
Bronx Health REACH

New York Center of Excellence in the Elimination of Disparities

Legacy Projects

Request for Proposals


Diabetes affects 23.8 million people in the United States. However, diabetes does not impact all communities equally. In New York City, for example, the rate of diabetes among Latinos is twice that of whites, and black New Yorkers are nearly three times as likely to die from diabetes as white New Yorkers.

Diabetes prevention and management interventions often attempt to teach individuals to adopt healthier behaviors. However, it is difficult to change these behaviors if the environments where people live, work, play, and pray do not support healthy behaviors. Furthermore, many at risk individuals may face barriers to accessing quality health care. Increasingly communities and health professionals realize that ending diabetes disparities requires the creation of policies, systems, and environments that support healthy behaviors and healthcare access.

Bronx Health REACH seeks proposals for innovative projects that seek to change policies, systems, or environments with the goals of creating healthier communities and eliminating diabetes disparities. Selected proposals will receive funding and technical assistance to implement twelve month long “Legacy Projects”. We invite eligible organizations to submit proposals by July 8, 2011. Three projects will be funded in the amount of $25,000-$30,000.


Bronx Health REACH was formed in 1999 to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health outcomes in diabetes and heart disease in Black and Latino communities in the southwest Bronx. The Bronx Health REACH Coalition, led by the Institute for Family Health, includes over 70 community-based organizations, health care providers, faith-based institutions, housing and social service agencies. Its research partner is the New York Academy of Medicine.

The goals of the Bronx Health REACH Coalition are to serve as a national model of an empowered community demonstrating how to build a healthy community; promote healthy behaviors; increase awareness of racial and ethnic disparities in how health care is provided; identify and promote models of accessible, respectful, and culturally sensitive quality health care; and encourage policy changes that lead to a healthier community.

From 2000 through 2007, Bronx Health REACH received funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) REACH 2010 Initiative. In October 2007, the CDC designated Bronx Health REACH a National Center of Excellence in the Elimination of Disparities (CEED). As a CEED, one goal of Bronx Health REACH is to help other communities design and implement programs to address racial and ethnic health disparities and improve health outcomes in diabetes.

Legacy Projects

One role of the CEED is to support the initiation of new projects that will help promote the CEED goals and objectives. Bronx Health REACH /NY CEED provides technical assistance and seed grants to support new projects with a high probability of success and sustainability. We invite eligible organizations to submit proposals for funding by July 8, 2011.

Eligible projects will aim to address the factors contributing to health disparities related to diabetes prevention, management, and treatment in Black and/or Latino communities. Applicants should consider projects that seek to influence policies and/or practices in communities or community organizations such as schools, faith-based institutions, worksites and/or businesses. All projects must demonstrate a connection between the proposed project and the creation of an environment that reduces diabetes risk for community members. As such, all projects must have the potential to address at least one of the following:

• increase opportunities for healthy eating

• increase opportunities for physical activity

• reduce incidence of type 2 diabetes

• increase self-management of diabetes

• improve access to the healthcare system

Community Coalition Requirement

Projects must include a proposed level of collaboration among diverse constituents and the involvement of community members in the project activities. Specifically Legacy Projects should be guided by a coalition of three or more organizations collaborating to plan and implement the project. Projects must convene or identify a community-based coalition to meet on a quarterly basis (minimally) to guide the project.

One role of the Community Coalition is to ensure meaningful involvement of community members in the planning and implementation of the project. Projects may define community members as clients, patients, students, customers, business owners, congregants, residents etc depending on the scope of the project.

Funds Available

Bronx Health REACH/NY CEED will award three grants of $25,000-$35,000. Funding will be for one year, beginning September 30, 2011.

Important Dates

|Release Date |- |June 1, 2011 |

|Notice of Intent Due Date |- |June 21, 2011 |

|Webinar for applicants |- |2pm June 23, 2011 |

|Proposals Due Date |- |5pm July 8, 2011 |

|Conference Call Interviews with Finalists |- |July/August 2011 |

|Notice of Awards |- |August 31, 2011 |

|Site Visits/Finalization of Work Plans and Budgets |- |September 2011 |

|Anticipated Start Date |- |September 30, 2011 |

Eligibility Criteria

Organizations submitting applications must:

1) provide proof of tax-exempt status

2) serve their local community

3) serve primarily Black and/or Latino populations

4) have access to email and Microsoft Word

5) document through letters of support the collaborative relationship that will support the proposed activities

Prior Bronx Health REACH/NY CEED Legacy Project grantees are not eligible.

Eligible organizations outside of New York State are welcome to apply.

Requirements of Legacy Project Awardees

• After notification of award, include any revisions to the proposal as advised by Bronx Health REACH staff (if needed)

• Complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the lead agency for Bronx Health REACH, The Institute for Family Health

• Submit a copy of any materials or data produced through the Legacy Pilot Project funding

• Submit quarterly progress and expense reports

• Participate in quarterly conference calls and at least one site visit with Bronx Health REACH staff

• Participate in at least one NY CEED Legacy Project Summit

Notice of Intent

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a notice of intent. Please email Jill Linnell at jlinnell@ with the subject “Legacy Project Notice of Intent” by June 21 with the following information:

1. Applying organization’s name and address

2. Name, phone, and email for person to contact regarding the proposal

3. How you heard about the RFP

4. Any questions regarding the proposal processes

Notice of intent is non-binding and has no bearing on the final application. Log-in information for the Legacy Project Applicant Webinar on June 23 will be provided to those completing a notice of intent.

Submitting a Proposal:

Application Form

Complete the application form (attached).


The narrative portion of the proposal should be no more than six (6) pages long, single spaced, in 12 point font (Ariel or Times New Roman), with one inch margins. Required attachments (listed below) are not included in the page count.

The narrative should cover the following information:

▪ Need to be addressed (1/2 – 1 page): What is the health problem you will address? What evidence do you have of this problem in your community?

▪ Community to be served (1/2 page): What is the community you plan to serve? Where is it located? What are the demographics for this community? (Economic status, education levels, ethnic/racial composition and health status etc.) Be sure to provide information about the specific group that will be reached by your program.

▪ Description of the coalition (1/2 page)

All Legacy Projects must be guided by a coalition of three or more organizations collaborating to plan and implement the project. If the coalition is established, describe the members, when you started working together and what you have done as a group. If the coalition is new, describe any past collaborations, why you came together, and how you plan to develop the coalition.

▪ Project Description (2-3 pages):

o Goals and Objectives What will you do to address the problem you identified? Describe the goals and objectives of the work your organization plans to do and the activities that you will implement to meet those goals and objectives. Goals should be framed as visionary statements about where the program or target population will be at the end of the grant funding. Objectives are “milestones” or “benchmarks” on the way to achieving goals. Use the SMART objective format (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-oriented).

o Anticipated Outcomes: What will result if you meet your goals and objectives? What changes do you expect to see in the community as a result of your project?

o Timeline: What are the major activities and events of your project? When do you expect to achieve them?

▪ Community Participation (1/2 page): How will community members who are stakeholders be involved in planning and implementing your project? How will they be involved in program activities?

▪ Evaluation plan (1/2-1 page): What information will you collect to determine if you are meeting your objectives? Include both quantitative and qualitative data. Describe how you will collect and analyze this information.

▪ Organizational capacity (1/2 page): Describe your coalition’s capacity to carry out the proposed work. Describe the financial, administrative, and management structure of the lead organization. List the roles and responsibilities of the individuals and organizations who will be involved in your project.

▪ Sustainability (1/2 page): What will you do to continue the partnership of the participating organizations after the end of this grant? What will you do to sustain the project goals after the end of this grant?

Required Attachments

Please included all items listed below in the final application. Additional materials will not be reviewed.

A. A work plan (template provided) that clearly indicates:

▪ Goals and objectives (refer to definition of goals and objectives in narrative instructions)

▪ Activities planned to meet those objectives

▪ Persons responsible

▪ Timeline

▪ Anticipated outcomes

▪ Anticipated products

B. A budget for the dollars requested and any additional support available. The budget (template provided, also available as an Excel spreadsheet) should include all project expenses including personnel, supplies, travel, contractual, indirect expenses etc. as applicable.

C. A budget justification should include a brief description for each item requested in the budget:

• Personnel-List position, title, name of person filling the position (if known), salary (or rate), and describe the role and responsibilities of each position. For each position include, if applicable:

▪ percentage of work time to be dedicated to the project

▪ total number of months dedicated to work on project.

▪ amount of salary/pay coming from other sources (if applicable)

▪ amount requested

• Fringe Benefits-List all components of the fringe benefit and explain the rate (if applicable).

• Travel-Explain the need for all travel and itemized expenditures including:

▪ Miles, rate, and reason for local travel.

▪ Travel outside of local area should include reason, allowable per diem, hotel registration, mileage or ticket estimates, etc.

• Equipment/Supplies-Provide itemized list of project-specific supplies, printing costs, educational supplies etc.

• Contractual Costs-Briefly explain the need for each contractual arrangement and how these components relate to the overall project and accomplishment of grant objectives.

• Indirect Costs-State the rate (not to exceed 15%) and amount used to calculate.

D. Documentation of the applicant’s non-profit status.

E. Letter of Support or Agreement from collaborating organizations and/or coalition members.

Electronic submissions (Word or PDF) are preferred but hard copies will also be accepted. Send proposals to:

Jill Linnell, Grants and Contracts Manager

Bronx Health REACH/New York CEED

Institute for Family Health

16 East 16th Street

New York, NY 10003

(212) 633-0800 x1305


Electronic submissions must be sent and hard copies must be received

by 5pm EST on July 8, 2011. Late proposals will not be accepted.



Organization Applying

|Name: |       |

|Address: |       |

|City: |       |State: |      |Zip: |      |

|Project Title: |       |

|Amount Requested: |$      |

Contact Person for Proposal and Program Information

|Name: |      |

|Position: |      |

|Phone: |      |

|Email: |      |

Contact Person for Fiscal and Contract Information

|Name: |      |

|Position: |      |

|Phone: |      |

|Email: |      |

Checklist of Required Application Materials

Application form

Narrative, no more than six (6) pages long, single spaced, in 12 point font (Ariel or Times New Roman), with one inch margins.

A work plan (template provided)

Budget (template provided)

Budget justification

Documentation of the applicant’s non-profit status

Letters of Support/Agreement on organization letterhead clearly defining roles of each Coalition member on the project



Project Name:

|Project Period Goals |Objectives |Action Steps |Staff Responsible |Timeline |Anticipated Outcomes |

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|Organization: | | |

|Project Name: | | |

|Address: | | |

| |Description |Amount Requested |

|PERSONNEL |  |  |

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|FRINGE |  | |

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|(not to exceed 15%) |  | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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