DATE: June 12, 2012

TIME: 10:30 a.m.

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street

2nd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

PRESENT: Commissioner George Fair, Chair

Commissioner Nathaniel Hauser, Vice Chair

Commissioner Derek Owings

Commissioner Trevor Lee

Commissioner JD Grewell

Commissioner Donald DeCastro

Commissioner Denise Herndon

Commissioner David Hanson

Commissioner Maryann Rush

Commissioner David Brauning

Commissioner Steven O’Farrell

Commissioner David Hodnett

ABSENT: Commissioner John Jordan

Commissioner Christopher Pirtle

Commissioner J. Otis Smith

OTHERS PRESENT: Sloane Fried Kinstler. Assistant Attorney General

Patricia Schott, Administrator

Simone Chambers, Board Secretary

Call To Order

Chairman George Fair called the regular meeting of the Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors to order at 10:30 a.m.

Introduction of Newly Appointed Member Derek Owings

Administrator Patricia Schott introduced newly appointed member Derek Owings to the Commission members and all in attendance. The members welcomed Commissioner Owings.

Farewell to Steve McAdams

Former Commissioner Steve McAdams bid farewell to the Commission members and all in attendance. The members bid farewell to Commissioner McAdams.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the business meeting held on April 10, 2012 were approved without corrections. A motion was made by Commissioner Brauning, seconded by Commissioner Grewell and unanimously carried that the minutes of the business meeting be approved without corrections.

The minutes of the executive session meeting held on April 10, 2012 were approved without corrections. A motion was made by Commissioner Grewell, seconded by Commissioner Brauning and unanimously carried that the minutes of the executive session be approved without corrections.

Education/Application Real Estate Appraiser Committee Report

Commissioner Rush reported that the Appraiser Education/Application Committee met on this date and reviewed and approved 8 courses. A motion was made by Commissioner Grewell, seconded by Commissioner Rush and unanimously carried that the Commission accept the recommendations of the Real Estate Appraiser Education Committee.

Real Estate Appraiser Complaint Committee Report

Commissioner Rush reported to the Commission that the Appraiser Complaint Committee met prior to the public meeting and reviewed many items of business, which had been placed before the Committee. The disposition of which was as follows:

Complaints - 78 cases were reviewed;

9 cases were referred to investigation;

7 cases were dismissed;

2 cases were scheduled for informal hearings

The Appraiser Complaint Committee met prior to the public meeting in Executive Session, pursuant to State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, §10-508(a)(7), to receive the advice of counsel regarding the above-mentioned matters. A motion was made by Commissioner Grewell, seconded by Commissioner Rush that the Commission accept the report and recommendations of the Appraiser Complaint Committee. This motion passed by a unanimous decision.

Home Inspector Complaint Committee

Commissioner Grewell reported that the Home Inspector Complaint Committee met prior to the public meeting and reviewed two items of business, which had been placed before the Committee. The disposition of which was as follows:

Complaints - 2 cases were reviewed and dismissed

A motion was made by Commissioner Rush, seconded by Commissioner Brauning, and unanimously carried that the Commission accept the recommendations of the Home Inspector Complaint Committee.

Home Inspector Education Committee

Commissioner Hanson reported that the Home Inspector Education Committee did not meet.

New Business

Proposed Regulation COMAR Supervising Appraisers

Pursuant to Appraiser Qualifications Board Criteria, Administrator Schott recommended that the Committee promulgate a regulation to require that an appraiser must hold a certified license for at least two years prior to being eligible to be a supervising appraiser. A motion was made by Commissioner Hauser, seconded by Commissioner Owings and unanimously carried that the Commission promulgate a regulation under COMAR Supervising Appraisers, to require that an appraiser must hold a certified license for at least two years prior to being eligible to be a supervising appraiser.


Commissioner Herndon inquired about the status of reciprocity. Administrator Schott advised that reciprocity was resumed in May 2012, but continued to be restricted to the States with which reciprocity was shared prior to the Commission’s rescission of it in April 2009.

Home Inspector Disclosure

Commissioner Grewell made a recommendation that the Commission consider supporting legislation that would require a home inspector to disclose to consumers before agreeing to accept a home inspection assignment, a list of their qualifications; and require that the mandatory disclosure form be in a 14 point bold font. A motion was made by Commissioner Grewell that the Commission support the legislation. The motion failed.

Background Checks

Administrator Schott advised the Commission that by January 1, 2015, background checks will have to be performed on individuals seeking newly issued appraisal licenses. AAG Kinstler advised that in order for Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) to conduct background checks, the Commission’s law must be amended to specifically mandate that applicants for licensure apply to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services for a national and State criminal history record check.

Executive Session

A motion was made by Commissioner Fair, seconded by Commissioner Hauser and unanimously carried that the State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors go into executive session at 11:35 a.m. in the 2nd floor conference room, 500 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. The purpose of the meeting was to receive advice of counsel. The meeting was permitted to be closed pursuant to State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, §10-508(7).

The Commission reconvened its regular meeting at 12:35 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Fair, seconded by Commissioner Hanson and unanimously carried that the Commission accept the decisions rendered in Executive Session.

Budget Report

Commissioner Hanson requested that Administrator Schott provide a fiscal budget report at the next meeting.


There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Commissioner Fair, seconded by Commissioner Owings and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

_____ Approved without corrections

_____ Approved with corrections

______________________________________________ __________________

George Fair, Chairperson Date


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