New Mexico Environment Department

Construction Programs Bureau

Environmental Information Document (EID) Outline

Table of Contents


1.1 Project Description

1.2 Purpose and Need for Project

2.0 ALTERNATIVES (include proposed action)

2.1 Alternative A - No Action

2. Alternative B - Preferred Action

3. (etc.)


1. Environmental Setting

2. Land Use

1. General Land Use

2. Growth and Population Trends

3. Important Farmland

4. Soils

5. Formally Classified Lands

3. Floodplains

4. Wetlands

5. Water Resources

1. Surface Water

2. Ground Water

6. Coastal Resources

7. Air Quality

8. Biological Resources

1. Vegetation

2. Wildlife

3. Threatened and Endangered Species

9. Archeological, Cultural, and Historic Resources

10. Socioeconomic/ Environmental Justice

11. Other Resources

1. Public Health & Safety

2. Energy

3. Transportation

4. Visual Impacts

5. Noise

12. Cumulative Impacts


1. Physical Resources Measures

2. Biological Resource Measures

3. Threatened and Endangered Species Measures

4. Socioeconomic/Environmental Justice Measures

5. Archeological, Cultural, and Historic Resources Measures

6. Environmentally Sensitive Areas

7. Other Resources

8. Cumulative Impact Measures


5.1 Agencies Consulted

5.2 Public Involvement

3. Responsiveness Summary


The following expanded outline provides guidance for preparation of the EID. For additional guidance, see RUS Bulletin 1794A-602.




{County}, New Mexico

Project No. ~~~~


{Brief Descriptive Project Title}

Total Estimated Project Cost: $ ~~~~ and list of agencies that may provide funding.


{Describe the conditions that create a need for the project and how the project will meet this need. Reference 40 CFR 6.506(b)3}

1. Project Description.

{Summarize facility improvement and construction activities, include location and vicinity map}

2. Purpose and Need for Project.

{Establish the underlying purpose of the proposed project. This will be the basis for evaluating the reasonable and practical alternatives.}


{Describe in detail each alternative considered, even if eliminated. Reference 40 CFR 6.506(b)5. The discussion should include engineering design alternatives, siting locations, and system capacities and should refer back to the PER for a full explanation of the alternatives and their evaluation.}

1. Alternative A - No Action.

{This is the baseline against which other alternatives are judged. Consequences of no action should be described.}

2.2 Alternative B - Preferred Action

2.3 (etc.)


{Describe the existing environment as it relates to each topic in the project area. Reference 40 CFR 6.506(b) Discuss environmental consequences of the proposed action as they relate to the preferred alternative. The discussion should consider physical, legal, and institutional constrains; flow and waste reduction measures such as inflow/infiltration reduction and pretreatment; appropriate water conservation measures; alternative waste management techniques such as reuse, individual systems, and land application; appropriate energy reduction measures; improving effluent quality through operation and maintenance; construction phasing; multiple uses such as recreation and open space; alternative methods for managing sludge; environmental benefit; and capital and operating costs as they relate to this specific project. Only discuss those that are applicable.

Discuss the relationship between short-term benefits of this project and the long-term impact on preserving and enhancing the environmental resources, including commitment of any irreversible and irretrievable resources. The discussion should clearly state the reason(s) for rejecting any alternatives. The impacts and potential environmental consequences on the following topics should be discussed for the preferred alternative. Mitigation measures for any impacts identified should be detailed.}

1. Environmental Setting.

{Briefly summarize the setting for the project, including, but not limited to, such things as general location, geology, soil types, water resources, climate, history, population characteristics, and economy as appropriate.}

2. Land Use

1. General Land Use.

{This should include present zoning and use of the proposed project area, total land area required for the project, and homes and businesses that may be affect. Consider displacing population or altering the character of existing residential areas. See 40 CFR 6.108(a), (b), and (e)}

2. Growth and Population Trends

{This section should describe historic and expected population growth that could affect the project. The rationale and justification for the projections of growth should be clearly described and referenced.}

3. Important Farmland.

{Consult with NRCS to determine if soils have been classified as prime farmlands, prime rangelands, or prime forest land. Discuss how the proposed project will affect these lands. See 40 CFR 6.302(c)}

4. Soils.

{Discuss soil types and how the proposed project will affect erosion and disturbance of the area.}

5. Formally Classified Lands.

{These lands include national parks, landmarks, historic sites, wilderness areas, wildlife refuges, wild and scenic rivers, grasslands, state parks, and Native American owned lands. Identify any of these lands that may exist in the project area and discuss the impacts from the proposed project. See EO 11988 and 40 CFR 6.301(a) and 6.302(e)}

2. Floodplains.

{Consult with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) local floodplain administrator, State Floodplain coordinator within the Office of Emergency Management, and FEMA floodplain panels to determine whether the project is within a floodplain and the potential impacts.}

3. Wetlands.

{Consult with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine if wetlands exist in the project area and what impacts the project will have on them. See EO 11990 and 40 CFR 6.302(a)}

4. Water Resources

1. Surface Water.

{Consult with NMED Surface Water Quality and Drinking Water Bureaus to determine stream standards, consider both quality and quantity.}

2. Ground Water.

{Consult with NMED Groundwater Quality and Drinking Water Bureaus and State Engineer Office and address both quantity and quality issues.}

5. Coastal Resources.

{See 40 CFR 6.302(d) and (f). Acknowledge that coastal resources were addressed in the review, but do not apply in New Mexico}

6. Air Quality.

{See 40 CFR 6.303. Consult with the NMED Air Quality Bureau. Determine if any population projections have been prepared for the project area as part of the State Implementation Plan and, if so, include those projections. Evaluate direct and indirect emissions and their impact on air quality. For projects located in an air nonattainment or maintenance area, provide necessary air emissions data to allow EPA to make a general conformity determination under 40 CFR Part 93 for consistency with the New Mexico Air State Implementation Plan.}

7. Biological Resources

1. Vegetation.

{Describe vegetation in the proposed project area and potential effects. Discuss requirements for clearing, short and long term effects, and any future maintenance practices.}

2. Wildlife.

{Describe fish and wildlife resources in the project area. Discuss short and long term impacts. See 40 CFR 6.302(g)}

3. Threatened and Endangered Species.

{Consult with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and State Game & Fish to identify listed species in the proposed project area. Discuss not only direct impacts on the species, but also impacts on critical habitat. Coordinate with Fish & Wildlife to obtain a no impact letter or to develop mitigation measures. See 40 CFR 6.302(h) and 50 CFR 402}

8. Archeological, Cultural, and Historic Resources.

{Consult with the State Historic Preservation Officer to identify registered site within the proposed project area. Conduct field studies as required. Coordinate with SHPO to obtain a no impact letter or to develop mitigation measures. See 36 CFR 800 and 40 CFR 6.301(b) and (c)}

9. Socioeconomic/ Environmental Justice

1. Socioeconomic Issues.

{Describe present socioeconomic conditions and how the proposed project may impact them. Include cost of connection and user fees and relate to income levels in the project area and potential impacts. Impacts could be beneficial or adverse.}

2. Environmental Justice.

{Consult with EPA Region 6 to obtain their map and environmental justice index for the proposed project area. Based on the index, discuss potential disproportionate affects on minority and low income populations, provisions for the affected populations to participate in the NEPA process, and identify mitigation measures. See EO 12898}

To produce an EJ map do the following:

1. Go to EJ View.

1. Type in your city, zip code, address

1. Go to the right side and check the following: Demographics (depending on level of map will determine block, block group, or tract.  Try to get to block group)

1. On left side click on Draw and select pushpin. Find begin of work location and click.  A box will request title name. Enter

1. Move mouse over pin and box will ask for radius. Put in 4 mi. which is ~50 sq. miles.

1. Then click generate report – review the report to determine if there are any disproportionate effects on minority and low income populations. If so determine necessary mitigation measures.

1.  Print the first 1 -2 pages for each tab (about 4 tabs)

1. Print the map

9. Send in with CE or EA/FNSI request

10. Other Resources

1. Public Health and Safety.

{Describe any existing permits and the compliance status and discuss safety issues such as traffic control.}

2. Energy.

{As appropriate, consider energy consumption and any special needs.}

3. Transportation.

{As appropriate, consider effects of proposed project on transportation facilities such as highways, railroads, and airports.}

4. Visual Impacts.

{As appropriate, consider effects on visual and aesthetic resources such as scenic vistas and skylines. Mitigation measures could include landscaping and architectural designs.}

5. Noise.

{As appropriate, consider construction and operation of the proposed project on noise sensitive areas.}

11. Cumulative Impacts.

{Discuss any irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources to the proposed project. Identify whether the proposed project can induce growth and have secondary impacts such as increased water demand or increased generation of wastewater and the consequences. Are there impacts that result from the interaction of this project with other past, present, or future activities in the area?}


{List and describe all mitigation measures identified in Section3, how they will reduce the impact to less than significant level, and how they will be implemented, include both structural and nonstructural measures. See 40 CRF 6.506(6) and (7)}

1. Physical Resources Measures.

{Includes land, water, and air resources}

2. Biological Resource Measures

3. Threatened and Endangered Species Measures

4. Socioeconomic/Environmental Justice Measures

5. Archeological, Cultural, and Historic Resources Measures

6. Environmentally Sensitive Areas

{Includes farmlands, classified lands, floodplains, and wetlands.}

7. Other Resources

8. Cumulative Impact Measures


1. Agencies Consulted

{List all agencies consulted and include example of letter(s) used. Include all responses in an Appendix. Include a log that documents when letters where sent, responses received, and follow-up contact made. Written responses must be received from all cross cutting agencies. Comments indicating a significant impact must be addressed in Section 3 with mitigation measures summarized in Section 4.

The list must include the following:

• New Mexico Office of Cultural Affairs, State Historic Preservation Office

• Applicable Tribal Contacts

• U.S. Department of Interior - National Park Service, Intermountain Region

• U.S. Department of Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service, New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office

• New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Conservation Services Division

• New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division

• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Albuquerque District, Regulatory Branch

• U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service, New Mexico State Office

• New Mexico Environment Department, Environmental Impact Review Coordinator

▪ New Mexico Environment Department, Surface Water Quality Bureau

▪ New Mexico Environment Department, Ground Water Quality Bureau

▪ New Mexico Environment Department, Drinking Water Bureau

▪ New Mexico Environment Department, Air Quality Bureau (Projects located in air non-attainment or maintenance areas require Federal general conformity determination. Appropriate air emissions information will be required for EPA to perform the determination.)

• U.S. Environment Protection Agency, Region VI, Air Planning Section (Consultation is only required for projects located in air non-attainment or maintenance areas.)

• U.S. Environment Protection Agency, Source Water Protection Branch/Groundwater Section (Must be consulted for projects located over a sole source aquifer.)

• New Mexico Office of the State Engineer

• New Mexico Department of Transportation

• Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region VI

• Local Flood Plain Administrator

Additionally the following contacts may be necessary:

• New Mexico Environment Department, Solid Waste Bureau

• Local officials such as city and county governments

• Irrigation District (such as MRGCD, EBID, etc.)

• Any other Local Special Interest Groups or Neighborhood Associations

• Sierra Club, Forest Guardians, and other environmental groups

2. Public Involvement

{Include public notice, meeting minutes, project mailing list, and transcripts as an appendix}

3. Responsiveness Summary

{Summarize comments received from the public involvement process and describe the modifications to the PER/EID to accommodate the comments. See 40 CFR 25.8}


{List all reference used in preparation of the document. When sources are quoted or referred to, they should be properly annotated in the document.}


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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