Ch 23 Sustainable Cities

Ch 23 Sustainable Cities Name ______________

Miller Text (Orangutan) Per 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Environmental and urban designers envision the development of more environmentally sustainable cities, called ________ or ______ _____. (548)

2. What is the name of one of the world’s most sustainable cities and where is it located?

3. Describe 3 environmentally sensible things that happen in Curitiba to make it a successful eco-city.




4. What do the poor people of Curitiba receive?

5. ______________ is the percentage of people in a country or the world living in an urban area. (549)

6. Describe the two ways that urban areas grow.



7. List 3 ways rural people can be pulled to urban areas?

8. List 3 ways rural people can be pushed to urban area?

9. The proportion of the global population living in urban areas is ________.

10. What percent of the world’s people will live in urban areas by 2030? _____

11. The number of large urban areas is ________.

12. How many megacities are there? ____

13. Where is the urban population increasing most rapidly? _______ ______

14. How many poor people live in crowded and unsanitary slums? _________

15. Between 1800 and 2006, the percentage of the U.S. population living in urban areas increased from ____ to ____. (550)

16. List the four phases of the population shift in the U.S.





17. What were the world’s five most populous cities in 2006 and the five most populous ones projected for 2015? Fill-in the chart below from Figure 23-2.

|Year |Most populous | | | |Least populous |

|2004 |Tokyo | | | | |

|2015 | | | | | |

18. Explain 3 urban environmental problems that have been reduced since 1920. (551)

19. When land is available and affordable, urban areas tend to ______ outward and swallow up the surrounding _________.

20. Explain 2 consequences of urban sprawl.



21. “In a nutshell, urban sprawl is the product of ______________________

__________________________________________________. (552)

22. Which metropolitan area is the most “sprawled”? _________________

That’s us! We win!!

23. Why do some people prefer to live in sprawling suburbs?

24. Complete the chart by using the information from Figure 23-6 on page 553.

|Natural capital degradation/ urban sprawl |

|Land & Biodiversity |Human Health Aesthetics |Water |Energy, Air, and Climate |Economic Effects |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

25. Urban areas can offer more ____ _________ and better education and ________, and can help protect ____________ by concentrating people. (553)

26. Describe two advantages of urbanization.



27. Describe two disadvantages of urbanization. (554)



28. Most urban dwellers are subjected to _______ ________(555)

29. Sound pressure becomes damaging at about ________ and painful at around _______. At 180 dbA it can ______.

30. Draw and label Figure 23-9, page 555 below.


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