to the Reception of Cicero (2015), pp. 316, 317

“Medieval Political Thought.” In Gerald Gaus and Fred D’Agostino, eds., Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy (London/New York: Routledge, 2013), 36-46.

--William Altman, ed., The Brill Companion to the Reception of Cicero (2015), pp. 316, 317

“Christine de Pizan and Jean Gerson on the Body Politic: Inclusion, Hierarchy, and the Limits of Intellectual Influence.” Storia del pensiero politico 3 (2013), 465-479.

--Hermenia No. 16 (2016): 105, 112, 115

--Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3 (2016): 69

--Michael Hanne et al, eds., Warring with Words (2014), pp. 9, 47 (cites unpublished version)

“Marsilius of Padua’s Principles of Secular Politics” (with Gerson Moreno-Riaño). In Gerson Moreno-Riaño and Cary J. Nederman, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2012), 117-138.

--British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2018): 277, 295

--Brian Fitzgerald, Inspiration and Authority in the Middle Ages (2017), pp, 225, 261

--Politeja 9 (2015): 11

--Deutsches Arciv für Enforschung Mittelalters 71 (2015): 738-750 (mentioned in review)

--Gianluca Briguglia, Marsilio da Padova (2013), p. 106

“Rights.” In John Marenbon, ed., Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 643-660

--Miira Tuominen et al, eds., New Perspectivies on Aristotelianism and Its Critics (2015), pp. 128, 154

--A. Speer and G. Guldentops, eds., Das Gesetz, the Law, la Loi (2014), pp. 4660, 470

“The Logic of the History of Ideas and the Study of Comparative Political Theory” (with Sara R. Jordan). Journal of the History of Ideas 73 (October 2012), 627-641.

--Stuart Gray, A Defense of Rule (2017), pp. 225, 250

--American Political Science Review 110 (2016): 275, 277

--Christian Lammert et al, eds., Handbuch Politik USA (2016), pp. 87, 90

“The Polybian Moment: The Transformation of Republican Thought from Ptolemy of Lucca to Machiavelli” (with Mary Elizabeth Sullivan). The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 17:7 (December 2012), 867-881.

--Michelle T. Clarke, Machiavelli’s Florentine Republic (2018), pp. 61, 182

--History of Political Thought 37 (2016): 793

--William Altman, ed., The Brill Companion to the Reception of Cicero (2015), p. 316

--Viator 46:2 (2015): 326

“Toleration in a New Key: Historical and Global Perspectives.” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (June 2011), 349-361.

--Derecho Público Iberoamericano 13 (2018): 30, 71

“The Sword in Her Hand: Judith as Anglo-Saxon Warrior and John of Salisbury's Tyrant Slayer” (with Karen Bollermann). In Gianluca Briguglia and Thomas Ricklin, eds., Thinking Politics in the Vernacular from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (Freibourg, Switzerland: Academic Press Freibourg, 2011), 23-41.

--Storia del pensiero politico 1 (2012): 314 (mentioned in review)

“`The Extravagance of the Senses’: Epicureanism, Priestly Tyranny, and the Becket Problem in John of Salisbury’s Policraticus” (with Karen Bollermann). Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 3rd series, 8 (2011), 1-25.

--Hugh M. Thomas, The Secular Clergy in England (2014), p. 152

--Work in English Studies 92 (2014): 224

--Christophe Grellard, Jean de Salisbury et la Renaissance Médiévale du Scepticisme (2013), p. 282

“The Best Medicine? Medical Education, Practice and Metaphor in John of Salisbury’s Policraticus and Metalogicon” (with Takashi Shogimen). Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 42 (Spring 2011), 55-74.

--Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3 (2016): 51, 69

--Viator 46:2 (2015), p. 169

--Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), p. 24

--Michael Hanne et al, eds., Warring with Words (2014), pp. 9, 47

--Charles Brucker, ed., Denis Foulechat: Le Policratique de Jean de Salisbury VI et VII (2013), p. 118

--Christophe Grellard, Jean de Salisbury et la Renaissance Médiévale du Scepticisme (2013), p. 261

--Journal of Early Modern History 17 (2013): 169

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 78

“Textual Communities of Learning and Friendship Circles in the Twelfth Century: An Examination of John of Salisbury’s Correspondence.” In John N. Crossley and Constant J. Mews, eds., Communities of Learning: Networks and the Shaping of Intellectual Identity in Europe, 1100-1450 (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2011), 75-85.

--Hugh M. Thomas, The Secular Clergy in England (2014), p. 200, 205

--Parergon 29 (2012): 284 (discussed in review)

“The Liberty of the Church and the Road to Runnymede: John of Salisbury and the Intellectual Foundations of the Magna Carta.” PS: Political Science and Politics 43 (July 2010), 457-461.

---Oxford Bibliographies: Medieval Law, British and Irish Literature (2015) 10.1093/OBO/97801998467-0098

--Jeremy Kleidosty, The Concert of Civilizations (2015), p. 81

--Stephen Church, King John (2015), pp. 255, 260

--Thomas Andrew, The Church and the Charter (2015), pp. 11-12, 45

“Cicero in Political Philosophy.” In Henrik Lagerlund, ed., Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2010), 216-220.

--William Altman, ed., The Brill Companion to the Reception of Cicero (2015), p. 315

--Maaike van der Lugt, ed., La nature comme source de la morale au Moyen Âge (2014), p. 117

“Avarice as a Princely Virtue? The Later Medieval Backdrop to Poggio Bracciolini and Machiavelli.” In Cary J. Nederman, Nancy Van Deusen and Ann Matter, eds., Mind Matters: Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Intellectual History in Honour of Marcia Colish (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2010), 255-274.

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), pp. 204-204

--English Historical Review 127 (2012): 1200 (discussed in review)

--Catholic Historical Review 98 (2012): 532 (discussed in review)

--The European Legacy 17 (2012): 570 (discussed in review)

--Journal of Religious History 36 (2012): 121-122 (discussed in review)

--Sixteenth Century Journal 42 (2011): 488 (discussed in review)

--The Medieval Review (2011) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 11.04.08 (discussed in review)

--Parergon 27 (2010): 255-256 (discussed in review)

“Individual Autonomy.” In Robert Pasnau, ed., The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 551-564.

--Jonathan Robinson, William of Ockham’s Early Theory of Property Rights in Context (2013), pp. 69, 372

“John of Salisbury’s Second Letter Collection in Later Medieval England: Unexamined Fragments from Huntington Library HM 128” (with Karen Bollermann). Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 40 (Spring 2009), 71-91.

--The Library, 7th series, 16 (2015): 406

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--Catholic Historical Review 95 (2009): 659

“Review of Michael Frasetto, ed., Heresy and the Persecuting Society in the Middle Ages.” Catholic Historical Review 94 (July 2008), 545-546.

--Karen Sullivan, The Inner Lives of Medieval Inquisitors (2011), p. 211

“Review of Benjamin J. Kaplan, Divided by Faith: Religious Conflict and the Practice of Toleration in Early Modern Europe.” Renaissance Quarterly 61 (Fall 2008), 942-944.

--Seventeenth Century 28 (2013): 130, 134

“King Stephen, the English Church, and a Female Mystic: Christina of Markyate’s Vita as a Neglected Source for the Council of Winchester (August 1139) and Its Aftermath” (with Karen Bollermann), Journal of Medieval History 34 (December 2008), 433-444.

--Church History 84 (2015): 42

“Review of George Garnett, Marsilius of Padua and `The Truth of History’.” Catholic Historical Review 94 (April 2008), 342-343.

--Jacob Langeloh, Erzählte Argumente (2017), pp. 341, 398

--Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 620, 621

“Reading Aristotle through Rome: Republicanism and History in Ptolemy of Lucca’s De regimine principum” (with Mary Elizabeth Sullivan). European Journal of Political Theory 7 (April 2008), 223-240.

--Revue philosophique de Louvain 116 (2018): 106, 126

--Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschfit voor Wijsbegeerte 107 (2015): 446, 458

--David Selby, Tocqueville, Jansenism, and the Necessity of the Political in a Democratic Age (2015), pp. 235, 241, 276

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 149

--Storia del Pensiero Politica 2 (2013): 415

--Constant Mews and John Crossley, eds., Communities of Learning (2011), pp. 218, 219

--Viator 41 (2010): 266

--Gianluca Briguglia, La Questione del Potere (2010), p. 140

--Robert Pasnau, ed., The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy (2010), pp. 950, 1150

--History of Political Thought 29 (2008): 418

“Varieties of Dialogue: Dialogical Models of Intercultural Communication in Medieval Inter-religious Writings.” In Takashi Shogimen and Cary J. Nederman, eds., Western Political Thought in Dialogue with Asia (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield, 2008), 45-64.

--Edmund Mazza, The Scholastics and the Jews (2017), p. 249

--International History Review 26 (2016): 35, 38, 40

--Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2016): 328

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 221

--Hassan Bashir, Europe and the Eastern Other (2012), pp. 31, 36, 37, 28, 125, 132

--Farah Godrej, Cosmopolitan Political Thought (2011), p. 146

--Perspectives on Politics 8 (2010): 1221 (discussed in review)

--Rüdiger Voigt and Ulrich Weiss, eds., Handbuch Staatsdenker (2010), p. 94

“Men at Work: Poesis, Politics and Labor in Aristotle and Some Aristotelians.” Analyse & Kritik: Zeitschrift für Sozialphilosophie 30 (2008), 17-31.

--Luke Bretherton, Resurrecting Democracy (2015), p. 381

--Ruth Yeoman, Meaningful Work and Workplace Democracy (2014), p. 239

--Annali Italianistica 32 (2014): 54, 72

--New Political Economy 17 (2012): 629, 631

--Paul Blackledge, Marxism and Ethics (2012), pp. 22, 224

--Paul Blackledge and Kelvin Knight, eds., Virtue and Politics (2011), pp. 103, 354

--International Socialism No. 120 (2008) nt 16

“Friendship in Public Life during the Twelfth Century: Theory and Practice in the Writings of John of Salisbury.” Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 38 (Fall 2007), 385-397.

--Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), pp. 1, 23

--Antonella Scorpo, Friendship in Medieval Iberia (2014), p. 2

--Hugh M. Thomas, The Secular Clergy in England (2014), p. 200, 205

--Amity: Journal of Frendiship Studies (2013) 1: 70, 87

--Charles Brucker, ed., Denis Foulechat: Le Policratique de Jean de Salisbury VI et VII (2013), p. 118

--Christophe Grellard, Jean de Salisbury et la Renaissance Médiévale du Scepticisme (2013), pp. 290, 296, 298

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--Year’s Work in English Studies 88 (2009): 204

“Giving Thrasymachus His Due: The Political Argument of Republic I and Its Reception.” POLIS: The Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought 24 (2007), 26-42.

--Anders Dahl, Plato on Democracy and Political Techne (2016), pp. 17, 180

--POLIS 32 (2015), p. 323

--History of Political Thought 36 (2015): 615

--J.S. Maloy, Democratic Statecraft (2013), pp. 28, 53, 220

--POLIS 28 (2011): 34

--History of Political Thought 31 (2010): 369

“The Opposite of Love: Royal Virtue, Economic Prosperity, and Popular Discontent in Fourteenth-Century Political Thought.” In István P. Bejczy and Cary J. Nederman, eds., Princely Virtues in the Middle Ages, 1200-1500 (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2007), 177-199.

--Slavonic and Eastern European Review 92 (2014): 31

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 25 (2012): 565

--SunHee Kim Gertz, Visual Power and Fame in René d’Anjou, Geoffrey Chaucer, and the Black Prince (2010), p 187

--Mediaevitik 23 (2010): 453 (discussed in review)

--Stephen Rigby, Wisdom and Chivalry (2009), pp. 13, 15, 312

-- The Medieval Review (2009) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 09.01.08 (discussed in review)

--Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 43 (2008): 316-317

“Introduction” (with István Bejczy). In István P. Bejczy and Cary J. Nederman, eds., Princely Virtues in the Middle Ages, 1200-1500 (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2007), 1-8.

--Viator 46:2 (2015): 380, 385

--Gro Steinsland et al, eds., Ideology and Power in the Viking Middles Ages (2011): 102, 107

--Mediaevistik 23 (2010): 451-452 (discussed in review)

--Stephen Rigby, Wisdom and Chivalry (2009), pp. 13, 14, 312

“Marsiglio of Padua Studies Today—and Tomorrow.” In Gerson Moreno-Riaño, ed., The World of Marsilius of Padua (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2006), 11-25.

--British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2018): 278, 295

--Jacob Langeloh, Erzählte Argumente (2017), pp. 126-127, 398

--Brian Tierney, Liberty and Law (2014), 123

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), pp. 300, 311.

--Lidia Lanza, Aristotele nel pienso political medievale (2013), p.168

--Gianluca Briguglia, Marsilio da Padova (2013), p. 169

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 229

--Joseph Canning, Ideas of Power in the Late Middle Ages (2011), p. 83

--Pedro Roche Arnas, ed., El pensamiento politico en la Edad Media (2010), p. 141

--Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia 27 (2010) : 330 (discussed in review)

--English Historical Review 125 (2010): 160 (discussed in review)

--Pensiero Politico Medievale 6 (2008) [published 2009]: 27, 28 (discussed in review)

--Pensamiento 65 (2008): 559 (discussed in review)

--Catholic Historical Review 94 (2008): 341 (discussed in review)

--History of Political Thought 29 (2008): 443, 445, 446

--Journal of Ecclesiastical History 59 (2008): 326 (discussed in review)

--The Medieval Review (2008) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 08.01.04

(discussed in review)

--Vasileio Syros, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius of Padua (2007), pp. 1, 127

--Canadian Journal of History 42 (2007): 495 (discussed in review)

--Church History and Religious Culture 87 (2007): 383 (discussed in review)

“Review of Annabel Brett, ed. and trans., The Defender of the Peace.” Political Studies Review 4 (September 2006), 328-329.

--Frank Godthardt, Marsilius von Padua und der Romzug Ludwigs des Bayern (2011), p. 27.

“Empire Meets Nation: Imperial Authority and National Government in Renaissance Political Thought.” In Peter Casarella, ed., Cusanus: The Legacy of Learned Ignorance (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2006), 178-195.

--S. Adam Seagrave, The Foundations of Natural Morality (2014), p. 12

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), pp. 475, 476

--Gianluca Briguglia, Marsilio da Padova (2013), p. 190

--Renaissance Studies 26 (2012): 586

--Marica Costigliolo, Islam e Cristianesimo (2012), p. 145

--Historische Zeitschrift 293 (2011): 621

--Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2009): 314 (discussed in review)

--The Historian 69 (2007): 815 (discussed in review)

--Reviews in Religion & Theology 14 (2007): 203-4 (discussed in review)

--International Journal of Systematic Theology 9 (2007): 95 (discussed in review)

--Renaissance Quarterly 55 (2007): 132 (discussed in review)

--The Medieval Review (2006) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 06.09.11 (discussed in review)

“The Theory of Political Representation: Medieval Repraesentatio and Modern Transformations.” In Alberto Melloni and Massimo Faggioli, eds., Representatio: Mapping a Key Word for Churches and Governance. Proceedings of the San Miniato International Workshop, October 13-16, 2004 (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006), 41-59.

--Hiatory of Political Thought 38 (2017): 634, 638

--History of Political Thought 31 (2010): 693

“Economic Nationalism and the `Spirit of Capitalism’: Civic Collectivism and National Wealth in the Thought of John Fortescue.” History of Political Thought 26 (2005), 266-283.

--Henrik Lagerlund, ed., Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (2011), p. 621

“A Heretic Hiding in Plain Sight: The Secret History of Marsiglio of Padua’s Defensor Pacis in the Thought of Nicole Oresme.” In Ian Hunter, Cary J. Nederman, and John Christian Laursen, eds., Heresy in Transition: Transforming Ideas of Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (London: Ashgate, 2005), 71-88.

--Speculum 92 (2017): 115

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), pp. 368, 372

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 312

--Paul A. Rahe, Against Throne and Alter (2008), p. 113

--Sixteenth Century Journal 39 (2008): 475 (discussed in review)

--Heythrop Journal 49 (2008): 1076 (discussed in review)

--Archivo Storico Italiano 165 (2007): 174 (discussed in review)

--Rivista di storia della filosofia 61 (2006): 1076 (discussed in review)

“Herding Cats: The View from the Volume and Series Editor.” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 36 (July 2005), 221-228.

--Text: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 22 (October 2018)

--Ken Hyland, Academic Publishing (2015), pp. 125, 223

--Learned Publishing 28 (2015): 262, 271-272

--Scientometrics 104 (2015): 221, 222, 231, 236

--The Charleson Adviser 15 (2013): 21, 62-63, 66

--Albert Greco, The Book Publishing Industry (2013), p. 462

--Journal of Scholarly Publishing 44 (2012): 61-62, 63, 73

--Beth Luey, Handbook for Academic Authors (2009), p. 261

“Beyond Stoicism and Aristotelianism: John of Salisbury’s Skepticism and Moral Reasoning in the Twelfth Century.” In Istvan Bejczy and Richard Newhauser, eds., Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2005), 175-195.

--Irene O’Daly, John of Salisbury and the Medieval Roman Renaissance (2018), p. 235

--Giornale critico della filosofia Italaniana 2 (2018) : 343

--Sandrine Berges, A Feminist Perspective on Virtue Ethics (2015), pp. 176, 191

--Dallas Denery, The Devil Wins (2015), pp. 284, 285

--Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud, eds., A Companion to John of Salisbury (2015), pp. 26, 308, 309, 310

--Silke Schwandt, Virtus (2014), pp. 28, 91-92, 118, 213

--Dallas Denery et al, eds., Uncertain Knowledge (2014), p. 20

--Christophe Grellard, Jean de Salisbury et la Renaissance Médiévale du Scepticisme (2013), p. 279

--British Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (2013): 667, 668, 686

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--David Bloch, John of Salisbury on Aristotelian Science (2012), pp. 86, 87, 89, 105, 227

--Henrik Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (2011), p. 796

--Revue Diagonale 2 (2008): 46, 52

--Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 54 (2007): 16

--Cahiers de Recherches medievales 13 (2006): 3, 18

--Kelvin Knight, Aristotelian Philosophy (2006), p. 54

“The Living Body Politic: The Diversification of Organic Metaphors in Nicole Oresme and Christine de Pizan.” In Karen Green and Constant J. Mews, eds., Healing the Body Politic: The Political Thought of Christine de Pizan (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2005), 19-33.

--Gianluca Briguglia, Il pensiero politico medievale (2018), p. 210

--Argumentum 14 (2016): 67, 83

--The Medieval Chronicle X (2016): 122, 140

-- L’Atelier du CHR: Revue électronique du Centre de Recherches Historiques 16 (2016), nt 64

--Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3 (2016): 69

--Daisy Delogu, Allegorical Bodies (2015), pp. 197, 210, 255

--Maryanne Kowaleski et al, eds., Peasants and Lords in the Medieval English Economy (2015), pp. 184, 189, 196

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), p. 359

--French Studies 68 (2014): 13

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 184

--Suzanne Conklin Akbari and Jill Ross, eds., The Ends of the Body (2013), pp. 308, 309. 310, 312

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 25 (2013): 565, 574

--History of Political Thought 33 (2012): 612

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 24 (2012): 464

--Nadia Margolis, An Introduction to Christine de Pizan (2011), pp. 231, 247

--Albrecht Classen and Nadia Margolis, eds., War and Peace (2011), p. 387

--Alexander Kaufman, The Historical Literature of the Jack Cade Rebellion (2009), p. 83

--Jacqueline Broad and Karen Green, A History of Women’s Political Thought in Europe (2009), pp. 13, 320

--The Medieval Review (2007) hti.umich/t/tmr TMR ID 07.09.17 (discussed in review)

“Empire and the Historiography of European Political Thought: Marsiglio of Padua, Nicholas of Cusa, and the Medieval/Modern Divide.” Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2005), 1-15.

--James Muldoon, John Adams and the Constitutional History of the British Medieval Empire (2018), p. 40

--Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa 53 (2017): 616

--Han Lamers, Greece Reinvented (2016), pp. 164, 369

--Cuadernos Medievales 18 (2015): 79

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), pp. 475, 476

--Peter Bang and Dariusz Kolodziejczyk, eds., Universal Empire (2014), p. 284

--Frank Furedi, Authority (2013), pp. 145-146, 427

--Global Discourse 3 (2013): 41, 46

--Laboratorium 1 (2012): 118, 134

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 286

--Hassan Bashir, Europe and the Eastern Other (2012), pp. 37, 132

--Henrik Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (2011), p. 1168

--Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2011): 307

--Mark Somos, Secularisation and the Leiden Circle (2011), pp. 57, 510

--Frank Godthardt, Marsilius von Padua und der Romzug Ludwigs des Bayern (2011), p. 94

--Pedro Roche Arnas, ed., El pensamiento politico en la Edad Media (2010), p. 216

--Early American Literature 45 (2010): 507, 526, 531

--European Journal of Political Theory 9 (2010): 145, 146

--Rüdiger Voigt and Ulrich Weiss, eds., Handbuch Staatsdenker (2010), p. 95

--Jens Bartelson, Visions of World Community (2009), p. 49

--Viator 40 (2009): 209

--Harald Schwaetzer and Kirstin Zeyer, eds., Has Europäische Erbe im Denken des Nikolaus von Kues (2008), p. 281

--Jürgen Sarnowsky, ed., Bilder—Wahrnehmungen—Vorstellugen (2007), p. 207

--David B. Goldman, Globalisation and the Western Legal Tradition (2007), p. 129

--History of Political Thought 27 (2006): 409

“Machiavelli, Niccolò.” In Edward N. Zalta, ed., Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (2005; updated 2009, 2014).

--Michael Jackson and Damien Grace, Machiavelliana (2018), p. 7

--Benedict Wilson and James Gow, eds., The Art of Creating Power (2017), pp. 427, 447

--Ron Iphofen, ed., Finding Common Ground (2017), pp. 25, 26

--Robert Denham, ed., Northrup Frye, vol II, The Order of Words (2017), pp. 42, 247

--Victoria Pagàn, Tacitus (2017), pp. 175, 183

--Paweł Banaś et al, Metaphilosophy of Law (2016), pp. 228, 259

--Theoria 62 (2015): 69, 83

--R.R.T.D. DeNahm, Quaderno d’italianistica (2014): 35

--P.F. Cannavo and Joseph Lane, eds., Engaging Nature (2014), pp. 79, 80

--CrossCurrents 64 (2014): 409

--Edith Neubauer, “Entwicklung” als Reguerunggsziel (2014), p. 260

--Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 43 (2014): 126

--Philosophisches Jahruch 121 (2014): 268, 270

--CrossCurrents 64 (2014): 409

--International Leadership Journal 6 (2014): 57

--Journal of African Elections 13 (2014): 96, 120

--David Lay Williams, Rousseau’s Social Contract (2014), pp.224, 291

--Critical Perspectives on International Business 8 (2012): 171, 175

--Díkaion 23 (2009): 327

--Pacific Affairs 24 (2009): 191, 203

--Peter Minowitz, Straussophobia (2009), p. 235

“John Duns Scotus,” “Richard FitzNigel,” “John Fortescue,” “Robert Grosseteste,” “John of Salisbury,” “William of Pagula.” In Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, ed. Donald Rutherford, 2 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2004), 1:346-349, 1:384-385, 1:397-399, 1: 461-462, 1:609-610, 2:1296-1297.

--History of Political Economy 39 (2007): 751 (discussed in review)

“Imperfect Regimes in the Christian Political Thought of Medieval Europe: From the Fathers to the Fourteenth Century.” Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 57 (2004), 525-551.

--James M. Blythe, The Worldview and Thought of Ptolemy Fiadoni (2009), pp. 126, 236

“What is Dead and What is Living in the Scholarship of Walter Ullmann.” Pensiero Politico Medievale 2 (2004), 11-19.

--Maaike van der Lugt, ed., La nature comme source de la morale au Moyen Âge (2014), p. 115

--James Muldoon, ed., Bridging the Medieval-Modern Divide (2013), pp. 180, 200

--Albrecht Classen, ed., Handbook of Medieval Studies (2010), p. 2014

--Pensiero Politico Medievale 7 (2009): 151

“Body Politics: The Diversification of Organic Metaphors in the Later Middle Ages.” Pensiero Politico Medievale 2 (2004), 59-87.

--Gianluca Briguglia, Il pensiero politico medievale (2018), p. 28

--Marta Degani et al, eds., The Languages of Politics, v. 1(2016), pp. 16, 28

--Andreas Musolff, Political Metaphor Analysis (2016), pp. 158, 180

--Polity 48 (2016): 130

--Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3 (2016): 69

-- L’Atelier du CHR: Revue électronique du Centre de Recherches Historiques 16 (2016), nt 64

--Thomas Frank and Daniela Rando, eds., Ernst Kantorowicz (1895-1963) (2015), p. 105

--Maryanne Kowaleski et al, eds., Peasants and Lords in the Medieval English Economy (2015), pp. 184, 189, 195

--Daisy Delogu, Allegorical Bodies (2015), pp. 197, 210, 255

--Christopher Hart and Piotr Capp, eds., Contemporary Critical Discourse Studies (2014), p. 65

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 187

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), p. 359

--Stuart Elden, The Birth of Territory (2013), p. 399

--Journal of Early Modern History 17 (2013): 168

--Gianluca Briguglia, Marsilio da Padova (2013), p. 111

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 144

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 25 (2013): 565, 574

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 24 (2012): 464, 479

--History of Political Thought 33 (2012): 612, 621

--Manuhuia Barcham et al, eds., Corruption (2012) epress.anu.edu.au/apps/bookworm/view/Corruption

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 78

--Henrik Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (2011), p. 1047

--The South Atlantic Quarterly 110 (2011): 905, 913

--Andreas Musolff, Metaphor, Nation and the Holocaust (2010), pp. 148, 192

--James M. Blythe, The Worldview and Thought of Ptolemy Fiadoni (2009), p. 161

--L’Atelier du CHR: Revue électronique du Centre de Recherches Historiques (2008) arch.index318.html nt 4

--Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 70 (2007): 20

--Vasileio Syros, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius of Padua (2007), p. 260

--History of Political Thought 28 (2007): 209

--Takashi Shogimen, Seiji Shindangaku eno Shotai (in Japanese) (2006), p. 211

--Gianluca Briguglia, Il corpo vivente dello Stato (2006), pp. 27, 94

“Individualism,” in The New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz et al, 6 vols. (New York and Detroit: Charles Scribner’s/Gale Group, 2004), 3:1113-11.

Wael.Abu`Uska, Freedom in the Arab World (2016), pp. 190, 133

“Introduction: Deliberative Democracy and the Rhetorical Turn” (with Benedetto Fontana and Gary Remer). In Benedetto Fontana, Cary J. Nederman, and Gary Remer, eds., Talking Democracy: Historical Approaches to Rhetoric and Democratic Theory (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004), 1-25.

--American Political Science Review 110 (2016): 101, 110-111

--Victoria Farrar-Meyers and Justin Vaughn, eds., Controlling the Message (2015), pp. 224, 242

--Metaphor and the Social World (2015): 91, 100

--Journal of Applied Communication Research 42 (2014): 308, 323

--Dean Hammer, Roman Political Thought (2014), pp. 70, 435

--Arabella Lyon, Deliberative Acts (2013), pp. 1, 10, 15, 184, 185

--Markku Peltonen, Rhetoric, Politics and Popularity in Pre-Revolutionary England (2012), p. 257

--Polity 44 (2012): 290

--Daniel Kapust, Republicanism, Rhetoric, and Roman Political Thought (2011), pp. 17, 18

--Annual Review of Political Science 14 (2011): 162-163, 178

--Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 20 (2010): 263, 281

--Rhetoric & Public Affairs 13 (2010): 43, 61

--Political Theory 38 (2010): 322, 337

--John Dryzek, Foundations and Frontiers of Deliberative Governance (2010), pp. 70, 213

--Karen Tracy, Challenges of Ordinary Democracy (2010), p. 229

--Joseph Francese, ed., Perspectives on Gramsci (2009), pp. 96, 191

--Aletta Norval, Aversive Democracy (2007), p. 59

--Rainer Eisfeld, ed., Pluralism (2006), pp. 83, 114

--Political Studies 53 (2005): 745, 751

“The Road to Heaven is Paved with Pious Deceptions: Medieval Speech Ethics and Deliberative Democracy” (with Tsae Lan Lee Dow). In Benedetto Fontana, Cary J. Nederman, and Gary Remer, eds., Talking Democracy: Historical Approaches to Rhetoric and Democratic Theory (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004), 187-211.

--Gary Remer, Ethics and the Orator (2017), pp. 32

--Dallas Denery, The Devil Wins (2015), pp. 286-287

--Dallas Denery et al, eds., Uncertain Knowledge (2014), pp. 30, 33

--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), pp. 191, 251

--Viator 39 (2008): 243

--Phillip W. Gray, Being in the Just War (2007), p. 107

--Istvan Bejczy and Richard G. Newhauser, eds., Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century (2005), p. 172

--Perspectives on Politics 3 (2005): 617 (discussed in review)

“The Calvinist Background to Johannes Althusius’s Idea of Religious Toleration” (with Jesse Chupp). In Frederick S. Carney, Heinz Schilling, and Dieter Wyduckel, ed., Jurisprudenz, politische Theorie und politische Theologie: Beiträge des Herborner Symposions zum 400. Jahrestag der Politica des Johannes Althusius 1603-2003 (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2004), 243-260

--Ann Ward and Lee Ward, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism (2009), p. 88

--John Witt, Jr., The Reformation of Rights (2007), p. 173

--Bettina Koch, Zur Dis-/Kontinuität mittelaterlichen politischen Denkens in der nerzeitlichen politischen Theorie (2005), pp. 18, 278

“Rhetoric, Violence and Gender in Machiavelli” (with Martin Morris). In Maria Falco, ed., Feminist Interpretations of Machiavelli (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004), 267-285.

--Review of Politics 67 (2005): 233

--Perspectives on Politics 3 (2005): 616 (discussed in review)

“Republic.” In The New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz et al, 6 vols. (New York and Detroit: Charles Scribner’s/Gale Group, 2004), 5:2098-2103.

--Antiquity 85 (2011): 173, 185

“Pagula, William of (d. 1332?).” In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. H.C.G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), v. 24, 387-388.

--Laura Slater, Art and Political Thought in Medieval England, c.1150-1350 (2018), pp. 216, 217

--David Matthews, Writing to the King (2010), p. 193

“Review of Caterina Bruschi and Peter Biller, eds., Texts and the Repression of Medieval Heresy.” Speculum 79 (2004), 1047-1048.

--Christine C. Ames, Righteous Persecution (2009), p. 30

--R.I. Moore, Beyond the Persecuting Society, 2nd ed. (2007), pp. 189-190

--American Historical Review 110 (2005): 25

“Commercial Society and Republican Government in the Latin Middle Ages: The Economic Dimensions of Brunetto Latini’s Republicanism.” Political Theory 31 (2003), 644-663

--Maria Luisa Ardizzone, ed., Dante as Political Theorist (2018), p. 147

--Gianluca Briguglia, Il pensiero politico medievale (2018), p. 36

--Eoin Daly, Rousseau’s Constitutionalism (2017), p. 47

--Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschfit voor Wijsbegeerte 107 (2015): 446, 458

--Journal of Medieval History 41 (2015): 104

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 204

--Carlota Cattermole et al, Orotodossia ed eterodossia in Dante Aligheri (2014), p. 904

--French Historical Studies 36 (2013): 44

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 164

--Eric MacGilvray, The Invention of Market Freedom (2011), p. 88

--Viator 42 (2011): 402

--Studi Medievali 50 (2009): 624, 625

--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), p. 252, 254

“Community and Self-Interest: Marsiglio of Padua on Civil Life and

Private Advantage.” Review of Politics 65 (Fall 2003), 395-416.

--Joel Kaye, A History of Balance 1350-1375 (2014), pp. 333, 334

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 202

--David Barry and Caroline Kamau, Public Policy and Media Organizations (2013), pp. 14, 190

--John Ganim and Shayne Aaron Legassie, ed., Cosmopolitianism in the Middle Ages (2013), p. 159

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 155

--Manuhuia Barcham et al, eds., Corruption (2012) epress.anu.edu.au/apps/bookworm/view/Corruption

--Eric MacGilvray, The Invention of Market Freedom (2011), p. 88

--International Journal of Ethics 7 (2011): 161, 170

--Journal of Chinese, Indian, and Islamic Cultural Relations 2 (2008): 174

--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), pp. 252, 254

--Canadian Journal of Political Science 40 (2007): 545

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño, ed., The World of Marsilius of Padua (2006), pp. 208, 252

--Bettina Koch, Zur Dis-/Kontinuität mittelaterlichen politischen Denkens in der nerzeitlichen politischen Theorie (2005), pp. 79, 168

--History of Political Thought 25 (2004): 613

“The Origins of ‘Policy’: Fiscal Administration and Economic Principles in Later Twelfth-Century England.” In Constant J. Mews, Cary J. Nederman, and Rodney Thomson, eds., Rhetoric and Renewal in the Latin West 1100-1500: Essays Presented to John O. Ward (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2003), 149-168.

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--Virginia Cox and John O. Ward, eds., The Rhetoric of Cicero in its Medieval and Renassiance Commentary Tradition (2006), p. 505

--Rhetorical Review 4 (2006): 21-22 (discussed in review)

--Scriptorium: Bulletin Codicologique 60 (2006): 219-220 (discussed in review)

--Journal of Medieval Latin 15 (2005): 308 (discussed in review)

--Rhetoric Society Quarterly 34 (2004): 77 (discussed in review)

--Parergon 21 (2004): 221 (discussed in review)

“Marsiglio of Padua.” In David Boucher and Paul Kelly, eds., Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 124-138.

--Politeja 9 (2015): 6

--Francesco Maiolo, Medieval Sovereignty (2007), pp. 179, 197, 201, 209, 210-211

--Contemporary Political Theory 4 (2005): 89-90 (discussed in review)

“Between Republic and Monarchy? Liberty, Security, and the Kingdom of France in Machiavelli” (with Tatiana V. Gomez). Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (2002), 82-93.

--Catherine Zuckert, Machiavelli’s Politics (2017), pp. 85, 145

--Timothy Fuller, ed., Machiavelli’s Legacy (2014), p. 178

--Theoria 61 (2014): 38, 47

--Yael Manes, Motherhood and Patriarchal Masculinities in Sixteenth-Century Italian Comedy (2011), pp. 17, 137

“The Virtues of Necessity: Labor, Money, and Corruption in John of Salisbury’s Thought.” Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 33 (2002), 54-68.

--The Medieval Low Countries 3 (2016), p. 183

--M. Allen, Money, Prices and Wages (2014), pp. 147, 148

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 196

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 209

--James Davis, Medieval Market Morality (2012), pp. 47, 493

--Roberto Lambertini and Leonardo Sileo, eds., I beno di questo mondo (2010), pp. 18-19

--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), p. 252

--Charles Brucker, ed., Denis Foulechat: Le Policratique de Jean de Salisbury (1372) Livre V (2006), p. 253

--Economic History Review 57 (2004): 172-173

--Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature 88 (2004): 15

“Social Bodies and the Non-Christian ‘Other’ in the Twelfth Century: John of Salisbury and Peter of Celle.” In Albrecht Classen, ed., Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages (New York/London: Routledge, 2002), 192-201.

--John D. Hosler, John of Salisbury: Military Authority of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (2013), p. 128

--Journal of Early Modern History 17 (2013): 169

--Memorabilia 14 (2012): 208

--Albrecht Classen, ed., Violence in Medieval Courtly Literature (2004), p. 30

--Speculum 79 (2004): 750 (discussed in review)

--Journal of Early Modern History 7 (2003): 278

“Mechanics and Citizens: The Reception of the Aristotelian Idea of Citizenship in Late Medieval Europe.” Vivarium 40 (2002), 75-102

--Didier Ottaviani, La Naissance de la science politque (2018), p. 38

--Hannah Crawforth and Sarah Lewis, eds., Family Politics in Early Modern Literature (2017), pp. 14, 260

--Eduard Juncosa Bonet, Estructura y Dinámicas de Poder en El Señorio de Tarragona (2015), pp. 52, 248

--Flora Goudappel, The Effects of EU Citizenship (2014), p. 20

--Slavonic and Eastern European Review 92 (2014): 12

--Lidia Lanza, Aristotele nel pienso political medievale (2013), p. 218

--Religion and Politics 6 (2013): 127, 131,144

--Christopher Brooke and Elizabeth Frazier, ed., Ideas of Education (2013), p. 65

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 157

--Lisa H. Cooper, Artisans and Narrative Craft in Late Medieval England (2011), pp. 184, 226, 227, 233, 260

--Albrecht Classen, ed., Handbook of Medieval Studies (2010), p. 2011

--Oxford Review of Education 36 (2010): 583, 588

--Roberto Lambertini and Leonardo Sileo, eds., I beno di questo mondo (2010), p. 52

--James M. Blythe, The Worldview and Thought of Ptolemy Fiadoni (2009), pp. 156, 157, 158, 159

--Christoph Horn and Ada Neschke-Hentschke, eds., Politischer Aristotelismus (2008), p. 80

--Vasileio Syros, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius of Padua (2007), p. 83

--Kelvin Knight, Aristotelian Philosophy (2006), pp. 52, 55, 61

--Filosofia Politica 19 (April 2005): 43

--Bettina Koch, Zur Dis-/Kontinuität mittelaterlichen politischen Denkens in der nerzeitlichen politischen Theorie (2005), pp. 31, 78, 332

--Frederick S. Carney et al, eds., Jurisprudenz, Politische Theorie und Politische Theologie (2004), p. 31

--Vivarium 40 (2002): 49

“From Moral Virtue to Material Benefit: Dominium and Citizenship in Late Medieval Europe.” In Dwight D. Allman and Michael D. Beaty, eds., Cultivating Citizens (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2002), 43-60.

--Journal of Medieval History 41 (2015): 103

--James M. Blythe, The Worldview and Thought of Ptolemy Fiadoni (2009), pp. 167, 233, 236

--Frederick S. Carney et al, eds., Jurisprudenz, Politische Theorie und Politische Theologie (2004), p. 38 (cites conference paper version)

“The Monarch and the Marketplace: Economic Policy and Royal Finance in William of Pagula’s Speculum Regis Edwardi III.” History of Political Economy 33 (Spring 2001), 51-69.

--Oxford Bibliographies: Markets and Fairs, Medieval Studies (2016) 10.1093/OBO/9780195396584-0219

--Jennifer Hole, Economic Ethics in Late Medieval England (2016), p. 281

--Bettina Koch, Patterns Legitimizing Political Violence in Transcultural Perspectives (2015), p. 61

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), pp, 198, 199

--James Davis, Medieval Market Morality (2012), pp. 58, 63, 493

--Henrik Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (2011), p. 769

--Michael Grünbart, ed., Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft (2011), p. 146

--Christopher Cannon and Maura Nolan, eds., Medieval Latin and Middle English Literature (2011), p. 101

--Journal of Medieval History 36 (2010): 383

--Roberto Lambertini and Leonardo Sileo, eds., I beno di questo mondo (2010), pp. 18-19, 257

--Journal of Chinese, Indian, and Islamic Cultural Relations 2 (2008): 161

--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), pp. 252, 254

--Bettina Koch, Zur Dis-/Kontinuität mittelaterlichen politischen Denkens in der nerzeitlichen politischen Theorie (2005), p. 92

--Ulrike Grassnick, Ratgeber des Königs (2004), p. 60

--Economic History Review 57 (2004): 173

--Financial History Review 10 (2003): 206

--Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature 87 (2003): 38

“Afterward and Updated Bibliography, 1950-2000." In Marsilius of Padua, Defensor Pacis, trans. Alan Gewirth (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001), 442-458.

--British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2018): 279, 294

--Transylvanian Review (2014): 87

--Journal of Legal History 35 (2014): 108

--Journal of Religious History 36 (2012): 165

--Mark Bevir and Caroline Humfrees, eds., Encyclopedia of Political Theory (2010), v. 2, p.855

--Peter Minowitz, Straussophobia (2009), p. 310

--Francesco Maiolo, Medieval Sovereignty (2007), p. 179

--Annabel Brett, ed., Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace (2005), p. xl

--Bettina Koch, Zur Dis-/Kontinuität mittelaterlichen politischen Denkens in der nerzeitlichen politischen Theorie (2005), p. 36

--Frederick S. Carney et al, eds., Jurisprudenz, Politische Theorie und Politische Theologie (2004), p. 23

--Reference & Research Book News (February 1, 2002) (review)

"Problems of Periodization in the History of Toleration" (with John Christian Laursen)." Storia della Storiografia 37 (2000), 55-65.

--Aaron Tyler, Islam, the West, and Tolerance (2008), p. 176

--G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, Christian Persecution, Martyrdom and Orthodoxy (2006), p. 232

--Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (2003): 23

--Maxim Homyakov, ed., Toleration, 2 vols. (2001), 1: 8.

"The Expanding Body Politic: Christine de Pizan and Medieval Political Economy." In Eric Hicks, ed., Au Champ des écritures: Actes du IIIe Colloque International sur Christine de Pizan (Lausanne, 18-22 juillet 1998) (Paris: Honor‚ Champion Éditeur, 2000), 383-397.

--Maryanne Kowaleski et al, eds., Peasants and Lords in the Medieval English Economy (2015), pp. 184, 195

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 202

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 25 (2013): 564, 565

--Vasileios Syros, Marsilius of Padua and the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Thought (2013), p. 184

--History of Political Thought 33 (2012): 619

--Cahiers de Recherces Médiévles et Humanistes 24 (2012): 464

--Manuhuia Barcham et al, eds., Corruption (2012) epress.anu.edu.au/apps/bookworm/view/Corruption

--Barbara K. Altman and Deborah L. McGrady, eds., Christine de Pizan (2003), pp. 102, 134

--Speculum 78 (2003): 797, 807

--Speculum 77 (2002): 933 (discussed in review)

"Confronting Market Freedom: Economic Foundations of Liberty at the End of the Middle Ages." In Robert J. Bast and Andrew C. Gow, eds., Continuity and Change: The Harvest of Late-Medieval and Reformation History (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000), 3-19.

--Christopher Pierson, Just Property, v. 1 (2013), pp 78, 271

--Eric MacGilvray, The Invention of Market Freedom (2011), p. 88

--The Medieval Review (2002) hti.umich.edu/t/tmr TMR ID 02.02.07 (discussed in review)

--Journal of Ecclesiastical History 53 (2002): 367 (discussed in review)

--Sixteenth Century Journal 33 (2002): 226 (discussed in review)

"Rhetoric, Reason and Republic: Republicanisms--Ancient, Medieval and Modern." In James Hankins, ed., Renaissance Civic Humanism: Reappraisals and Reflections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 247-269.

--Christopher Holman, Machiavelli and the Politics of Democratic Innovation (2018), pp. 163, 292.

--Joanne Paul, Thomas More (2017), pp. 148, 149, 162

--Gary Remer, Ethics and the Orator (2017), pp. 226, 258

--The European Legacy 21 (2016): 785-786

--Oxford Bibliographies: Civic Humanism, Renaissance and Reformation (2016) 10.1093/OBO/9780195399301-0234

--Niall Gildea et al, eds., English Studies (2015), p. 65

--William Alton, ed., Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Cicero (2015), p. 310

--Dean Hammer, Roman Political Thought (2014), p. 477

--Revista Brasileira de Ciência Politica 12 (2013): 257, 295

--Gianluca Briguglia, Marsilio da Padova (2013), p. 17

--Contemporary Political Theory 11 (2012): 253, 262

--Markku Peltonen, Rhetorica, Politics and Popularity in Pre-Revolutionary England (2012), p. 262

--Michigan Academician 41 (2012): 30, 36

--Gerson Moreno-Riaño et al, eds., A Companion to Marsilius of Padua (2012), p. 315

--John McCormick, Machiavellian Democracy (2011), pp. 193, 238

--Daniel Kapust, Republicanism, Rhetoric, and Roman Political Thought (2011), p. 31

--European Journal of Political Theory 10 (2011): 93-94, 109

--European Journal of Political Theory 9 (2010): 145-146

--Viator 40 (2009): 42

--William Walker, `Paradise Lost’ and the Republican Tradition from Aristotle to --Machiavelli (2009), pp. 16, 300

--Eighteenth-Century Life 33 (2009): 87, 96

--Dean Hammer, Roman Political Thought and the Modern Theoretical Imagination (2008), pp. 236, 238, 318

--Viator 39 (2008): 243

--Varia Historia 24 (2008): 561

--John F. McDiarmid, ed., The Monarchical Republic of Early Modern England (2007), p. 114

--Vasileio Syros, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius of Padua (2007), p. 75

--English Historical Review 122 (2007): 1230, 1231

--Past and Present No. 195 (2007): 254

--Kevin O’Leary, Saving Democracy (2006), pp. 81, 245

--Andrew Hadfield, Shakespeare and Republicanism (2005), p. 282

--Res Publica 15 (2005): 31

--Raia Prokhovnik, Spinoza and Republicanism (2004), pp. 255, 270

--History of Political Thought 24 (2003): 103

--Renaissance Quarterly 55 (2002): 289, 290 (discussed twice in review)

--Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 42 (2001): 689 (discussed in review)

--Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2001): 741

--American Political Science Review 95 (2001): 298

--American Historical Review 106 (2001): 1491 (discussed in review)

--Sixteenth Century Journal 32 (2001): 817-818 (discussed in review)

“Community and the Rise of Commercial Society: Political Economy and Political Theory in Nicholas Oresme’s De Moneta.” History of Political Thought 21 (Spring 2000), 1-15

--History of Political Economy 49 (2017): 640, 664

--Speculum 92 (2017): 90

--Bruce Buchan and Lisa Hill, An Intllectual History of Corruption (2014), p. 198

--History of Political Thought 33 (2012): 616

--Manuhuia Barcham et al, eds., Corruption (2012) epress.anu.edu.au/apps/bookworm/view/Corruption

--Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 38 (2011): 3, 21

--Journal of Medieval History 36 (2010): 384

--Hendrik Mäkeler, Reichsmünzwesen im späten Mittelalter (2010), pp. 31, 308.

--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), p. 254

--Rogelio Fernándex Delgado, Liberalismo y estatismo en el siglo de oro español (2006), pp. 86, 281

"War, Peace, and Republican Virtue: Patriotism and the Neglected Legacy of Cicero." In Norma Thompson, ed., Instilling Ethics (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000), 17-29.

--Jed W. Atkins, Roman Political Thought (2018), pp. 195, 216

--Gary Remer, Ethics and the Orator (2017), pp. 215, 258

--Walter Nicgorski, Ciero’s Skepticism and His Recovery of Political Philosophy (2016), p. 160

--Dean Hammer, Roman Political Thought (2014), pp. 86, 88, 478

--Dean Hammer, Roman Political Thought and the Modern Theoretical Imagination (2008), pp. 237, 318

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--Christine Reinie and Harald Winkel, eds., Historische Exempla in Fürstenspiegeln und Fürstenleahren (2011), p. 21

--Stephen Rigby, Wisdom and Chivalry (2009), pp. 13, 312

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--Daisy Delogu, Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign (2008), pp. 189, 245

--Historisches Jahrbuch 126 (2006): 29

--Brian Lockey, Law and Empire in British Renaissance Literature (2006), p. 42

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--Ulrike Grassnick, Ratgeber des Königs (2004), p. 44

--Historische Zeitschrift 275 (2002): 600

--Kate L. Forhan, The Political Theory of Christine de Pizan (2002), pp. 28, 35, 54

--Janet Coleman, A History of Political Thought from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (2000), p. 250

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--José Palacios Royan, ed., Juan de Palisbury: Policraticus Libros I-IV (2008), p. 249

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--Gianni Paganini, ed., The Return of Skepticism (2003), pp. 294, 301

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--Tomas Macsotay et al, eds., The Hurt(ful) Body (2017), p. 136

--Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38 (2015): 333

--Modern Philology 111 (2013): 255, 256, 278

--Sarah Ellenzweig, The Fringes of Belief (2008), pp. 182-183

--Denis Veiras, The History of the Sevarambians (2006), p. xii

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--Derecho Público Iberoamericano 13 (2018): 15, 69

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--Phil Zuckerman and John Shook, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Secularism (2017), pp. 127, 141

--Victoria Christman, Pragmatic Toleration (2015), pp. 225, 249

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--Karen Sullivan, The Inner Lives of Medieval Inquisitors (2011), p. 211

--John Perry, The Pretenses of Loyalty (2011), pp. 75, 227

--Political Research Quarterly 63 (2010): 244, 256

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--Aaron Tyler, Islam, the West, and Tolerance (2008), p. 177

--Victor Houliston, Catholic Resistance in Elizabethan England (2007), p. 140

--Alexandra Walsham, Charitable Hatred (2006), pp. 10, 33

--John Coffee, Persecution and Toleration in Protestant England, 1558- 1689 (2000), pp. 5, 7

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--Perez Zagorin, How the Idea of Religious Toleration Come to the

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--Hannah Skoda et al, eds., Contract and Exchange in Later Medieval Europe (2012), pp. 194, 201

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--History of European Ideas 43 (2017), p. 284

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--Richard Cleminson and Francisco Váquez García, Hermaphroditism, Medieval Science and Sexual Identity in Spain (2009), pp. 63, 64, 256

--James M. Blythe, The Worldview and Thought of Ptolemy Fiadoni (2009), p. 63

--Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad 1 (2009): 75, 87

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--Historical Materialism 14 (2006): 317

--History of Political Thought 17 (2006): 384

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--Archives Europeennes de Sociologie 2 (2002): 241

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--Revue Française d’Histoire des Idées Politiques 32 (2010): 363, 364

--Stephen Humphreys, Theatre of the Rule of Law (2010), pp. 96, 244

--Robert Pasnau, ed., The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy (2010), pp. 881, 1150

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--Michael Lobban, A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Common Law World, 1600-1900 (2007), pp. 5, 248

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--British Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (2013): 668, 669, 677, 678, 686

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--Cahiers de civilization médiévale 53 (2010): 250

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--Carlo Dolcini, Introduzione a Marsilio da Padova (1995), p. 102

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--History of Political Thought 4 (1983): 285


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