Module 9 QuizChrist’s Mission Please answer the following questions as fully as possible in a few paragraphs. You will be assessed on your theological understanding which, for each question, should be strongly supported with scripture (just give location) and firmly aligned with Alliance distinctives. Your answers should include the integration of theology into your life and ministry. You are allowed to use any resources to help you. When completed:Save a copy for yourself, we recommend you have a file on your computer of all ordination/consecration work.Email to office@. QUIZDescribe your biblical understanding of the lostness of mankind. How does this understanding effect your life and ministry? Describe how you are engaging the lost outside of formal church ministry. How often do you share your faith? How many people have you led to the Lord? How do you lead your church or ministry you oversee in evangelism?Explain your understanding of The Great Commission passages found in Scripture. State your biblical understanding of the mission of God. Describe the Acts 1:8 strategy in your personal life? Describe The C&MA approach to global missions. Please integrate your historical understanding of the Alliance, current trends, funding structures, and Biblical support in your understanding of Alliance missions. How do you lead your church (or ministry you lead) in the Acts 1:8 mission of The Christian and Missionary Alliance? Describe your mobilization strategy to engage in Alliance Missions for your church or the ministry you lead. State the biblical description of the Trinity, how are the members of the Trinity related to each other. Use both the Old Testament and the New Testament to support your understanding that each person of the Trinity is fully God.Briefly describe some major errors in understanding the Trinity that can lead to heresy. Give examples on how you answer some of the current cults and world religions that deviate from the doctrine of the Trinity.List several attributes of God and show from Scripture how they are evident in each person of the Trinity. Describe how your understanding of the Trinity impacts your life and ministry.Give two examples of God’s calling to ministry in Scripture, detailing the means and nature of the call. Relate your call to ministry to these stories and describe why you are confident in your call and why it is important for you to be called by God. Summarize the major themes of Something Needs to Change and make personal applications. State which of the following options you completed and how it has impacted your view on global missions: XPLORE: Discover God's Word, God's World, and God's Work, Center for Mission Mobilization, Read and complete journal questionsGlobal or Local Engagement Trip. Contact: oniebles@Alliance Strategies in Missions Course Completion of C&MA college or seminary course in World MissionsWithin the last three years, have you read the entire Bible in two different translations?Are you in wholehearted agreement with the doctrinal statements as presently published by The Christian and Missionary Alliance? If you have any reservations please indicate what they are. ................

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