
Psychology | Wiley | Personality Tests Name:right764400There are countless personality tests aimed at characterizing differences in personality. Such tests are used by 1) individuals to gain more insight into their own psychology, 2) psychologists, so as to collect inventory on their patients and/or broader population patterns, and 3) employers in the hiring process. For the two online tests that follow, create a word document with your detailed responses. When finished, print and attach to this packet. The Big Five Personality Test Note: Be sure to take the test for you and one other person (you can select this option from the start). This helps to ensure greater reliability. Summarize your results OR copy and paste snapshots in your word document.Reflect on how accurate you think these results are (for you AND the other person) OR speculate as to why you got the results that you did (what makes you this way? What are the causes of these personality traits?)Personality test based on the work of Myers, Briggs, and Jung Summarize your results OR copy and paste snapshots in your word document. For more info on your results see . List some historic figures with your same score. Be sure to see the whole catalogue of famous people associated with your types, including those who might not make us proud (scroll down to those in black). Reflect on what you found. Research another personality type that is different from yours. Could you see yourself being good friends with this personality type? Why or why not? left1122045003531569112802700Pen-and-paper tests:Symbol Test (pages 3-4)What are the pros and cons associated with the symbol you selected? OR, If you see marriage in your future, which symbol do you suspect your partner will be?Fill in the blanks: You need something specific done, no questions asked; ask a __________________ to do it.A group of people need to be organized to complete a short-term task. Ask a _________________ to lead the task.A ________________ should be hired for public relations.You’re desperate for a new idea. Look to a _________________ for inspiration.The person making all these decisions (the “boss”) is probably a __________________, because they’re good at long-term thinking and goal setting.Sentence Completion Test (pages 5-7)What was your score? Would you like this score to change in the future? Why or why not?The Personality Matrix (pages 8-10)What was your animal? Are you happy or disappointed with this classification? What other animal’s good qualities (as indicated on the matrix) do you aspire to be like? Why? Doodling Test (pages 11-12)Use the analysis guidelines to write a synopsis of your doodles:Compare and contrast your doodles with two classmates and describe the similarities/differences below:4226204-181518600 ................

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