The Pastoral Staff and members of Our Lady of Sorrows ...


Deceased Person _______________________________________________________________

Date __________________________ Time _____________


Part I: Introductory Rites

Placing of the Pall

Immediate family members and/or close friends are asked to place the pall on the coffin.

Placing of Christian Symbols (optional)

A symbol of Christian life such as a Bible, cross, rosary or other religious article may be placed on the coffin.

Item _____________________________________________________________

Processional Song: ________________________________________________________

Part II: Liturgy of the Word (all page numbers and readings numbers correspond with the book Through Death to Life)

Reading I: pages 37-46 (C1-11) or pages 57-67 (E1-15)

no. _____ page _____

read by: ___________________________________________________________

Responsorial Psalm (sung): _________________________________________________

Reading II: pages 57-67 (E1-15)

no. _____ page _____

read by: ___________________________________________________________

The Gospel Acclamation is sung.

Gospel: pages 70-88 (G1-19)

no. _____ page _____

The gospel is read by either the priest or the deacon.

Notes: Through Death to Life contains the most common readings for funeral Masses. If you have a reading from the Bible that is not included in Through Death to Life that you want to use in the funeral Mass, please check with us. You can eliminate Reading II if you want. If you do that, Reading I should come from pages 57-67 (E1-15).

General Intercessions: Are there any special people and/or needs that you would like us to pray for during the funeral Mass?


III. Liturgy of the Eucharist

Presentation of the Gifts (bread and wine for the Eucharist)

Brought forward by

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

Music for the Presentation of the Gifts (3 options)

Instrumental music: _________________________________________________

Vocal Solo: ________________________________________________________

Hymn (sung by all): _________________________________________________

Communion Song: ________________________________________________________

IV. Final Commendation

Remarks of Remembrance

The policy of the Archdiocese of Boston allows for 1 person to give “Remarks of Remembrance” (eulogy). These remarks should not exceed five minutes.

Yes _____ No _____ If yes, by whom? ___________________________

V. Procession to the Place of Committal

Recessional Song: ________________________________________________________

Funeral Music

Music is integral to the funeral rites.  It allows the community to express convictions and feelings that words alone may fail to convey.  It has the power to console and uplift the mourners and to strengthen the unity of the assembly in faith and love.  The texts of the songs chosen for a particular celebration should express the paschal mystery of the Lord's suffering, death, and triumph over death and should be related to the readings from Scripture.


Since music can evoke strong feelings, the music for the celebration of the funeral rites should be chosen with great care.  The music at funerals should support, console, and uplift the participants and should help to create in them a spirit of hope in Christ's victory over death and in the Christian's share in that victory.

This list of funeral music is not exhaustive. Please consult with the Music Director if you would like to use a Biblical or religious hymn that is not on this list.

Processional, Presentation of the Gifts (hymn optional), Recessional

All Creatures of Our God and King (611)

Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (949)

Amazing Grace (645)

At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing (536)

Be Not Afraid (683)

Blest Are They (735)

Christ the Lord is Risen Today (523)

Crown Him with Many Crowns (574)

Day Is Done (858)

Easter Alleluia (537)

For All the Saints (884)

For the Beauty of the Earth (633)

Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (889)

Here I Am Lord (777)

How Great Thou Art (578)

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (724)

I Know that My Redeemer Lives (972)

I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (593)

Jerusalem, My Happy Home (870)

Jesus Christ is Risen Today (540)

Jesus, Remember Me (510)

Let There Be Peace On Earth (829)

Lord of All Hopefulness (663)

O God, Our Help in Ages Past (688)

On Eagle’s Wings (691)

Prayer of St. Francis (Make Me a Channel of Your Peace) (828)

Precious Lord, Take My Hand (955)

Shelter Me, O God (717)

Shepherd Me, O God (35)

Shepherd of My Heart (723)

Sing a New Song (607)

Sing With All the Saints in Glory (539)

Soon and Very Soon (865)

The King of Love My Shepherd Is (712)

The Strife Is O’er (525)

To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King (573)

We Have Been Told (784)

What Wondrous Love Is This (642)

Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones (882)

You Are Mine (721)

You Are Near (695)


23: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

25: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul.

27: The Lord is my light and my salvation.

63: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.

103: The Lord is kind and merciful.


Eat This Bread (941)

I Am the Bread of Life (945)

I Received the Living God (916)

Take and Eat (950)

You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (940)

We Remember How You Loved Us (681)


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