The list of donors’ organizations, international agencies ...

[Pages:7]The list of donors' organizations, international agencies and groups presented in CIS countries and Mongolia



Target Countries

Target Areas

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

UNDP - United Nations Development Program



Caucasus and


CIS countries and Mongolia

to raise living standards and increase availability of agricultural products; a UN specialized agency to provide technical assistance to stimulate economic and social development

UNEP - United Nations Environment Program

UNESCAP - UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

ADB - Asian Development Bank

WB - World Bank

GEF - Global Environment Facility

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation ? CAREC

Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development sector of Europe and Central Asia (ECSSD)

Global Environment Program with WB

CIS countries and Mongolia

Azerbaijan, Central Asia and Mongolia CIS and Mongolia

CIS and Mongolia

to promote international cooperation on all environmental matters The new subsidiary structure of the Commission consists of three thematic committees: Poverty reduction, Managing globalization, and Addressing emerging social issues Environment, Poverty Reduction, Microfinance, Trade facilitation, Transport, Energy/Water, to promote regional economic cooperation Support of rural, environmental, and social development, biodiversity to provide economic development loans; a UN specialized agency 13 OPs including new Land Degradation,


SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation s/sdc.html ,399,399&l=e v=4,87,87,87

CGIAR ? Consultative Group on Agriculture Research

IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

An integral part of all projects and support measures is organizational and institutional development on all levels of the state and civil society. Collaborative research program for sustainable agricultural development

Russia, Ukraine,






Central Asia and Caucasus

Caucasus, Central




Moldova and


CIS and Mongolia

Rural development, communication, health, census, statistics

research focuses on crop productivity, forestry and agroforestry, water management, aquaculture, and livestock, sustainable agriculture, climate change, desertification to promote agricultural development; a UN specialized agency

to facilitate the transition of centrally planned economies from Central Europe to Central Asia

DFID - Department for International Development

ICARDA ? International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Area JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency

Europe and Central Asia Department.

Central Asia and






Giorgia, Armenia,


Mongolia, Russia

Central Asia and


Central Asia and

Poverty reduction, Trade Sustainable development

Sustainable agriculture and development

Policies, Training, Technology 2


transfer, Trade and Infrastructure

GTZ - German Technical Cooperation

IFC - International Finance Cooperation

Technical assistance programmes

IMF ? International Monetary Fund

USAID ? US Agency for International Development

CIS (excluding




CIS countries and Mongolia

protection and conservation of natural resources, including control of desertification and forest fires, organized self-help in rural areas, including establishment of rural cooperatives and support of private veterinary services Agribusinesses, private enterprise development

CIS countries and Mongolia

CIS countries and Mongolia

to support private enterprise in international economic development; a UN specialized agency and IBRD affiliate to improve the quality of policymaking, and gives advice on how to design and implement effective macroeconomic and structural policies Poverty reduction, SME, sustainable development

TACIS - Technical Assistance to CIS countries

SIDA ? Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

On country level, on regional level and small projects

the development cooperation programme

CIS countries and Mongolia

Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

Launched by the EC in 1991, the Tacis Programme provides grantfinanced technical assistance to 13 countries, and mainly aims at enhancing the transition process in these countries: SME, agriculture, environment and etc. Economic growth, Social equity, sustainable use and protection of


International Development Cooperation

DEFRA - Britain's Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Moldova, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

natural resources, small and medium-size industries

Ecology and sustainable development

Helvetas ? Swiss Association for International Cooperation


Agricultural sector

LIFE Contacts

JBIC - Japan Bank for International Cooperation . pdf

Eastern Europe and Russia




A multitude of organisations and authorities in the Member States, the candidate are involved in the implementation of the LIFE financial instrument. economic infrastructure, knowledge assistant in partnership, environmental improvement and anti-pollution mesures

AusAID - Australian Government

human resource


development programs

clean water and basic services to the urban poor

Aga Khan Foundation

SECO - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs 201fbdced356d7a2



Tajikistan, and



Central Asia



Georgia, Russia,


Rural development, food security, education, health, , NGOs-enhancement, environment Poverty reduction by the promotion of sustainable growth and the improvement of standards of living


? lang=en&PHPSESSID=aee32f0b947e7bee201fbdced356d7a2 47e7bee201fbdced356d7a2 The KfW Group (Kreditanstalt f?r Wiederaufbau) RoKS - Research on Knowledge Systems

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone (BSEC)

Central European Initiative (CEI)

Council of Europe (CE)

Tajiistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine



initiative of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation is launching a competition to support research on the social equity and public policy challenges of transformative technologies faced by developing countries to promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin

Caucasus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine

Armenia, Azerbaijan,

to enhance regional stability through economic cooperation

to form an economic and political cooperation group for the region between the Adriatic and the Baltic Seas to promote increased unity and quality of life in Europe


Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)

Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Development Association (IDA) International Labor Organization (ILO) Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine Russia

Central Asia

CIS countries

to promote cooperation among the Baltic Sea states in the areas of aid to new democratic institutions, economic development, humanitarian aid, energy and the environment, cultural programs and education, and transportation and communication to promote regional cooperation in trade, transportation, communications, tourism, cultural affairs, and economic development to discuss cooperation on mutual political and security issues

Georgia, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine

CIS countries


Turkmenisatn and




CIS and Mongolia

to promote free trade and private enterprise and to represent business interests at national and international levels to provide economic loans for low-income countries; UN specialized agency and IBRD affiliate

to deal with world labor issues; a UN specialized agency

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,

to promote Islamic economic aid and social development


Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan CIS countries

CIS countries and Mongolia

to foster the implementation of human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the rule of law; to act as an instrument of early warning, conflict prevention, and crisis management; and to serve as a framework for conventional arms control and confidence building measures to promote cooperation in education, science, and culture

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

CIS countries and Mongolia

Russia is a Board memeber

UN specialized agency that promotes industrial development especially among the members to help the UN become more effective through training and research

Sources: Field Listing - Environment - international agreements and web-sites of donors' organisation



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