
From Morte D’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory

Before You Read:

1. List at least 6 elements that relate to a medieval romance:

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

p. 185:

2. After reading the opening paragraph, speculate on what elements of medieval romance you might find in this story?

3. Summarize Author’s dream as described on page 185.

4. Compare and contrast the details in the picture on page 185 with those in Malory’s account of Arthur’s dream.

Page 186 (2nd paragraph)

4. What are 3 key points of Sir Gawain’s speech in the dream?

a. b. c.

5. Remember the Christian influence on the code of chivalry. Name some elements of the dream that reflect this Christian influence:

p. 187 (2nd and 3rd Paragraphs):

6. Summarize these two paragraphs: Key Words/Phrases

p. 188:

7. Analyze the picture: Why do you think Arthur is depicted in red and Mordred in black? What other details contribute to the grim mood? Explain:

p. 189:

8. Summarize the events on this page. Key Words/Phrases

9. What does Sir Lucan urge King Arthur to do? Does King Arthur listen to him? Why or Why not?

p. 190:

10. What note of realism does this paragraph strike?

p. 191-192:

11. What does Arthur ask Sir Bedivere to do with Excalibur? What does he actually do with it? What then happens to the sword?

p. 193:

12. Interpret the artwork on this page. How does this painting relate to the tale?

p. 194:

13. What happens to Sir Bedivere after Arthur departs on the barge?

Constructed Response:

Essential Question Review: What is the relationship of the writer to tradition?

Do the authors of these selections (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight/Morte D’Arthur) accept or question the code of chivalry? In your response, use at least two of these Essential Question words: traditional, ideal, conform.


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