Department of Biological Sciences

Department of Biological Sciences:

Application for Awards for Biology, Microbiology and Exercise Science Majors

Spring 2009

Applicant's Name: Date:

Applicant's email: Local Phone #:1

Applicant's I.D. Number: Major2:

1A local phone number (or cell phone number) is essential.

2The applicant must be currently enrolled at NAU as a Biology, Microbiology or Exercise Science Major.

To apply, submit a completed application packet (this form, a personal statement, and a current transcript) by 5 PM on March 6, 2009 to the Biological Sciences Advisement Center, Rm. 144, Bldg. 21. Incomplete packets will not be accepted.

Place a check mark in the box next to each award for which the applicant is to be considered; students may nominate themselves for any of the awards listed below. Qualifications for each award are attached. Please do not apply for awards for which you are not qualified.

❑ Junior Achievement Award

❑ Senior Achievement Award

❑ Eugene and Margery Bayless Endowed Scholarship

❑ Kenneth E. Derifield Memorial Scholarship

❑ Vesto Melvin Slipher Scholarship

❑ James R. Wick Scholarship

❑ James Rominger Scholarship

❑ Chester F. "Danny" Deaver Memorial Scholarship

❑ Richard F. Shand Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Microbiology

(this award has additional application requirements)

❑ Dr. Richard M. Paicius Endowed Scholarship

❑ Arizona Flycasters Scholarship

❑ Stanley A. Rasmussen Scholarship

❑ Exercise Physiology Scholarship

❑ Helen Oswalt Memorial Scholarship

Credit hours completed (fill in the table below for all institutions attended)

|Institution |Credits |

|Northern Arizona University | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Total number of credits | |

Credit hours currently in progress

Expected date of graduation

Class standing at beginning of next fall semester

I will be enrolled in classes at NAU during the next (check only one):

( Fall only ( Both Fall and Spring ( I will not be enrolled at NAU

during either Fall or Spring

Member of Tri-Beta (((()?: ( yes ( no

Some awards have a requirement for financial need. Please estimate your financial need:

( None ( Slight ( Moderate ( Heavy

Personal Statement: Please attach a one page (maximum) statement describing your academic and/or research accomplishments, any previous awards or scholarships, extracurricular service, and any contributions you have made to the Department of Biological Sciences; and outline your future career goals.

Financial Aid Award Letter: If you currently receive financial aid through the NAU Financial Aid Office, please attach a copy of your current award letter.

Transcript: Please attach a current transcript (LOUIE transcripts are fine).

Letters of Support: TWO letters of support, including at least one from a biology department faculty or staff member, must be submitted to the Academic Excellence Committee (NAU Biology, P.O. Box 5640, Flagstaff, AZ, 86011-5640) by the closing date (see below). The applicant must list below the names of individuals who have agreed to write support letters, and the applicant should ensure that such letters are submitted. Applicants for the Junior and Senior Achievement Awards need only ONE letter of support, which should come from a Biology Department faculty or staff member.

1st letter of support will be provided by:

2nd letter of support will be provided by:

If I receive a scholarship or other award, I agree to:

1) write a thank you letter to my scholarship donor(s)

2) attend, if possible, the Department of Biological Sciences award ceremony during Honors Week (April 20 – 24, 2009)

3) attend, if possible, the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences Awards Ceremony (usually every October)

I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions:

Applicant signature Date

Descriptions and Qualifications of Awards

|Junior Achievement Award ($50): |Bayless Award: |

|• Biology, Microbiology or Exercise Science Major |• Biology or Microbiology Major |

|• 60-89 hours completed |• GPA of at least 3.5 |

|• GPA of at least 3.2 |• 90 hours or above (with at least 45 hours at NAU) = Senior |

|• Strong achievements at NAU |• Completed significant research project that is near publication or |

| |presented at scientific meeting |

|Senior Achievement Award ($50): |Derifield Award: |

|• Biology, Microbiology or Exercise Science Major |• Biology or Microbiology Major |

|• 90+ hours completed |• GPA at least 3.4 in Biology |

|• GPA of at least 3.2 |• Junior with 20+ in Biology and 30+ hours taken at NAU (Senior year to |

|• Strong achievements at NAU |be completed at NAU) |

| |• Member of TriBeta who has been of service to the Biology department |

|Rominger Scholarship (for plant sciences): |Deaver Award (for plant sciences): |

|• Undergraduate Biology or Microbiology Majors preferred; graduate |• Biology or Microbiology Major (with achievements in applied plant |

|students can apply |sciences) |

|• Interest and/or achievements in plant sciences |• Permanent Resident of Arizona |

|Full time NAU student for semester of award |• Undergraduate or graduate student |

| |• 60+ hours completed (with at least 30 hours taken at NAU) |

|Slipher Award: |Wick Scholarship (for purchase of textbooks): |

|• Biology or Microbiology Major |• Biology or Microbiology Major |

|• Financial need |• 30-40 hours applied to degree with at least 15 hours taken at NAU |

|• Outstanding student in Biology |(Sophomore) |

|Attending NAU in the fall |• GPA at least 3.5 |

| |• Demonstrated financial need |

| |• Full time NAU student for semester of award |

|Arizona Flycasters Scholarship: |Dr. Richard M. Paicius Endowed Scholarship |

|Demonstrated interest in fish management, fisheries, or aquatic biology |NAU Junior or Senior (60+ credits) |

|and conservation |Must be in good academic standing |

|NAU Junior or Senior (60+ credits) |Student of CENS |

|Minimum GPA of 2.5, with a preference for 3.0 |Intent to pursue a career in bio-medical |

|Demonstrated competence in the core curriculum of Natural Sciences |professions |

| |Be currently advised by Bio-medical |

| |professions office (Monica Bai) |

|Exercise Physiology Scholarship: |Rasmussen Scholarship: |

|• Exercise Science Major |• Exercise Science Major |

|• Senior standing (90+ hours completed) |• GPA at least 3.25 |

|Active in exercise physiology research and/or interested in career in |• Junior, Senior or Graduate student standing (60+ hours completed) |

|exercise physiology |• Active service in the area of Exercise Science |

|Helen Oswalt Memorial Scholarship |Richard F. Shand Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in |

|Junior or Senior female student majoring in Exercise Science |Microbiology: |

|GPA at least 3.0 |Doing research in Microbiology |

|Demonstrated academic achievement |Major in the Dept. of Biological Sciences |

|Financial need as approved by the Office of Student Financial Aid |Junior or senior level, in good academic standing |

|Attending NAU in the fall. |*Applications must include the following additional items: |

| |(1) Description of research project and how this research will impact |

| |your future plans (2 pages, double-spaced, 0.6 inch margins, 12 pt. |

| |font) |

| |(2) Letter of support from your research mentor. The letter should be |

| |attached to the application in a sealed envelope, signed by the mentor |

| |across the back flap and with your name and "Shand Microbiology |

| |Scholarship" on the front. |


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