University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Paper making

Supply List

Paper to recycle – the 4-hers loved our old colored best

As old programs, etc. Vessels can use newsprint.



1-2 Tubs for water


Framed mesh mold for square paper

I made mine with old screen from a screen door, a rectangle frame (stretcher bars work great) & tape.

I used the measure of the water tubs I found at the local hardware to determine the size of my frames.

Cookie Cutters for ornaments

Beach ball, Balloons for shapes, or anything you can blow up and then let the air out of

Bowls and non stick kitchen spray

Optional: pedals and leaves


Fill blender with water. Add only 1-2 sheets of paper. Blend until desired consistency. Use as determined for project.

For sheets pour over framed mesh mold, shake lightly to get water off. Flip onto newsprint to dry. If you want to add pedals or leaves, you can place them on your mesh sheet and then pour in your pulp.

This will take at least a day to dry unless you have lots of blow dryers.

For bowls take paper pulp and sculpt into desired shape around a balloon or bowl that was coated with spray. Remember you will need a larger top to let it slide out. For larger projects you should do several “batches” of paper to insure color consistency.

Video –

Website – Learn the ancient Papermaking Craft handouts

- Google search – paper vessels

Books – The Gourmet Paper Maker by Ellaraine Lockie, 2001, ISBN: 0-86573-451-3

This book shows how to use fruits and vegetables for paper making including cornhusks, pineapple tops, onion & garlic skins, broccoli stalks, melon rinds, artichoke leaves, asaparagus ends, leck tops, fibers from juicing, pumpkin shells, banana peel, citrus peel, wild mushrooms, mixed fibers and includes embellishments too.

The Papermaker’s Companion by Helen Hiebert, 1965, ISBN: 978-1-58017-200-4

This book is a real how to manual from making the pulp from a variety of situations to how to form it, dry it and simple projects to make from paper.

Papermaking with Garden Plants & Common Weeds by Helen Hiebert, 1998, ISBN: 13-978-1-58017-622-4

This book is all about the processing of plant fibers with the recipes, techniques, and projects.

Arnold Grummer’s Complete Guide to Easy Papermaking by A. Grummer, 1999, ISBN: 13-978-0-87341-710-5

This is another how to book with lot of general information with basic techniques and adds artistic touches and special project sheets. Included in this book is the history of papermaking.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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