Information PacketPPE ClubsDear Parent/Guardian,Pershing Park has several after school clubs for third, fourth and fifth grade students; however, due to limited space, students may only participate in one after school club. Your child has expressed an interest in being in one of the Pershing Park Clubs. We are very excited to get the clubs started at Pershing Park Elementary. Students who are interested in a club will write a one-page essay explaining why they would like to be in the club. We will meet most Thursdays from 3:10 - 4:00 p.m. On meeting days, students will report to the designated room after the bell rings at 3:00. Students will be dismissed from the clubs at 4:00 at the designated dismissal area. There will be a map sent home with dismissal areas for each club. Our first practice is on October 5th, depending on the club they are in. Please review the following requirements with your child:1. Attend all practices. Three absences will result in dismissal from the team. Conflicting K.I.S.D. activities will not count as an absence. Students may not attend practice if they are absent from school that day due to illness. Students who have excessive unexcused absences from school will not be able to participate in the club. 2. Your child must be picked up promptly after practice. For the safety of your child, we do not permit students to walk home after practice. Buses are not provided, so please arrange for your child to be picked up at PPE no later than 4:00 on practice days. Students who are picked up more than 15 minutes late, twice, will be dropped from the club. If a parent/guardian is over thirty minutes late for pick up at any time, the student will be dismissed from the club. Parents MUST bring a photo I.D. when they come for pick up. Children will only be released to adults listed on the student’s registration card who have a photo I.D. If you need to add an adult to the registration card, please do so in the Pershing Park front office. Notification will be made in writing if additional practice time is requested. We cannot provide supervision for siblings. Please make sure siblings understand how to get home in the afternoons.3. Negative behavior will not be tolerated. Students are accountable for their behavior at all times. Only positive attitudes will be accepted on our team. If a student receives a serious code of conduct violation after the due date for the club permission slip, he/she will be removed from the team. Non-serious code of conduct violations will place a student on probation. If that student receives any additional non-serious or serious referrals, he or she will be dismissed from the club. All bus referrals will be addressed by the after school committee. Please remember that students are subject to the student code of conduct during after school activities as well.4. Sportsmanship. We do not tease our team members or other schools’ team members. We are expected to applaud everyone and congratulate everyone on his or her performance. We do not speak negatively to other performers or teams. 5. Students will be responsible for purchasing a Pershing Park After School Club t-shirt for approximately $10.6. If a parent/guardian withdraws a child from the after school club, the student will be unable to re-enter the club for the current school year. 7. If your child no longer wants to attend meetings or be part of a club, please let us know by calling the front office or sending one of the club sponsors a note.Review this information thoroughly with your child before signing and returning the application form. We look forward to a fun and exciting time in our after school club.Thank you,Linda ButlerEssay InformationPPE You will write a one page essay about why you want to be in a club. Please include three reasons. Here are the club choices:Science Olympiad, Nutrition and Fitness, Recorder Instrument, Book, Art, Yoga, CultureIMPORTANT DATESPPE Sept. 18th/19th – Students pick up information packets. Sept. 19th-Sept. 27th – Students may submit only one application form to a teacher. No application forms will be accepted after Sept 27th.Oct. 5th – Thursday After School Clubs begin.MEETING DATESPPE Thursday MeetingsOctober 5, 12, 19, 26November 2, 9, 16December 7, 14 (Winter Party)Jan 4, 11, 18, 25THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED TO YOUR TEACHER BY September 27th Application Form I have read the entire contents of the Club packet. I understand and agree to abide by the rules and regulations.Student’s SignatureDateStudent’s Name (Please print)Student’s Homeroom TeacherI have read the entire contents of the Club information packet. My child has permission to write an essay and participate. I understand the purchase of an After School Club t-shirt for approximately $10 is part of becoming a member of a Club. Everything possible will be done to help my child maintain the requirements for membership. I agree to provide prompt pick-up for my child. I agree that my other child/children (if any) may not stay at school while siblings are at after school club meetings.Parent/Guardian SignatureDateParent/Guardian’s Name (Please print)Current cell phoneCurrent home phoneName of person picking up student from clubs (Please print):Please attach your essay to your application.STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________TEACHER:________________________Competitive Clubs:THESE CLUBS WILL MEET EXTENDED INTO THE SPRING SEMESTER.Book-Do you enjoy stories or taking to your friends about cool books? If so you’ll love this club!Battle of the Books Competition: Read the Texas Bluebonnet current year books and do activities with them. Then, a team gets to compete against other schools in KISD to see who knows the most about all the books!Science Olympiad: Do you enjoy science experiments? Learning about scientists and other parts of science? If so you’ll love this club!Science Olympiad Competition: Students will study different parts of science and then a team will compete against other schools in KISD to see who knows the most science!Non-competitive Clubs:THESE CLUBS WILL MEET THE SET DATES PROVIDED IN THE PACKET.Art- Learn about different artists, shapes, colors, and materials! Students will be making different art projects.Yoga- Enjoy the art of yoga to harmonize your mind and increase flexibility. Culture Club- Learn about different cultures! Foods, music, Anime, and more!Recorder- Learn how to play an instrument! Students will be able to learn how to play the recorderFitness and Nutrition- Learn how to make nutritious, great tasting snacks! Also, have fun while working out!List your top three choices below:1st choice: ______________________________2nd choice: ______________________________3rd choice: ______________________________ ................

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