LIST - Hrvatska gospodarska komora


( as of 2nd of June )

of Ukrainian participants to the Ukrainian-Croatian Business Forum

(June 11-14 , 2017, Zagreb, Croatia)

|№ п/п |Name of the enterprise, organization |Name, position |Sphere of activity | Contacts |Business interests in |

| | | | | |Croatia |

| |UCCI |GENNADIY | |Kyiv | |

| | |CHYZHYKOV President | |+38044 272 29 11 | |

| | |(visa + ) | |+38044 279 88 79 | |

| | | | | | |

| |KYIV CCI |VITALII MAISTRENKO |Organization of cooperation between | Kyiv. |Expansion of of business relations with |

| | |Vice-President |business entities and coordination of |str. B.Khmelnitskogo, 55 |companies |

| | |(visa + ) |their partnership |tel. (044) 235-82-87 | |

| | | | |Mob .: (050) 386-06-88 | |

| | | |120 employees | | |

| | | | | | |

| |DONETSK CCI |ELVIRA |Provision of services to enterprises, |Kramatorsk |International business networkingwith |

| | |SEVOSTIANENKO |consulting on export / import; providing |Str.Yaroslava Mudrogo, 8A, |Croatian companies and organizations that |

| | |President of Donetsk CCI |of informational, referral and other |06264-71076, |unite them. |

| | |(visa + ) |services; representation of the interests |mob+38050 470 97 98 | |

| | | |of CCI members in Ukraine and abroad. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |97 employees | | |

| |ODESSA REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE |GANNA |Providing services to businesses in |Odessa 65125, |Business, official. |

| | |NESTERENKO |carrying out of economic activities |st. Bazarna, 47 | |

| | |Passport: FG216909 | |+ 38048734-76-09 | |

| | |Vice-President |88 employees |+ 38048734-76-09 | |

| | |(visa + ) | |+ 38050336-77-87, | |

| | | | | | |

| |ZAPORIZHZHIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCEAND INDUSTRY |VOLODYMYR SHAMILOV |Providing services for organization of |Zaporizhzhya |Cooperation with business associations, joint|

| | |Passport: EA 998705 |activities for Manufacturers and |blvd. Tsentralniy, 4 |projects to support businesses |

| | |President |Entrepreneurs |tel. / fax: +38 061 213-50-24 | |

| | |(visa + ) | |Mob: +38 050 322 51 11 | |

| | | | | | |

| |ZAPORIZHZHIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCEAND INDUSTRY |KSENIIA NAGORNA |Providing services for organization of |Zaporizhzhya |Cooperation with business associations, joint|

| | |Passport: EH 932833 |activities for Manufacturers and |blvd. Tsentralniy, 4 |projects to support businesses |

| | |Head of the department of |Entrepreneurs |tel. / fax: +38 061 213-50-24 | |

| | |organizational work and | |Mob: +38 050 322 51 11 | |

| | |international affairs | | | |

| | |(visa + ) | | | |

| |ELIKSIR LTD. |OLEH |Manufacture of perfumes and cosmetic |49040, Dnipropetrovsk region,. Dnipro. |Exports of goods of own production, |

| | |VASYLENKO |products, the production of special |Str. Panikakhi 2, |pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, special|

| | |Founder |dietary food, dietary supplements, |building 12, room 403, |dietary food, dietary supplements. Search of |

| | |(visa–, Biometric passport +) |cosmetics,perfumery, pharmaceutical |+38056 375 88 58 |distributors for the sale of pharmaceutical |

| | | |products | |products and dietary supplements |

| | | | | | |

| | | |100 employees | | |

| | Ukrainian-German Agriculture enterprise with |ILKHAM |Growing of cereals (except rice), bean |Dnipropetrovsk region, Krinichansky |Ability to export grains and oilseeds, |

| |foreign investments in the form of "MULTI-AGRAR |ISMAILOV |cultures and oilseeds; Supporting |district, Kudashivka town |investments and joint activities in the |

| |DNIPRO" |Chairman of the Board |activities in crop production. |Str. Kirov, d. 7. |production and processing of agricultural |

| | |(visa + ) |After harvest activity; |T / F +38056 542 35 07 |products, including the possibility of |

| | | |Wholesale of grain, raw tobacco, seeds and|T. + 38056 744 32 34 |building the plant and soy network of Linear |

| | | |sterns for animals. |Mob.+38067 635 16 61 |elevators |

| | | |24 employees | | |

| | | | | | |

| |SIC GROUP |KATERYNA |Political consulting and support of |Kyiv, |Work on joint projects implementationof |

| | |ODARCHENKO |political projects in the EU and USA |Str. E.Konovalets 36, |strategic positioning,representation of |

| | |Partner |(major office in Brussels),party |of. 19 |business groups. |

| | |Passport:PO 217277 |buildingand strategic PR, GR |+380442279420 | |

| | |(visa + ) | |+380506859559 | |

| | | |14 employees in Ukraine | | |

| |BASE CAPITAL |TYMUR |Strategic investments projects in |Kyiv, |Search of partners for implementation of |

| | |CHMERUK |development, IT, green energy |Str.E. Konovaltsa 36, of. 20 |projects in the field of green energy |

| | |CEO | |+380961999499 | |

| | |Passport: FE 673003 |30employees (in companies with more than | | |

| | |(visa + ) |400 investments) | | |

| | | | | | |

| |“FACTOR” |SERGII |Printing,publishing and auditing services,|Kharkiv, |International business networking, export, |

| |GROUP OF COMPANIES |POLITUCHYI |etc |106-a Sumskaya st., |import, investments, joint venture. |

| | |President | |Tel. (057) 719-41-09 | |

| | |of Group of companies «Factor» | |E-mail: | |

| | |Passport: ET 035872 | | | |

| | |(visa + ) | | | |

| | | |206 employees | | |

| |SME “AMOS” |STANISLAV |Non-specialized wholesale trade |Odessa, |Business, official. |

| | |NESTERENKO | |Str.Vodoprovidna,3 | |

| | |Passport: EK 754166 | |+380487325179 | |

| | |Director | |+380503164061 | |

| | |(visa + ) | |s.nesterenko@ | |

| |LTD. "UKRAINIAN CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION" |ANDRIY |Organization of construction of buildings |29000, Khmelnitsky Str. |Investing in real estate, especially the |

| | |SAVCHUK |preparatory work at the construction site,|Starokonstantinovsky shosse 26 (3rd |hotel business, setting up imports from |

| | |Investment partner |construction of residential and |floor) |Croatia to Ukraine. |

| | |(visa + ) |non-residential buildings, roads and |+38068 709 99 90 | |

| | | |highways and other construction work. | | |

| | | | |.ua | |

| | | |120 employees | | |

| | | | | | |

| |LTD. "VIKNO RESPECT" |IGOR |Manufacture of building products from |m. Coloma, |Export of products |

| | |PROTS |plastic |Ivano-Frankivsk region. | |

| | |Director | |Colomiya town, st. Sharlaya, 27, | |

| | |Passport: EX 094103 |20 employees | | |

| | |(visa + ) | | | |

| | | | |+ 38096-772-77-27 | |

| | | | | | |

| |LTD. "UKRPRODPROM-POSTACH" |VIKTOR |Exports of food (Halal beef, lamb, | Kyiv |Cooperation with supermarket chains, |

| | |PUSTOTAI |chicken) |St. Mikoly Ushakova, 8 |restaurants, hotels, meat industry processors|

| | |Passport: FF 271589 | |+38044 422 60 70 |and companies importers in meat industry. |

| | |Deputy Director |12 employees |+38098 415 51 59 | |

| | |(visa–, Biometric passport +) | |ukrproddelivery@ | |

| | | | |.ua | |

| |«UKRINMASH» State self-supporting foreign trade |Oleksandr Ponomarov |Export and import of military goods and |Kyiv, 04119, |Export and import of military goods and |

| |and investment firm |Pass |dual-use products |Dehtiarivska str, 36,   |dual-use products |

| |ЄДРПОУ – 14281072 |FE 997547 | |Tel: +380 44 461-9275, 483-36-56 | |

| | | |1992 |Fax: +380 44 461-9276, 461-9273 | |

| | | |155 employees |E-mail: | |

| | |(visa–, Biometric passport +) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Kurdyumivsk Plant of Acid  products, PJSC | OLEG TRYTYACHENKO |Production and realization of refractory |Kyivska Str. 5, Opytne village, Bakhmut |Export of clay. |

| |00293545 |FB 510880 |clay |district, Donetsk region, Ukraine | |

| | |24.08.1967 |2009 |mobile tel.: 050-711-22-82 |Joint enterprise in the development of |

| | |(visa +) |53 employees. |web-site: .ua |mineral resources such as bauxite ore |

| | |  | | | |

| |National Enterprise “International Airport |DYKHNE YEVHENII |Carriage of passengers |08307, Kyiv oblast, Borispil, ДПМАБ | |

| |“Borispil” |First deputy of CEO | |+38044 281 74 96 | |

| |ЄДРПОУ - 20572069 |EX 769924 | |+38063 980 70 00 | |

| | | | |F. +38044 281 79 96 | |

| | |12.10.1963 | | | |

| | |(visa + ) | | | |

| |Group of companies “Herz” |Rotov Oleksandr, president |Building, development |02160, Kyiv, | |

| | |(visa + ) |1990 |Vozzjednannja prosp., | |

| | | | |15 | |

| | | | |+38044 253 79 93 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |mob. 050 471 48 67 | |

| |Pharmaceutical company “Pharmak” |STRASHNYI VLADYSLAV |Development, production and sale of drugs |mob. 050 311 42 62 |Interested in cooperation in the field of |

| | |Assistant of CEO |(One of the biggest producers in Ukraine) | |development, production and sale of pharma |

| | |(visa + ) | | |drugs |

| |Fozzy Group | |Fozzy Group is one of the largest trade |Head office: |Import food products |

| | | |industrial groups in Ukraine and one of |Ukraine, 02090, Kyiv | |

| | | |the leading Ukrainian retailers, with over|13 Kalachevskaya Str. | |

| | | |600 outlets all around the country. |Tel.: +380·44·496-32-00 | |

| | | |Besides retail, the group's businesses |Tel./fax: +380·44·496-32-01 | |

| | | |include food production, bank business, | | |

| | | |and restaurants. | | |

| | | |The group sells food and household | | |

| | | |products via its Silpo supermarkets chain,| | |

| | | |its wholesale and retail Fozzy format | | |

| | | |hypermarkets, and its Fora and Bumi-Market| | |

| | | |convenience stores. | | |

| |ATB-Market |Hotline ATB |According to market research it is the |49101, Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk |Import food products |

| | |0-800-500-415 |largest retail network in Ukraine with |40, Kirov ave. | |

| | |Department of purchases |more than 750 stores in more than |Marketing department | |

| | |(056) 770-04-57 |202 cities in 16 regions of Ukraine. |marketing@ | |

| | | |During 21 year ATB has been known as |Development department | |

| | | |stores where you can buy qualitative goods|(0562) 31-93-80 | |

| | | |and also save the family budget. Every day| | |

| | | |more than 2 million Ukrainians visit and |The human resources management department| |

| | | |buy food and goods in ATB. |(056)732-16-28 | |

| | | | |(056)732-16-29 | |

| | | | |(056)732-15-76 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |"KRUK" LTD. |YARYNA |Trade, export and recycling of oilseeds |Sumy region. |Export |

| | |BAHATYRENKO |and cereals |Lebedyn town, | |

| | |Head of elevator | |str. Zalyznichna 50. | |

| | |Passport: EP 522397 |150 employees |, | |

| | |(visa + ) | |+38 (05445) 2-14-87 | |

| | | | |+38 (050) 327-32-75 | |

| | | | |+38 (050) 307-37-52 | |


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