Pain Drug Comparison Chart - Sutter Health

Pain Drug Comparison Chart

Information provided by Sutter Health's MyLifeStages and pain management specialist Karen Pantazis, M.D.

Painkillers are among the most commonly used drugs in the United States. Deciding which to use deserves careful consideration. Use this quick comparison chart to help guide a conversation with your doctor about which

medications are best and safest for you.

Classification Aspirin Family


Brand Name

Bayer Bufferin Ascriptin Ecotrin St. Joseph's

Generic Name Aspirin

Best Used For

Minor aches and pains, fever reduction and anti-inflammatory


Tylenol Excedrin


Pain and fever reduction


? Talk with your doctor about medication dosage and possible contraindications.

? Never take any drugs when you are pregnant without first consulting your doctor.

? Exercise caution with sensitive groups such as children, the elderly and those with serious health conditions.

Common Side Effects

? GI bleeding ? Increased bleeding ? Ulcers

? Itching/swelling (especially of the face/ tongue/throat)

? Rash ? Dizziness ? Bloody stools ? Stomach bleeding


? May contribute to macular degeneration

? Risk of Reyes syndrome in children and teens

? Do not combine with blood thinner medication

? Can cause tinnitus in high doses ? Can cause kidney


? Liver damage possible if you take more than recommended dose or you drink alcohol.

? OTC cough and flu products contain acetaminophen. It can add up quickly. Limit total dose per day to 2000 mg.


Advil Motrin Aleve

Ibuprofen, naproxen ? also known as non steroidal

Pain, fever reduction and anti-inflammatory

? Heartburn ? Nausea ? Rash ? Dizziness ? Stomach pain

? May increase risk of cardiac events and stroke

? Increases risk of GI bleeding and perforation

? Can cause kidney problems



Brand Name

Generic Name



Midol Preps

Combinations of acetaminophen, caffeine, naproxen, aspirin

Painkillers combining one or more classes of OTC drugs.


Combination of aspirin, acetominophen and caffeine

Excedrin Migraine

Combinations of acetaminophen, caffeine and ibuprofen

Best Used For

For headaches, bloating, fatigue and menstrual symptoms

For headaches, migraines, headaches, muscle aches, menstrual aches, or other minor aches and pains due to sinusitis, arthritis, or colds

Migraine pain







Brand Name

Vicodin Norco Lortab / Lorcet

Oxycodone Percocet

MS ER / Kadian Methadone Dilaudid Opana Duragesic Patch

Generic Name

Hydrocodone and acetaminophen

Oxycodone Oxycodone and acetaminophen Morphine Methadone Hydromorphone Oxymorphone Fentanyl Patch

Best Used For Moderate to Severe Pain

Severe Pain

Neuropathic Pain Medication

Neurontin Ultram Lyrica Cymbalta Topamax Pamelor

Gabapentin Tramadol Pregabalin Duloxetine Topiramate Nortriptylline

Opioid Agonist / Antagonists


Bupronorphene Patch

Moderate to Severe Pain

Common Side Effects

? Dizziness ? GI bleeding ? GI upset ? Irritability ? Nervousness

? Irritation of stomach or intestines

? Nervousness ? Nausea ? Taste problems ? Trouble sleeping ? Ulcer from stomach acid

? Dizziness ? GI bleeding ? GI upset ? Irritability ? Nervousness


? Consider all warnings for aspirin, acetaminophen and NSAIDs like ibuprofen, since combination drugs may combine one or more classes.

Common Side Effects

? Constipation, nausea, respiratory depression in high doses or when mixed with other meds or alcohol, can lead to death


? Do not overtake these medications! Take ONLY as prescribed.

? Can lead to death from respiratory depression if overtaken or mixed with other sedatives, including alcohol.

? Can lead to dependence and tolerance, which are different than addiction.

? Can lead to addiction, especially in high risk individuals

? Dizziness ? Nausea

? Do not stop medication suddenly


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