Synapses and Drugs

[Pages:27]Synapses and Drugs

Raymond S. Broadhead Brooks School

MCB/HHMI Summer Camp July, 2005


? Review the Synapse ? Discuss some drugs and their effects on the

synapse ? Discuss how the altered synapses may

affect the adolescent brain ? Play "Jeopardy Game" on neurobiology

Review the Synapse

? What is a synapse?

? A synapse is the "gap" between the axon of one nerve and the dendrite of the next one.

? The average neuron has 1,000 synapses with other neurons.

What does a synapse look like?

Electron Micrograph

Microscopy with Fluorescent Proteins

Microscopy with Fluorescent Proteins


Figure 48.12 A chemical synapse

Key to Previous Diagram

1. Impulse from action potential opens ion channels for Ca++

2. The increased Ca++ concentration in the axon terminal initiates the release of the neurotransmitter (NT)

3. NT is released from its vesicle and crosses the "gap" or synaptic cleft and attaches to a protein receptor on the dendrite

Key to Diagram (cont.)

4. Interaction of NT and protein receptor open post-synaptic membrane ion channel for Na+

5. After transmission the NT is either degraded by an enzyme or taken back into the pre-synaptic membrane by a transporter or reuptake pump

Synapse Animation

To see an animation of a synapse, click here.

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