List #1 - Georgetown ISD

English IV 2nd 9 weeks SAT vocab and definitions

List #6 - Homework: Write simple sentences with these vocabulary words. Due 11/6(A) and 11/7 (B) and Quiz (2 daily grades)

1. exculpate – to clear from alleged fault or guilt

2. expiate – obsolete: to put an end to

3. extricate – to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty, unravel

4. fallible – liable to be erroneous, capable of making a mistake

5. feasible – capable of being done or carried out, or dealt with successfully

6. firebrand – a piece of burning wood, one that creates unrest or strife, agitator

7. flout – to treat with contemptuous disregard, scorn, to indulge in scornful behavior

8. fraught – well supplied or provided, full of or accompanied by something specified, causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension: uneasy

9. funereal – of or relating to a funeral,

10. gall – bile, something bitter to endure, bitterness of spirit: rancor, brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolence

List #7 - Homework: Write compound sentences with these vocabulary words. Due 11/12 (A) & 11/13 (B) and Quiz

1. garrulous – given to rambling, pointlessly or annoyingly talkative, wordy

2. glutinous – having the quality of glue, gummy

3. goad – something that pains as if by pricking: thorn, or urges into action: spur

4. harbinger – one that pioneers in or initiates a major change: precursor, one that foreshadows what is to come

5. heath - a tract of wasteland, an extensive area of rather level open uncultivated land usually with poor coarse soil and inferior drainage

6. heresy – adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma, dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion or practice

7. hermetic – (often capitalized) of or relating to mystical writings, occultism, airtight (hermetic seal), impervious to external influence, recluse, solitary

8. heterodox – contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard or an established religion: unorthodox, unconventional

9. husbandry – conservation, the cultivation or production of plants or animals: agriculture

10. ignominious – marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame: dishonorable, despicable,

List #8 - Homework: Write complex sentences with these vocabulary words. Due 11/18 (A) & 11/19 (B) and Quiz

1. imbroglio: an acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding, scandal

2. imperious: marked by arrogant assurance

3. impervious: not capable of being damaged or harmed, affected or disturbed

4. impolitic: unwise

5. importunate: troublesomely urgent, overly persistent in request or demand

6. incipient: beginning to come into being or to become apparent

7. indecorum: lack of decorum (good taste in conduct or appearance), impropriety

8. indigenous: produced, living or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment

9. ingenious: marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution

10. ingenuous: showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness, lacking craft or subtlety

List #9 - Homework: Write compound/complex sentences with these vocabulary words. Due 11/22 (A) & 11/25 (B) and Quiz

1. ingress – the act of entering

2. inter – to deposit a dead body

3. intransigent – refusal to compromise

4. invective – characterized by insult or abuse

5. irascible – marked by a hot temper and easily provoked to anger

6. juggernaut – a massive force or movement that crushes all in it’s path

7. laconic – uses a minimum of words, concise

8. laudatory – expressing praise

9. lugubrious – mournful, dismal

10. magnanimous – showing a lofty or courageous spirit, a generosity of feeling or mind

List #10 - Homework: Write a paragraph with these vocabulary words. Due 12/3 (A) & 12/4 (B) and Quiz

1. malediction – curse, execration

2. maudlin – weakly, and effusively sentimental

3. megalopolis – a very large city, a thickly populated region centered on a metropolis

4. mendacious – characterized by deception, falsehood or divergence from absolute truth

5. mendicant – beggar, member of a religious order owning no property

6. misanthrope – a person who hates and mistrusts mankind

7. mores – moral attitudes, binding customs of a particular group

8. moribund – being in a state of dying, or inactivity

9. motley – variegated in color, composed of diverse often incongruous elements

10. nebulous – indistinct, vague, of or relating to a nebula

Vocab. TEST Dec. 5 (A) and Dec. 6 (B); Graded tests returned on Dec. 9 & 10; corrections for failed tests only (write the missed word and it's definition in a complete sentence) due on Dec. 12 (B) & 13 (A). Corrected tests will receive a 70.


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