
English 12CP esmith@sheridan.k12.in.us

Mr. Smith 317-758-4431 extension 4123

General Course Information:

The focus of English12 is British literature and college preparatory reading and writing. We will be studying short stories, essays, plays, and novels from various British authors. We will also have vocabulary quizzes and several writing assignments. Students will also construct senior boards during the 4th quarter.

Assignments are expected to be turned in by the due date. Late work will be reduced 10% per day late.

Excused absences on assignment due dates will extend the due dates one day for each day the student is absent. Longer extensions may be given for lengthy excused absences. Discuss your situation with Mr. Smith if you need an extension. Work that is late due to an unexcused absence will not be accepted.

Grading scale: 100 (A), 90 (A-), 80 (B-), 70 (C-), 60 (D-)

Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment.

Classroom rules involve respect:

• Respect yourself

o Come to class prepared and on-time (tardies will be documented).

o Pay attention (avoid using cell phones and other electronics in class unless permission is given).

o Do assigned work on time.

• Respect others

o Avoid disrupting others.

o Avoid talking when I or others are presenting to the class as a whole or we are having quiet work time.

o Treat others as you would want to be treated.

• Respect property

o Keep your hands off others’ property.

o Damaging school property disrespects the people of Sheridan, who bought it for your benefit, and other students who must also use the same property.

o Clean up after yourself.

Movie Permission:

Throughout the year we may watch all or parts of various movies. Any movie shown will be used to enhance the curriculum and teach course objectives. For example, literary scholars agree that Shakespeare’s works were written to be seen as a play, rather than read, so we will watch Macbeth and/or Hamlet. With the exception of Michael Radford’s rated “R” adaptation of George Orwell’s British Literary classic, 1984, all of the movies we may watch have a PG, PG-13, or TV-14 rating. I will try to select scenes that are school appropriate. However, I know that “school appropriate” is subjective, so I require students to have a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian before watching any movies in class, even if the student is age 17 or older. An alternative assignment will be given if the student does not have parental permission to watch movies. A list of movies that we may watch follows:

List of possible movies to be shown:

1984 – 1984

Beowulf – 2007

The Island – 2005

Robinson Crusoe -- 1997

Hamlet – 1996

MacBeth – 2010

A Tale of Two Cities – 1958

My student, ____________________________________, has my permission to watch the above movies as well as other PG and PG13 movies that may be shown, which are related to the curriculum.


Parent or Guardian Signature


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