Base List Civil Liberties - Social Sciences


1) *Conservative Perspectives on 9/11 and Iraq

Peter Beinart, “An Argument for a New Liberalism,” The New Republic, December 13, 2004. (with commentaries and follow ons.)

Lawrence Kaplan, “Springtime for Realism,” The New Republic (June 2004). Why realists are wrong.

Paul Starr, “The Liberal Uses of Power,” The American Prospect, February 25, 2005.

Norman Podhoretz, “World War IV: How it Started, What it Means, and Why We have to Win,” Commentary (September 2004), pp.1-55.

Charles Krauthammer, “Democratic Realism: An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World,” 2004 Irving Kristol Lecture. (Match with Fukuyama)

Bruce Bawer, “Hating America,” The Hudson Review (Spring 2004), pp.1-37. (Excellent review of bad books on anti-americanism)

Francis Fukuyama, “The Neoconservative Moment,” The National Interest (Summer 2004), pp.57-68. (critique of Krauthammer)

John Ikenberry, “The End of the Neoconservative Moment,” Survival, Spring 2004, pp.7-22.

Max Boot, “Neocons: Think Again,” Foreign Policy (Jan-Feb 2004), pp.20-28.

Tod Lindberg, “Neoconservatism’s Liberal Legacy,” Policy Review (October 2004), pp.3-22.

Zachary Selden, “Neoconservatives and the American Mainstream,” Policy Review (April 2004), pp.29-39.

The New Criterion, Symposium on Anti-Americanism, November 2002, pp.4-31. (Kimball essay looks pretty good for class purposes)

David Brooks, “Democrats Go Off the Cliff,” the Weekly Standard, June 30, 2003, pp.23-26

David Brooks, “The Collapse of the Dream Palaces,” The Weekly Standard, April 28, 2003, pp.28-32.

Reuel Marc Gerecht, “Regime Change in Iran,” The Weekly Standard, August 5, 2002, pp.30-33.

Andrew Sullivan, “Why Did it Have to Be a Perfect Morning? An Essay on September 11,” Sunday Times of London, September 16, 2001, pp.1-6.

Andrew Sullivan, “The Agony of the Left,” Wall Street Journal, October 10, 2001.

Thomas Friedman, “World War III,” New York Times, September 13, 2001.

David Tell, “A War to Win,” The Weekly Standard, September 24, 2001.

David Tell, “The End of Illusions,” The Weekly Standard, September 24, 2001.

Norman Podhoretz, “How to Win World War IV,” Commentary(Feb 2002), pp.19-29.

Noemie Emery, “Look Who’s Waving the Flag Now,” The Weekly Standard, October 15, 2001.

Mark Steyn, “The War Bush is Losing,” The Spectator, August 24, 2002.

Fareed Zakaria, “The Return of History: What September 11th Hath Wrought,” in How Did This Happen, pp.307-317.

John Lewis Gaddis, “Lessons from the Past,” in Talbott and Chanda, eds., The Age of Terror, pp.3-20.

2) *Left Perspectives on 9/11:

Noam Chomsky, “On the Bombings,” ZNET, September 13, 2001.

Noam Chomsky, 9-11 (2001), pp.59-70.

Larissa MacFarquhar, “Noam Chomsky: The Devil’s Accountant,” The New Yorker (March 31, 2003), pp.64-79.

Susan Sontag, “Comments on September 11,” The New Yorker, September 24, 2001.

Arundhati Roy, “The Algebra of Infinite Justice,” The Guardian, September 29, 2001.

Arundhati Roy, “War is Peace,” Outlook, October 18, 2001.

Robert Jensen, “September 11,” ZNET. (Left Crazy)

Barbara Lee, “Why I Opposed the Resolution to Authorize Force,” San Francisco Chronicle, September 23, 2001. (Left Crazy)

Katha Pollitt, “Put Out No Flags,” The Nation, September 19, 2001, pp.150-153. (Left Crazy)

Stephen Zunes, “U.S. Shouldn’t Fight Violence with Violence,” Baltimore Sun, September 12, 2001. (Left Crazy)

Robert Buzzanco, “Five Reasons Why America Should Not be at War,” Houston Chronicle, October 9, 2001. (Left Crazy)

Charlotte Raven, “A Bully with a Bloody Nose is Still a Bully,” The Guardian, September 18, 2001. (Left Crazy)

Mark Gilbert, “Superman Versus Lex Luther: British Anti-Americanism Since September 11,” World Policy Journal (Summer 2002), pp.88-92.

Paul Hollander, “The Resilience of the Adversary Culture,” The National Interest (Summer 2002), pp.101-112.

Lee Harris, “The Intellectual Origins of America-Bashing,” Policy Review (Dec 2002), pp.3-15.

Maybe Kucinich

3) Dissenting Critics Among the Left

Christopher Hitchens, “Against Rationalization,” “Of Sin, the Left & Islamic Fascism,” and “Blaming Bin Laden First,” September-October 2001, in Katrina Van Den Huevel, ed., A Just Response: The Nation on Terrorism, Democracy, and September 11, 2001 (2002), pp.147-150, 156-164.

Salman Rushdie, “Anti-Americanism Has Taken the World By Storm,” Guardian, February 6, 2002. (yes) (filed dissenting left)

John Lloyd, “George W Bush’s Unlikely Bedfellows,” The New Statesman, March 11, 2002, pp.10-11. (filed dissenting left)

Anne Applebaum, “Division in Europe,” Slate, September 18, 2001. (filed dissenting left)

Todd Gitlin, “The Ordinariness of American Feelings,” Open Democracy, October 10, 2001. (filed dissenting left)

Michael Walzer, “Can There Be A Decent Left”, Dissent (Spring 2002), p.19-23.

Jeffrey C. Isaac, “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent (Spring 2002), pp.32-37.

Christopher Hitchens, “Against Rationalization,” The Nation, Oct 8, 2001, p.8.

Christopher Hitchens, “Blaming Bin Laden First,” The Nation, Oct 22, 2001, p.9.

Jonathan Schell, “A Hole in the World,” The Nation, September 12, 2001.

The Nation, “Editorial: A Great Wound,” September 12, 2001.

The Nation, “Editorial: Rules of Engagement,” September 26, 2001.

Barbara Kingsolver, “Jingoism Isn’t Patriotism,” September 27, 2001,

Anne Applebaum, “Division in Europe,” Slate, September 18, 2001.

Sheryl McCarthy, “United States Now Pays for the Errors of Our Ways,” Newsday, September 20, 2001.

C. Cushing Murray, “Loving My Country, Fearing Patriotism,” Los Angeles Times, September 22, 2001.

Christopher Hitchens, “Stranger in a Strange Land,” The Atlantic Monthly (December 2001).

Victor Davis Hanson, “I Love Iraq, Bomb Texas,” Commentary (Dec 2002), pp.42-47. (a survey of anti-americanism)

Steven Erlanger, “In Europe, Some Say the Attacks Stemmed From American Failings,” New York Times, September 22, 2001.

John Burns, “America Inspires Both Longing and Loathing in Arab World,” New York Times, September 16, 2001.

Louis Menand, “Faith, Hope, and Clarity: September 11th and the American Soul,” The New Yorker, September 16, 2002. (An analysis of Left and Anti-americanism but also the right-short and not bad at all).

Adam Shatz, “The Left and 9/11,” The Nation, Sept 23, 2002. (Good overview-shows confusion on Left)

4) The Left and 9/11

Keith Windschuttle, “The Hypocrisy of Noam Chomsky,” The New Criterion (May 2003), pp.4-13.

Paul Berman, Terror and Liberalism (2003), (with critiques from ther Nation and an interview in Salon—all filed with the book).

David Brooks, “The Fog of Peace,” The Weekly Standard, Sept 30, 2002 (good for 120: a crtique of the left)

Michael Walzer, “Can There Be A Decent Left”, Dissent (Spring 2002), p.19-23

Benjamin Ross, “In Search of Root Causes”, Dissent (Spring 2002), p.40-43

Lawrence F. Kaplan, “Guess Who Hates America? Conservatives”, The New Republic (June 26, 2000), p.22-25

Franklin Foer, “Meet the New Left: Bold, Fun, and Stupid”, The New Republic (May 1, 2000), p.21-23

Arch Puddington, “The Wages of Durban”, Commentary (Nov 2001), p.29-34

Ellen Willis, “Bringing the Holy War Home,” The Nation, Dec 17, 2001 (Examines the domestic moral implications of the Sept 11 attacks.)

Bruce Cumings, “Reflections on ‘Containment’”, The Nation, Mar 4, 2002, pp.19-23 (Commentary on Bush’s handling of the Axis of Evil).

Robert Dreyfuss, “Colin Powell’s List,” The Nation, Mar 25, 2002, p.16-20. (Commenting on the government’s targeting of “terrorist” and dissident groups)

Richard Falk, “Ending the Death dance,” The Nation, April 29, 2002. (Prescriptions for the US in terms of ending middle east conflict.)

Marc Cooper, “The Big Chill and Vigilante Justice,” The Nation, June 3, 2002, pp.17-20.

(Commenting on fear of the government harbored by Arab and Muslim communities in the US, and the reporting of “suspicious” immigrants by average citizens.)

Lewis Lapham, “Drums Along the Potomac,” Harpers (Nov 2001), pp.35-41.

(Commentary on the nation’s reaction to Sept 11. (Leftist but very bland and not good for class purposes)

John Edgar Wideman, “Whose War,” Harpers, Mar 2002, pp.33-38. (Essay on race within and outside of America, and prejudice and its relationship with the war on terrorism).

Jeffrey Isaac, “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent (Spring 2002), pp.32-37.(excellent and a must use for class)

Marcus Raskin, “Bennett’s Pledge of Allegiance,” The Nation (Aug 2002), pp.33-40.

Stanley Fish, “Postmodern Warfare,” Harpers (July 2002), pp.33-40. (Intellectuals, academia, and Sept 11. Refuting attacks on postmodernist thought in the wake of Sept 11. (I read it and not great for class purposes)

2) September 10: Declarations of War: Osama Bin Laden Before September 11

Peter Bergen, “The Long Hunt for Osama,” The Atlantic Monthly (October 2004), pp.88-100.

Bernard Haykel, “Radical Salafism: Osama’s Ideology,” (a minor thing I got off a website-not useful for class but look at at some point)

Dan Byman, “Al-Qaeda as an Adversary: Do We Understand Our Enemy,” World Politics (2003), pp.139-163. (review of books)

Jason Burke, “Al Qaeda: Think Again,” Foreign Policy (May/June 2004), pp.18-26.

Bernard Lewis, “License to Kill,” Foreign Affairs (Nov/Dec 1998), p.14-19

Peter Bergen, Holy War, Inc: Inside the Secret War of Osama Bin Laden (2001), pp.24-94.

Benjamin Orbach, “Osama Bin Laden and Al-Quaida: Origins and Doctrines,” MERIA (December 2001), pp.54-68.

Mary Anne Weaver, “Blowback” (1996) Atlantic Monthly (dated piece on Abdel Rahman. Not good for class)

Ann Lesch, “Osama bin Laden: Embedded in Middle East Crises”. Middle East Policy (June 2002), pp.82-91. An examination of the different facets of bin Laden’s aspirations, and the evolution of his cause.

Nicolas Lemann, “What Terrorists Want”. New Yorker, Oct 29, 2001, pp.36-41. (The idea that Osama bin Laden intends to start a series of civil wars within the Middle East.)

Reul Marc Gerecht, “The Gospel According to Osama bin Laden”. Atlantic Monthly, Jan 2002 (Examines the power that bin Laden’s followers find in his messages.)

Lee Harris, “Al-Quaeda’s Fantasy Ideology,” Policy Review (Aug 2002), pp.19-36.

Mark Katz, “Osama bin Laden as Transnational Revolutionary Leader,” Current History (Feb 2002). (Argues that bin Laden’s cause will ultimately fail to incite the revolution that he desires, but may have limited effects.)

Ann Lesch, “Osama bin Laden’s “Business” in Sudan,” Current History (May 2002). (Examines bin Laden’s growth in power during his years in Sudan.

Osama Bin Laden, “Declaration of War Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places,” August 23, 1996, in Alexander and Swetnam, eds., Profile of a Terrorist Network (2001), pp.1-22. (filed under osama)

Ann Lesch, “Osama bin Laden: Embedded in Middle East Crises,” Middle East Policy (June 2002), p.82-91. (An examination of the different facets of bin Laden’s aspirations, and the evolution of his cause. Use it because of her argument about how we should react to him).

Michael Dunn, “Osama Bin Laden: The Nature of the Challenge,” Middle East Policy (Oct 1998), pp.23-28 (basically argues Osama is not a threat)

Michael Doran, “The Pragmatic Fanaticism of Al-Quaeda,” PSQ (2002), p.177-190.

Samuel L. Berger and Mona Sutphen, “Commandeering the Palestinian Cause: Bin Laden’s Belated Concern, in How Did This Happen, pp.123-128.

Lawrence Wright, “The Man Behind Bin Laden,” The New Yorker, September 16, 2002, pp.56-86. (A lengthy examination of roots of Zawahiri (excellent).

Rohan Gunartna, Inside Al-Quaeda (2002).

3) International Law and Terrorism (and civil liberties)

Kenneth Roth, “The Law of War in the War on Terror,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2004), pp.2-7.

J. Andrew Kent, “Justice for Terrorists,” Commentary (June 2004), pp.39-42.

John Rosenthal, “A Lawless Global Court,” Policy Review (February 2004), pp.29-43.

Robert Bork, “Civil Liberties After 9/11,” Commentary (July-Aug 2003), pp.29-35.

George Weigel, “The Morality of War,” Commentary (July-Aug 2003), pp.50-55.

Richard Falk, “Kosovo, World Order, and the Future of International Law,” The American Journal of International Law (1999), pp.847-857.

Michael Glennon, “Why the Security Council Failed,” Foreign Affairs (May June 2003), pp.16-35. (note articles by Bolton and Rivkin casey attached-good for general ilaw section)

Thomas Franck, “Are Human Rights Universal,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2001), pp.191-204. ( alittle dated but says yes in context of taliban)

Kenneth Roth, “The Case for Universal Jurisdiction,” Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 2001), pp.150-154. (response to kissinger)

Robert Beisner, “Wrong from the Beginning,” The Weekly Standard, March 17, 2003, pp.27-29 ( a look at acheson’s jaundiced view of the un).

Robert W. Tucker, “Justice and the War,” National Interest (Fall 1991), p.108-112. (On the Gulf War)

Alan Kuperman, “Suffering,” The National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.136-141. (review of david rieff A Bed for the Night-might want to get the book and see if you want to use it-this review is very critical-filed under rieff bed for night).

Jean Bethke Elshtain, “How to Fight a Just War,” in Ken Booth, ed., Worlds in Collision (2002), pp.263-269. (Short but good)

Bruce Hoffman, “A Nasty Business,” Atlantic Monthly (Jan 2002), p.49-52

John R. Bolton, “Courting Danger: What’s Wrong With The International Criminal Court,” National Interest (Winter 1998/99), p.60-71.

John Bolton, “The Global Prosecutors: Hunting War Criminals,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 1999), pp.157-164.

Susan Waltz, “Prosecuting Dictators: International Law and the Pinochet Case,” World Policy Journal (Spring 2001), pp.101-111.

Robert Tucker, “The International Criminal Court Controversy,” World Policy Journal (Summer 2001), pp.71-78.

Peter Spiro, “The New Sovereigntists,” Foreign Affairs (Nov-Dec 2000), pp.9-15.

David Rivkin, “The Rocky Shoals of International Law,” The National Interest (Winter 2000/2001), pp.35-45.

Jeremy Rabkin, “After Guantanamo,” The National Interest (Summer 2002), pp.15-26.

Jeremy Rabkin, “The International Kangaroo Court,” the Weekly Standard , April 29, 2002, pp.12-14 (short critique of icc).

Robert Kennedy, “Is One Person’s Terrorist Another’s Freedom Fighter: Western and Islamic Approaches to Just War,” Terrorism and Political Violence (spring 1999), pp.1-21.

David Chandler, “International Justice,” New Left Review (Nov-Dec 2000), pp.55-66. (a little dated on Kosovo but a defense of putting sovereignty ahead of human rights.

Charles Krauthammer, “The Short Unhappy Life of Humanitarian Warfare,” The National Interest (Fall 1999), pp.5-8.

Charles Trueheart, “A New Kind of Justice,” Atlantic Monthly (April 2000), p.80-90

Mark Singer, “Home is Here”, New Yorker (Oct 15, 2001), p.62-70 Report on the effects of Sept 11 on Dearborn Michigan, where the US’s largest Arab community resides. (in NY misc)

Nicholas Rengger, “On the just war tradition in the twenty-first century”. International Affairs, April 2002, pp.353-363 (How US military actions after Sept 11 depart from the ‘just war tradition’. (could use in the terrorism and just war class)

Ruth Wedgwood, “The Law at War: How Osama Slipped Away”. National Interest, Winter 2001/02 (Details the failures of Clinton’s legal reasoning in not capturing bin Laden in 1996.(Might be good-right leaning)

Edwin Dobb, “Should John Walker Lindh Go Free?” Harpers May 2002, pp.21-31.(Discussion of the handing of the John Walker Lindh case. (might be useful in a civil liberties section)

Richard Posner, “Security Versus Civil Liberties”. Atlantic Monthly (Dec 2001) (Discussion of the relationship between civil liberties and state security within the US. (Only 2 pages but raises the big questions)

Jeffrey Rosen, “Ashcroft Goes Over the Edge,” New Republic (no date-very short-critical of ashcroft)

Thomas Powers, “Liberty and Justice for Almost All,” The Weekly Standard, June 16, 2003, pp.12-14. (examination of patriot act) (see related article by Tell in Aug 4 issue

Christopher Greenwood, “International Law and the ‘War Against Terrorism” International Affairs (April 2002), pp.301-317. (A look at the legal implications of persecuting international terrorists).

Jeffrey Toobin, “Ashcroft’s Ascent,” The New Yorker, April 15, 2002, pp.50-63. (Examination of Ashcroft’s actions since Sept 11.)

Joshua Muravchik, “The UN on the Loose,” Commentary (Aug 2002), pp.29-32.

Jaques deLisle, “The Roles of Law in the Fight Against Terrorism,” Orbis Spring 2002, pp.301-319.

(Examines the laws of war and civil liberties and their relationship to the war on terrorism.)

Adam Roberts, Counter-terrorism, Armed Force and the Laws of War, Survival (Spring 2002), p.7-32. (Raises questions about the legal aspects of pursuing, capturing, and prosecuting the terrorists).

Eric Alterman, “Freedom is History (and Vice Versa)”, Nation (Dec. 10, 2001), p.12 (Discusses the crackdown on civil liberties post Sept 11)

Matthew Rothschild, “The New McCarthyism”, Progressive (Jan 2002), p.18-23 (The curtailment of free speech after Sept 11)

Nat Hentoff, “Liberal Laryngitis”, Progressive (Feb 2002), p.16-17 (Commentary on Ashcroft’s handling of civil liberties)

Anne-Marie Cusac, “Ill-Treatment on Our Shores”, Progressive (March 2002), p.24-28 (Explores the treatment of persons imprisoned in the US after Sept 11)

Jack Goldsmith, “Military Tribunals and Legal Culture: What a Difference Sixty Years Makes,” (unpublished-review of Bush actions in comparison)

4a) The Arab World (General Stuff)

Fareed Zakaria, “Islam, Democracy, and Constitutional Democracy,” Political Science Quarterly (2004), pp.1-20. (excellent for several reasons).

Ray Takeyh, “Arab Democracy and U.S. Interests,” The National Interest (Spring 2004), pp.1-7.

Tamara Wittes, “The Promise of Arab Liberalism,” Policy Review (June 2004), pp.61-76.

Jon Alterman, “The False Promise of Arab Liberals,” Policy Review (June 2004), pp.77-85.

The Wilson Quarterly, “Ready for Democracy: Symposium,” The Wilson Quareterly (Spring 2004), pp.27-62. (Symposium on democracy with many people participating-look at).

Marc Lynch, “Taking Arabs Seriously,” Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 2003), pp.

Fouad Ajami, “The Falseness of Anti-Americanism,” Foreign Policy (Sept/Oct 2003), pp.52-61.

Fouad Ajami, “The End of Pan-Arabism,” Foreign Affairs (Winter 78/79), p.355-373.

Fareed Zakaria, “Why Do they Hate US?” Newsweek, October 15, 2001.

Adam Garfinkle, “The Impossible Imperative? Conjuring Arab Democracy,” the National Interest(Fall 2002), pp.156-167.

Reuel Marc Gerecht, “Appeasing Arab Dictators,” The Weekly Standard , April 8, 2002, pp.24-26.

Cameron Brown, “The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to 9/11,” MERIA (December 2001), pp.69-89.

Amir Taheri, “The Crackup of the Arab Tyrannies,” The Weekly Standard, July 7 and 14, 2003, pp.28-31 (good brings in arab development report).

Barry Rubin, “The Truth About US Middle East Policy,” MERIA (December 2001), pp.1-25 (looks good for 120)

Barry Rubin, “The Triumph of the Old Middle East,” MERIA (June 2002), pp.62-69.

Simon Henderson, “The Arabs Meet the Enemy…Themselves,” The Weekly Standard, August 5, 2002, p.17 (short story about the arab human development report)

4) America’s Allies: Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia ( 1 week)

Saudi Arabia

Michael Scott Doran, “The Saudi Paradox,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2004), pp.35-51.

Robert Baer, “The Fall of the House of Saud,” The Atlantic Monthly (May 2003), pp.53-62.

Stephen Schwartz, The Two Faces of Islam (2003). (also good on rad islam

Richard Dekmejian, “The Liberal Impulse in Saudi Arabia,” Middle East Journal (Summer 2003), pp.400-413.

Eleanor Abdella Doumato, “Manning the Barricades: Islam According to Saudi Arabia’s School Texts,” Middle East Journal (Spring 2003), pp.230-247.

Mamoun Fandy, Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent, Various Chapters.

Josh Pollack, “Saudia Arabia and the United States, 1931-2002,” MERIA (September 2002), pp.77-102.

Adam Garfinkle, “The Weak Vicissitudes of Saudi Bashing,” National Interest (Spring 2002), pp.144-150.

Greg Gause, “Saudi Arabia Over a Barrel,” Foreign Affairs (2000), pp.80-94.

Greg Gause, “Be Careful What You Wish For: The Future of US Saudi Relations.” World Policy Journal (Spring 2002), p.37-50 (Examining the US’s relationship with Saudi Arabia post-Sept 11.

Seymour Hersh, “Kings Ransom,” The New Yorker, Oct 22, 2001, p.35-39. (The vulnerability of the Saudi royalty.)

Michael Klare, “The Geopolitics of War,” The Nation, Nov 5, 2001, p.11-15. (The relationship between the control of Saudi oil and world power.)

Gwenn Okruhlik, “Networks of Dissent: Islamism and Reform in Saudi Arabia,” Current History (Jan 2002), p.22-28. (A more detailed view of Saudi Arabia’s domestic political challenges-Not good and not for class)

Eric Rouleau, “Trouble in the Kingdom,” Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2002), pp.75-89. (Excellent)

Victor Davis Hanson, “Our Enemies, The Saudis,” Commentary (July/Aug 2002), p.23-28. (Urges a reevaluation of the US/Saudi relationship.)

Nawaf Obaid, “In Al-Saud We Trust,” Foreign Policy (Jan/Feb 2002), p.72-74. (Comparing the strength of the Shah’s rule with the strength of the Saudi royal family.)

Prince Abdullah, “Address to the GCC,” Middle East Policy (Mar 2002), p.29-32.(Speech regarding the state of the Arab/Islamic world.)

Daniel Pipes, “The Scandal of US-Saudi Relations,” The National Interest (Winter 2002/2003), pp.66-78.

Josh Chafetz, “The Honorable Shills,” The Weekly Standard, January 13, 2003, pp.25-27. (a look at how our ambassadors whitewash saudi arabia)

Abdullah’s Peace Initiative, Middle East Policy (June 2002), p.25-26. (Copy of the Arab peace plan.)


David Remnick, “Going Nowhere: Letter from Cairo,” The New Yorker, July 12, 2004, pp.74-83.

Johannes Jansen, The Neglected Duty: The Creed of Sadat’s Assassins.

Giles Kepel, Jihad: On the Trail of Political Islam (2002), Chapter 12 on Egypt.

Ferry Biedermann, “Damned if we Do, Damned if we Don’t,” Salon, September 13, 2002. (on Egypt but also good on larger anti-americanism).

Eberhard Kienle, “The Political Deliberalization of Egypt in the 1990s”, Middle East Journal (Spring 1998), p.219-235.

Mahmoun Fandy, “Egypt’s Islamist Group: Regional Revenge,” Middle East Journal (Autumn 1994), pp.607-625.

Ibrahim Karawin, “The Case of Egypt: Identity and Foreign Policy,” in Barnett and Telhami, Identity and Foreign Policy, pp.155-168 (not for class, looks bland).

Ibrahim Karowan, “Sadat and the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Revisited,” International Journal of Middle East Studies (1994), pp.249-266.

Eric Rouleau, “Who Killed Sadat,” Merip (1982)

Marie Aulas, “Sadat’s Egypt: A Balance Sheet,” Merip (1982), pp.6-30.

Mary Anne Weaver, “Egypt on Trial,” New York Times , June 17, 2001.

Steven Barraclough, “Al-Azhar: Between the Government and the Islamists,” Middle East Journal (1998), pp.236-249 (very good but probably not for class)

Joshua Stacher, “Post-Islamist Rumblings in Egypt: The Emergence of the Wasat Party,” Middle East Journal (Summer 2002), pp.415-432.

Sana Abed-Kotob, “The Accomodationists Speak: Goals and Strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood,” International Journal of Middle East Studies (1995), pp.321-339. (excellent-might want to use)

Meir Hatina, “The Call to Separate Religion and State in Modern Egypt,” Middle Eastern Studies (Jan 2000), pp.35-67.

Jeffrey Goldberg, “Behind Mubarak,” The New Yorker, October 8, 2001, pp.48-55. (The responses of Egyptian clerics and intellectuals to Sept 11.)

Fuoad Ajami, “The Sorrows of Egypt,” Foreign Affairs (1995) (pretty good on despair of Egypt).

Joel Gordon, “Political Opposition in Egypt,” Current History (dated do not use)

Joshua Hammer, “Tie Breaker,” The New Republic, Feb 18, 2002, p.13-14 Tie Breaker. (Egypt’s attitude towards Israel.)


Eliza Griswold, “In the Hiding Zone,” The New Yorker, July 26, 2004, pp.34-41.

Sumit Ganguly, “Pakistan’s Never Ending Story,” Foreign Affairs (Mar/April 2000) Pp.2-7. (Pakistan needs reforms, but it is unlikely that Musharraf will do the job. (Not good for classes)

Jessica Stern, “Pakistan’s Jihad Culture,” Foreign Affairs (Nov Dec 2000), pp.115-126. (Examines the relationship between the Pakistani government and militant Pakistani Islamic movements. (also not good for classes)

Isabel Hilton, “The Pashtun Code,” New Yorker, December 2001, pp.59-71. (Very good on the Pashtuns, but probably no place to put).

Robert Kaplan, “The Lawless Frontier,” Atlantic Monthly (Sept 2000)-excellent on Pakistan if you can work it in somewhere. (not sure where)

5) Understanding and Fighting Terrorism (The stuff here could go many places)

Anonymous, Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terrorism (2004). (Entire book but last chapter is particularly important).

Andrew McCarthy, “Torture: Thinking about the Unthinkable,” Commentary (July-August 2004), pp.17-24.

Mikael Nabati, “Anticipatory Self-Defense: The Terrorism Exception,” Current History (May 2003), pp.222-232.

9/11 sysmposium, The National Interest(Fall 2002), pp.5-34. (Mearsheimer and some others)

Daniel Benjamin and Stephen Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror (2002), copied much of the book-consider for both classes.

Daniel Byman, “Scoring the War on Terrorism,” the National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.75-84.

Bruce Hoffman, “The Logic of Suicide Terrorism,” The Atlantic Monthly, June 2002), pp.40-47.

Michael O’Hanlon, “A Flawed Masterpiece: Assessing the Afghan Campaign,” Foreign Affairs (May-June 2002), pp.47-63.

Andrew Stigler, “A Clear Victory for Airpower: NATO’s Empty Threat to Invade Kosovo,” International Security (Winter 2002/2003), pp.124-157.

Minxin Pei, “The Paradoxes of American Nationalism,” Foreign Policy (May June 2003), pp.31-37.

Philip Gordon, “Bush’s Middle East Vision,” Survival (Spring 2003), pp.155-165.

Josh Marshall, “Practice to Deceive,” Washington Monthly (April 2003), pp.28-34.

Joshua Muravchik, “The Bush Manifesto,” Commentary (December 2002), pp.23-30.

John Lewis Gaddis, “A Grand Strategy,” Foreign Policy (Nov-Dec 2002), pp.50-57. (In National Security reading packet)

Charles Pena, “World or Homeland? US National Security Strategy in the 21st Strategy,” Open Democracy, May 29, 2003, pp.1-9.

Robert Jervis, “Understanding the Bush Doctrine,” Political Science Quarterly (Winter 2003), pp.365-388.

Melvyn Leffler, “9/11 and the Past and Present of American Foreign Policy,” International Affairs (Spring 2003), pp.1045-1063.

Colin Dueck, “New Perspectives on American Grand Strategy,” International Security (Spring 2004), pp.197-216.

Tod Lindberg, “Deterrence and Prevention: Why a War Against Saddam is Crucial to Deterrence,” The Weekly Standard, February 3, 2003, pp.24-28.

Max Boot, “What Next? The Bush Foreign Policy Agenda Beyond Iraq,” The Weekly Standard, May 5, 2003, pp.27-33.

Max Boot, “Look Who Likes Deterence Now: The Left and Containment,” the Weekly Standard, November 11, 2002, pp.27-29.

Max Boot, “The End of Appeasement,” The Weekly Standard, Feb 10, 2003, pp.21-28 (lengthy look at what he calls america’s past failures of appeasement in the middle east.)

Richard Falk, “The New Bush Doctrine,” The Nation, July 15, 2002, pp.9-11.

Michael Klare, “Endless Military Superiority,” The Nation, July 15, 2002.( An evaluation of Rumsfeld’s new military budget.)

Ivo Daalder et al, “Hard Choices: National Security and the War on Terrorism,” Current History (December 2002), pp.409-413. (In National Security reading packet)

Philip Zelikow, “The Transformation of National Security,” National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.17-28. (In National Security reading packet)

Shibley Telhami, “Understanding the Challenge,” Middle East Journal (Winter 2002), p.9-18.

Fareed Zakaria, “Why Do they Hate Us,” Newsweek, October 15, 2001.

Bruce Hoffman, “All You Need is Love,” Atlantic Monthly (Dec 2001)(minor thing about how plo married off black September militatnts).

Steven Simon, “America and the New Terrorism,” Survival (Spring 2000), pp.59-75.

Bruce Hoffman, “A Nasty Business,” Atlantic Monthly (Jan 2002), p.49.(Examines the not-so-morally-pleasant process of effective information gathering with regards to counter-terrorist intelligence.)

Audrey Kurth Cronin, “Rethinking Sovereignty: American Strategy in the Age of Terror,” Survival (Summer 2002), p.19-35. (Argues for a more comprehensive, flexible, and broad-based strategy for combating terrorism. Encompasses economic, political, legal, diplomatic, and military elements.)

Seymour Hersh, “Mixed Messages,” New Yorker (June 3, 2002), pp.40-48.(Examination of the failure of US intelligence apparatus with regards to Sept 11.

Seymour Hersh, “What Went Wrong,” New Yorker, Oct 8, 2001, p.34-40.(Discussion of the failure of the CIA w/regards to Sept 11.)

Nicholas Rizopoulos, “The Autumn of Our Discontent,” Partisan Review (June 2002), pp.282-292 (useful only for the summaries of the Hoge and Rose reader-actually some are quite brutal)


Spring 2002

p.215-227 Finding a Foreign Policy. Harvey Sicherman

Examines the foreign policy that Sept 11 forced Bush to develop. (not useful)

p.289-300 Intelligence and the War on Terrorism. Bruce Berkowitz

Intelligence failures associated with Sept 11. (Not good for class or anything else)

p.321-332 The War and the West. James Kurth

Examines the US conflict with Islamic terrorism. (Too extreme for class but might want to include it for that purpose-basically says Muslims cannot be assimilated)

Jonathan Stevenson, “Pragmatic Counterterrorism,” Survival (Winter 2001), p.35-48. Discussion of possible US counter-terrorism strategies. (Very bland-not good for class)

Scott Sagan, “The Commitment Trap,”International Security (Spring 2000), p.85-115 (Argues that the US should not use nuclear threats to deter the use of biological and chemical weapons. (def not for class purposes)

Michael Radu, “Terrorism After the Cold War,” Orbis (Spring 2002), p.275-287. (An examination of modern terrorism.)

Steven Simon, “The Terror,” Survival (Winter 2001), p.5-18.(Discusses just how one can combat a terrorist group, and whether or not a base of “contiguous territory” is necessary for a terrorist group to operate.)

Michael Howard, “What’s In a Name,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2002), p.8-13. (tendentious criticisms of America and Bush but maybe useful for class purposes)Explores the implications of using the term "war on terrorism".

Grenville Byford, “The Wrong War,” Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2002), p.34-43.(Comments on the difficulty of waging a war on terrorism when the definition of terrorism is so flexible. (Actually pretty good for class purposes-maybe put in some section dealing with Language or axis of evil)

David C. Rapoport, “The Fourth Wave: Sept 11 in the History of Terrorism,” Current History (Dec 2001), pp.419-424. (Looks at the historical progression of terrorism. (very short and minor but a good overview of historical progression)

Martha Crenshaw, “Why America? The Globalization of Civil War,” Current History (Dec 2001) (Argues that terrorism is a strategic reaction to US power in the context of a global civil war.)

Ashton B. Carter, “The Architecture of Government in the Face of Terrorism,” International Security Symposium (Winter 2001/02), pp.5-23. Examines the mistakes of the government in prioritizing its response to threats in the post-Cold War era, and prescribes changes that need to be made in response to Sept 11.

Philip B. Heymann, “Dealing with Terrorism: An Overview,” International Security Symposium (Winter 2001/02), pp.24-38. How the US should respond to the terrorist threat (in order to restore a feeling of general safety).

Barry Posen, “The Struggle Against Terrorism: Grand Strategy, Strategy, and Tactics,” International Security Symposium (Winter 2001/02), p.39-55. A look at the extent of the threat of al-Qaeda, how the US should respond, how the US should change its system of defense, and how these things will influence US foreign policy.

Stephen M. Walt, “Beyond bin Laden: Reshaping US Foreign Policy,” International Security Symposium (Winter 2001/02), pp.56-68.

Robert Dreyfuss, “The Phantom Menace,” Mother Jones (Sept 2000), (possibly useful because it shows the mindest dismissing terrorism).

Richard Betts, “Fixing Intelligence,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2002), p.43-59. (not good for class)

Criticizes proposed reforms to the US intelligence apparatus.

Richard Betts, “The Soft Underbelly of American Primacy,” PSQ (Spring 2002), pp.19-36.

Robert Jervis, “An Interim Assessment of September 11,” PSQ(Spring 2002), pp.37-54.

Michael O’Hanlon, “Protecting the American Homeland,” Brookings Review.

Joshua Muravchik, “Hearts, Minds, and the War Against Terror,” Commentary May 2002, pp.25-30.Improving the image of the US in the eyes of the world. (Very good on the depths of hostility to us-use in class)

Ivo Daalder, “Hard Choices: National Security and the War on Terrorism,” Current History (December 2002). An analysis of Bush’s national security strategy document.

Christian Brose, “Thwilight of the Idols,” The National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.157-163 (draws parallels bewtwenn nietzche and Bush).

James Kurth, “Confronting the Unipolar Moment: The American Empire and Islamic Terrorism,” Current History (Dec 2002), pp.403-408.

7) America and the Persian Gulf

Graham Fuller and Ian Lesser, “Persian Gulf Myths,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 1997), pp.42-52. (Argues for a new policy in the Gulf)

8) American Adversaries: Iran (support Khatami or people)(1 week to 1.5 weeks)

Giles Kepel, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (good chapter on Khmeini)

James Fallows, “Will Iran Be Next,” The Atlantic Monthly (December 2004), pp.99-110.

Mark Bowden, “Among the Hostage Takers,” The Atlantic Monthly (December 2004), pp.76-96.

Reuel Marc Gerecht, “Regime Change in Iran,” The Weekly Standard, August 5, 2002, pp.30-33.

Reuel Marc Gerecht, “The Mullahs Manhattan Project,” The Weekly Standard, June 9, 2003, pp.30-33.

Geoffrey Kemp, “How to Stop the Iranian Bomb,” The National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.48-58.

Tim Judah, “The Sullen Majority,” The New York Times, Sept 1, 2002.

Jahangir Amuzegar, “Iran’s Crumbling Revolution,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.44-57.

Mostafa Zahrani, “The Coup that Changed the Middle East: Mossadeq v. the CIA in Retrospect,” World Policy Journal (Summer 2002), pp.93-99.

Joe Klein, “Shadow Land: Who’s Winning the Fight for Iran’s Future?” The New Yorker, Feb 18, 2002, pp.66-76.

Mark N. Katz, “The Khatemi Factor”, National Interest (Spring 1998), p.85-96.

James Bill, “The Politics of Hegemony: The United States and Iran,” Middle East Policy (September 2001), pp.89-100. (Looks bland)

Eric Hooglund, “Khatami’s Iran,” Current History (Feb 1999), pp.59-64.

Olivier Roy, “The Crisis of Religious Legitimacy in Iran”, Middle East Journal (Spring 1999), p.201-216

R. K. Ramazani, “The Shifting Premise of Iran’s Foreign Policy”, Middle East Journal (Spring 1998), p.177-187

A. William Samii, “Iran’s Guardian’s Council as an Obstacle to Democracy”, Middle East Journal (Autumn 2001), p.643-662

Joshua Muravchik, “Why Iran is (Still) a Menace”, Commentary (July 1997), p.39-44

Whit Mason, “Iran’s Simmering Discontent,” World Policy Journal (Spring 2002), p.71-80. Growing disillusionment in Iran. (very good-maybe assign)

Puneet Talwar, “Iran in the Balance,” Foreign Affairs, July/Aug 2001, p.58-71,

Urges US to engage Iran in order to tip the political balance in favor of Iranian Moderates. Pretty Bland, but might be useful.

Bahman Baktiari, “Iran’s Liberal Revolution” Current History (Jan 2002), pp.17-21. (A look at Khatami’s rule. (Short and pretty good for class purposes)

Robin Wright, “Iran’s New Revolution,” Foreign Affairs (Jan Feb 2000), pp.133-145. (On reform movements-may be good.)

Ray Takeyh, Pragmatic Theocracy, The National Interest, Spring 2000, pp.94-100. Despite domestic political changes, Iran’s foreign policy objectives remain largely unchanged. (Very good for class purposes-shows Khatemi still would be trouble)

Ray Takeyh, “Re-Imagining US-Iranian Relations,” Survival (Autumn 2002), pp.23-36.

Ray Takeyh, “Iran’s Emerging National Compact,” World Policy Journal (Fall 2002), pp.43-50.

Ray Takeyh, “Iranian Options: Pragmatic Mullahs and America’s Interests,” The National Interest (Fall 2003), pp.49-56.

*You have quite a few Ray Takeyh’s-not all of them are listed)

Franklin Foer, “Successor Story: Reza Pahlavi’s Next Revolution,” The New Republic (January 2002), pp.1-5.

Walter Laqueur, “Why the Shah Fell,” Commentary (March 1979), pp.47-55.

James Bill, “Iran and the Crisis of 78,” Foreign Affairs(Winter 78/79), pp.323-342.

Eric Rouleau, “Khomeini’s Iran,” Foreign Affairs (1980), pp.1-20.

Said Arjomand, “Civil Society and the Rule of Law in the Constitutional Politics of Iran

Under Khatami,” Social Research(2000), (surely too complex for class)

Alexander Moens, “President Carter’s Advisors and the Fall of the Shah,” PSQ (1991), pp.211-237.

Brad Hanson, “The Westoxication of Iran: Depictions and Reactions of …” International Journal of Middle East Studies (Feb 1983), pp.1-23.

10) Weapons of Mass Destruction (includes North Korea)

Ted Galen Carpenter, “Living with the Unthinkable: How to Coexist with a Nuclear North Korea,” The National Interest (Winter 2003/2004), pp.92-98.

Steven Morris, “Averting the Unthinkable,” The National Interest (Winter 2003/04), pp.99-107. (Debate filed with carpenter).

Gary Samore, “The Korean Nuclear Crisis,” Survival (Spring 2003), pp.7-24.

Arthur Waldron, “Our Game with North Korea,” Commentary (February 2004), pp.27-32.

Jonathan Tucker, “A Farewell to Germs: The US Renunciation of Biowarfare,” International Security (Winter 2003).

Victor Cha and David Kang, “The Korea Crisis,” Foreign Policy (May/June 2003), pp.20-28.

Victor Cha, “Hawk Engagement and Preventive Defense on the Korean Peninsula,” International Security (Summer 2002), pp. 40-78.

James T. Laney and Jason Shaplen, “How to Deal with North Korea,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2003), pp.16-30. (Filed under North Korea)

Victor Cha, “Korea’s Place in the Axis,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2002), pp.79-92. (Filed under North Korea).

Joshua Muravchik, “Facing up to North Korea,” Commentary (March 2003), pp.33-38. (Filed under North Korea).

Articles by Eberstadt, Cummings and others in the North Korea file.

Bruce Hoffman, “One-Alarm Fire”, Atlantic Monthly (Dec 2001), p.137-139

Richard K. Betts, “The New Threat of Mass Destruction”, Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 1998), p.26-41

p.45-49 Can Terrorists Get the Bomb. Gary Milhollin, commentary feb 2002

Discusses the likelihood of terrorists developing nuclear capabilities. (might be good because generally argues not so easy)

p.31-45 Preparing for the Next Attack. William J. Perry, FA (Nov Dec 2001).

Atlantic Monthly

July/Aug 2002

p.113 Designer Bugs. Jon Cohen

Discusses potential threats of biological warfare and genetic engineering, focuses primarily on the scientific aspects of the issue.

Prescriptions for dealing with rising terrorist threats. (not bad-focused on wmd)

11) Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Gulf War (also postwar assessments)

Kenneth Pollack, “Spies, Lies, and Weapons: What Went Wrong,” The Atlantic Monthly (Jan-Feb 2004), pp.78-92.

Andrew McCarthy, “The Intelligence Mess,” Commentary (April 2004), pp.11-20.

Claudia Rosett, “The Oil for Food Scam,” Commentary (May 2004), pp.15-22.

Joshua Muravchik, “The Richard Clarke Show,” Commentary (May 2004), pp.32-41.

Victor Davis Hanson, “Iraq’s Future and Ours,” Commentary (January 2004), pp.15-20.

Robert Kaplan, “Five Days in Fallujah,” The Atlantic Monthly (July/August 2004), pp.116-126.

Robert Kaplan, “The Media and Medievalism,” Policy Review (December 2004), pp.1-7. (not really Iraq focusded-more on misplaced emphasis on democracy-filed with five days in)

James Fallows, “Blind into Baghdad,” The Atlantic Monthly (Jan-Feb 2004), pp.52-74.

David Ekbladh, “How to Build a Nation,” The Wilson Quareterly (Winter 2004), pp.12-20. (on korea, but relevant to iraq)

Jane Mayer, “The Manipulator: Ahmed Chalabi,” The New Yorker, June 7, 2004, pp.58-72.

The National Interest, “Iraq at the Turn: A Symposium,” The National Interest (Summer 2004), pp.5-51.

Lawrence Freedman, “War in Iraq: Selling the Threat,” Survival, Summer 2004, pp.7-50. (lengthy and extensive)

Nancy Birdsall, “Saving Iraq From Its Oil,” Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2004), pp.77-89.

Andreas Wimmer, “Democracy and Ethno Religious Conflict in Iraq,” Survival (Winter 2003-2004), pp.111-134.

Nir Rosen, “Home Rule: Letter from Fallujah,” The New Yorker, July 5, 2004, pp.48-53.

Seymour Hersh, “Chain of Command,” The New Yorker, May 17, 2004. (all three on abu graib filed together-short thing by Mark Bowden included)

George Packer, “Caught in the Crossfire: Will Moderate Iraqis Embrace Democracy,” The New Yorker, May 17, 2004, pp.63-73.

Jon Lee Anderson, “The Uprising,” The New Yorker, May 3, 2004, pp.62-73.

Toby Dodge, “US Intervention and Possible Iraqi Futures,” Survival (Autumn 2003), pp.103-122.

Wesley Clark, “Iraq: What Went Wrong,” The New York Review of Books, October 23, 2003.

Peter Boyer, “General Clark’s Battles,” The New Yorker, November 17, 2003.

Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars (2003).

James Rubin, “Stumbling Into War,” Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 2003), pp.46-66.

Thomas Powers, “The Vanishing Case for War,” The New York Review of Books, December 4, 2003, pp.1-12.

Judith Yaphe, “War and Occupation in Iraq: What Went Right? What Could Go Wrong?” Middle East Journal (Summer 2003), pp.381-399.

Efraim Karsh, “Making Iraq Safe for Democracy,” Commentary (April 2003), pp.22-28.

Reuel Marc Gerecht, “Why We Need a Democratic Iraq,” The Weekly Standard, March 24, 2003, pp.23-26.

Stephen Schwartz, “Fear Not the Shias,” The Weekly Standard, March 24, 2003, pp.27-29.

Peter J. Boyer, “The New War Machine,” The New Yorker (June 30, 2003), pp.55-71. (Largely on Tommy Franks-lengthy-looks int)

Kenneth Pollack, “Securing the Gulf,” Foreign Affairs (July-Aug 2003), pp.2-16.

Yitzhak Nakash, “The Shiites and the Future of Iraq,” Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2003), pp.17-26.

Jon Lee Anderson, “Iraq’s Bloody Summer,” The New Yorker, August 11, 2003.

George Packer, “War after the War,” The New Yorker, November 24, 2003.

Victor Davis Hanson, “Lessons on the War,” Commentary (June 2003), pp.17-22.

Ahmad Hashim, “Saddam Hussein and Civil Military Relations in Iraq,” Middle East Journal (Winter 2003), pp.9-41.

Jason Goodwin et al, “Iraq from Sumer to Saddam,” The Wilson Quarterly (Spring 2003), pp.23-51. (A collection of various articles on Iraq history etc—walker and baram included.

Michael O’ Hanlon, “Estimating Casualties in a War to Overthrow Saddam Hussein,” Orbis (Winter 2003), pp.21-40. (You do not need to go deeply into the various models he presents).

Michael Rubin, “Small Arms: Will Saddam’s Troops Fight?” The New Republic, September 9, 2002. (In various Iraq

Victor Davis Hanson, “Doom, Doom and More Doom,” National Review, February 7, 2003.

Fred Kaplan, “How Smart Are Our Smart Bombs?” Slate, October 17, 2002.

Nicolas Lemann, “Order of Battle: What a War Against Iraq Would Look Like,” The New Yorker (Nov 18, 2002), pp.42-47. (in various Iraq)

Thomas Ricks, “War Plans Target Hussein Power Base,” The Washington Post, September 22, 2002.

Michael Gordon, “Iraq Said to Plan a Strategy of Delay and Urban Battle,” The New York Times, February 16, 2003.

David Sanger and Thom Shanker, “War Planners Speak of the Risks,” The New York Times, February 18, 2003.

James Dao, “US Plan: Spare Iraq’s Civilians,” The New York Times, February 23, 2003.

Fouad Ajami, “Iraq and the Arabs’ Future,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.2-18.

Nicholas Lemann, “After Iraq: The Plan to Remake the Middle East,” The New Yorker (Feb 2003), pp.70-76.

Michael Scott Doran, “Palestine, Iraq, and American Strategy,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.19-33.

James Fallows, “Iraq: The 51st State?” Atlantic Monthly (Nov 2002).

David Greenberg, “Is Iraq the New Japan,” Slate, October 18, 2002.

John F. Burns, “When the Enemy is a Liberator,” The New York Times, February 16, 2003.

Karen DeYoung and Peter Slevin, “Full US Control Planned for Iraq,” The Washington Post, February 21, 2003.

Kanan Makiya, “Our Hopes Betrayed,” The Guardian, February 16, 2003.

Luke Harding, “Iraqi Opposition Slams Plan for Military Governor,” The Guardian, February 16, 2003.

Amir Taheri, “Post Plans: Who Will Rule Iraq?” National Review, February 19, 2003.

Michael Eisenstadt, “Curtains for the Ba’ath,” National Interest (Winter 2001/2002), pp.59-68.

Michelle Goldberg, “Radical Humanist, Iraq Hawk,” Salon, December 20, 2002.

Kenneth Pollack, The Threatening Storm, pp.387-424.

Iraq gov documents, British weapons and US Saddam’s Apparatus of Lies

Carl Kaysen, Malin et al, “War With Iraq: Costs, Consequences and Alternatives,” American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Fall 2002).

Rosemary Hollis, “Getting out of the Iraq Trap,” International Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.23-36.

Tim Judah, “In Iraqi Kurdistan,” Survival (Winter 2002-03), pp.39-51.

Charles Tripp, “After Saddam,” Survival (Winter 2002-03), pp.23-37.

David Brooks, “Saddam’s Brain: The Ideology Behind the Thuggery,” the Weekly Standard, November 11, 2002, pp.22-26.

Richard Betts, “Suicide From Fear of Death?” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.34-43.

Michael Scott Doran, “Palestine, Iraq, and American Strategy,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.19-33.

Fouad Ajami, “Iraq and the Arabs’ Future,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.2-18.

Michael Walzer, “Drums of War, Calls for Peace,” Dissent (Winter 2003), pp.5-27. (symposium on the war).

Ruth Wedgwood, “The Enforcement of Security Council Resolution 687,” American Journal of International Law (1998), pp.724-728.

Andrew Sullivan, “Memo to Europe: Grow Up on Iraq,” August 11, 2002, The Sunday Times of London.

Giles Andreani, “Dirty Laundry in Baghdad,” Survival (Winter 1999-2000), pp.165-176. (Review of Ritter and Butler.

Joy Gordon, “Cool War: Economic Sanctions as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” Harpers (Nov 2002), pp.43-49.

Michael Rubin, “Sanctions on Iraq: A Valid Anti-American Grievance,” MERIA (December 2001), pp.100-115.

Shibley Telhami, “Arab Public Opinion and the Gulf War,” PSQ (Autumn 1993), pp.437-452.

Daniel Byman, “After the Storm: US Policy Toward Iraq Since 1991,” PSQ (2000-2001), pp.493-516.

Marc Butler, “The US, Iraq, and the Use of Force,” Survival (Winter 1999-2000), pp.81-100.

Paul Gigot, “A Great American Screw Up: The US and Iraq, 1980-1990,” National Interest (Winter 1990-91), pp.3-10. (good short summary).

Scott Ritter, “Saddam’s Trap,” New Republic (December 1998), pp.16-20.

Regis Matlak, “Inside Saddam’s Grip,” National Security Studies Quarterly (1999), pp.1-28. (Looks good on Saddam’s internal rule)

John Devlin, “The Baath Party: Rise and Metamorphosis,” American Historical Review (December 1991), pp.1396-1407. (Too detailed for class but has a few paragraphs on Saddam’s rise

James Fallows, “Iraq: The 51st State,” Atlantic Monthly (Nov 2002). (How hard it will be to reform Iraq)

Richard Butler, “Inspecting Iraq,” in Circone, Repairing the Regime (short could be ok).

Lee Waters, “Chemical Weapons in the Iran/Iraq War,” Military Review (1990).

Al Venter, “How Saddam Almost Built His Bomb,” Middle East Policy (Feb 99), pp.45-61.

Thomas McNaugher, “Ballistic Missiles and Chemical Weapons: The Legacy of the Iran-Iraq War,” International Security (Fall 1990), pp.5-34.

Lawrence Freedman, “How Kuwait was Won,” International Security (1991), pp.5-41.

Gary Milhollin, “Shopping With Saddam Hussein”, Commentary (July/Aug 2001), p.23-27

Denis J. Halliday, “Iraq and the UN’s Weapon of Mass Destruction”, Current History (Feb 1999), p.65-68

Zachary Karabell, “Backfire: US Policy Towards Iraq”, Middle East Journal (Winter 1995), p.28-47

Eric Rouleau, “America’s Unyielding Policy Towards Iraq”, Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 1995), p.59-72

Amatzia Baram, “The Effect of Iraqi Sanctions”, Middle East Journal (Spring 2000), p.194-223

Lawrence F. Kaplan, “America’s Iraq Policy Collapses”, New Republic (Oct 30, 2000), p.28-30

Joshua Muravchik, “What to Do About Saddam Hussein”, Commentary (June 1998), p.37-41

John Mueller, “Sanctions of Mass Destruction”, Foreign Affairs (May/Jun 1999), p.43-53

Daniel Byman, “The Rollback Fantasy”, Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 1999), p.24-41

Jon Lee Anderson, “The Unvanquished”, New Yorker (Dec 11, 2001), p.76-89

Daniel Byman, “Let Iraq Collapse”, National Interest (Fall 1996), p.48-60

Philip Gordon, “Getting Serious about Iraq,” Survival (Autumn 2002), pp.9-22.

Nicholas Lemann, “The Iraq Factor”, New Yorker (Jan 22, 2001), p.34-38

Kenneth Pollack, “Next Step Baghdad,” Foreign Affairs (Mar/April 2002), pp.32-47.

Mark Strauss, “Attacking Iraq,” Foreign Policy (Mar/April 2002), pp.14-19.

Examines the issue of attacking Iraq, what its causes are and what its consequences might be.

Ofra Bengio, “Couldn’t Be Worse?: Iraq After Saddam,” The National Interest, Winter 2001/02,p.52-58. Examining a post-Saddam Iraqi political system. (Might be good for class purposes.

Foreign Affairs

Jan/Feb 2000

p.119-132 A Farewell to Arms Inspections. Daniel Byman

An argument against sending more weapons inspectors to Iraq, primarily because the mission would be ineffective. (Looks good for class purposes, but may be a little dated)

July/Aug 2000

p.90-103 How Does Saddam Hold On? Ofra Bengio

An explanation of the longevity of Saddam’s regime, speculations on his possible successors, and prescriptions for Western policy towards him.

Andrew Bacevich, “A Less Than Splendid Little War,” Wilson Quarterly(Winter 2001), pp.83-94. (Looking back on Gulf War).

Alex Vernon, “The Gulf War and Postmodern Memory,” Wilson Quarterly (Winter 2001), pp.68-82.

Jeffrey Goldberg, The Great Terror, New Yorker, March 25, 2002. Reports on Saddam Hussein’s atrocities against the Kurds and his possible ties with al Qaeda. Good for class purposes.

Isam al-Khafali, “State Terror and the Degradation of Politics in Iraq,” Merip (May /June 1992), pp.

Greg Gause, “Getting it Backward on Iraq,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 1999), pp.54-65.

Atlantic Monthly

May 2002

p.35 Tales of the Tyrant. Mark Bowden

Examining the “inner world” of Saddam Hussein. By the author of “Black Hawk Down”.

International Security

Fall 2001

p.5-44 The Myth of Air Power in the Persian Gulf War and the Future of Warfare. Daryl G. Press

Argues that air power was not the deciding factor in the Gulf War.

New Republic

Jan 28, 2002

p.10-12 After the Fall. Lawrence F. Kaplan

Critiquing the democrats stance on the proposed military action against Iraq.

Feb 25, 2002

p.19-21 Bluffing. Lawrence F. Kaplan

Discusses weapons inspections in Iraq.

p.21-23 Smart Bomb. Gregg Easterbrook

Discussing the Iraqi threat, and calling for military action.

8) European Resentments (Unilateralism)

Joachim Krause. “Multilateralism: Behind European Views,” The Washington Quarterly (Spring 2004), pp.43-59.

Ivo Daalder, “The End of Atlanticism,” Survival (Summer 2003), pp.147-166.

Walter Russell Mead, “Goodbye to America? Germany Looks Askance at Red State America,” The National Interest (Spring 2004), pp.19-28.

Joachim Krause, “Multilateralism: Behind European Views,” The Washington Quarterly (Spring 2004), pp.43-59.

Geoffrey Wheatcroft, “The Tragedy of Tony Blair,” The Atlantic Monthly (June 2004), pp.56-70.

PEW Global Attitudes, “Views of a Changing World,” June 2003 (good on anti-american attitudes)

Robert Kagan, “America’s Crisis of Legitimacy,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2004), pp.65-87.

Camille Pecastaing, “Of Terrorism in the United States: A French Perspective,” Sais Review (Summer 2002), pp.329-338.

Timothy Garton Ash, “Anti-Europeanism in America,” The New York Review of Books, February 13, 2003.

Takis Michas, “America the Despised,” The National Interest (Spring 2002), pp.94-102. (a very good discussion with examples of anti-americanism in Greece).

David Gelertner, “The roots of European Appeasement,” The Weekly Standard, September 23, 2002, pp.19-25.

Robert Tucker, “Europe Challenged,” The National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.143-147. (review of Kupchan-filed with Kupchan book)

Adam Gopnik, “The Anti-Anti-Americans,” The New Yorker, September 1, 2003, pp.30-36. (review of pro-america intellectual sentiment in france)

Frederick Kagan, “Why Our troops Should Stay in Old Europe,” Commentary (May 2003), pp.30-34.

Russell Seitz, “Rooms and Borders,” the National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.71-74. (Differing am and euro views of islam).

Philip H. Gordon, “The French Position”, National Interest (Fall 2000). P.57-65

Philip Gordon, “Bridging the Atlantic Divide,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.70-83.

John Waterbury, “Hate Your Policies, Love Your Institutions,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.58-68.

Robert Kagan, “Power and Weakness,” Policy Review (June/July 2002), pp.3-28.

Stanley Kurtz, “The Future of History,” Policy Review (June/July 2002), pp.43-58 (maybe for hegemony class)

Sophie Meunier, “The French Exception”, Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2002), p.104-116

Irwin M. Stelzer, “Is Europe a Threat”, Commentary (Oct 2001), p.34-42

Peter Rodman, “The World’s Resentment: Anti-Americanism as a Global Phenomenon,” NI (Summer 2000), pp.33-41. (Not bad but probably not great for class purposes)

Martin Walker, “Post 9/11: The European Dimension”, World Policy Journal (Winter 2001/02), p.1-10

Martin Walker, “Europe’s Existential Crisis,” Wilson Quarterly (Winter 2001), pp.30-53.

David Calleo, “Power, Wealth, and Wisdom,” The National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.5-16 (Part of TNI symposium on The Lost world of atlanticism-this is a serious alternative tyake on Kagan)

Christopher Layne, “America as European Hegemon,” The National Interest(Summer 2003), pp.17-30. Part of TNI symposium on The Lost world of atlanticism

Richard Rosecrance, “Croesus and Caesar,” The National Interest(Summer 2003), pp.31-34. Part of TNI symposium on The Lost world of atlanticism

Christopher Caldwell, “Chirac’s Grand Ambition,” The Weekly Standard, April 7, 2003, pp.28-30.

Christopher Caldwell, “The Angry Adolescent of Europe: The German Way,” The Weekly Standard, Oct 7, 2002, pp.25-31.

Christopher Caldwell, “How Do I Hate Thee: The Global Anti-American Left,” The Weekly Standard, November 25, 2002, pp.25-30.

Michel Gurfinkiel, “A Beautiful Friendship? What France Sees in Iraq,” The Weekly Standard, October 28, 2002, pp.28-30.

Dominique Moisi, “The Trouble With France”, Foreign Affairs (May/June 1998), p.94-104

Uwe Siemon Netto, “Sonderweg: The Closing of the German Mind,” the National Interest(Winter 2002-2003), pp.33-43. (a strong critique of the 1968 generation)

Bruce Hoffman, “Is Europe Soft on Terrorism?”, Foreign Policy (Summer 1999), p.62-76

Christopher Caldwell, “The Crescent and the Tricolor”, Atlantic Monthly (Nov 2000), p.20-34.

Christopher Caldwell, “Allah Mode: France’s Islam Problem,” The Weekly Standard, July 15, 2002.

Victor Davis Hanson, “Goodbye to Europe?” Commentary (Oct 2002), pp.21-25.

Michael Garfinkle, “France’s Jewish Problem,” Commentary (July Aug 2002), pp.38-45.

Olivier Roy, “Euroislam: The Jihad Within,” The National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.63-74.

Adam Posen, “Frog in the Pot: Germany’s path to the Japan Syndrome,” The National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.105-119.

Eric Alterman, “USA Oui! Bush Non! How Europeans See America,” The Nation, Feb 10, 2003.

12) American Grand Strategy and Hegemony

Stephen Walt, “In the National Interest: A New Grand Strategy for American Foreign Policy,” Boston Review, February 16, 2005, pp.1-15.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Hegemonic Quicksand,” The National Interest (Winter 2003/2004), pp.5-16.

James Fallows, “Bush’s Lost Year,” The Atlantic Monthly (Oct 204), pp.68-87.

Stanley Hoffman, “America Goes Backward,” The New York Review of Books, June 12, 2003.

Madeline Albright, “Bridges, Bombs, or Bluster?” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2003), pp.2-19.

Colin Powell, “A Strategy of Partnerships,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2004), pp.22-34.

Colin Powell, “The Craft of Diplomacy,” The Wilson Quarterly (Summer 2004), pp.60-67.

Colin Dueck, “Hegemony on the Cheap,” World Policy Journal (Winter 2003/2004), pp.1-11.

James Fallows, “The Hollow Army,” The Atlantic Monthly (March 2004), pp.29-31. (short thing on overextension of resources).

Niall Ferguson, “A World Without Power,” Foreign Policy (July/Aug 2004), pp.32-39.

John Judis, “Imperial Amnesia,” Foreign Policy (July/Aug 2004), pp.50-59. (Historical look at intervention in Mexico and Phillipines)

John Judis, “History Lesson: What Woodrow Wilson Can Teach Today’s Imperialists,” The New Republic (June 9, 2003), pp.19-23.

Walter Russell Mead, “America’s Sticky Power,” Foreign Policy (March/April 2004), pp.46-53.

Suzanne Nosel, “Smart Power,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2004), pp.131-142.

Eliot Cohen, “History and Hyperpower,” Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2004), pp.49-63.

Adam Garfinkle, “Foreign Policy Immaculately Conceived,” Policy Review (August and September 2003), pp.61-71 (could be good for both 120 and 420-a critique of those who are always willing to say that the fault is ours for something we may or may not have done long ago).

Walter Slocombe, “Force, Preemption and Legitimacy,” Survival (Spring 2003), pp.117-130.

Robert Kaplan, “Supremacy by Stealth,” The Atlantic Monthly (July/August 2003), pp.66-83.

Paul Kennedy, “The Next American Century,” World Policy Journal (Spring 1999), pp.52-58.

Larry Diamond, “Universal Democracy,” Policy Review (June/July 2003), pp.3-25. (Might be useful with Zakaria).

Thomas Carrothers, “Zakaria’s Complaint,” The National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.137-142. (Filed under Zakaria-The Future of Freedom)

Stanley Kurtz, “Democratic Imperialism: A Blueprint,” Policy Review (April-May 2003), pp.3-20.

Robert Jervis, “The Compulsive Empire,” Foreign Policy (July-Aug 2003), pp.83-87.

Newt Gingrich, “Rogue State Department,” Foreign Policy (July-Aug 2003), pp.42-48.

Robert Lieber, “The Folly of Containment,” Commentary (April 2003), pp.15-21. (A good critique of the Mearsheimer/Walt line on Iraq-use for several purposes).

Ray Takeyh, “Democratic Impulses versus Imperial Interests: America’s New Middle east Conundrum,” Orbis (Summer 2003), pp.415-431.

Claes Ryn, “The Ideology of American Empire,” Orbis (Summer 2003), pp.383-397.

Joshua Muravchik, “The New Gloomsayers,” Commentary (June 2003), pp.24-29. (Review of Bacevich and Zakaria-ala declinism as wrong-filed with bacevich)

Gideon Rose, “Imperialism: The Highest Stage of American Capitalism,” The National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.131-135. (review of Bacevich-filed with Bacevich book).

James Chace, “Present at the Destruction: The Death of American Internationalism,” World Policy Journal (Spring 2003), pp.1-5.

Randall Schweller, “The Problem of International Order Revisited,” International Security (Summer 2001), pp.161-186. (Review of Ikenberry).

Charles Kupchan, “After Pax-Americana: Benign Power, Regional Integration, and the Sources of a Stable Multipolarity,” International Security (Fall 1998), pp.40-79.

Michael Ignatieff, “The American Empire: The Burden,” The New York Times, January 5, 2003. (11 pages).

Jack Snyder, “Imperial Temptations,” The National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.29-40.

Stephen Peter Rosen, “An Empire if You Can Keep It,” the National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.51-62.

Reihan Salam, “Imperial Musings,” National Review, January 16, 2003. (Commentary on Ignatieff).

William Pfaff, “The Question of Hegemony,” Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2001), pp.221-232.

John Ikenberry, “Getting Hegemony Right,” The National Interest (Spring 2001), pp.17-24.

Robert Kagan, “The Benevolent Empire,” Foreign Policy (Summer 1998), pp.24-35.

Michael Hardt, “Folly of Our Masters of the Universe,” The Guardian, December 18, 2002.

William Greider, “The End of Empire,” The Nation, September 23, 2002.

Christopher Hitchens, “Imperialism: Superpower Dominance, Malignant and Benign,” Slate, December 10, 2002.

Charles Krauthammer, “The Unipolar Moment Revisited,” The National Interest (Winter 2002/03), pp.5-17.

Mary Kaldor, “American Power: From Compellance to Cosmopolitanism,” International Affairs (January 2003), pp.1-22.

Stephen M. Walt, “American Primacy: Its Prospects and Pitfalls,” Naval War College Review (Spring 2002), pp.9-28.

David Hendrickson, “Toward Universal Empire,” World Policy Journal (Fall 2002), pp.1-10.

Bruce Cronin, “The Paradox of Hegemony: America’s Ambiguous Relationship with the UN,” European Journal of International Relations (2001), pp.103-130.

Ivan Eland, “The Empire Strikes Out: The New Imperialism and Its Fatal Flaws,” Cato Institute, Policy Analysis no.459, November 2002, pp.1-27.

Walter Russel Mead, “The Jacksonian Tradition”, National Interest (Winter 1999/2000), p.5-29

Thomas Carothers, “Promoting Democracy and Fighting Terror,” Foreign Affairs (Jan 2003), pp.84-97

Survival Symposium, “One Year After: A Grand Strategy for the West,” Survival (Winter 2002-2003), pp.135-156.

Fareed Zakaria, “Our Way: The Trouble with Being the World’s Only Superpower,” The New Yorker, Oct 14, 2002, pp.72-81.

Nicholas Lemann, “Without a Doubt: Condoleeza Rice,” The New Yorker, Oct 14, 2002.

Martin Walker, “Bush’s Choice: Athens or Sparta,” World Policy Journal (Summer 2001), pp.1-9.

Martin Walker, “America’s Virtual Empire,” World Policy Journal (Summer 2002), pp.13-20.

President Bush, “The National Security Strategy of the United States,” September 20, 2002.

Nicholas Lemann, “The War on What? The White House and the Debate About Whom to Fight Next,” The New Yorker, September 16, 2002, pp.1-11.

Michael C. Hudson, “To Play the Hegemon: Fifty Years of US Policy Toward the Middle East”, Middle East Journal (Summer 1996), p.329-343

Michael Mandelbaum, “The Inadequacy of American Power,” Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 2002), pp.61-73.

Samuel Huntington, “The Erosion of American National Interests,” Foreign Affairs (

John Ikenberry, “America’s Imperial Ambition,” Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 2002), pp.44-60.

John Ikenberry, “America’s Liberal Hegemony,” Current History (Jan 1999), pp.23-28.

Charles Maynes, “The Perils of (and for) an Imperial America,” Foreign Policy (Summer 1998), pp.37-45.

David Rieff, “A New Age of Liberal Imperialism,” World Policy Journal (Summer 1999), pp.1-10.

Norman Podhoretz, “In Praise of the Bush Doctrine,” Commentary (September 2002), pp.19-28.

Michael Glennon, “Preempting Terrorism: The Case for Anticipatory Self Defense,” Weekly Standard , January 28, 2002.

Charles Krauthammer, “A World Imagined”, New Republic (Mar 15, 1999), p.22-25

Nicolas Lemann, “The Next World Order,” New Yorker, April 1, 2002. (Short revealing glimpse into Bush strategists.

Sebastian Mallaby, “The Reluctant Imperialist,” Foreign Affairs (March 2002), pp.2-7.

Gregg Easterbrook, “The Myth of the Hollow Military”, New Republic (Sept 11, 2000), p.22-27

Lawrence F. Kaplan, “Yesterday’s Man: Colin Powell’s out-of-date Foreign Policy”, New Republic (Jan 1/8, 2001), p.17-21

Lawrence F. Kaplan, “Why the Best Offense is a Good Missile Defense”, New Republic (Mar 12, 2001), p.20-25

Garry Wills, “Bully of the Free World”, Foreign Affairs (Mar/April 1999), p.50-59

Richard N. Haass, “What to Do with American Primacy”, Foreign Affairs (Sept/Oct 1999), p.37-49

Stewart Patrick, “America’s Retreat From Multilateral Engagement”, Current History (Dec 2000), p.430-439

World Policy Journal

Fall 2001

p.2-14 Don’t Fence Me In: The Perils of Going It Alone. Stewart Patrick

A critique of America’s unilateral actions post Sept 11.

Spring 2002

p.1-9 Imperial America and the Common Interest. James Chace

Comments on America’s foreign policy actions post-Sept 11.

Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Layne, “A New Grand Strategy,” The Atlantic Monthly (January 2002), pp.36-42.

Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth, “American Primacy in Perspective,” Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2002), pp.20-33. (could be good on scale of us power)

Paul Kennedy, “The Greatest Superpower Ever,” New Perspectives Quarterly (Spring 2002), pp.8-18.

Max Boot, “The Case for American Empire,” Weekly Standard (Oct 15, 2001) (might be good in several places.

Mark Danner, “The Struggles of Democracy and Empire,” The New York Times, October 9, 2002.

Strobe Talbott, “Hegemon and Proud of It,” Slate (June 1998)

Max Boot, “The Sun Never Sets,” The Weekly Standard, Nov 4, 2002, pp.26-28 (review of Bacevich.

p.19-34 American Grand Strategy in the Age of Terror. John Ikenberry, Survival Winter 2001). Policy prescriptions for the US post-Sept 11. (really very bland-pushes multilateralism)

Immanuel Wallerstein, “The Eagle has Crash Landed,” Foreign Policy (July 2002), pp.60-68.

9) PLO, Israel, and Intifada

James Bennet, “The Interregnum,” The New York Times, March 13, 2005, pp.1-9. (abbas and after Arafat)

Josef Joffe, “A World Without Israel,” Foreign Policy (Jan 2005), pp.36-42.

Yoav Gelber, “Why Did the Palestinians Run Away in 1948,” MidEast Truth (2002).

Steven Simon, “Confronting Hamas,” The National Interest (Winter 2003/2004), pp.59-68.

Yossi Klein Halevi and Michael Oren, “The Intifada is Over: How Sharon Beat It,” The New Republic, Sept 27, 2004.

Dennis Ross, “Taking Stock: The Bush Administration and the Road to Peace,” The National Interest (Fall 2003), pp.11-21.

Anne Bayefsky, “The UN and the Jews,” Commentary (Feb 2004), pp.42-46.

Jeffrey Goldberg, “Among the Settlers,” The New Yorker, May 31, 2004, pp.47-69.

Hillel Halkin, “Beyond the Geneva Accord,” Commentary (January 2004), pp.21-28.

Hillel Halkin, “Does Sharon Have a Plan?” Commentary (June 2004), pp.17-22.

Jonathan Rynhold, “Israel’s Fence: Can Separation Make Better Neighbors,” Survival, Spring 2004, pp.55-76.

David Makovsky, “How to Build a Fence,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2004), pp.50-64.

Dana Allin, “The Moral Psychology of US Support for Israel,” Survival, Autumn 2003, pp.123-144.

Tony Judt, “Israel: The Alternative,” The New York Review of Books, October 23, 2003.

Leon Wieseltier, “Israel, Palestine, and the Return of the Binational Fantasy,” The New Republic, October 18, 2003. (critique of Judt and filed with judt. There is also many things on Geneva Accords filed with Judt used in 2003 class)

Benny Morris, “The Rejection,” The New Republic, April 2003 (long article critical of Palestinian rejectionism)

James Fallows, “Who Shot Mohammed Al-Dura?” The Atlantic Monthly (June 2003), pp.49-56. (Kiling attributed to IDF probab;y the pal;estininians)

Joshua Muravchik, “The Road map To Nowhere,” The Weekly Standard, March 31, 2003, pp.28-31.

Ruth Wisse, “The UN’s Jewish Problem,” The Weekly Standard, April 8, 2002, pp.27-29.

Martin Indyk, “A Trusteeship For Palestine?” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2003), pp.

Sabri Jiryis, “The Arab World at the Crossroads: An analysis of the Arab Opposition to the Sadat Initiative,” Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1978), p.26-61.

Avi Shlaim, “The Debate About 1948”, International Journal of Middle East Studies (1995), p.287-304.

Martin Peretz, “Israel Irreversible”, New Republic (May 31, 1999), p.21-23.

Theodore Herzl, “The Jewish State,” in Laqueur and Rubin, eds., The Israel-Arab Reader, pp.5-10.

Martin Peretz, “The God that Did Not Fail,” The New Republic, September 8 & 15, 1997, pp.2-12.

Rashid Khalidi, “A Universal Jubilee? Palestinians 50 Years After 1948,” Tikkun (1998), pp.53-56.

Hillel Halkin, “The State of the Palestinian”, New Republic (May 17, 1999), p.26-33

Abraham Sofaer, “The U.S. and Israel: The Road Ahead,” Commentary (May 2003), pp.21-29.

Anita Shapira, “The Past is Not a Foreign Country”, New Republic (Nov 29, 1999), p.26-36

Yoran Hazony, “Who Removed Zionism from Israel’s Textbooks”, New Republic (April 17/24, 2000), p.46-55

David Brooks, “The Culture of Martyrdom,” Atlantic Monthly (June 2002) (very short)

Hillel Halkin “The Jewish State and the Jewish People(s)”, Commentary (May 1998), p.50-55

Jefferey Goldberg, “The Martyr Strategy”, The New Yorker (July 9, 2001)

Jonathan Torop, “Arafat and the Uses of Terror”, Commentary (May 1997), p.30-33a

P.J. O’Rourke, “Zion’s Vital Signs”, Atlantic Monthly (Nov 2001), p.54-61

Robert D. Kaplan, “Israel Now”, Atlantic Monthly (Jan 2000), p.62-77

Jeffrey Goldberg, “Arafat’s Gift”, New Yorker (Jan 29, 2001), p.52-67

Khalil Shikaki, “Peace Now or Hamas Later”, Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 1998), p.29-43

Yossi Klein Halevi, “The Asymmetry of Pity,” pp.37-45, The National Interest, Fall 2001.

The failures of the Oslo peace process explained in terms of Palestinian and Israeli self pity (well written and sympathietic to Israel-def consider.

Sara Roy, “Why Peace Failed: An Oslo Autopsy,” Current History (Jan 2002), pp.8-16. (A look back at failings of Oslo). (very pro-palestininian and one-sided but might want to use)

Chris Hedges, “The New Palestininian Revolt,” Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2001, Examines the change in middle east policies from post-Oslo diplomacy to more militant action in the wake of Autumn 2000 violence. )pretty good, fair to palestininians

David Makovsky, “Middle East Peace Through Partition,” Foreign Affairs, Mar/April 2001, pp.28-45. (Urges Israeli withdrawal in order to keep with the core of the Oslo peace process. Might be good-critical of Arafat)

David Makovsky, “Taba Mischief,” The National Interest (Spring 2003), pp.119-130.

Lori Allen, “There Are Many Reasons Why,” MERIP Summer 2002, pp.34-37. (A look at the motivations of suicide bombers and their effect on the Palestinian people. (A MERIP apology for suicide bombers but might be worth assigning)

Rema Hammami, “Interregnum: Palestine After Operation Defensive Shield,” MERIP (Summer 2002). Discusses the future of the PA after Defensive Shield. (Lengthy but prob not good for class purposes)

Gal Luft, “The Palestinian H-Bomb,” Foreign Affairs (July/August 2002), pp.2-6 (Short but argues that sucicide bombings are likely to continuie . Might be ok)

Yossi Klein Halevi, “The Wall: How Despair is Transforming Israeal,” NR (July 2002)-short-good on Israeli fears about the world)

Wendy Kristiansen, “Hamas’s Response To Oslo,” Journal of Palestine Studies (1999) (very pro-Hamas-well written)

David Brooks, “A Brief History of Yasir Arafat,” Atlantic Monthly (July/Aug 2002), p.20. (Argues that Arafat is a political opportunist who shapes his image in order to maximize publicity for himself and his cause.

Fiamma Nirenstein, “How Suicide Bombers Are Made,” Commentary (Sept 2001), pp.53-55. Anti-Semitism and the Arab world. (very short piece on anti-semitism in the arab world-might be ok but it is only 3 pages

July/Aug 2002

p.33-37 Does the US Finally Understand Israel?. Michael B. Oren

Examining domestic US attitudes towards Israel.

p.46-51 What Occupation?. Efraim Karsh

An argument against the existence of a Palestinian identity.

Efraim Karsh, “Israel’s War,” Commentary (March 2002)

Efraim Karsh, “Saddam and the Palestinians,” Commentary (Dec 2002),

Norman Podhoretz, “Oslo: The Peacemongers Return,” Commentary (October 2001) (very polemical and nasty).

Foreign Affairs

May/Jun 2000

p.2-8 Being Hafiz al-Assad. Henry Siegman

Explains al-Assads views towards Israel, and how he approaches Syrian/Israeli negotiations. (Not good for class purposes)

Jan/Feb 2002

p.89-105 Palestinians Divided. Khalil Shikaki

Discussion of Palestinian dissatisfaction with Yasser Arafat and reform suggestions for his government.

May/Jun 2002

p.10-19 The Last Negotiation. Hussein Agha, Robert Malley

Call for a comprehensive plan for a final settlement of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

p.64-78 The Last of the Patriarchs. Aluf Benn

Examination of Ariel Sharon's political position, in light of Palestinian unrest and domestic opposition.

Dennis B. Ross, “Yasir Arafat,” Foreign Policy (July/Aug 2002), pp.18-26. An exploration of certain points of Arafat’s character: his true aims, his relationship with Arab and Palestinian leaders, and his dealings with the US and Israel.


Oct 2001

p.59-71 A Gaza Diary. Chris Hedges

A firsthand account of the Palestinian uprising.

Middle East Policy

Sept 2001

??????p.86-100 After 19 Years: Sabra and Shatila Remembered. Ellen Siegel

A first hand account and commentary on the massacres.

Mar 2002

p.46-52 The Arrogance of Occupation. Lev Grinberg

Commentary on the Israeli occupation, and its relationship to the larger issues of terrorism that the US faces.

Efraim Karsh, “Were the Palestinians Expelled?” Commentary (July-August 2000), pp.29-34.

Rex Brynen, “Imagining a Solution: Final Status Arrangements and Palestininian Refugees in Lebanon,” Journal of Palestine Studies (1997), 42-58 (good date, not for class)

Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict

New Republic

April 15, 2002

p.14-17 Gen X. Elizabeth Rubin

Examines the attitudes of Palestinian youth towards the infitada and suicide bombing.

p.17-19 Killer Angels. Martin Peretz

Examines the Palestinian threat from a Zionist standpoint.

p.19-21 After Peace. Leon Wieseltier

Critique of Palestinian attitudes towards Israeli occupation.

April 29, 2002

p.14-16 Eye Contact. Lawrence F. Kaplan

Discusses US monitors, military or otherwise, in Israel.

David Remnick, The Dreamer,” New Yorker, Jan 7, 2002, (The views of Shimon Peres on the middle east crisis-not bad but prob not good for class).

David Remnick, “In a Dark Time,” The New Yorker (March 2002) (commentary on Benny Morris, 1948 and switch of positions-the originals to this debate are also in this folder)

Edward Said, “What Price Oslo?” Al-Ahram Weekly, March 16, 2002.

Hamas Charter, Journal of Palestine Studies (Summer 1993), pp.122-134

Ziad Abu Amr, “Hamas: A Historical and Political Background,” Journal of Palestine Studies (1993), pp.5-19.

(You have stuff in email files on the debate over Camp David)

Mar 4, 2002

p.37-40 The Apology. Laura Blumenfeld

An examination of the culture of vengeance within the Arab/Israeli conflict, through the actions of one PLO gunman who shot the author’s father.

May 6, 2002

p.92-103 Rage and reason. David Remnick

A report on moderate voices within the PLO.

Jerome Slater, “What Went Wrong: The Collapse of the Israeli-Palestininian Peace Process,” PSQ (2001), def using

“The Palestinian National Charter,” in Laqueur and Rubin, eds., The Israel-Arab Reader, pp.218-222.

Yasir Arafat, “Address to the UN General Assembly,” November 13, 1974, pp.329-340.

Jerome Slater, “Can Zionism be Reconciled with Justice for the Palestinians?” Tikkun (2000), pp.19-26.

Michael Lerner, “No to Slater’s Path to Reconciliation,” Tikkun (2000), pp.27-30.

Meir Litvak, “The Islamisization of the Palestininian-Israeli Conflict: The Case of Hamas,” Middle Eastern Studies (1998) (Looks good)

Yossi Shain and Barry Bristman, The Jewish Security Dilemma. Orbis (Winter 2002), pp.47-71.(The authors link conflict in the Middle East with the greater threat of international anti-Semitism.)

Asher Kaufman, “Who Owns the Shebaa Farms? Chronicle of a Territorial Dispute,” The Middle east Journal (Autumn 2002), pp.576-595.


Autumn 2001

p.31-45 From Oslo to Taba: What Went Wrong?. Ron Pundak

Exploring the factors that lead to the failure of the Oslo peace process.

p.47-60 Arafat and the Anatomy of a Revolt. Yezid Sayigh

A discussion of Arafat’s relationship with the new infitada.

The Nation

Oct 1, 2001

p.22-24 Battle of the Books and Palestine. Fouad Moughrabi

Controversy over the content of the textbooks that Palestinian children use.

Dec 24, 2001

p.13-20 And Darkness Covered The Land. Robert I. Friedman

Reports on the current situation in the Arab Israeli conflict.

Dec 31, 2001

p.9 National Security?. Christopher Hitchens

Discussion of Israeli security, and progression since 1948.

April 29, 2002

p.11-13 Ending the Death Dance. Richard Falk

Prescriptions for the US in terms of ending middle east conflict.

May 6, 2002

p.20-23 What Israel Has Done. Edward D. Said

Israel’s impact on the lives of Palestinians.

May 13, 2002

p.9 Single Standards. Christopher Hitchens

Comment on current perceptions of the middle east conflict.

p.22-24 Letter From Lebanon. Adam Shatz

Lebanese attitudes towards Palestinians.

June 17, 2002

p.18-21 The Mideast War Breaks Out on Campus. Liza Featherstone

Examining the increase of pro-Palestinian activism on campuses.

July 15, 2002

p.4-5 Against Israeli Apartheid. Desmond Tutu, Ian Urbina

A letter drawing similarities between Israel and apartheid South Africa and discussing Jewish lead movements to reform Israeli policies.

David Unger, “Maps of War, Maps of Peace: Finding a Two State Solution,” World Policy Journal (Summer 2002), pp.1-12.

Glenn Robinson, “The Growing Authoritarianism of the Arafta Regime,” Survival (1997), pp.42-56.

Efraim Inbar, “The Risks of Palestininian Statehood,” Survival (Summer 1997), pp.23-41.

Jerome Slater, “Lost Opportunities for Peace in the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” International Security (Summer 2002), pp.79-106.

Yezid Sayigh, “Arafat and the Anatomy of a Revolt,” Survival (Autumn 2001), pp.47-60.

Perry Anderson, “Scurrying Towards Bethlehem,” New Left Review (2001), fairly deep, obv critical.

The Progressive

Feb 2002

p.20-22 Where We Went Wrong. Hanan Ashrawi

Commentary by a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council on the conflict in the

14) Wild Cards (great articles not easily fit in)

James Bill, “The Politics of Incoherence,” The Middle east Journal (Autumn 2002), pp.562-575. Not a great article-move elsewhere.

Michael Medved, “That Entertainment,” The National Interest (Summer 2002), pp.5-14. (a look at Hollywood-

Norman Podhoretz, “America at War: The One Thing Needful,” February 2002 (I think it is very good-very polemical-see if it can fit in)

15) The Rise and Fall of Political Islam?

Michael Hirsch, “Bernard Lewis Revisited: What if Islam Is Not an Obstacle to Democracy,” The Washington Monthly (Nov 2004), pp.1-10.

Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, “Innocent Religion is Now a Message of Hate,” News-Telegraph, September 7, 2004 (with wsj oped and other things on this question-filed under al-rashed)

Ian Buruma, “An Islamic Democracy for Iraq,” The New York Times, December 5, 2004. (relate it to Feldman and others)

Shmuel Bar, “The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism,” Policy Review (June 2004), pp.27-37.

The Economist, “In the Name of Islam,” September 2003 (filed under economist-good overview)

Merve Kavakci, “Headscarf Heresy,” Foreign Policy (May/June 2004), pp.66-67. (short thing about why feminists should support headscarves).

Lauren Weiner, “Islam and Women,” Policy Review (October 2004), pp.49-66.

David Phillips, “Turkey’s Dreams of Accession,” Foreign Affairs (Sept 2004), pp.86-97.

Graham Fuller, “Turkey’s Strategic Model: Myths and Realities,” The Washington Quarterly (Summer 2004), pp.51-64.

Shaul Bakash, “Islam and Power Politics,” The New York Review of Books, July 21, 1988. (review of neglected duty and Egyptian radicals)

Noah Feldman, After Jihad: America and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy (2003).

Douglas Streusand, “What Does Jihad Mean?” Middle East Quarterly (September 1997), pp.1-10.

David Zeidan, “Radical Islam in Egypt: A Comparsion of Two Groups,” MERIA (September 1999), pp.1-10.

David Zeidan, “The Islamic Fundamentalist View of Life as a Perennial Battle,” MERIA (December 2001), pp.26-53.

Emmanuel Sivan, “Why Radical Muslims Are Not taking Over Governments,” MERIA (May 1998), pp.9-16.

Stanley Kurtz, “The Terror of Islam,” The Weekly Standard, May 27, 2002 (short review of esposito unholy war)

John Esposito, The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality (1995) (commentary on Huntington and Lewis.

Dinesh D’Souza, “Osama’s Brain,” The Weekly Standard , April 29, 2002, pp.16-18 (short piece on sayyid qutb)

Sayyid Qutb, “The America I Have Seen: In the Scale of Human Values,” in Kamal Abdel-Malek, ed., Images of America in Arabic Travel Literature (2000), pp.11-27.

Ali Abootalebi, “Islam, Islamists, and Democracy,” MERIA (March 1999), pp.14-24.

Emmanuel Sivan, “The Clash Within Islam,” Survival (Spring 2003), pp.25-44.

Clifford Geertz, “Which Way to Mecca?” The New York Review of Books (June 2003), pp.27-30 (review of Lewis and several other books on Islam)

Robert Wistrich, “The Old New Anti-Semitism,” the National Interest (Summer 2003), pp.59-70.

Gareth Jenkins, “Muslim Democrats in Turkey,” Survival (Spring 2003), pp.45-66.

David Remnick, “The Experiment: Will Turkey be the Model for Islamic Democracy,” The New Yorker (November 2002), pp.50-55.

Michael Teitelbaum, “Is Turkey Ready for Europe?” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2003), pp.97-111. (More on Turkey in general)

Raghid El-Solh, “Islamist Attitudes Towards Democracy: A Review of the Ideas of al-Ghazali, al-Turabi and ‘Amara”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (1993), p.57-63

Charles Kurzman, “Liberal Islam: Prospects and Challenges,” MERIA (September 1999), pp.11-19. *Might want to pivk up his book Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook (1998).

Daniel Pipes, “The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America”, Commentary (Nov 2001), p.19-24

Ali Mazrui, “Islamic and Western Values,” Foreign Affairs ((Sept 1997), pp.119-132 (sympatheitic to Islam)

Jeffrey Goldberg, “In the Party of God,” The New Yorker, Oct 14, 2002, pp.180-195.

Richard Bulliet, “The Crisis Within Islam,” Wilson Quarterly (Winter 2002), pp.11-19.

Fawaz Gerges, “The Decline of Revolutionary Islam in Algeria and Egypt,” Survival (Spring 1999), pp.113-125.

Jonathan Raban, “My Holy War,” The New Yorker, February 4, 2002, pp.28-36. (Short but very good discussion of Qutb.

Amin Saikal, “Afghanistan after the Loya Jirga,” Survival (Autumn 2002), pp.47-56.

Barnett Rubin, “Regional Issues in the Reconstruction of Afghanistan,” World Policy Journal (Spring 2003), pp.31-40.

Kathy Gannon, “Afghanistan Unbound,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2004), pp.35-46.

Michael Rubin, “Who is Responsible for the Taliban,” MERIA (March 2002), pp.1-16.

Elie Krakowski, “How to Win the Peace in Afghanistan,” The Weekly Standard , July 1-8, 2002, pp.23-28.

Milton Viorst, “Sudan’s Islamic Experiment,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 1995), p.45-58.

Fred Halliday, “The Politics of Islam: A Second Look,” British Journal of Political Science (July 1995), pp.399-417.

Bruce Bawer, “Tolerating Intolerance: The Challenge of Fundamentalist Islam in Western Europe”, Partisan Review (PR3/2002)

Martin Kramer, “Politics and the Prophet,” The New Republic, March 1, 1993. (review of Fatima Mernissi-applauds her but is also critical).

Daniel Pipes, “Dealing With Fundamentalist Islam”, National Interest (Fall 1995), p.48-57. (dated not realy for class, some good quotes)

Daniel Pipes, “Islam and Islamism,” NI (Spring 2000), pp.87-92. (Not bad but too scant for class purposes)

Daniel Pipes, “Jihad and the Professors,” Commentary (November 2002), pp.17-21.

Judith Miller, “Face of Fundamentalism”, Foreign Affairs (Nov/Dec 1994), p.123-142

Neil McInnes, “ ‘Orientalism’: The Origin of a Concept”, National Interest (Winter 1998/99), p.73-81

Glenn E. Robinson, “Can Islamists be Democrats? The Case of Jordan”, Middle East Journal (Summer 1997), p.373-387

John Voll and John Esposito, “Islam’s Democratic Essence,” Middle East Quarterly(September 1994), pp.1-10 (commentaries on this by muravchik and rubin are in the voll folder)

Milton Viorst, “Algeria’s Long Night,” Foreign Affairs (Nov 1997), pp.86-99. (sympathetic to Islamists)

Richard W. Bulliet, “Twenty Years of Islamic Politics”, Middle East Journal (Spring 1999), p.189-200

Mohammed M. Hafez, “Armed Islamist Movements and Political Violence in Algeria”, Middle East Journal (Fall 2000), p.572-591

Toby Lester, “What is the Koran”, Atlantic Monthly (Jan 1999), p.43-56

Ahmed Rashid, “The Taliban:Exporting Extremism”, Foreign Affairs (Nov/Dec 1999), p.22-35

Lahouari Addi, “Algeria’s Army, Algeria’s Agony”, Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 1998), p.44-53

Bernard Lewis, “Islam and Liberal Democracy,” The Atlantic Monthly (Feb 1993) (fair balanced and good staement on question).

Ian Buruma, “Lost in Translation: The Two Minds of Bernard Lewis,” The New Yorker, June 14, 2004, pp.184-191.

Yahya Sadowski, “The New Orientalism and the Democracy Debate,” Merip (1993) (critique of Pipes and civil society ideas).

Ladan Bouromand, “Terror, Islam and Democracy,” Journal of Democracy(April 2002), pp.5-20 (tries to distinguish Islam and terrorism-much better than many others cause also critical-maybe use)

Giles Kepel, The Trail of Political Islam,” The Atlantic Monthly (actually a critical review of Kepel by Walter Laquer)

Francis Fukuyama, “Can Any Good Come of Radical Islam,” Commentary(September 2002), pp.34-38.

Guilain Denoeux, “The Forgotten Swamp: Navigating Political Islam”, Middle East Policy (June 2002), p.56-81

Williams Langewiesche, “Turaqbi’s Law,” The Atlantic Monthly (Aug 1994), (critical of the idea at Islam can contribute to peace-looks at rule in Sudan by Turabi)

Michael Whine, “Islam and Totalitarianism,” Totlaitarian Movements and Political Religions (Autumn 2001)

Michael Doran, “Somebody Else’s Civil War”, Foreign Affairs (Jan/Feb 2002), p.22-42 Discuses bin Laden's intent to incite revolution in Islamic nations through the Sept 11th attacks

Masoud Kazemzadeh, “Teaching the Politics of Islamic Fundamentalism,” PS (March 1998). (very minor)

Hilal Khashan, “The New World Order and the Tempo of Militant Islam,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (1997), pp.5-24. (probably not good for class but has some int stuff)

Bernard Lewis, “The Roots of Muslim Rage,” The Atlantic (September 1990),

World Policy Journal

Summer 2000

*p56-67 The Future of Political Islam in Turkey. Whit Mason

Discusses the tension between Turkish Islamism and the Turkish government.


Fall 2001

*p.47-48 Arab Democracy: A Possible Dream?. Mustapha Tlili

A brief commentary on the lack of Arab Democracy, introducing the next two articles.

*p.49-52 Arab Democracy: The Hope. Hussein A. Hassouna

Argues that progress is being made towards democracy in the Arab world.

*p.53-60 Arab Democracy: Dismal Prospects. Lisa Anderson

Argues that little progress is being made towards democracy in the Arab world.

p.69-80 Dreaming in Turkish. Stephen Kinzer

A discussion of Turkey’s future -> where it is progressing and what it needs to change in order to do so.

Lawrence F. Kaplan, “Return Address,” The New Republic, June 10, 2002, pp.16-19. Discusses why the Bush administration won’t press for greater democracy in the middle east.

William Langewiesche, “Turabi’s law,” Atlantic Monthly (August 1994), pp.

Ray Takeyh, Islamism: R.I.P., The National Interest, Spring 2001, pp.97-102.

The article examines the failure of Islamism within Iran, Algeria, and Egypt, and argues that Islamism is not a credible menace towards the west. (Very good short thesis of failure-good for class purposes). (His article on Faith based initiatives might also be useful)

Graham Fuller, “The Future of Political Islam,” Foreign Affairs, Mar/April 2002, pp.48-60. Agues that the West should help to empower the "silent Muslim majority" that rejects radicalism and violence. (Very good and could be used for class purposes)

Yvonne Haddad, “Islamists and the Problem of Israel: The 1967 Awakening” Middle East Journal (Spring 1992) (very sympathetic to Islamists but not bad-good statement)

Atlantic Monthly

Jan 2002

*p.43 What Went Wrong. Bernard Lewis

Examination of why Islamic nations have become the way that they are today.

Current History

Dec 2001

p.415-418 It’s Not About Faith: A Battle for the Soul of the Middle East.

Shibley Telhami

Examining the factors behind terrorism. (very minor-we need to limit the demand side of terrorism)

Foreign Affairs

Nov/Dec 2000

p.115-126 Pakistan’s Jihad Culture. Jessica Stern

Examines the relationship between the Pakistani government and militant Pakistani Islamic movements. (Prob not good for classes)

Mar/April 2002

p.48-60 The Future of Political Islam. Graham Fuller

Agues that the West should help to empower the "silent Muslim majority" that rejects radicalism and violence. (Very good and could be used for class purposes)

David Hoffman, “Beyond Public Diplomacy,” Foreign Affairs (March 2002), pp.83-95. Argument for bringing freedom of the press to nations that harbor terrorists in order to "win the hearts and minds" of Muslims. (Might be good for class purposes-looks good to me)

May/Jun 2002

p.145-150 The Turmoil Within. James Piscatori (Discussion of the debate brought forth by books by Bernard Lewis and Gilles Kepel on the history of Islamism. Not good for class)

Ray Takeyh, “Faith-Based Inititiatives,” Foreign Policy *Nov-Dec 2001…An examination of the possible progression of an Islamic form of democracy. (Only three pages, optimistic-not bad)

Ray Takeyh, “Islamism: RIP,” National Interest (Spring 2001), pp..97-102. Islamism: R.I.P. Ray Takeyh

The article examines the failure of Islamism within Iran, Algeria, and Egypt, and argues that Islamism is not a credible menace towards the west. (Not exactly as described a god shoirt peace that suggests political islam in power is a failure-ambiguous especially when compared with faith based initiatives.

Ray Takeyh, “The Lineaments of Islamic Democracy,” World Policy Journal (Winter 2001/02), pp.59-67. Discusses possibilities for Islamic democracies, and how the US should approach the issue.

Jan/Feb 2002

p.16-22 Fundamentalism. R. Scott Appleby, Martin E. Marty

A look at the workings of fundamentalism. The article examines cases from many major religions in order to clarify the actual nature of fundamentalism. (Not useful)

John Calvert, “The Islamist Syndrome of Cultural Confrontation,” Orbis (Spring 2002), pp.333-349. Examines Islamic culture and Islamic militancy. (excellent discussion of Qutb-might use for background)


Winter 2001

p.61-88 The Third World War?. Lawrence Freedman

Discusses the future of Muslim groups and nations, and the future of the war on terrorism.

The Nation

Dec 24, 2001

p.29-31 Religion and the War Against Evil. Harvey Cox

Discusses the religious misconceptions that help to fuel the both the war on terrorism and efforts of the terrorists.

The National Interest

Spring 2000

*p.87-93 Islam and Islamism: Faith and Ideology. Elliott Abrams

The article argues that while professing to be anti-Western, Islamist ideology actually appropriates many Western ideas.

Spring 2001

Foreign Affairs

Mar/April 2002

p.164-168 Who Lost Middle Eastern Studies? P. Gregory Gause III

Discussion of Martin Kramer's condemnation of US middle eastern academe for missing the growing Islamic threat.

Whit Mason, “The Future of Political Islam in Turkey,” World Policy Journal

Summer 2000, p56-67. Discusses the tension between Turkish Islamism and the Turkish government.

Martin Kramer, “Islam vs Democracy,” Commentary (January 1993), pp.35-42.

Martin Kramer, “Islamist Bubbles,” the National Interest(Summer 2002), pp.132-138. Discussion of two books (Gilles Kepel Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam and Roland Jacquard In the Name of Osama bin Laden: Global Terrorism and the Bin Laden Brotherhood) dealing with the future of radical Islamic movements.

Daniel Pipes, “Who Is the Enemy,” Commentary (Jan 2002), pp.21-27 (says enemy is not terrorism but militant islam-some stuff about how big the problem is)

Timothy Mitchell, “The Middle East in the Past and Future of Social Science,”manuscript (2003).

Bernard Lewis, “The Revolt of Islam,” The New Yorker, November 19, 2001, pp.50-63. (excellent overview)

Dale Eickelman, “Bin Laden, the Arab “Street”, and the Middle East’s Democracy Deficit,” Current History (unknown 2002), pp.36-39. A look at the media tactics used by bin Laden and the lack of democracy in the Middle East, and how the two factors lead to support for terrorism. (very short and minor)

Fawaz Gerges, “Islam and Muslims in the Mind of America,” Journal of Palestine Studies (1997), pp.68-80.

Augustus Norton, “Rethinking US Policy Toward the Muslim World,” Current History (Feb 1999), pp.51-58.

Gudrun Kramer, “Islamist Notions of Democracy,” MERIP (1993), pp.2-8 (might be ok for this question

Kanan Makiya, “The Arab World After September 11,” Dissent (Spring 2002), pp.5-12.(Arab attitudes (towards the US and others) post Sept 11. (really good)

Fouad Ajami, “The Arab Inheritance,” Foreign Affairs (September 1997), pp.133-148. (like the Makiya-critical of Arab intellectuals)

Foreign Affairs

Nov/Dec 2001

p.2-16 The Sentry’s Solitude. Fouad Ajami

An examination of the relationship between American imperialism and the Arab World.

p.75-89 Back To the Bazaar. Martin Indyk

Argues that US support of authoritarian regimes in Saudi Arabia and Egypt helped to foster the growth of al Qaeda.

17) Clash of Civilizations

Atlantic Monthly

Dec 2001

p.68 Looking The World In The Eye. Robert D. Kaplan

Lauding the vision of Samuel Huntington. (not good for class)

Foreign Affairs

July/Aug 2002

p.104-115 Clash of Globalizations. Stanley Hoffman

Explores the relationship between global civil society and world order, in that, as individuals and groups become more global actors, vulnerability within states begins to rise.

Clash of Civilizations? Do We want a class on it?

Sullivan, “This is a Religious War,”

Middle East Report

Summer 2002

p.62-63 The US Media, Samuel Huntington, and September 11. Ervand Abrahamian

Comments on the media’s (and therefore society’s and perhaps George Bush’s) willingness to blindly accept Samuel Huntington’s clash of civilizations thesis after Sept 11.

New Republic

June 10, 2002

p.28-33 Civilizational Imprisonments. Amartya Sen

Argues that there is no relationship between Sept 11 and the “clash of civilizations”.

The Nation

Oct 22, 2001

*p.11-13 The Clash of Ignorance. Edward W. Said

Addresses the inherent over-simplification in labels like “Islam” and “The West” in attempting to explain and understand the current conflict. Criticizing the over simplification presented in Huntington’s “clash”.

18) Poverty and Terrorism

Foreign Policy

Nov/Dec 2001

p.75-76 The Other Evil. Strobe Talbott

Argues that the war on terrorism cannot be successful unless global poverty is alleviated.

The National Interest

Winter 2001/02

*p.14-22 God and Mammon: Does Poverty Cause Militant Islam? Daniel Pipes

Argues against poverty causing militant Islam. (Might be good for lecture material but not for class reading assignement)

19) Mis.

Rafael Pardo, “Columbia’s Two Front War”, Foreign Affairs (July/Aug 2000), p.64-73

Benjamin Ryder Howe, “Out of the Jungle”, Atlantic Monthly (May 2000), p.32-38

Robert Kagan, “The Return of Cheap Pessimism (Kaplan review)”, New Republic (April 10, 2000), p.32-41

Eric Rouleau, “Turkey’s Dream of Democracy”, Foreign Affairs (Nov/Dec 2000), p.100-114 Examines the conflict between democratic reformists and military conservatives within Turkey -> ties into Turkey’s future with the European Union. (boring and probably no room for turkey)

Rex Brynen, “Cluster Bombs and Sandcastles: Kramer on the Future of Middle East Studies in America”, Middle East Journal (Spring 2002), p.323-328

Jon Anderson, “The Assassins,” New Yorker (June 2002) (story on killers of Masoud-prob not relevant)\\

6) American Defense Policy

Dennis M. Gormley, “Enriching Expectations: 11 September’s Lessons for Missile Defense,” Survival (Summer 2002), p.19-35. (Assessing newer and more likely threats while still providing for missile defense.)

Michael O’Hanlon, “Rumsfeld’s Defense Vision’” Survival (Summer 2002), p.103-117.(Changing the nature of US military forces, focuses on the cost aspect of Rumsfeld’s plan.)

Democracy Reading Packet-Filed under Democracy

Constructivism-Filed under constructivism

Israel-Slater reading packet filed under Israel


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