Social Media

Social media are computer based tools used to create and share information. The number of social media platforms and the use of those platforms have increased rapidly in the 21st century, creating a whole new method of cultural diffusion in the world.

5. Which statement is best supported by the 2008 data provided by this graph? (LEFT)

A. More people in the Middle East and North Africa earn less than $1.25 per day than people in Latin America and the Caribbean.

B. Most people from East Asia and the Pacific are in debt.

C. More South Asians struggle with extreme poverty than people from any other region.

D. More than 100 million people in Europe and Central Asia earn less than $1.25 per day.

6. What is the cartoonist suggesting will result if delays in reaching an international agreement to control greenhouse gases continue? (RIGHT)

A. preservation of endangered species

B. heightened threat for severe glacial melting and continental flooding

C. reduction in the impact of climate change

D. increased availability of fresh water supplies

7. Which inference about China’s foreign aid policy can best be made using information from this chart? (LEFT)

A. China provided technical assistance to decrease its industrial pollution.

B. China focused on developing regions in order to advance its economic interests.

C. China used the military to achieve economic advantages for itself.

D. China sought to enhance its image as the primary protector of human rights.

8. What is the main idea of this cartoon about global warming? (RIGHT)

A. The developing world has caused the problem.

B. The industrialized world does not believe this is a serious problem.

C. Most countries agree that criticizing each other will not solve this problem.

D. Countries disagree on who should take responsibility for addressing the problem.

• Multinational Peacekeeping Efforts

• Nongovernmental Organizations Activities

• Disease Prevention Endeavors

9. The above list is most associated with which Enduring Issue?

A. Impact of Environmental Decay

B. Impact of Inequity

C. Impact of Nationalism

D. Impact of Cooperation

10. Which Enduring Issue would best complete the title for the information nested within the outline below?

I. _____________________________

A. Seafood makes up a large part of the Filipino diet.

B. Africans built hydroelectric plants along the Zambezi River.

C. The majority of Russians live west of the Ural Mountains.

D. The most densely populated area of India is the Ganges River Valley.

A. Impact of Migration

B. Shifts in Economic Systems

C. Geography Affects Human Behavior

D. Impact of Industrialization

11. This cartoon is most associated with which Enduring Issue? (RIGHT)

A. Impact of Humans on Environment

B. Impact of Cultural Diffusion

C. Impact of Trade

D. Impact of Migration

12. What is the main idea of this cartoon? (LEFT)

A. Nuclear proliferation continues to threaten the world.

B. Different people have varying perspectives on artistic values.

C. Most nations have forgotten the impact of Hiroshima.

D. Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency support a strategic defense initiative.

13. The Impact of Globalization is the Enduring Issue illustrated in this cartoon. Which aspect of globalization is nested/contained within this illustration?

A. Non-alignment C. Interdependence

B. Nationalism D. Socialism


Globalization Concepts

Technological changes have resulted in a more interconnected world, affecting economic and political relations and in some cases leading to conflict and in others to efforts to cooperate. Globalization and population pressures have led to strains on the environment.

• Economic Costs and Benefits of Globalization

• Social and Cultural Impacts of Globalization

• Roles of the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund

• Global Population Growth and Impact

• Environmental Impact of Globalization

• Migration and Labor/Green Revolution

• International Cooperation and Global Conflict

This is a list of the leading social networks in the world based on number of active user accounts as of September 2016.

1. Facebook: 1,712,000,000 users

2. WhatsApp 1,000,000,000 users

3. Facebook Messenger: 1,000,000,000 users

4. QQ: 899,000,000 users

5. WeChat: 806,000,000 users

6. QZone: 652,000,000 users

7. Tumblr: 555,000,000 users

8. Instagram: 500,000,000 users

9. Twitter: 313,000,000 users

10. Baidu Tieba: 300,000,000 users


1. In the late 20th century, the Green Revolution had the greatest impact on

A. grain production in India

B. political freedom in Russia

C. economic reforms in Cuba

D. traditional customs in Japan

2. The main goal of the Green Revolution was to

A. prevent further destruction of the world's rain forests

B. solve chronic food shortages through the use of technology

C. expand the economies of developing nations with foreign investment

D. insure that foreign aid was received by people with the greatest need

3. The use of scientific farming methods and improved varieties of seeds to increase agricultural output in economically developing countries is called the

A. Renaissance

B. Age of Enlightenment

C. Green Revolution

D. Reformation

4. In many Asian and Latin American nations, a major effect of the developments described by the headlines has been

A. an improvement in living standards

B. improved job opportunities for workers in urban areas

C. a decrease in production of food crops

D. a decrease in trade agreements

. . . It is not clear which are greater—the successes of modern high-intensity agriculture, or its shortcomings. The successes are immense. Because of the green revolution, agriculture has met the food needs of most of the world’s population even as the population doubled during the past four decades. But there has been a price to pay, and it includes contamination of groundwaters, release of greenhouse gases, loss of crop genetic diversity and eutrophication [pollution] of rivers, streams, lakes and coastal marine ecosystems (contamination by organic and inorganic nutrients that cause oxygen depletion, spread of toxic species and changes in the structure of aquatic food webs). It is unclear whether high-intensity agriculture can be sustained, because of the loss of soil fertility, the erosion of soil, the increased incidence of crop and livestock diseases, and the high energy and chemical inputs associated with it. The search is on for practices that can provide sustainable yields, preferably comparable to those of high-intensity agriculture but with fewer environmental costs. . . .


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